barcelona equestrian challenge - Real Club de Polo de Barcelona

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As the Mayor of Barcelona, it is a great pleasure for me to present this ambitious sporting, social
and cultural event called the Barcelona Equestrian Challenge.
This extensive project includes, besides the best equestrian show in the world which is held
in the month of September 2013 during the festivities of the patron saint of the city, the
celebrations of la Mercè, all kinds of activities related to the world of the horse, all them of great
sporting, cultural and even social interest, and of great value for our residents, and that will be
carried out during the years 2013, 2014 and 2015.
The premises of the BECH are:
It should be noted that BECH will have a huge economic impact on our city and will lead to
the creation of a significant number of jobs during those three years. With this important
competition Barcelona was also established as the great horse capital of the world.
We strongly believe in the importance of supporting this ambitious initiative of the Real Club
de Polo de Barcelona, a one hundred year old entity with proven organizational experience, with
which we will jointly run this event with the illusion and the responsibility to offer great benefits
in many diverse areas to the city of Barcelona.
Xavier Trias
Mayor of Barcelona
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At the time that the equestrian section of the Real Club de Polo de Barcelona exposed to
its Board of Directors the grand project that is the Barcelona Equestrian Challenge, the
Club immediately recognized the importance and the benefits that this initiative could
have for the equestrian world, for the Real Club de Polo and for the city, so it quickly
activated all its mechanisms to be able to turn it into a reality.
And so we went to the city of Barcelona, which, as always, answered our call, since for
that last 115 years we have been walking together in the implementation of major events
that bring economic impact and international repercussions to Barcelona. As it could not
be otherwise, the Real Club de Polo and the city of Barcelona have begun together the
journey that is the Barcelona Equestrian Challenge (BECH). The Government of Spain has
also suppported us in this project.
The BECH is a unique event because, from the equestrian world and during three years,
it encompasses actions related to culture, education, health and sport itself. And to
be able to carry out this event of exceptional public interest, the Real Club de Polo
Foundation has been created to carry out the Organization’s activities.
Our recognition and gratitude to institutions, sponsors, partners, media and especially
to members of the RCPB for helping us ensure that the BECH will be a success.
Eudaldo Bonet Ferrer
President of the Real Club de Polo de Barcelona
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The Barcelona Equestrian Challenge was born almost two years ago as a result of the dream of
a few, and it was immediately adopted by the Mayor of Barcelona, the President and the Board
of the Real Club de Polo de Barcelona.
In fact, we believed that in the crisis situation in which we find ourselves, the Polo Club was
obliged to collaborate as much as possible in attracting visitors and helping to strengthen the
international image of our city, creating jobs, boosting investment and, in sum, generating wealth for our city and for our fellow citizens.
Fortunately, after these two years of work, it is confirmed that we are on the right track. The
Barcelona Equestrian Challenge, converted into an event of exceptional public interest, has already created an exciting program of equestrian events related to sports, education, health and
culture for the years 2013 through 2015. To make this ambitious and exciting project possible
we have had the fortune of having the support of many people and institutions, but above all
and very especially, we have had the support and enthusiasm of the Mayor of Barcelona, the
honorable Mr. Xavier Trias, who has been the first to be convinced of the benefits of the BECH
for our city.
In addition, we want to leave a record of the collaboration of other many representatives of the
political, economic, sports and social areas that we very sincerely thank.
And of course, our appreciation to the sponsors and partners of the event. They have trusted us
and helped the project to see the light. To all, thank you very much, you have made it possible
that what in principle was no more than a dream, has become a reality, for the benefit of citizens and visitors to our great city.
Luis Comas
President of the Foundation Real Club de Polo de Barcelona
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la ciudad epicentro de la hípica mundial
La Barcelona Equestrian Challenge (BECH), un ambicioso proyecto
de promoción del mundo del caballo en nuestra ciudad, ya es una
Gracias a la iniciativa promovida por el Ajuntament de Barcleona,
el Gobierno de España y el Real Club de Polo de Barcelona, la
ciudad se convertirá durante los próximos tres años (2013-2015)
en la capital del mundo ecuestre. El caballo se acercará a Barcelona
mostrándose en todas sus facetas.
que integra la promoción social del mundo del caballo, la hípica
y los valores deportivos. Por todo ello, el Ministerio de Economía y
Hacienda le concedió a finales de 2012 el carácter
de Acontecimiento de Excepcional Interés Público.
La BECH integra varias actividades vinculadas al mundo del
caballo, de interés deportivo, cultural y social. Todas estas
acciones tendrán un importante impacto económico. Este gran
evento global se articulará en torno a cuatro ejes: el deportivo,
el educativo, el relacionado con la salud y el cultural.
El Ajuntament de Barcelona y el Real Club de Polo han trabajado
de forma coordinada durante muchos meses, con intensidad y
rigor, para desarrollar un proyecto único, líder a nivel internacional,
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Epicenter city of the equestrian world
Barcelona Equestrian Challenge (BECH), an ambitious project
promoting the equestrian world in our city is a reality.
Thanks to the promotional initiative of the Barcelona Town
Hall, the Spanish Government, and the Real Club de Polo
de Barcelona, in the next three years (2013-2015), the city will
become the world equestrian capital. The horse will come to
Barcelona showing its friendly side.
The Barcelona City Council and the Real Club de Polo have
worked in coordination for many months, with devotion and
rigor, to develop a unique project, leader on an international
level, which integrates social advancement of the equestrian
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world, horse riding, and sporting values. As a result, the Ministry
of Finance granted it the character of Exceptional Public Interest
Event in the latter part of 2012.
BECH integrates a variety of activities related to horses, of
sporting, cultural and social interest. All of these actions will
have a significant economic impact on Barcelona.
This major world event will be structured around four pillars:
athletic, educational, health-related and cultural.
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En la BECH, destaca especialmente la parcela deportiva,
encabezada por una nueva edición, la 103ª, del CSIO Barcelona,
que se celebra en la pista olímpica del Real Club de Polo
del 9 al 12 de octubre. Por segundo año consecutivo,
la Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup™ Jumping Final asegura
la participación de la élite mundial en este deporte y cuenta
con la mayor dotación económica en premios de la historia:
2.300.000 euros, aportados por el fondo ecuestre saudí.
Dieciocho naciones, representantes de todos los continentes,
compiten en Barcelona para erigirse como líder absoluto
de esta difícil y apasionante disciplina.
La parcela deportiva de la Barcelona Equestrian Challenge incluye
asimismo el Barcelona Polo Challenge Negrita Cup, uno de los
eventos internacionales más emblemáticos de nuestra ciudad,
que en el mes de mayo celebró su 46ª edición.
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Además de estos dos grandes eventos, la BECH abarca
competiciones que van desde la iniciación hasta la alta competición.
El eje educativo de la BECH va dirigido a los más pequeños, por lo
que los principales beneficiarios de esta primera acción pedagógica
son los niños. La creación de un Pony Park en la ciudad, un centro
hípico de primera calidad ubicado en un parque de Barcelona,
hace posible que todos los escolares puedan incluir en su plan
pedagógico un proyecto de educación ecuestre. No sólo se trata de
que los pequeños teoricen sobre uno de los mamíferos más bellos
del mundo, sino que puedan experimentar con los ponis nuevas
sensaciones que les ayuden a fomentar el respeto y el amor por los
animales y la naturaleza.
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The BECH activities are headed by a new edition, the 103rd,
of the CSIO Barcelona which is taking place on the Olympic
arena of the Real Club de Polo from October 9th to 12th.
For the second year in a row, the Furusiyya FEI Nations Cup™
Jumping Final ensures the participation of the most
outstanding riders and the highest prize money of the history:
2.300.000 euros. Eighteen countries, representing all
the continents, compete in Barcelona to establish
themselves as the undisputed leader of this challenging
and exciting discipline.
The sports section of Barcelona Horse World includes
the Barcelona Polo Challenge Negrita Cup as well, one of the
most iconic international events in our city, which in May
celebrated its 46th edition.
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Besides these two major events, BECH includes competitions
ranging from beginners to advanced.
The educational hub of BECH is aimed at the smallest participants,
so the main beneficiaries of this first educational activity are
the children. The creation of a Pony Park in the city, an equestrian
center of the highest quality located in a Barcelona park, makes it
possible for all school children to include an equestrian project
in their education plan. The children not only theorize about
one of the world’s most beautiful animals, but experience
new feelings with the ponies that will help instill in them respect
and love for animals and nature.
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La estructura del Pony Park permite además desarrollar cursos de
equinoterapia, un método integral y complementario que utiliza el
caballo como medio de rehabilitación y educación de las personas
con necesidades especiales o portadoras de una discapacidad.
Este gran proyecto incluye también la promoción de cursos de
formación, la adecuación de los centros hípicos, adaptando sus
instalaciones para la práctica de la equinoterapia, y la promoción
de las líneas de investigación y su difusión.
El apartado sociocultural de la Barcelona Equestrian Challenge está
marcado por diferentes actividades lúdicas que fomenten el respeto
y el amor por los caballos. Acciones relacionadas con la Diada de
Sant Jordi, rally fotográfico, concursos de pastelería y repostería,
espectáculos callejeros, cuentacuentos o fiestas populares, siempre
con la temática ecuestre como denominador común.
Bajo el paraguas de la Barcelona Equestrian Challenge también
se sumarán otras actividades de promoción del mundo del caballo
que aportarán a la sociedad un mayor conocimiento de este
gran sector deportivo y económico. Las acciones se centran, por
ejemplo, en “The Shopping Night Barcelona”. Esta experiencia
lúdica, festiva y nocturna se vincula al mundo del caballo a través
de diversas actividades relacionadas con el mismo.
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The structure of the Pony Park allows the development of equine
therapy courses, an integrated and complementary method that
uses the horse as a means of rehabilitation and education for
special needs individuals, or those with disabilities. This great
project also includes the promotion of training, the suitability
of equestrian centers adapting their facilities to the practice
of equine therapy, and the advancement of research and
The sociocultural Barcelona equestrian challenge Section is
marked by different recreational activities that promote respect
and love for horses. Events related to the Sant Jordi Diada,
photography rally, baking and dessert competitions, street
performers, storytelling and popular festivals, all with the
equestrian theme in common.
Under the umbrella of the Barcelona Equestrian Challlenge
there will also be other promotion activities for the equestrian
world that will provide society a better understanding of this
great sporting and economic sector. The actions will focus, for
example, on “The Shopping Night Barcelona”. This fun, festive
and nighttime experience will be linked to the equestrian world
through activities related to the same.
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Sociedad Hípica 1897
El Real Club de Polo de Barcelona se fundó en 1897 y cuenta con
cinco secciones deportivas oficiales: hípica, hockey, pádel, polo y
tenis. Tiene 10.200 socios y sus instalaciones ocupan 29 hectáreas
en el centro de la ciudad de Barcelona.
el Institut Agrícola Català de Sant Isidre y amigos del Círculo
Ecuestre. La primera edición del Concurso de Saltos Internacional
de Barcelona tuvo lugar en la Plaza de Armas del Parque de la
Durante más de 100 años, el Club ha sido sede de grandes
competiciones internacionales de máxima categoría en varios de
sus deportes. Destaca especialmente el CSIO Barcelona, el evento
deportivo internacional más antiguo de España, que nació en
junio de 1902 gracias a una iniciativa del Ajuntament de Barcelona,
En 1992, el Real Club de Polo fue sede de las pruebas hípicas de
los JJOO de Barcelona, motivo por el que sus instalaciones hípicas
fueron íntegramente remodeladas. Actualmente, es reconocido
como uno de los clubs deportivos de más alto nivel internacional.
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Equestrian Society 1897
The Real Club de Polo was founded in 1897 and has five official
sporting sections: polo, equestrian, padel, hockey and tennis. It
has 10,600 members and its facilities cover 29 hectares.
For more than 100 years, the Club has hosted great international
competitions of the highest level in several of its sports.
Particularly important is the CSIO Barcelona, the oldest
international sporting event in Spain, which was started in
1902 thanks to an initiative of Barcelona’s City Hall, The Institut
Agrícola Català de Sant Isidre and friends of the Equestrian
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Circle. The first edition of the Barcelona International Jumping
Competition took place in Plaza de Armas of Ciudadela Park.
In 1992, the Real Club de Polo hosted the equestrian events of the
Barcelona Olympics, reason for which its facilities were entirely
remodeled. Currently, it is known as one of the highest level
sporting clubs in the world.
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Desde el nacimiento de la BECH como tal, su órgano rector y
organizador es la Fundación Real Club de Polo de Barcelona,
así como el Comité Organizador (en el que están presentes la
Fundación, el Ajuntament, el Consejo Superior de Deportes y el
Real Club de Polo de Barcelona), que se dedicarán en exclusiva a
ello durante los próximos tres años y cuya gestión se desvincula
del trabajo diario del Club. La Fundación cuenta con diversas
personalidades del ámbito deportivo, social y empresarial que
ayudarán al buen desarrollo del evento.
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Since the start of the BECH as such, its governing body and organizer is the Real Club de Polo de Barcelona Foundation, as well as
the Organizing Committee (in which the Foundation, City Hall, the
Superior Committee on Sports and the Real Club de Polo are present), which dedicate themselves exclusively to it during the next
three years and whose management is unrelated to the daily operation of the club. The Foundation has various personalities from
the sporting, social and corporate world which will help toward the
good development of the event.
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El Gobierno de España declaró la Barcelona Equestrian Challenge
“Acontecimiento de Excepcional Interés Público” por la Ley
de Presupuestos Generales del Estado de 2012. Gracias a ello,
las empresas patrocinadoras pueden aplicarse importantes
beneficios fiscales, deduciéndose hasta un 90% de sus
donaciones económicas y en especies al evento. Estos incentivos
tan atractivos para las empresas servirán para la promoción del
evento y deben producirse dentro del periodo de vigencia, que va
desde el 1 de noviembre de 2012 al 31 de octubre de 2015.
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The Spanish Government has declared the Barcelona Equestrian
Challenge an “Exceptional Public Interest Event” by the Finance
Law of 2012. As a result, corporate sponsors can maximize
benefits, recovering up to 90% of their publicity and advertising
costs. These expenses must be used to promote the event
and must made be within the period from November 1, 2012 to
October 31, 2015.
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Número estimado de asistentes al evento: 100.000 personas
Estimated number of attendees: 100.000 persones
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La marca Barcelona llegará a más de 195 millones
de personas en todo el mundo
The Barcelona brand will reach more than 195 million
people around the world
Se obtendrá un impacto económico global de entre 124 y 142 millones de euros
You’ll get a global economic impact of between 124 and 142 million euros
Fuente: Informe de PwC “Impacte econòmic de la Barcelona Horse World 2013-2015”, febrero 2012
Source: PwC report “Impacte Econòmic de Barcelona Horse World 2013 - 2015”, February 2012
Se obtendrá u impacto económico global de entre 124 y 142 millones de euros
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una ciudad con larga tradición ecuestre
La vinculación de Barcelona con el deporte hípico es histórica. Ha
sido y sigue siendo centro neurálgico de la práctica deportiva, y su
organización, un referente en la gestión deportiva. Acontecimientos
con una larga historia como el CSIO Barcelona o el Barcelona Polo
Classic, entre otros, son muestra del gran vínculo existente entre
Barcelona y el mundo del caballo.
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Pero también existen otros vínculos que unen Barcelona con los
caballos. La Unidad Montada de la Guardia Urbana, con más de
150 años de historia, se ha convertido en un auténtico símbolo de
la ciudad. El espectáculo de su carrusel, que celebró su primera
representación en 1910 con motivo de la visita a Barcelona del rey
Alfonso XIII, está mundialmente reconocido.
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a city with a great equestrian tradition
Barcelona’s link with equestrian sport is historic. It has been and
continues to be hub of the sport, and your organization, a leader
in sport management. Events with a long history of the CSIO
Barcelona or Barcelona Polo Classic, among others, are evidence
of the great relationship between Barcelona and the world of the
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But there are also other links that connect Barcelona with Horses.
The Unidad de la Guardia Urbana, with more than 150 years of
history, has become a symbol of the city. The spectacle of his
carousel, which held its first representation in 1910 on the occasion
of the visit to Barcelona of King Alfonso XIII, is world renowned.
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La Barcelona Equestrian Challenge
nos llevará a vivir tres años
intensamente ecuestres. Es el reflejo
del entusiasmo de unas instituciones
volcadas en un proyecto nacido en la
sociedad civil catalana. Un ambicioso
desafío en el que el Ajuntament de
Barcelona y el Real Club de Polo de
Barcelona tienen un papel destacado
como organizadores y promotores.
Un evento que no sólo acercará el
maravilloso universo del caballo
a Barcelona, sino que posicionará
nuestra ciudad como referente en el
mundo de la hípica.
The Barcelona Equestrian Challenge
will allow us to experience three
intensely equestrian years.
It is a reflection of institutions
involved in a project that was born in
Catalonian civil society.
An ambitious challenge in which
both the City Hall and the Real Club
de Polo of Barcelona play a leading
role as organizers and promoters.
An event which not only will bring
the marvellous world of horses to
Barcelona, but which will position
our city as a reference point for the
equestrian world.
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Excmo. Sr. Cristóbal Montoro, ministro de Hacienda y Administraciones Públicas
Excmo. Sr. Jorge Fernández Díaz, ministro del Interior
Molt Hble. Sra. Núria de Gispert, presidenta del Parlament de Catalunya
Excmo. Sr. Miguel Ferre, secretario de Estado de Hacienda
Excmo. Sr. Miguel Cardenal, secretario de Estado para el Deporte y presidente del Consejo Superior de Deportes
Hble. Sra. Joana Ortega, vicepresidenta del Govern de la Generalitat de Catalunya
Excma. Sra. Alicia Sánchez Camacho, senadora i presidenta del Partit Popular de Catalunya
Excma. Sra. Ángeles Esteller, diputada del Congrés i portaveu del Partit Popular de l’Ajuntament de Barcelona
IIma. Sra. Maite Fandos, tinent d’alcalde de Qualitat de Vida, Igualtat i Esports
Excmo. Sr. Alberto Fernández Díaz, president del grup municipal del Partit Popular de Catalunya a l’Ajuntament de Barcelona
Sr. Javier Revuelta, president Real Federación Hípica Española
Sr. David Moner, president Unió de Federacions Esportives Catalanes
Sr. Emilio Zegrí, president Federació Catalana d’Hípica
Sr. Sandro Rosell, president Futbol Club Barcelona
Sr. Sebastià Salvadó, president Reial Automòbil Club de Catalunya
Sr. Ramón Condal, expresident Reial Club Deportiu Espanyol de Barcelona
Sr. Albert Agustí, president Real Club de Tenis Barcelona – 1899
Sr. Josep Manel Puente, president Centre Excursionista de Catalunya
Sr. Joan Lluís Abellán, president Club Natació Barcelona
Sr. Borja García-Nieto, president Círculo Ecuestre
Sr. Ignacio García-Nieto, president Cercle del Liceu
Sr. Baldiri Ros, president Institut Agrícola Català de Sant Isidre
Sr. Josep Piqué, president Círculo de Economía
Sr. Miquel Valls, president Cambra Oficial de Comerç, Indústria i Navegació
Sr. Fèlix Bentz, president Cercle Artístic
Sr. Francesc Cabana, president L’Ateneu Barcelonès
Sra. Mariona Carulla, presidenta Orfeó Català
Sr. Joaquín Gay de Montellà, president Foment del Treball Nacional
Dr. José Antonio Pujante, president Panathlon International Barcelona
Sr. Manuel Carreras, president Sport Cultura Barcelona
Sr. Federico Montllonch, president Real Club de Golf El Prat
Sr. Joan Francesc Marco, ex director general Gran Teatre del Liceu
Edita: Barcelona Equestrian Challenge
Coordinación editorial: Departamento Comunicación
Real Club de Polo / Barcelona Equestrian Challenge
Producción editorial: Finder & Wilber
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