CALL Concurso Internacional de Conocimientos Médicos THE FACULTAD DE MEDICINA OF THE UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL AUTÓNOMA DE MÉXICO (UNAM) INVITES ALL UNIVERSITIES TO PARTICIPATE IN THE “3rd INTERNATIONAL CONTEST OF MEDICAL KNOWLEDGE” Which will take place at the “Dr. Raoul Fournier Villada” Auditorium at the Facultad de Medicina, UNAM, Mexico City, from November 14 to18, 2016. BASES The contest The topic of the “International Contest of Medical Knowledge 2016” (CICoM 2016) will be “Select Topics in General Medicine”. The contest is divided into several phases. In each phase the participants, organized in teams, will answer several questions written in English and Spanish with a limited time. The questions will be in a multiple option format. If the team answers correctly, they will win a point. The team with the most points at the end of each phase will continue to the next stage until two finalist teams are left. Out of these two teams the winner of the ”CICoM2016” will be know after the final phase. The teams Each University will select independently its representative team. Six students enrolled in the Medical School of each University will form each team. The team must include: • Los deleach equipo deberán estar cursando unoof deregistration. los años lectivos Onemiembros student per year of the curriculum at thecada moment • que al momento de isla divided inscripción; caso de que su plan If thecomprende curriculumlaofcarrera the Medical School into en semesters, the student de estudio sea semestral, seyear elegirá el equivalente al año escolar. selected should represent a as shown in the table: Year of curriculum First year Equivalent in Semesters First and second semester Second year Third and fourth semester Third year Fourth year Fifth year Sixth year Fifth and sixth semester Seventh and eighth semester Ninth and tenth semester Eleventh and twelfth semester If the curriculum of the Medical School has a shorter duration, additional students can represent any year until 6 members are selected. Each University should assign a staff member that will be in charge of maintaining communication with the Organizing Committee of the CICoM 2016 for the registration process. Each University must assign an academic tutor whom will be the academic representative of the team before and during the contest and must be present at the time of the contest. Furthermore, the academic tutor will be part of the jury during some phases of the event. After the registration process, the academic tutor of each Medical School must send to the Academic Coordination some questions and answers. These are necessary for the development of the contest. The characteristics and format of the questions and answers will be sent to each tutor after finishing the registration process. Each team will only represent one University. Only one team per university is permitted to participate. Registration process Each team must complete each one of the following phases: • Primera El contacto deeach cadaMedical universidad deberá contactar Phase 1:Fase: The staff memberadministrativo responsible for School should send an al Organizador del CICoM 2016 para establecer el interés por participar a la e-mail to the Organizing Committee ([email protected]) regarding dirección electrónica el ASUNTO DEL the MENSAJE the school’s interest [email protected]; participate. The subject of the email must include name de la Coordinación Participantes del CICoM 2016. of the MedicaldeSchool. The Student Organizing Committee will answer with an instructive and a registration form. These documents will specify the necessary documents that should be sent in the second phase of the registration process. The first phase will begin in January 2016 and e-mails will be considered until March 31th, 2016. During this phase and after occupying all available sites to participate, the Organizing Committee will inform electronically to the universities which did acquired a place. If during the registration process, some university shall declare uninterested; its place will be given to the first university on hold and so in succession. Phase 2: Fase: Once Una received the hayan email above, administrative contact must collect • Segunda vez que recibidothe el correo antedicho, el contacto and submit all the required The deadline tosolicitados. send the documents will be administrativo deberá reunirdocuments. y enviar los documentos La fecha límite May 2016. para 31th, esta fase será el día 31 de mayo de 2016. The 2016 CICoM looks additionally from academic achievement to socio-cultural cooper- ation between the participants. Therefore, from November 14 to 15 will take place the cultural agenda and on November 16, 17 and 18, the contest itself. During this phase, the universities interested in participating should inform through the formats established the starting date of activities CICoM. Absence from 20% of confirmed activities entail a penalty determined by the Academic Committee of CICoM 2016. Phase 3:Fase: The Organizing Committee CICoM 20162016 will check the los documents and • Tercera El Comité Organizador del CICoM revisará documentos the Medical School about any wrong/missing documents. The ynotify notificará cualquier irregularidad a los contactos administrativos paracorrected su pronta documents should sentelbefore 30th, 2016, otherwise thesegunda documents will corrección. Si este be fuera caso, June los equipos deberán repetir la etapa not be accepted, and registration procedure not be finished. teniendo en cuenta lasthe observaciones del Comitéwill Organizador. La fecha límite para el envío de los documentos con las correcciones pertinentes será el día 30 • During this phase, in addition, international teams will be sent letters of institutional support for the processing of visas. an administration fee ofdocumentación $100 USD persea Medical School is required. After • Phase Cuarta4:Fase: Los equipos cuya aprobada recibirán un correo the phase,lathe administrative receive the paymentde instructions. que third contendrá ficha para el pagocontact de las will cuotas de recuperación acuerdo This payment should be done, and the copy of theamericanos) receipt should sent before con el siguiente esquema: $100.00 USD (dólares porbeequipo.** El the July 29th, 2016. Thedeberá proof of payment shouldde beunincorreo PDF format and must contacto administrativo enviar por medio electrónico a labe sent to [email protected] the subject: “Administration Fee + dirección [email protected] el siguiente asunto: CUOTA DE INSCRIPName the Medical School”. Waving the feeelwill be considered in all en theformato MediCIÓN,of NOMBRE DE LA UNIVERSIDAD, y en contenido una imagen cal who request by sending a formal letter dicho explaining situation. PDFSchools del comprobante deitpago. La fecha límite para envíothe será el día 29 de julio de 2016. In addition, international teams must send a scanned copy of the visa of all attendees. They must also send a letter of intent to acquire a life insurance policy that has international coverage. The deadline for the receipt of these documents will be on August 31st 2016. • Phase Quinta5:Fase: Como respuesta la cuarta fase, contactoscontact administrativos As an answer to the a fourth phase, the los university’s will receive a recibirán e-mail un correo bienvenidaletter. y carta de aceptación que serve servirán como welcome andde acceptance These documents will as a proof of constancia de inscripción. el correo de bienvenida se adjuntará la descripción enrollment. It will include a En detailed description of the contest, the internal regulay metodología del concurso, el the reglamento interno yTopics una copia de la agenda del tions, a list of topics regarding theme “Selected in General Medicine” evento. and a copy of the itinerary of the contest. During this phase it will be the responsibility of the participating teams to send their travel itinerary to the Organizing Committee. Regarding the questions and answers that are obligatory for every team, the Academic Coordination of the CICoM will get in contact after finalization of the registration proccess. These are obligatory and must be in English.* DEADLINES The registration process must be done within the following periods: ** • First Phase: All Medical Schools with the interest of participating in the contest send an e-mail before March 31th, 2016. must sendmust an eAlldocumentación documents mustcomplementaria be received by se May 31th, hasta 2016.el 31 de • Second SegundaPhase: fase: La recibirá Phase: corrected documents must be received June 30th, 2016. • Third Tercera fase: The En caso de presentar irregularidades en laby documentación, la • Fourth Phase: The payment of the participating fee must be made before July 29th 2016. The sending of visas and commitment letters to purchase life insurance aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa correcpolicies for the international be on August 31st 2016.*** ción de esta deberá ser enviada comoteams fechawill límite el día 30 de junio de Fifth Phase: welcome details of the contestdeberá will berealizarse sent no later 2016.• Cuarta fase: The El pago de lase-mail cuotasand correspondientes****, than 2016. antesSeptember del 29 de 2nd, julio de 2016. El envío de visas y cartas compromiso para adquirir pólizas de seguro de vida para los equipos internacionales será el 31 * The questions to be sent in Spanish will be where the official language is this. If the university comes from a country where the official language is not Spanish, the questions should be submitted in English. ** We advise all the universities to keep knowledge of the established deadlines in this document. The Universities that do not send the required documents within the time limits will automatically lose their place in the “CICoM 2016. *** Those teams that make the payment after the established date should get in contact with the Organizing Committee in order to get the refund of it. Transitory The Organizing Committee of the CICoM 2016 has the faculty of managing every situation that is not considered in this document. The decisions taken by the Organizing Committee are irrevocable. "LEARNING TO GROW AND TRANSCEND"