Los Mandatos Formales (usted, ustedes) Regular verbs 1. The formal command (Ud and Uds) is formed by adding: Cantar: e / en to the root of the -ar (= 3rd person sing & plural present subj) Leer/ abrir: a/ an to the root of the -er or -ir (3rd pers sing & plural present subj) Caminar Correr Abrir Singular Camine corra Abra Plural caminen Corran abran 2. The negative form of all formal commands is expressed by placing no in front of the affirmative form of the verb. No changes are needed in the verb. --- NO CORRAN Irregular verbs Mira los ejemplos; luego escribe la regla: 1. All verbs that are irregular in the FIRST person singular of the present indicative also have an irregular command stem. They keep this irregularity in the command form, but they follow the same pattern of endings as those of regular verbs. Servir Serve the dessert (usted) SIRVA EL POSTRE Do not serve the appetizers (usted) NO SIRVA los aperitivos Hacer Pack the suitcases (ustedes) HAGAN LAS MALETAS Do not make to much noise (ustedes) Dormir NO HAGAN mucho ruido. Sleep in this room (usted) DUERMA EN ESTA HABITACIÓN Do not sleep in the living room (usted) NO DUERMA en el salón. Conducir Drive slowly. Don’t drive on the highway. CONDUZCA despacio. NO CONDUZCA en la carretera. 1 2. The following verbs are irregular in the formal command (they take the 3rd person sing. and plural of the present subjunctive) Ser SEA SEAN Dar DÉ DEN Estar ESTÉ ESTÉN Saber SEPA Ir VAYA VERBS WITH SPELLING CHANGES -car c--->qu tocar(usted) no tocar (usted) TOQUE no toque -gar g--->gue pagar (usted) no pagar (usted) pague -zar NO PAGUE z-->c empezar (usted) no empezar (usted) EMPIECE NO EMPIECE -ger , gir g----> j recoger RECOJA dirigir NO DIRIJA 2 POSITION OF PRONOUNS If the command is affirmative, object pronouns and reflexive prouns are attached to the end of the verb. Remember that if there are two pronouns, a pronoun referring to a person (OI) precedes one that refers to a thing (OD) Buy it for him/her CÓMPRESELO Sit down in that chair SIÉNTESE EN ESA SILLA If the command is negative, the object pronouns must be placed before the verb. Do not buy it there for him NO SE LO COMPRE ALLÍ Do not sit in that chair. NO SE SIENTE EN ESA SILLA ¡Practiquemos! Escribe la forma correcta de los mandatos: 1. tratar a los adultos con respeto (ud.) ___________TRATE ________________ 2. no tomar drogas (jóvenes) _______NO TOMEN__________ 3. llegar temprano a la escuela (Sr. Ríos) ______LLEGUE__________ 4. no estar enojado (papá) ______NO ESTÉ__________ 5. hacer los quehaceres a tiempo (niños) _______HAGAN__________ 6. seguir direcciones (muchachos) __________SIGAN_____________ 7. lavarse la cara (uds.) ______LÁVENSE LA CARA__________ 8. no venir a la fiesta (uds.) ____NO VENGAN______ 9. decir mentiras (Sra. López) ___DIGA__________ 10. empezar a las cuatro (uds) _______EMPIECEN__________ 3 INDIRECT COMMANDS Another way to express a command is by using an indirect command. The indirect command is formed as follows: que + subjunctive + subject (if expressed) ¡Que viva el rey! ¡Que te vaya bien! May the king live (long) / Long live the king! May you have a good trip! In indirect commands, a verb of volition (i.e. quiero, espero) is understood but not expressed: ¡Que lo haga Juan! Let Juan do it! (I want Juan to do it) Deseos. Imagina que las personas a continuación se encuentran en estas situaciones. Usa la información entre paréntesis para expresar tus deseos con un mandato indirecto: 1. Graciela tiene un examen hoy. (salir bien)____QUE SALGA BIEN_____________________ 2. Diego tiene mucho sueño. (dormir mucho) _____________QUE DUERMA_____________________________________ 3. Fernando y Susana van a pasar el fin de semana en el campo. (pasarlo bien) _______________________QUE LO PASEN BIEN_________________________________________ 4. Tus padres van a un baile esta noche. (divertirse) ________________QUE SE DIVIERTAN_________________________ 5. El presidente de los EEUU ha venido a visitar la ciudad donde viven (vivir el presidente) _________________________QUE VIVA EL PRESIDENTE_____________________________ 4 Los Mandatos Familiares The affirmative tú command The affirmative tú command for regular and stem-changing verbs is the same as the third person singular form of the indicative. Cantar CANTA Comer COME Abrir ABRE Lavarse (se-->te) LÁVATE Stem-changing verbs Pensar piensa Volver Pedir vuelve PIDE Irregular verbs Decir DI Ir VE Tener ten hacer HAZ Poner pon Ser SÉ Venir ven Salir SAL 5 The negative familiar command The negative command is formed by adding: -es to the root of the -ar (= 2nd person sing & plural present subj) -as to the root of the -er or -ir (2nd pers sing & plural present subj) no Cantar NO CANTES no comer no comas no abrir NO ABRAS Stem-changing verbs no Pensar NO PIENSES no volver no vuelvas no pedir NO PIDAS Verbs that have an irregular present-tense yo form no hacer NO HAGAS no venir NO VENGAS no inc luir no inc luyas no producir no produzcas Irregular negative tú commands no dar NO DES no ir no vayas no estar NO ESTÉS no ser NO SEAS VERBS WITH SPELLING CHANGES -car c--->qu no tocar no toques -gar no pagar g--->gue NO PAGUES -zar z-->c no empezar NO EMPIECES -ger , gir g----> j no recoger no recojas no dirigir NO DIRIJAS 6 THE NOSOTROS COMMAND 1. The nosotros command derives from the nosotros form of the present subjunctive. This form is the equivalent of the English expression Let’s... ____CAMINEMOS_______(Caminar) por la playa ______SENTÉMONOS__________(Sentarse) aquí. Se quita la -S de -amos/-emos. ¡Hay “MONOS”! Note that when the reflexive pronoun is attached, the -s is omitted from the ending mos. 2. If the command is negative, place no in front of the verb. ____NO CAMINEMOS____(no caminar) por la playa. _____NO NOS SENTEMOS_____(No sentarnos) aquí. 3. The verbs ir and irse are irregular in the affirmative command but regular in the negative command Ir Vamos no vayamos vámonos no nos vayamos An alternative to the nosotros command is to use the construction Vamos a + infinitive. Vamos a caminar... 7 THE VOSOTROS COMMAND 1. The affirmative vosotros command is formed by replacing the final -r or the infinitive with -d Correr en el patio-----------> Corred 2. If the reflexive pronoun is needed, the -d is omitted Comb your hair------------> Peinaos 3. the negative vosotros command is formed with the second person plural of the present subjunctive. Do not run in the halls--------> No corráis por los pasillos. Note that the vosotros form is used primarily in Spain. In the rest of the Spanishspeaking world, the ustedes form is used when addressing more than one person. 8