Exemplar for Internal Assessment Resource Spanish Level

Exemplar for internal assessment resource Spanish 1.5A for Achievement Standard 90912
Exemplar for Internal Assessment Resource
Spanish Level 1
Resource title: Planning a School Exchange
This exemplar supports assessment against:
Achievement Standard 90912
Write a Variety of Text Types in Spanish on Areas of Most Immediate
Exemplifies standard
The moderators have found generic work suitable to be used to exemplify the standard but
may not match an A or B assessment resource.
Date version published by
Ministry of Education
© Crown 2010
December 2010
To support internal assessment from 2011
Exemplar for internal assessment resource Spanish 1.5A for Achievement Standard 90912
Grade Boundary: Low Excellence
There is development of ideas/ opinions/ information e.g. La semana pasada fui al
museo con mi clase, hablamos con gente interesante, qúe bien, En la tienda de
recuerdos, compré un regalo para mi amigo, Juan. The development is controlled
and integrated and is supported by a successful use of language and language
features, which are fit for purpose and audience.
This is borderline Merit, as inconsistencies in the use of language features,
although understandable, do not show successful selection e.g. comienzo en
California y terminaban en Nueva York, se puede ir natación- however this is
isolated and does not prevent Excellence overall.
Inconsistencies do not hinder communication.
© Crown 2010
Exemplar for internal assessment resource Spanish 1.5A for Achievement Standard 90912
Grade Boundary: High Merit
There is development of ideas e.g. Ayer me levanté bastante temprano, porque mi
hermano tuvo que ir a su juego, el viaje fue chulo porque me gusta pasar horas en
la coche, cuando llegamos, el juego empezó, pero perdieron. This development is
controlled and the student capably selects and successfully uses language
features which are fit for purpose and audience, for this piece of writing.
To reach Excellence, the writer would need show a more consistent use of
language features that reflect the objectives of Level 6 of the curriculum across all
evidence of writing.
© Crown 2010
Exemplar for internal assessment resource Spanish 1.5A for Achievement Standard 90912
Grade Boundary: Low Merit
There is development of ideas and opinions, on areas of most immediate relevance
with some repetiton of certain language features e.g. en mi tiempo libre me encanta
ver las películas porque pienso que es muy divertido y me gustan las películas
dramáticas mejor, me gusta ver la television, escuchar música y leer porque llos
encuentro relajantes, mi gusta usar la computadora con mi hermano
This paragraph is borderline Achieved- while it shows that the student can select
and use a range of language, communication is hindered in places by
inconsistencies e.g. compré un osito mono por tu, tiene un sombreo bonito y
tambien tu llamo es cosio en el hilo verde
Careful check of the writing would avoid many of the inconsistencies made e.g. Me
gusta la película porque es gracioso, miró con mi familia, espero que tu bebe es
Inconsistencies do not significantly hinder communication.
© Crown 2010
Exemplar for internal assessment resource Spanish 1.5A for Achievement Standard 90912
Grade Boundary: High Achieved
The standard requires the student to communicate on areas of most immediate
relevance and the student covers some areas, such as school, holidays,
neighbourhood and family
The student covers some basic personal information, ideas and opinions e.g.. Mi
asignatura favoritas es el espanol y la educación física. Me encantan porque son
muy divertido y puedo pasar tiempo con mis amigos
There is some development of information, e.g. de todas maneras, necesito dormir
ahora porque tengo una grande día manana, vamos a la parque temático. Qué
fantástico!, but is not consistent across all evidence of writing, which prevents it
from achieving with Merit
Communication is generally achieved, however inconsistencies do interfere at times
with communication. Frequent tense and grammatical inconsistencies, make
understanding more difficult e.g....... Aunque soy estar preocupado porque soy
ausente mucho colegio
This piece of writing sits more at a Merit level, as development of information is
generally credible and connected and the range of language and language features
used are fit for purpose and audience e.g. También se puede ir al museo nacional
llamado Te Papa, ayer fui a la playa, siempre hay algo que hacer, but this is not
consistent in the other pieces of writing.
© Crown 2010
Exemplar for internal assessment resource Spanish 1.5A for Achievement Standard 90912
Grade Boundary: Low Achieved
This paragraph exemplifies some language features used correctly to share
opinions and information in areas of most immediate relevance. e.g........ Los
últimos días he estado aquí han sido imponente. Fuimos a una grandísima playa y
nado porque estaba caliente
There are inconsistencies throughout the writing, but communication is achieved
e.g nos toméis a la plaza de torros...donde reljamos corrida de torros and
Basic inconsistencies at Level 5 and 6 of the curriculum are consistent throughout
e.g. Tiene mucho ciencias aulas y tres lenguages aulas, es muy bein porque tu
puede compra mucho de bein comida
© Crown 2010
Exemplar for internal assessment resource Spanish 1.5A for Achievement Standard 90912
Grade Boundary: High Not Achieved
This paragraph exemplifies some language features used correctly to share
opinions and information in areas of most immediate relevance. e.g.Por el amante
de animales hay el zoo de Auckland. Tienen mucho animales. Me ecanta porque
es muy divertido y fui al zoo mucho. However, this is not consitent across all pieces
of evidence
There is a significant amount of language where communication is hindered by
inconsistencies e.g. Hay tres clases por día y quince minutos por clases . Tú elegir
cinco subditos cada a!o. Cada día es a differente clase
And it carries through all pieces of evidence e.g Mi gusta mi instituto. Hay muy
grande y nuevo. Me levantarse a las siete y me pongo el uniforme
This paragraph showcases some language that is generally correct and fit for
purpose (writing about school), however is is not consistent across all pieces of
evidence, which prevents it from being at the Achieved level. e.g. Mi uniforme
consiste en muchas opciones. Hay blancas, verdes, rojas camisetas y blousas. Ls
chicas llevan las faldas gris. Los chicos llevan pantalones gris. Me gusta mi
uniforme porque puedo llevar lo que quiero.
© Crown 2010