Money Demand and Seigniorage-Maximizing Inflation Author(s): William R. Easterly, Paolo Mauro, Klaus Schmidt-Hebbel Source: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol. 27, No. 2 (May, 1995), pp. 583-603 Published by: Blackwell Publishing Stable URL: Accessed: 18/08/2010 14:50 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected]. Blackwell Publishing and Ohio State University Press are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. WILLIAM R. EASTERLY PAOLO MAURO KLAUS SCHMIDT-HEBBEL Money Demand and Seigniorage-Maximizing Inflation THEREIS WIDESPREAD CONSENSUS among economists that high inflationis often caused by the government'sneed to raise seignioragein order to finance high budget deficits (Sargent 1982; Dornbuschand Fischer 1986; Van Wijnbergen1989; Buiter 1990; and Easterlyand Schmidt-Hebbel1994).1 Depending on the shape of the money demandfunction, steady-stateseigniorage may follow a Laffercurve, where seignioragefirstrises and then falls with higherinflation. If this is the case, then there exists a rate of inflationthat maximizes steady-state seigniorage, 1TmaX. Knowledge of 1TmaX may be of interestboth in orderto discriminate between existing theories of inflationand for policy purposes. The literaturehas put forwardvarioushypothesesto explain high inflation.First, the economy may be experiencinghigh inflation,but still be on the left-handside of the Laffercurve. In this case, inflationmay be seen as a result of the government's need to raise seigniorage. Second, the economy may be on the "wrong"side of the Laffer curve. If inflationis above 1Tmczx and is fairly stable, then this may be interThe authorsare indebtedto RobertBarro, Alex Cukierman,Jose De Gregorio, Fernandode Holanda Barbosa, IbrahimElbadawi, GrahamElliott, Alan Gelb, Miguel Kiguel, GregoryMankiw,Luis Serven, RaimundoSoto, Luis Suarez, SalvadorValdes-Prieto,Steve Webb, JohnWelch, two anonymousreferees, and seminarparticipantsat HarvardUniversity,the XIth LatinAmericanMeetingsof the Econometric Society (Mexico) and the WorldBank for detailedcommentsand discussions. Many thanksgo also to Jorge Canales, Mauricio Carrizosa,JanvierKporou-Litze,Daniel Oks, Jim Stephens, and Luis Suarez for providing some of the data for this paper. 1. There is an unfortunatelack of standardlanguage in the literaturethat requiresus to define our terms precisely: by seigniorage, we mean the total revenue from money creation, which includes two components: (1) the "inflationtax" which is the inflation rate times real money balances, and (2) the growth in real money balances. This terminologyis the same as thatfollowed by, for example, Blanchard and Fischer (1990). Some authorsuse "seigniorage"to referto only the second component. WILLIAM R. EASTERLY andKLAUS SCHMIDT-HEBBEL are in thePolicyResearchDepartmentat the WorldBank.PAOLO MAURO is an economistat theInternational Monetary Fund. Journalof Money,Credit,andBanking,Vol. 27, No. 2 (May 1995) Copyright 1995 by The Ohio State University Press 584 : MONEY, CREDIT,AND BANKING preted as evidence in favor of the existence of a "high-inflationequilibrium."The latter may be a consequence of the absence of a nominal anchor, as in Bruno and Fischer (1990), or because of Barro-Gordon(1983) effects due to the inabilityof the monetaryauthoritiesto undertakecrediblecommitments,as in Kiguel and Liviatan (1991), or because of the authorities'high discount rate that biases policy against stabilizationswith short-termcosts andlong-termbenefits. If inflationis above SmaX and is accelerating,this may be seen as the consequence of the government'sneed to raise seigniorage s' in excess of that which it can obtain by setting inflation at Smax S(XmaX) 51 in excess °f S(XmaX) can only be collected by bringingabouteveracceleratinginflation, as emphasizedby Kiguel (1989).2 In fact, 1ThigherthanSmaX has been suggested by Rodriguez(1994) as a definitionof a hyperinflation. Estimatesof the seigniorage-maximizinginflationrate may help to decide among such competingtheories. Conventionalestimatesof the seigniorage-maximizinginflation rate generally make use of the Cagan (1956) function, where the log of real money is a linear function of inflation.The Caganfunction is appealingbecause of its simplicity and its attractivealgebraic property:SmaX is given by one over the coefficient on inflation. However, this simplicity is achieved at the expense of a restrictivefunctionalform, which assumes a constantsemielasticityof money demand with respect to inflation. The estimates of SmaX using the Cagan form also usually define the inflationrate affectingmoney demandas the percentchange in prices (or sometimes the log change in prices), when theory implies that the correct opportunity cost of holding money per period is the inflationrate divided by one plus the inflationrate. Ouraim is to test the sensitivityof estimates°f SmaX to the assumption of constantsemielasticityin the Caganform and to the definitionof the opportunity cost of money. Section 1 develops a model of money demand, inflation, and seignioragebased on an optimizingconsumer-investor-portfolio allocator,who faces a cash-in-advance constraint,forcing this agent to hold a combinationof money and bonds before incurring consumption expenditure.It will be shown that the existence of a Laffer curve depends criticallyon how good substitutesmoney and bonds are in aggregate financialassets held as "cash"-in-advance. Section 2 presents both individual-countryand combined cross-countrytimeseries evidence that supportsthe notion that the semielasticity of money demand with respect to inflationvaries with inflation.The empiricalevidence, collected for all high-inflationcountries during the 1960-1990 period, is also used to provide estimates of the seigniorage-maximizinginflationrate. It will be shown that both these estimates and those for the semielasticity differ substantiallyfrom those obtained underthe conventionalCaganapproach.The results also have strikingimplications for the substitutabilityof bonds and money. The results will also show that the semielasticity and the seigniorage-maximizinginflationrate, when based on the correct measure of the opportunitycost of holding money, difter markedlyfrom 2. Bruno and Fischer (1990) also mention this possibility. With referenceto the hyperinflationof the 1920s, Barro (1972) notices that inflation tends to accelerate when the revenue-maximizingrate is exceeded. WILLIAMR. EASTERLY,PAOLOMAURO,AND KLAUS SCHMIDT-HEBBEL : 585 those obtainedwhen using conventionalbut incorrectmeasuresof inflation.Section 3 concludes. 1. THE MODEL This section develops a simple model of money demand, inflation, and seigniorage. It shows that both the semielasticityof money demandwith respect to the opportunitycost of holding money and the inflationratethat maximizesseignioragein the steady state depend on the degree of substitutabilitybetween money and bonds. In addition, the inflation semielasticity of money demand is shown to vary with inflation. An infinitely lived optimizing representativeagent takes consumption, investment, and portfolio decisions in a closed economy. This agent holds money and bonds for transaction purposes and maximizes a standard intertemporalutility function: cl-J rX max J e-Pt - 1 dt (1) where p is the discountrate, c is consumption,and 1/cris the intertemporalelasticity of substitution. Production(y) in the one-good economy is assumed to depend only on a broad concept of capital (k), as in Barro(1990) and Rebelo (1991):3 y = Ak. (2) There are three assets availableto the consumer capital k, nonindexedmoney (real value m), and indexed money (real value b, referredto as "bonds"for short). Bonds pay no interest, but are fully indexed to the price level.4 We assume that inflationcannotfall below-A. There is no uncertainty.Since capitalhas real return A (net of depreciation),it always dominatesbonds and money. However, a cash-inadvance constraintrequires that some combinationof money and bonds must be held in orderto purchaseconsumptiongoods: f(m, b)-c-O (3) 3. Populationis assumed fixed and normalizedat one, so all variablescan be interpretedin per capita terms. 4. The classic example of this kind of asset in developing countriesis foreign currency,which maintains its value as the nominal exchange rate moves with the domestic price level. Otherkinds of highly liquid financialassets often pay a nominalreturnadequateto compensatefor inflationbut little or no real return. Formally inflation-indexedassets paying a zero real returnexist in some developing countries. This was the case of selected bank deposits held by households in China between mid-1988 and late 1991. UPACdeposits held in Colombia'ssavings and loan associationsare highly liquiddeposits indexed by consumerprices. Real assets are also often used as inflationhedges. 586 : MONEY,CREDIT, ANDBANKING wheref is linearly homogeneous in m and b, and satisfiestm > °, gb > °, gmm< °, gm(°, b) = so andfb(m, O)= oo.SThe last two conditionsensure that there are no cornersolutions;the consumeralways holds a positive amountof both money and bonds, which in general are imperfectsubstitutes. This cash-in-advanceconstraintsays that either money or bonds can be used for transactions.6This approachis in the same spirit as the Lucas and Stokey (1987) generalizationof cash-in-advancemodels to include "cash"and "credit"goods. The intuitivejustification is also similar to the "shoppingcosts" approachof Arrauand de Gregorio (1991).7 An alternativeapproachis to assumethatmoney providesutility. This option, followed by many studies, has been adoptedrecentlyby Calvo and Leiderman(1992) in deriving a variable semielasticity of money demand with regard to the opportunitycost of holding money. The consumerfaces the following budget constrainteach period: gbb < °s c = y + tr lm lb lk where tr are the real resourcestransferredfrom the governmentback to consumers in lump-sum form, and lm lb, and Ik are real flows of resources devoted to accumulationof money, bonds, and capital, respectively. Bonds b and money m are the liabilities of the government. The government transfers exhaust the resources capturedfrom consumers by issuing money and bonds: tr = Im + Ib We assume the governmentdoes not hold any otherassets. Because our interestis in the steady-stateequilibrium,we also rule out open marketoperationsby the government (exchange of b for m); changes in eithermoney or bonds are assumedto occur onlyto finance transfers. Asset accumulationis given by m = lm - sTm (6) b = lb (7) k= (8) lk where 1Tis the inflationrate. Dots denote time derivatives. 5. These conditions are all satisfiedby the CES function introducedbelow. 6. A similar cash-in-advanceconstraintappearsin Walsh(1984). 7. In high-inflationcountriesit is often necessaryto pay in foreign currencywhen purchasinga house, though smaller transactionstypically requirethe use of local currency.[See Calvo and Vegh (1992) on currency substitutionin developing countries.] This case is not fully capturedby this model with one homogeneous good, but may help to develop intuitionfor the constraintin (3). WILLIAMR. EASTERLY,PAOLOMAURO,AND KLAUS SCHMIDT-HEBBEL : 587 The consumer-producersolves the intertemporalproblem (1)-(4) and (6)-(8) with perfect foresight. The first-orderconditions imply the following standardexpression (see Rebelo 1991 andBarro 1990) for the consumption(andoutput)growth rate g 8 g= (A-p)/cr. (g) Note that growth is not affectedby inflation, which is a standardresult when the cash-in-advanceconstraintapplies only to consumptiongoods. The first-ordercondition for the allocation of wealth between m and b is the following: tmlfb = (A + s)IA . (10) Consumerssubstitutebonds for money in transactionsas inflationrises. The determinationof the ratio of money to consumptionis given by (3), which can be rewrittenas f(mic,bic) = 1 . (11) One convenient parameterizationoff for discussing the sensitivity of money demandto inflationis the ConstantElasticity of Substitution(CES) function: f(m, b) = @[+mn + (1-+)bn]l/n (12) where bonds and money have elasticity of substitutiong = lI(n-1) in transactions. Combine (10) and (12) to obtain the following equilibriumratio of bonds to money: m [( + ) ( A )] (13) From (11)-(13), demandfor money scaled to consumptionis given by m c 1 (+ + (1 (t) - I|l)¢n)-(l/n) . (14) 8. Rebelo (1991) and Barro(1990) show that the following restrictionon the parametersis needed to make discountedlifetime utility finite: P > (1-(X)A Intuitively, momentaryutility U(c) = (c(l-ff)- 1)/(1-a) must grow more slowly than the rate p at which futureutility is discounted. Insertingthe growth of consumptionfrom (9), calculatingthe growth of momentaryutility U(c), and comparingit to p yields the expression shown. Note that the restriction can be compatible with positive growth. For example, a sufficientset of conditions (not necessary) for positive growth with finite utility is p > O,A > p, and (s > 1. 588 : MONEY, CREDIT,AND BANKING From (13) and (14), it can be seen that money demandis unambiguouslya negative function of inflation. The semielasticityof money demandwith respectto inflation, noted as >, is a function of the elasticity of substitutionbetween money and bonds in transactions: d :T ( 1 -n ) ( (+/(1-@)<D -n + 1 ) (A + 7r) * ( ) The absolutevalue of the semielasticitywith respectto inflationcould increaseor fall with inflation: ds | | {(1-n)(1 -+) x )-n [( 1 T fi) ¢ + 1] 1) (A + 1r) (16) The sign of (16) will depend on that of the second right-handterm. Considering (13), the sign condition is dlel, 0 ( 1 -+)I/(I-n) (A + 7r)nl(n-1) (2n- 1) ' 1 (17) A sufficient(althoughnot necessary)conditionfor |e| to decreasewith inflationis that the elasticity of substitutionbetween money and bonds be smallerthan two in absolutevalue (|(| < 2, thatis, n C 1/2). A necessary(althoughnot sufficient)condition for |e| to increase with inflation is that |(| > 2 (that is, n > 1/2). The Cagan constant semielasticity could be seen as a local approximationaroundthe inflation rate that happenedto satisfy (17) with equality;however, the conditionfor constant semielasticity would be violated at other rates of inflation.9 The necessary condition for the semielasticityto rise with inflationallows us to draw a tight correspondencebetween empirical results on the functional form of money demandand the deep parameter|g| which determinessubstitutabilityof money and bonds. A risingsemielasticity indicatesa strikinglyhighelasticityof substi- tutionbetweenmoneyandbonds. It is of interest to see how this affects the calculation of the seignioragemaximizing rate. Seigniorage is determinedby money growth, which is equal in steady state to inflationplus growth, times money holdings (scaled to consumption): ( + ) m (18) 9. The model has been presentedhere in continuoustime for simplicity. The discrete-timeresultsrelevantfor empiricalimplementationin the following section are identicalexcept thatthe continuoustime inflationrate s should be replacedwith s/(1 + s), where s is the discrete-timeinflationrate. WILLIAMR. EASTERLY,PAOLOMAURO,AND KLAUS SCHMIDT-HEBBEL : 589 The seigniorage-maximizinginflationrate (sT*)does not have a closed-formsolution. Its implicit equationis the following:l° ( 1 ) (g + t7T ) _ 1 = ( + )I/(l-n) ( A )n/(l-n) (19) sT*will be an interiormaximumfor seigniorage if money demandfalls off more quickly than inflationrises, which requiresll ( |el ) dir + 1 > O . (20) The implication of this section is that Cagan's constant semielastic money demand is inconsistent with fairly general conditions of intertemporalresource and intratemporalportfolio allocation by an optimizing consumer-producerwho faces cash-in-advanceconstraintsin consumption.At an intuitive level, the higher is the elasticityof substitutionbetweenmoney and bonds, the lower will be the seignioragemaximizing inflation rate, and the higher will be the likelihood that the inflation semielasticityof money demandincreaseswith inflation. 2. EMPIRICAL RESULTS This section presents empirical estimations of money demand functions and of seigniorage-maximizinginflation consistent with the model derived in section 1. The results show the importanceof allowing for a variablesemielasticity. For our empirical estimates, we make use of the following money demand function: ( ) (21) y where y is output, sTis an appropriatemeasure of the opportunitycost of holding money, and k, A, and y are parametersto be estimated. Equation(21) differsfrom (14) by functionalform and includedvariables.Output is included as the relevantscale variableinsteadof consumption.12Inflationis used 10. Derivedfromthestandard first-order conditionformaximumseignorage: e(g + s) =-1. 11. Derivedfromthe standard second-order condition:d2slds2< O. 12. Althoughconsumption is the scalefactorfor moneyin the modelof the precedingsection,we choseoutputhereforvariousreasons.Outputis of generalized use in Caganmoneydemandestimates. Second,outputlacksmeasurement noisetypicalof consumption seriesandis morereadilyavailablethan thelatter.Anyhow,consumption andoutputmovetogetherin thepreviousmodel'ssteadystate.Unitary consumption (oroutput)elasticityis a featureof thecash-in-advance specification whichrelatesmoney linearlyto consumption (oroutput).However,mostempirical moneydemandestimations do notimpose unitaryincomeelasticities.Preliminary resultssuggestthatourmainconclusionsarenot alteredwhen assumingnonunitary outputelasticities. ANDBANKING 590 : MONEY,CREDIT, as the relevant opportunitycost of holding money ratherthan the nominal interest rate.13 The nonlinearform of equation(21) has a numberof desirableproperties:(i) it is simple and a straightforwardgeneralizationof the Cagan function, with a variable Tr- 1;(ii) a necessarycondition inflationsemielasticitygiven by a ln (mly)lATr= SyA for the existence of a Laffer curve with a seigniorage maximum at a positive and finite level of sTis A < O and y > O;14(iii) if y > 1 (^y= 1, Sy< 1), the absolute value of the semielasticityrises (does not change, declines) with inflation;and (iv) it can be shown to be equivalentto a nongeneralizedversion of the Box-Cox transformation.15 Three alternativemeasuresfor the opportunitycost of holding money have been typically used in money demand estimations. (a) The conventionalmeasureof inflation, defined as the percentage rate of change of a given price index p for a discrete period of time ((Pt-Pt- l )/Pt- l ) is often applied. (b) A second measureemployed by Cagan (1956) and many followers is the discrete-timechange in the naturallogarithmof the price level (ln Pt-ln Pt- 1)-The two precedingmeasures share the disadvantageof not representingthe true inflationcost of holding money during a discrete period of time. (c) As suggested by Calvo and Leiderman(1992) and others, the correctdiscrete-timemeasureof the alternativecost of holding money, equivalent to the capital loss due to inflation, is given by [(Pt-Pt-l)lPt-l]l (or by it/(l + it), when the nominalinterestrate i constitutes [1 + (Pt-Pt-l)/Pt-l] the alternativecost to holding money). Our estimationsbelow are based on the third,correctmeasureof the inflationcost of holding money. However, we will also show comparativeresults with the incorrect measures to illustratethe sensitivity of the results to the choice of the inflation measure. Equation (21) is estimated for a sample of eleven high-inflationcountries the universeof all countriesthathad inflationratesexceeding 100 percentp.a. in at least one year duringthe 1960-1990 period.16We restrictedthe sample to high-inflation countriesfor two reasons. First, the Caganmodel was originallyintendedas a model of high- or hyperinflation attemptingto explain money demandin low-inflation countries as a sole function of the inflation rate is bound to be a ratherhopeless 13. Most of the sample countries defined below had extensive interestrate controls throughoutthe 1960s, some lifted them duringthe 1970s, and otherscontinuedwith interestcontrolsduringmost of the 1980s. Using inflationas the opportunitycost of holding money is relevantas long as people hold other financialassets (foreign exchange) or real assets (gold, consumerdurables)with rates of returnstrongly correlatedwith inflation. All these alternativeasset holdings were encompassedby holdings bonds in the preceding section. Finally, using inflationoffers the advantageof a direct link to seigniorage. 14. A necessary condition for attaininga seigniorage optimum at a positive and finite level of 1Tis: -(A) > 0. A necessary condition for that optimumto be a maximumis the one statedin the text. Note that if A > 0 and z < 0, seigniorage reaches a minimum. 15. If the Box-Cox transformationis appliedto the independentvariable,thoughnot to the dependent variable, we obtain ln m = a + b(rw-1)/e, which is equivalentto ln m = (a-ble) + (blw)sw,which is in turnequivalentto our form. By estimatingour form it is possible to identify , b, and a. 16. They are eight LatinAmericaneconomies (Argentina,Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru, and Uruguay),two Africancountries(Ghanaand Zaire),and one Middle-Easterneconomy (Israel). WILLIAM R. EASTERLY, PAOLO MAURO, ANDKLAUSSCHMIDT-HEBBEL : 591 endeavor.17 Second, moderate-inflationcountriesconstitutea class of its own, with behavioraland empiricalfeaturesquite differentfrom those found in high-inflation economies. 18 Table 1 summarizesinflationpatternsin our eleven sample countries. The table's taxonomy of inflation experiences bears resemblance to the distinction between chronic inflationand hyperinflationcountries,made by Pazos (1972) and appliedby Vegh (1992), among others. However, here the distinction,dictatedby the 1960-90 sample period, is between chronic and stable inflation, chronic and moderateinflation interruptedby high-inflationepisodes (including hyperinflation),and chronic and explosive price rises. The categoriesof low, moderate,high, and hyperinflation coincide roughly with inflationrates in the singleSlower double, triple, and quadruple (or more) digit levels the second category coinciding with Dornbusch and Fischer's (1991) "moderateinflation"range. Uruguay is the chronic-inflationcountrypar excellence. The unparalleledstability of its moderatelyhigh inflationrateputs it into a categoryof its own, with annual rates which did not fall below 10 percentor surpass 140 percentduring 1960-90. Uruguay does not even present the feature, common to all other countries, of increasing inflation after 1971-72; its three episodes of inflationexceeding 100 percent took place once each decade. A second category is comprisedof six countriesof typically moderateinflation, but which experienced bursts of high- or hyperinflationduringthe sample period. They share a remarkablysimilar inflationpattern.Startingfrom low inflationlevels in the (early) 1960s, these countriesslippedinto moderateinflationin the mid-1960s to mid-1970s, subsequentlyjumping into high price instability,which was initiated in the early 1970s (Chile) to early 1980s (Mexico). Only Bolivia experiencedhyperinflationas a final stage. All countries, except Zaire, successfully stabilizedduring the last years, reachingsurprisinglysimilarand moderateinflationlevels in the 1530 percentrange. Chronicand explosive inflationis observedin the last four countries.There inflation is not stationary,reachingfour- and five-digit levels in the late 1980s. Peru and Nicaragua suffer the more extreme inflation explosion, startingwith low inflation during the 1960s (when Argentinaand Brazil alreadyhad moderateinflation) and ending with four-digitinflationlevels which double those of Argentinaand Brazil. Testingthe Assumptionof ConstantSemielasticityof MoneyDemand Ourcountrydatais annual,for 1960-90. The dependentvariableis definedas the naturallogarithm of the ratio of real money balances (end-of-yearnominal Mll9 17. Preliminaryestimates for low-inflationcountriesyielded some positive A coefficients. 18. According to Dornbuschand Fischer (1993), moderateinflationcases seldom end in high inflation. Seigniorage plays at most a modest role in the persistenceof moderateinflation,and such inflation can be reducedonly at a substantialshort-termcost to growth. 19. M1 is easily measuredbut often not the most relevantaggregatefor seignioragecollection. The domestic creditcomponentof currencyplus requiredbankreserves(on demandandothernon-M1 deposits) could be more relevant,dependingon each country'smonetaryand financialinstitutionsand policies. 592 : MONEY,CREDIT, ANDBANKING TABLE 1 INFLATION PATTERN . Chronic Stable IN ELEVEN HIGH-INFLATION COUNTRIES (ANNUAL INFLATION RATES, %) Inflation ModeratelyHigh (3) Uruguay 2. Chronic 56 (1960-90) Moderate Inflation with Low (4) Bolivia Chile (5) (4) Ghana Israel (7) (2) Mexico Zaire (3) 3. Chronic and Explosive Peru (7) (6) Bursts High Hyper 4,229 (1984-85) Moderate 312 (1982-83) 8 (1960-61) 29 (1962-71) 294 (1972-76) 26 (1977-90) 5 (1960-62) 16 (1963-76) 77 (1977-83) 17 (1984-90) 5 (1960-69) 29 (1970-78) 170 (1979-85) 18 (1986-90) 3 (1960-72) 22 (1973-81) 91 (1982-87) 33 (1988-90) 7 (1964-65) 22 (1966-75) 61 (1976-90) 25 (1986-90) Inflation Moderate High Hyper 28 (1960-74) 234 (1975-88) 2,593 (1989-90) 40 (1960-80) 170 (1981-87) 1,435 (1988-90) 2 (1960-72) 23 (1973-84) 507 (1985-86) 5,760 (1987-90) 8 (1960-72) 52 (1973-82) 112 (1983-87) 3,337 (1988-90) (9) Nicaragua Inflation 22 (1971-81) Low Brazil (Hyper-) Moderate 6 (1960-70) (14) Argentina High- NOTES:1. Annual inflationrates are geometric averagesof December-to-Decemberratesof change (conventionallymeasured)of the CPI. 2. Figures in parenthesesafter country names denote numberof years with annualinflation rates higher than 100 percent. divided by the DecemberCPI) to real GDP. Inflationis measuredas the annualvariation of the CPI between the months of December of the currentand preceding years,20and defined as consistent with the third(correct)measureof the alternative cost of holding money, (c). Both individual country and combined cross-countrytime-series (fixed-effects panel) estimations were performed.2lTables2-3 reportcountryresults and Tables 4-5 presentpanel estimations. Table2 reportsthe resultsfor equation(21) in levels. We use M l due to lack of readily available, bettermonetaryaggregates.As long as the measureof money one uses is sufficiently highly correlatedwith relevantmoney, all we have is measurementerrorin the dependentvariable. 20. This timing measure of inflation is consistent only with static inflation expectations. Forwardlooking timing measures such as the annualvariationof the CPI between the monthsof December of the currentand futureyears yielded similarresults. 21. The sample period covers at most 1960-90 and is often somewhat shorter,depending on data availabilityand estimationprocedure. TABLE 2 COUNTRY ESTIMATIONS IN LEVELS ln (-) Country k A w = k + Atrz R2A DW ObS (p-p_l ) P-I Argentina Bolivia -1.66 (0.04) -1.32 (0.37) - 2.63 (0.07) -2.59 (0.09) Brazil -1.69 (0.12) -2.06 (O. 10) Chile Ghana -2.96 (0.17) -2.97 (0.29) -1.32 (0.15) Israel Mexico - 1.21 (0.12) -1.47 (0.13) -1.60 (0.12) -2.12 (0.05) -2.16 (0.05) Nicaragua Peru -3.53 (0.12) -3.65 (0.08) - 1.91 (0.13) -2.08 Uruguay - 1.83 (0.21) 1.99 Zaire (66.25) - 1.29 (O. 10) -5.50 (106.8) -1.69 (0.18) - 1.93 (0.37) -0.68 (0.14) -0.69 (0.17) -1.95 (0.22) - 1.96 (0.14) -0.16 (0.28) -0.16 (0.27) - 1.52 (0.56) -1.35 (0.56) -2.28 (0.21) -2.55 (0.49) -1.44 (0.27) - 1.66 (0.52) -1.58 _ s 0.77 0.83 30 145% 0.65 (0.26) 1 0.77 0.76 30 240% 0.36 0.29 30 0.81 (0.54) 0.33 0.29 30 0.76 0.38 30 105% 0.82 0.32 30 103% -0.03 0.25 30 oo -0.06 0.25 30 oo 0.23 0.25 31 0.68 (0.40) 1 0.21 0.26 31 0.69 0.23 31 78% 1.39 (0.51) 0.68 0.29 31 67% 0.58 0.33 31 227% 1.24 (0.55) 1 0.57 0.39 31 127% 0.49 0.41 31 172% 9.97 (2.12) 1 0.87 0.77 31 254% 0.60 0.47 30 294% 2.28 (0.12) 0.72 (0.54) 0.18 0.57 30 127% 0.26 31 278% 0.08 (1.31) 1 0.17 0.22 31 0.44 0.66 26 0.05 (0.67) 0.46 0.53 26 1 1 2.03 (0.67) 1 1.37 (9.42) 1 1 r mnr oo oo 192% oo (0.55) -2.75 (0.17) -1.34 (0.30) - 1.65 (0.11) -1.36 (0.61) -4.77 (65.72) -1.57 (0.21) -7.79 (106.6) 1 oo 175% oo Obs is the number of observations and srtXaris the implied steady-state seigniorage-maximizinginflation rate conventionally measuredas in alternative(a) discussed in the text. Standarderrorsare in parentheses. NOTE: TABLE 3 COUNTRY ESTIMATIONS IN FIRSTDIFFERENCES ln (y)-ln Country Argentina A - FY - -0.65 - - 1 (y) = A(sw-w1) R2A DW Obs 0.17 2.07 29 X 0.19 2.17 29 X 0.23 1.53 29 X 0.20 1.53 29 X 0.68 0.66 29 109 0.82 1.35 29 117 0.12 1.70 29 X 1.65 29 X 0.36 1.43 30 X 0.40 1.78 30 102 0.65 1.41 30 313 0.64 1.43 30 202 0.26 0.82 30 X 0.24 0.80 30 X 0.01 1.32 30 X 0.72 1.53 30 167 0.34 2.13 29 333 0.68 1.59 29 376 0.11 2.55 30 X 0.10 2.49 30 X 0.26 2.13 25 X 0.23 2.10 25 X - - - ( p_ | ) mw7r ST,, - -t (0.15) Bolivia -0.63 (0.13) -0.36 0.80 (0.14) 1 (0.05) Brazil Chile Ghana -0.36 (0.06) -1.92 (0.36) -2.13 (0.10) -0.56 (0.17) - 1.09 (1,008) -0.65 0.96 (0.32) 1 3.01 (0.44) 1 0.01 (6.39) 1 -0.02 (O. 10) Israel -7.28 (6.30) -1.32 5.35 (1.59) 1 (0.15) Mexico - 1.34 (0.13) -0.52 1.22 (0.24) 1 (0.09) -0.57 (0.12) Nicaragua -0.68 1.38 (0.41) 1 (0.51) Peru -2.62 (0.2l) - 1.30 5.80 (0.61) 1 (0.51) Uruguay Zaire -2.34 (0.04) -0.48 (0.17) 15.10 (0-34) 1 - 12.08 (1,236) 0.01 (11.04) 1 -0.58 (0.07) -0.58 (0.l1) 0.63 (0.52) Obs is the number of observations and ST is the implied steady-state seigniorage-maximizinginflation rate conventionally measuredas in alternative(a) discussed in the text. Standardenors are in parentheses. NOTE: WILLIAMR. EASTERLY,PAOLOMAURO,AND KLAUS SCHMIDT-HEBBEL : 595 TABLE 4 PANEL ESTIMATIONS: VARIOUSSPECIFICATIONS Variable Model Estimated Coefficient Standard Error R2A DW Obs (p-P-l \ ) P - I mat Equation (a): ln(m/y) = ATroy + countrydummies linear ry A 1 -1.420 nonlinear ry A 1.586 -1.526 Equation (b): (ln(m/y)-PD linear nonlinear Equation ry A ry A (c): ln(m/y) linear nonlinear nonlinear Equation nonlinear - ATrw + b ln(m/y)_l 0.40 33 1 238go 0.79 0.40 331 134go 1.66 320 1.75 320 252Go oo + countrydummies 1 -0.643 0.816 0.062 0.031 ry A b 1.672 -0.704 0.809 0.269 0.081 0.030 0.95 1.82 321 °° (sr) 42<Yo (lr) 0.96 1.88 321 lOlO<Yo(sr) Sl<Yo(lr) 0.23 1.69 320 0.27 1.76 320 0.23 2.02 309 0.28 2.12 309 - ln(m/y)_ 1) = A(1TW-1TWI) ry A ry A (e): [(ln(m/y) linear 0.79 ln(m/y)_l) = A(sw-PD1TWI) 1 0.29 -0.760 0.105 2.275 0.477 0.33 -0.943 0.196 ry A b Equation (d): (ln(m/y) linear 0.124 0.234 0.152 1 -0.744 2.198 -0.917 n(m/y)_l)-PD 0.114 0.542 0.221 (ln(m/y)_l-ln(m/y)_2)] A 1 -0.713 0.101 ry A 2.016 -0.883 0.419 0.181 ry = oo 266Go A[1TW-1TW I-PD(1TW I-1TW2)] X 303Go Obs is the number of observations and TrmaX is the smplied steady-state seigniorage-maximizinginflation rate conventionally measuredas in alternative(a) discussed sn the text. NOTE. Table 3 presentsthe results for equation(21) in first diSerences. Each table reports results for the linear, Cagan-typespecification(imposing Py= 1) and our nonlinear, variable-elasticityequation (21) (estimating Py).Tables 2-4 make use of (c), the correct measure of the opportunitycost of holding money. We refer to this as w. Standarderrors corrected for serial correlationusing the Newey-West procedure and for heteroskedasticityusing the White methodare reportedin bracketsin Tables 2 and 3.22 Unit root tests showed that both the independentand the dependentvariableare almost invariablyI(1).23 A glance at the Durbin-Watsonstatistics in Table2 shows 22. The reason why some of the standarderrorsof the individualcountrycoefficientsare enormous1S simply that in those cases the estimates of the rycoefficient are very close to zero. 23. For the sake of brevity,the complete resultsof the unit root tests are not reported,thoughthey are available from the authors. We performedDickey-Fullertests (with constant, and with constant and S TABLE .1 ln R2A INFLATION MEASURES Obs DW {P \ P-l j P- l J max m&t Measure Inflation . Conventional FOR ALTERNATIVE Standard Error Estimated Coefficient Variable Model SPECIFICATIONS VARIOUS ESTIMATIONS: PANEL Levels: (-) = A (P 1 ry linear 0.0029 0.049 0.210 -0.00982 0.239 -0.827 A ry A nonlinear + countrydummies P-l ) 0.66 0.54 323 10,183Go 0.78 0.44 323 88,310Go 1.2 First Differences: | ln (y) (y) -ln ry A ry A linear nonlinear A |( ] P-l 1 -0.00248 0.233 -0.401 ) ( P-2 ) ] 0.0005 0.044 0.131 0.07 1.63 306 40,323<Yo 0.26 1.71 306 2,620,919<Yo 0.042 0.79 0.42 33 1 725% 0.094 0.092 0.80 0.38 331 1 ,499So 2. Log-Difference Inflation 2.1 Levels: /mi ln t-J = A(lnp-ln linear nonlinear 2.2 ry A ry A P- l ) 1 -0.474 0.689 -0.719 First Differences: (y) | ln ( y ) -ln linear nonlinear ry A ry A 1 = A[(lnp-ln p_ 1)-(ln p_ l -ln p_2)w] 1 -0.242 0.056 0.30 1.74 320 6,132XYO 0.741 -0.378 0.113 0.063 0.31 1.69 320 26,149XYO is the implied steady-state selgnlorage-maximizlngInflation rate conventionally NOTE:Obs is the number of observations and srmaX measuredas in alternative(a) discussed In the text. WILLIAMR. EASTERLY,PAOLOMAURO,AND KLAUS SCHMIDT-HEBBEL : 597 that none of the above is a cointegratingregression.24As pointedout by Arrauand De Gregorio (1991), this may be the consequence of financialinnovation, that is, systematic shifts in the demandfor money due to the introductionof monetarysubstitutes. The use of dummy variablesto represent"regimechanges," often caused by financial innovation, may help towards obtaining cointegration. In Easterly, Schmidt-Hebbel,and Mauro (1992), we reportthe results obtainedby introducing such dummies for periods that we selected on the basis of institutionalchanges and other importantevents that are known to have occurredin the countriesin the sample. Nevertheless, introducingdummies in order to capture financial innovation does not substantiallyalterthe results.25 Given the difficultyinvolved in obtainingcointegratingequationsfor money demand, we estimate our equation in first-differencedform.26The results, shown in Table 3, suggest more robust time-series propertiesthan those of Table 2, as reflected by the Durbin-Watsonstatistics. The results suggest both the diversityof the differentcountryexperiencesand the strengthof our variable-elasticityapproach.The importanceof relaxingthe constant semielasticityassumptionis vindicatedby the findingthatthe PysdiSer significantly from one in four countries(Brazil, Ghana,Nicaragua,and Peru).Massive improvements in overall fit are observedunderthe nonlinearform as comparedto the Cagan specification.The estimatedPysare very large, exceeding significantlyone, both statistically and numerically.Thereforethe semielasticity of money demand with respect to inflationincreaseswith the rateof inflationin these countries.Recallingthe results of section 1, we inferthatthe elasticityof substitution betweenmoneyand nonmonetary financialassets is strikinglyhigh (largerthantwo) in this country group. In the remainingcountries the results for the nonlinearspecificationdo not improve upon those correspondingto the Cagan form. The w coefficients are not significantly different from one (but significantly larger than zero) in Argentina, Bolivia, Israel, and Mexico, althoughtheir numericalvalues differby up to 38 percent (Mexico) from the unit value assumed by the linear form. In the remaining three countries(Chile, Uruguay,andZaire), the estimatedcoefficientsturnout to be nonsignificantunderthe nonlinearform, while the A coefficientsare significantunder the Cagan form. trend)using the S percentcritical value. The opportunitycost of holding money, Tr,was found to be I(O) in Ghana and Zaire. We could not reject the null hypothesis that the first differenceof the dependent variableis nonstationaryin Israel and Mexico. 24. This was confirmedby formal Dickey-Fullerand augmentedDickey-Fullertests on the series of residuals. Complete results are availableupon request. 25. Arrau and De Gregorio (1991) obtain cointegrationby applying a methodology introducedby Cooley and Prescott(1976). They let the interceptterm in their money demandregressionsbe a random walk, and define any changes in the interceptas "financialinnovation."If the dependentand independent variablesare I(1), it can be shown that this procedurenecessarilyyields stationaryresiduals. 26. First-differencingis admittedlynot adequatefor the datagenerationprocess when individualvariables are nonstationaryin levels (Engle and Granger1987). In our case, however, it is highly likely that the test results were influenced not only by structuralshifts (as addressedabove) but also by the small sample. 598 : MONEY,CREDIT, ANDBANKING The last column of Table 3 reports seigniorage-maximizinglevels of inflation conventionally measured),derived from the estimated coefficients.27In six of the countries, no Laffercurve exists; that is, seignioragealways rises with inflation. In five other countries, however, positive maximum-seigniorageinflationrates are observed, which vary between 102 percent(Ghana)and 376 percent(Peru).The 1TmaX estimates change dramaticallyin two countries(Ghanaand Nicaragua)when lifting the restrictivez = 1 assumption.It is also noteworthythat in the two other countries where the ws exceed significantly one (Brazil and Peru), the 1TmaX estimates do not differ much from those obtainedunderthe Caganform. But for Israel, with a w estimate that does not differ significantly from 1, 1TmaX falls drastically, from 313 percent underthe Cagan form to 202 percentunderour nonlinearspecification. This implies that even if the nonlinearspecificationresultsdo not differ significantlyfrom the linearcase, the numerical1TmaX estimatescan differsubstantially. Thereforethese countryresults suggest how sensitive seigniorage-maximizinginflation estimates are not only to sample choice, but, most important,to specification selection. Our next step is to perform a number of panel regressions in order to infer more generally about the specificationof money demand and related seignioragemaximizing inflation rates in high-inflationcountries. The panel estimationsallow for fixed effects by introducingcountry-specificdummiesand are performedfor the sample of eleven high-inflationcountriesduring 1960-1990. Country-specificfeatures, such as financial structure,are assumed to be entirely capturedby country fixed effects. Hence the constantterm k in equation (21) is allowed to vary across countries, while A and w are held invariant. Estimates are reportedin Table 4 for the level and first-differencedversion of equation(21). Equation(a) is an ordinaryleast squaresregressionon the levels of ln (m/y) and Tr,which shows very high serial correlation.28As a way of dealing with nonstationarity,we estimate the equation in its first-differencedform, as equation (d). As in the case of most countryestimationsin Table 2, this procedurereduced significantly the incidence of residual correlation.Equation(b) corrects for serial correlationby running an AR1 for panel data, following the Bhargava, Franzini, and Narendranathan (1982) methodology.29Equation(c) is a partialadjustmentversion of equation(21), for which we reportboththe short-runSmaX (sr, corresponding to the short-runsemielasticity)and the long-run1TmaX (lr, correspondingto the longrun semielasticity). Equation (e) applies the Bhargavaet al. (1982) correctionto equation (d). (1TmaXS 27. with inflation conventionally measured (s = (p -p_l)lp_l), is obtained from the first-ordercondition for seigniorage maximum, (-A^y)-('). Hence, (-oyA)-(')/[l-(-oyA)-('t)]. There exists a finite only if-A^y > 1. Otherwise, seigniorage increases monotonicalywith s and no Laffercurve exists, hence 28. It seems clear that the null hypothesis that the residualsfrom equation(a) are white noise would be rejectedby the formaltest describedin Bhargavaet al. (1982). We did not constructtables appropriate to our own sample size. Also, it should be noted that the calculationof the Durbin-Watsonstatistics in Tables 3 and 4 treats appropriatelyresidualcorrelationin the time dimension of the panels. 29. We discuss the details of the methodologyin Easterlyet al. (1992). snlax7 smavc / (l + smav>) = sma> sma> iS oo. smat = WILLIAMR. EASTERLY,PAOLOMAURO,AND KLAUS SCHMIDT-HEBBEL : 599 For both levels and first-differencespecifications,the y coefficientestimatesobtained in the nonlinear versions are significantly higher than one, validating our variablesemielasticitymodel. In fact, the resultsconstitutestrongevidence-robust to various specificationalternatives-that the inflationsemielasticityof money demand increaseswith inflationacross high-inflationcountries.The estimatedA and y coefficientsare quite similaracross estimationsandreachvery high significancelevels in all of them. The overall fit is systematicallyimprovedby estimatingthe nonlinear form. Under the Cagan form, Laffer-curvemaxima vary widely (between 42 percent and infinite rates of inflation);in fact, there is no Laffercurve in three of the five equations. Under our nonlinearspecification,however, there is always a Laffer-curvemaximumat finite inflationrates. In fact, the estimatesof seignioragemaximizing inflationrates are systematicallylower in the nonlinearresults as compared to the Cagan estimates. Allowing for a variable inflation semielasticity changes drasticallythe shape of the money demandand associatedLaffercurves in high-inflationcountries. We may infer that in a large samplerepresentativeof highinflationcountries encompassingboth low and high semielasticitycases-higher inflationincreases on averagethe flight away from money and towardfinancialassets that provide protectionfrom inflation. Ourpreferredresultsarethe first-differencedformspresentedin equations(d) and (e) (with and without the Bhargavaet al. correction,respectively). While their results are quite similar, we will focus on equation (d) to ensure comparabilitywith the countryresults in Table2. As in other equations, the estimate of the seigniorage-maximizinginflationrate changes drastically in equation (d) when lifting the y = 1 restriction.While no Laffer curve exists under the linear (Cagan) specification, the Laffer-curvemaximum is reached at an inflationrate of 266 percentwhen y is freely estimated. The estimatedcoefficients (A =-0.917, y = 2.198), at a 100 percentrate of inflation, imply a point estimate of 0.88 for the absolutevalue of the semielasticityof money to inflation(|e|). This value increases to 1.38 when the seigniorage-maximizinginflation rate of 266 percent is reached. Beyond the Laffer-curvemaximum-when the representativehigh-inflation economy reaches the wrong side of the Laffer curve the semielasticity continues to rise with inflation, convergingto a value of 2.01 when inflation tends to infinity. Seigniorage collection reaches a maximum of 4.0 percentof GDP at an inflationof 266 percent, falling off toward3.6 percent of GDP when inflationtends to infinity.30 The central implication of these results is that the linear Cagan form misrepresents money demandin high-inflationcountries.Insteadof being constant,inflation semielasticities of money demandon average increase with inflation. While under the Cagan form there is no seignioargeLaffercurve, the variablesemielasticityapproachrendersa seigniorage-maximizinglevel of inflationof reasonablemagnitude. 30. Seignioragecollection levels are calculatedfrom the definitionof seigniorage:S = (s/(1 + s)) * exp[k + A * (w/(1 + s))**^y]. The constantk, which is not availablefrom the first-differenceestimations, is calculatedas [ln(m/y)]a-A * [s/(1 + s)]a**#Y wherethe a-subindexedvariablesdenote simple estimationsample averages. 600 : MONEY, CREDIT,AND BANKING As in the earlier country results, the finding of rising semielasticity implies a strikingly high-greater than 2 elasticity of substitutionbetween monetary and nonmonetaryassets. Alternativelnf ation Measures In orderto put the resultsof Table4 in a broaderperspective,we reportin Table5 panel estimations, based on the same datasample, for two alternativeinflationmeasures. The firstalternativeuses the conventionalinflationmeasure((p-P-l)/P-l), while the second is based on the first difference of the logarithmof p. Both are wrong measuresof the inflationarycost of holding money for a discretetime period, as discussed above. While the patternof preferredresultsfor each set of estimationsis similarto those of Tables 2-4 based on the correct inflation measure (first differences better than level estimations, nonlinearspecificationssuperiorto linearmodel results),the estimated coefficients and correspondingseigniorage-maximizinginflation estimates differ dramaticallyfrom those of Table4. This should not come as a surprise,as the three inflationmeasuresdiverge substantiallyfor high inflationlevels. The conventionalinflationmeasurerendersa point estimate for y-0.233 that is significantlylower thanone. The correspondingLaffercurve peak reachesan implausibly high level at an inflationof 2,620,919 percentp.a. ! The implicationthat the semielasticityof money demandwith respectto inflationdeclines with the latter and that no countryin the sample has been on the wrong side of the Laffercurve is empirically implausibleand technically wrong, due to the flawed inflationmeasure used in obtainingthese results. The second incorrect inflation measure the first-differencedlogarithm of the price level used by many researcherssince Cagan (1956) also yields results with implausiblyhigh Laffercurve maxima. The y is higher than that from the conventional inflationmeasurebut still is significantlysmaller than one and thereforeimplies a falling semielasticity. The conclusion from these resultsis thatinferencesfor the inflationsemielasticity of money demandand Laffercurve maximafor high-inflationcountriesare also very sensitive to the choice of the inflation measure-and there is only one that accurately describes the inflationtax in discretetime. A numberof assumptionswe made might be relaxedin furtherresearch,if one is willing to go beyond some of the featuresof our model and, in particular,if more country data and higher-frequencyinformationbecomes available. In addition to lifting the assumptionof unitaryincome elasticity both in the long and short run, one could relax the homogeneityof degree one of real money demandin prices, and add alternativereturnssuch as the nominalinterestrate, the expected returnon foreign assets, or the expected returnon the stock market. Furthermore,it would be interestingto test the variable-elasticitymodel using more refinedmonetaryaggregates ratherthan M1. However, it is by no means unambiguouswhat the relevant measure of money is for the government'scollection of seigniorage. It might also WILLIAMR. EASTERLY,PAOLOMAURO,AND KLAUS SCHMIDT-HEBBEL : 601 prove useful to use real consumptionratherthanreal GDP as a scale variable.Finally, higher-frequencydata could be used when sufficiently long quarterlyGDP or consumptionseries become available. 3. CONCLUSIONS We have developed a model of money demand, inflation, and seignioragebased on an optimizing agent who faces cash-in-advanceconstraintsin consumption.Her behaviorgives rise to a money demandthat exhibits a variable semielasticity with regardto inflation, as opposed to the constant-elasticityform of Cagan (1956) used by a plethoraof followers. We showed that the higher is the degree of substitution between money and bonds in the consumer portfolio, the higher is the likelihood that the inflation semielasticity increases with inflation and that a seignioragemaximizing level of inflationexists. The empirical applicationof the model to a 1960-1990 sample of eleven highinflationdeveloping countries(definedas those with 100 percentinflationin at least one year of the sample period) led to rejectingthe constant-elasticityhypothesis in four countries and, in the case of the panel estimations, for the sample as a whole. The panel results imply an absolute value of the semielasticitythat increases with inflation, which implies a strikinglyhigh degree of substitutionbetween money and financialassets in high-inflationcountries. While underthe Caganform there is no seigniorage Laffercurve, the variable semielasticity approachrendersa reasonable seigniorage-maximizinginflationrate:266 percentp.a. These results, based on the correctmeasureof the opportunitycost of holding money, also differmarkedlyfrom those obtainedwhen using conventionalbut incorrectmeasuresof inflation. When drawing policy conclusions, it is importantto recognize that the KeynesOlivera-Tanziand bracket-creepeffects of inflationon tax revenue and nonindexation of government expenditure make it necessary to distinguish between the seigniorage-maximizingand the revenue-maximizinginflationrates.3l If higher ineffect, higher flationimplies lower real tax revenuedue to the Keynes-Olivera-Tanzi tax revenuedue to bracketcreep or lower governmentexpendituredue to lack of full indexationof governmentexpenditure,the inflationrate that maximizes total revenue to the governmentwill diverge from that which maximizes seigniorage. As a consequence, estimates of 1TmaX will differ from the revenue-maximizinginflation rate, whetherthe specificationof money demandis linearor nonlinear. Our empirical results on the variable semielasticity might need to be qualified with respect to the difficultyof distinguishingbetween nonlinearitiesand shifts of the money demand schedule. One could conceive of an extreme case in which the true money demand function is linear (in the sense of a constant semielasticity), while it keeps shifting due to financial innovation. Dornbusch, Sturzenegger,and Wolf (1990) provide some evidence of hysteresisin money demand:they show that, 31. See Easterly and Schmidt-Hebbel (1994) for recent evidence on Keynes-Olivera-Tanziand bracket-creepeffects of inflationon tax revenue in developing countries. 602 : MONEY, CREDIT,AND BANKING as a consequence of high inflation, new institutionsarise thatallow people to economize on money holdings. This constitutesa permanentshift in the money demand function, which persists even when inflation falls back to low levels. Arrauet al. (1991) provide evidence that shifts in the money demandfunctionoccur to a greater extent in countries that experience higher (and more variable) inflation. Finally, policy-induced financial innovation could cause shifts in the demand for money. 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