Where are you going?: It will be a great party / será una

Where are you going
?: It will be a great
party / será una fiesta genial
Elaboración propia
Where are you going?:
going?: It will be a great party / Será una fiesta genial
- I will bake a cake / Haré una tarta
Futuro simple
I will work
I won´t work
Will I work?
You will work
You won´t work
Will you work?
He will work
He won´t work
Will he work?
She will work
She won´t work
Will she work ?
It will work
It won´t work
Will it work ?
We will work
We won´t work
Will we work ?
You will work
You won´t work
Will we work ?
They will work
They won´t work
Will they work ?
Elaboración Propia
Expresiones temporales para el futuro
Tomorrow: mañana
Next week: la semana que viene
Next month: el mes que viene
Next year, hour, summer
Where are you going?:
going?: It will be a great party / Será una fiesta genial
4.2. English, German and Italian friends / Amigos ingleses,
alemanes e italianos
Spain: España
Spanish: español
Portugal: Portugal
Portuguese: Portugués
United Kingdom: Reino Unido
England: Inglaterra
Germany: Alemania
German: Alemán
English: Inglés
France: Francia
French: francés
Italy: Italia
Ireland: Irlanda
Italian: Italiano
Irish: Irlandés
Imagen de Wikimedia, bajo licencia de
Creative Commons
Imagen de Wikimedia, bajo licencia de Creative
Greece: Grecia
Greek: griego
Imagen de Wikimedia, bajo licencia de Creative
Where are you going?:
going?: It will be a great party / Será una fiesta genial
4.3- Culture: El inglés en el mundo
El inglés es el idioma oficial en Australia, Nueva Zelanda,
Reino Unido, Irlanda, Estados Unidos, Canadá, Sudáfrica,
Belize, Malta, Liberia, India y Jamaica.
Imagen de wikimedia de Woodennature, bajo
licencia de Creative Commons
4.4. I am going to phone my mum / Voy a llamar a mi madre
I am going to play
I am not going to play
Am I going to play?
You are going to play
You are not going to play
Are you going to play?
He is going to play
He is not going to play
Is he going to play?
She is going to play
She is not going to play
Is she going to play?
We are going to play
We are not going to play
Are we going to play?
You are going to play
You are not going to play
Are you going to play?
They are going to play
They are not going to play
Are they going to play?
Where are you going?:
going?: It will be a great party / Será una fiesta genial
4.5 Let´´s have a party / Hagamos una fiesta
Have a drink (in a pub):
Tomar una copa
Practice sports: Practicar
Go to the cinema: ir al cine
Play beach-volley: Jugar al
volley playa
Write letters/ emails:
Escribir cartas/ emails
Visit (my) family: visitar a la
Go out with friends: salir con
Meet friends: quedar con
Watch TV: Ver la tele
Elaboración propia
Ride a bike: Montar en bici
Elaboración propia
Read a book/ newspaper/
magazine: Leer un libro,
periódico, revista
Elaboración propia
Where are you going?:
going?: It will be a great party / Será una fiesta genial