July 25-Aug. 5, 2016 The Hispanic Summer Bridge Program is designed to introduce students to Anne Arundel Community College by providing an introduction to coursework in the humanities, math and arts, and offering students the resources to facilitate a smooth transition into college. BENEFITS Attend at no cost; lunch is provided. Gain study and life skills. Learn about college resources and services. Become a member of the Student Achievement and Success Program. Be eligible to receive a SASP scholarship. WHAT PARTICIPANTS HAVE TO SAY “Definitely join because it will give you a better insight on what AACC is like and what to expect.” “I encourage all the students to come next year, because Adelante is a good experience to start college.” “Best program I have been in and you can learn valuable skills for life.” TO JOIN In order to participate, you must apply to Anne Arundel Community College and take the Accuplacer Placement Test by July 8, 2016. Complete the Adelante application, available online at www.aacc.edu/sasp, before July 8, 2016. Candidates must submit a recommendation letter from a guidance counselor, teacher, or representative from a community group or organization. Selected students and their parents must attend an orientation on Tuesday, July 19, 2016. For information or help navigating the application process, contact Samuel “Sam” Cordero-Puchales, coordinator, or SASP director Janice Watley at 410-777-2530, [email protected] or by fax at 410-777-7064. You also can visit Truxal Library Room 129. Notice of Nondiscrimination: AACC is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, Title IX, ADA Title 504 compliant institution. Call Disability Support Services, 410-777-2306 or Maryland Relay 711, 72 hours in advance to request most accommodations. Requests for sign language interpreters, alternative format books or assistive technology require 30 days’ notice. For information on AACC’s compliance and complaints concerning sexual assault, sexual misconduct, discrimination or harassment, contact the federal compliance officer and Title IX coordinator at 410-777-1239, [email protected] or Maryland Relay 711. 11/15 25 de julio al 5 de agosto, 2016 Programa GRATIS, diseñado para facilitar la transición hacia la vida universitaria en Anne Arundel Community College a través de cursos introductorios de humanidades, comunicaciones, matemáticas, artes y ofreciendo recursos que te ayuden durante el proceso de transición. BENEFICIOS El programa es totalmente gratis e incluye el almuerzo. Herramientas y recursos para alcanzar metas académicas. Los participantes se familizarán con los servicios y recursos disponibles en Anne Arundel Community College. Los participantes serán parte del programa y podran aspirar a una beca académica. OPINIONES DE PARTICIPANTES “Definitivamente participa porque te dará una mejor comprensión sobre qué es y lo que se puede esperar en AACC.” “Motivo a todos los estudiantes que sean parte del programa Adelante, pues es una buena experiencia para empezar la universidad.” “Es el mejor programa que he estado y podrás aprender valiosas habilidades para la vida.” REQUISITOS DEL PROGRAMA Llenar y enviar la solicitud de admisiones a Anne Arundel Community College y presentar la prueba de nivel académico antes del 8 de julio de 2016. Llenar y enviar la solicitud de adelante disponible en la página web www.aacc.edu/sasp, antes del viernes de 8 de julio de 2016. Candidatos deben incluir una carta de recomendación de su consejero escolar, maestro o un representante comunitario. Los estudiantes seleccionados deben asistir a una orientación el martes 19 de julio de 2016. Para más información y ayuda con relación al programa, comuníquense con Samuel “Sam” Cordero-Puchales, coordinador, o SASP al 410-777-2530, 410-777-7064 (fax), [email protected] o visita nuestra oficina en AACC LIBR 129 (Biblioteca).