GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE SIMPLIFIED PROCEDURE OF AWARDING CONTRACTS BY TENDER FOR CONTRACTING AN ADVISORY SERVICE FOR DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION AND MONITORING OF A FUND OF FUNDS FOR VENTURE CAPITAL FOR AXIS PARTICIPACIONES EMPRESARIALES, SGECR, S.A.U. 1. PURPOSE OF THE CONTRACT. 1.1. Axis Participaciones Empresariales SGECR S.A. intends to undertake a project for the creation of a Fund of Funds to invest primarily in other venture capital firms which in turn invest in Spanish companies. In relation to this project, the purpose of the contract to which these terms and conditions refer is to provide an advisory service in the design and implementation of said Fund of Funds, as well as in the selection and assessment of funds to invest in and the monitoring of investment activity. 1.2. The service provided will be to advise, assist and collaborate with AXIS in carrying out the following work: 1. Defining the general investment characteristics of the different target funds based on: a. b. c. d. e. Stages of the companies in which it invests Degree of specialisation of the funds Status of the target companies, restructuring Minimum and maximum investment per fund Ratio of private to public resources 2. Defining the investment objectives of the Fund of Funds in terms of: a. The investment characteristics of the target fund b. The timing to be established according to the level of investor appetite and the managers. 3.- Preparation of the documents that contain the terms or conditions that should govern the selection of each of the funds. 4.- Definition of the technical and economic requirements for the selection of each of the managers of the new funds managed. 5.- Preparation and establishment of the selection criteria for the various funds/managers and their weighting and the documentation necessary to carry it out 6.- Carrying out the manager/fund selection process. 7.- Collection, analysis and appraisal of the information necessary for the correct selection of the managers/funds (Due diligence). 8.Organisation of fund presentations to different managers and investors in different countries (Roadshow). 9.- Formalisation of the operations a. Support in the process of negotiating the terms to be included in the contracts of the funds. 2/18 b. Review the financial, legal and regulatory terms of the agreements and contracts. 10.- Definition of the basic parameters for monitoring the funds and their investments. 11.- Monitoring and follow-up of the investees (funds and companies in which they have invested). The contractor shall also submit a written report monthly to AXIS on the activity to be carried out in different areas of the execution of the service. The contractor shall prepare the necessary documentation to comply with current legislation. For monitoring and follow-up of investments to be made or carried out in the various funds, the Contractor shall provide AXIS with the software tool that the contractor used for the provision of services under this contracting procedure at no addition charge, whereby AXIS will have free access to this software tool. 2. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS 2.1. The award procedure shall be governed in accordance with the provisions of the AXIS Internal Contracting Instructions, published in the Contractor Profile on the AXIS web page ( 2.2. AXIS is part of the public sector for the purposes specified in the Royal Legislative Decree 3/2011, of 14 November, approving the consolidated text of the Law on Public Sector Procurement (TRLCSP) and has no contracting authority. 2.3. This contract procedure is governed by Private Law. 2.4. Any reference in these bidding conditions to days will be understood as calendar days, unless expressly indicated that they are working days. 3. PROCEDURE AND METHOD OF AWARDING CONTRACTS. 3.1. In accordance with AXIS internal regulations, the simplified procedure will be applied for this contract and the awarding of the contract will be made to the bidder that makes the most advantageous financial bid in terms of the appraisal criteria set forth in clause 9 of these terms and conditions. 4. ADVERTISING THE CONTRACTING PROCEDURE. 4.1. Advertising for the contracting procedure will be carried out in the contractor profile, on the AXIS web page ( 3/18 5. COLLECTION OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS.BID SUBMISSION. 5.1. To collect the documentation for the contracting procedure, interested parties can contact the AXIS Information Service (Los Madrazo, n º 38, Madrid), from Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 14.30 or view and download it from the Contractor Profile on the AXIS website ( 5.2 Bids must be submitted by 12 am on 4 june, 2013, as set forth in paragraph 7.7 of these terms and conditions. 6. CAPACITY FOR ENTERING INTO A CONTRACT 6.1. The public sector may enter into contracts with natural or legal persons, from Spain or overseas, with full capacity to act and not included in any of the circumstances provided for in Article 60 of the TRLCSP, a condition which may be accredited by any of the means set forth in Article 73 of the TRLCSP. 6.2. Companies must be natural or legal persons whose mission or activity is directly related to the purpose of the contract, as shown in their respective articles of incorporation or foundational regulations, and must have an organisation with sufficient human and material resources to correctly fulfil the contract. Companies from member states of the European Union outside Spain must accredit their capacity to act by a certificate of registration in one of the professional or commercial registries indicated in Appendix I of the General Regulations of Government Contract Law. Other foreign companies must accredit their capacity to act by a report issued by the Spanish Permanent Diplomatic Mission or Consulate in the company's home country, stating, on the basis of accreditation by the company, that they are registered in the local professional, commercial or equivalent registry, or if this is not possible, that they are regular business operators in the activities within the purpose of the contract; as well as the reciprocity report referred to in Article 55 of the TRLCSP. 6.3. Specific minimum capacity and solvency requirements. In terms of specific ability, to participate in this procedure the bidder is required to be a company that can provide financial advice on venture capital and which directly or indirectly holds 100% of the share capital in at least one venture capital management company. Said management company must be registered with the Spanish Securities Market Commission or another regulatory body of the OECD when the applicable legislation so requires. In terms of the specific professional and technical solvency needed to take part in this procedure, the bidder must meet the following requirements: 1) Experience in managing funds of funds through their investment management companies, with an overall aggregate 4/18 amount equal to or greater than €500 million allocated to venture capital funds in the last two years. 2) Make a team available for the fulfilment of the contract, in which all the members have experience in selecting funds and fund of funds management. The team should consist of a minimum of four professionals, of which at least the co-ordinator or team leader must be an Operations Manager or equivalent And at least two of whom must have experience in direct investment in companies. Most of the team members must be fluent in the Spanish language. At the start of the advisory contract and during the term of the same, this team must be located in Spain. 3) Availability to start providing the service upon the signing of the contract. 4) Knowledge of the domestic and international market for venture capital managers. 5) Detailed knowledge of current investors, and, where applicable, potential Venture Capital funds and fund-raising processes. 6) Understanding of transactions in the Spanish Venture Capital market. 7) The management company shall not have been sanctioned by the Spanish Securities Market Commission or any other regulatory body . 8) Dispose of computer and management systems for the monitoring and follow-up of the funds invested in and the companies in which they have holdings. 7. BIDS. 7.1. Prices are given in euros and will not be subject to change under any circumstances, and will include all required taxes, except VAT, for the operations which constitute the purpose of the contract and all expenses that must be met for provision of the contracted services. 7.2. Each bidder may present no more than one economic proposal. A breach of this rule will lead to the rejection of all proposals by that bidder. 5/18 7.3. The variants offered by the bidders may be taken into account if they increase the price and constitute an improvement on the requirements of these specifications. 7.4. Submission of a bid will, for all effects and purposes imply that the bidder unconditionally accepts and complies with these conditions without any reservations. 7.5. The bids will consist of three (3) separate and independent envelopes, sealed and signed by the bidder or person representing them, on which will appear: The title of the contract procedure, content of the envelopes, name of the bidder, telephone number, email address and fax number for notification purposes, as per the following form: “BID TO TAKE PART IN THE SIMPLIFIED CONTRACT PROCEDURE CALLED BY AXIS PARTICIPACIONES EMPRESARIALES, SGECR, S.A.U. FOR THE PROVISION OF AN ADVISORY SERVICE FOR DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION AND MONITORING OF A FUND OF FUNDS FOR VENTURE CAPITAL FOR AXIS PARTICIPACIONES EMPRESARIALES, SGECR, S.A.U.” 7.6. The documentation must be submitted in Spanish or officially translated into Spanish. The content of the envelopes must include: 7.6.1. Envelope A) GENERAL DOCUMENTATION. This must be presented sealed and signed, and visibly marked “DOCUMENTACIÓN GENERAL”. The documentation listed below must be submitted as original documents or as photocopies certified by a Notary. These documents must also be submitted on a magnetic medium in PDF format. Copy of the ID card or passport of the bidder, or if applicable, the person representing them. If the bidder is a legal person, articles of incorporation and/or modifications, if any, registered in the Companies Registry where this requirement is enforceable under applicable commercial law. If it is not, a deed or constitution, modification, or founding articles must be submitted containing the regulations governing the registered activity, if any, in the relevant official register. Power of attorney which sets out the powers of representation of the signatory of the bid when the bidder is not acting on their own behalf or is a legal entity, or certification from the Companies Register, accrediting the powers of representation. General powers of attorney, subject to registration in the Companies Register, will be submitted with evidence of compliance with this requirement. 6/18 Judicial testimony or administrative certification or statement of responsibility from the bidder or their legal representative, given before an administrative authority, a public notary, a qualified professional body, or before the contracting authority, of not falling within any of the circumstances provided for in Article 60 of the TRLCSP, expressly including being up to date with all Social Security and tax liabilities imposed by the legislation in force (art. 73 and 146.1.c) TRLCSP . A model statement is attached such as Appendix I. Overseas companies must make a formal declaration to submit to the jurisdiction of Spanish courts of any order for all incidents which may arise directly and indirectly from the contract, waiving any foreign jurisdictional privilege that may correspond to the bidder. In the case of non-Spanish companies of Member States of the European Community or signatories to the Agreement on the European Economic Area, they must accredit their capacity to act by registration in the Register or by the presentation of the certificates provided for in Appendix 1 of Royal Decree 1098/2001 approving the General Regulations of the Law on Public Administration Contracts. The capacity of foreign companies not belonging to the European Union, will be accredited by the relevant report issued by Spanish diplomatic representatives, stating, on the basis of accreditation by the company, that they are registered in the local professional, commercial or equivalent registry or, if this is not possible, that they are regular business operators in the activities within the purpose of the contract; as well as the reciprocity report referred to in Article 55 of the TRLCSP, if applicable. Documentation accrediting compliance with the specific requirements of capacity and solvency contained in Clause 6.3 of these terms and conditions. 1) Certification of registration of the venture capital management companies in which the bidder has 100% ownership with the Spanish Securities Market Commission or with another regulatory body in the OECD. Where the legislation applicable to the bidder means it is not compulsory to register with regulatory bodies, said circumstance should be accredited. 2) Documentation demonstrating the overall amount or aggregate minimum required experience in fund of funds management under the terms set forth in clause 6.3 1) of the terms and conditions. 3) Sworn declaration from the bidder on the ability of the latter to advise AXIS in the terms established in the purpose of this contract. 7/18 4) Sworn declaration that a professional team is available for the provision of the services constituting the purpose of this contract as required under clause 6.3. 5)Sworn declaration or other document accrediting the knowledge the bidder is required to have under these terms and conditions regarding the domestic and international market of venture capital managers. 6) Sworn declaration or other document accrediting the knowledge the bidder is required to have regarding current investors, and, where applicable, potential investors in Venture Capital funds and fundraising processes. 7)Sworn declaration or other document accrediting the knowledge the bidder is required to have regarding transactions in the Spanish Venture Capital market. 8) Sworn statement or other document accrediting that the investee management companies have not been sanctioned by the Spanish Securities Market Commission or any other regulatory body. 9) Sworn statement or other document accrediting ownership by the bidder of the computer systems required as a technical capacity requirement. It should detail the characteristics and configurations of the computer system. The contracting authority may require the successful bidder to submit documentation which it deems appropriate in order to verify the authenticity of the documents submitted. 7.6.2.- Envelope B) FINANCIAL BID. This must be presented sealed and signed, and visibly marked “OFERTA ECONÓMICA”. This envelope will only contain the financial bid drawn up in keeping with the following template: “Mr/Ms……………………………………………, holder of ID number ………….., on their own behalf or on behalf of…., with Tax ID number…., as documentarily accredited, is aware of the Procedure for contracting the Services of ADVICE FOR DESIGN, IMPLEMENTATION AND MONITORING OF A FUND OF FUNDS FOR VENTURE CAPITAL FOR AXIS PARTICIPACIONES EMPRESARIALES, SGECR, S.A.U, under the conditions governing the same and in accordance with its contents agrees to take responsibility for providing that service, under the terms and conditions contained in the General terms and Conditions for said Tender, according to the following financial conditions. (without VAT): 8/18 1) A set annual remuneration amounting to XXXXXXX euros 2) A variable annual remuneration consisting of XXXXX% of the total amount invested and/or committed in the funds. 3) In any event, the maximum remuneration may not exceed XXXXX annual Applicable VAT rate: … %. Date and signature of the bidder”. 7.6.3.- Envelope C) TECHNICAL BID This must be presented sealed and signed, and visibly marked “PROPUESTA TÉCNICA”. • Description of the work plan • Description of the team assigned, indicating for each of the members of the team the years' experience in Venture Capital as an investor investing directly in companies and in other venture capital firms and the CVs of the team members, including the number of years' experience of each team member. • Description of the Funds currently under management by the management companies 100% owned by the bidder. Volume Characteristics of the investors Investment policies o o o • o o o o o Description and characteristics of the current portfolio of investee funds managed by the management companies 100% owned by the bidder. Name of the Fund Geographic location. Manager Type of Fund (venture capital, expansion, buy-out, debt, restructuring, other.) Capital invested and total volume of the Fund o Indicate if it is a newly established fund or the acquisition of an existing holding. • Description of the funds analysed in the last two years (last 5 years in the case of funds registered in Spain or those whose investment target is in Spain) by the management companies 100% owned by the bidder, as well as the affiliated managers of the same. 9/18 The contracting authority may require the successful bidder to submit documentation which it deems appropriate in order to verify the authenticity of the documents submitted. 7.7. The aforementioned envelopes will be delivered by hand to AXIS PARTICIPACIONES EMPRESARIALES SGECR, S.AU. at the Registro General de Axis (C/ Los Madrazo 38, 28014, Madrid), from 09:00 to 14:30, Monday to Friday, bye 12 am on june 4, 2013, or, alternatively, by post by the same deadline. In the case of sending by post, before the admission deadline stated in the announcement, the bidder must send a fax containing the remittance receipt for the bid issued by the post office to the contracting authority on fax number 91 532 19 33. No bid will be admitted if said receipt is received by the contracting authority after the admission deadline (date and time) indicated in the announcement has expired. Likewise, bids will not be accepted if, although the communication is received by fax by the deadline, the proposal is not received by AXIS within seven (7) days after the admission deadline indicated in the announcement. For the purposes of the above paragraphs, “admission deadline indicated” refers to the date and time set out in the announcement. 8. CONTRACTING AUTHORITY AND COMMITTEE. AWARD. 8.1. The contracting authority is the CEO of AXIS, as set out in the Internal Contracting Instructions. 8.2. Said authority will be assisted by a Contracting Committee, expressly appointed for said purpose, which will be formed by: Chairman: Director of Operations If not available, the Investment Manager will act as Chair . Members: Investment Manager and Investment Analyst. The youngest member will act as Secretary of the Committee. AWARD 8.3. The Committee will meet prior to the review of the general documents submitted by the bidders and contained in "Envelope A" proceeding to the classification of the documents submitted in a timely manner as per the terms and conditions, in order to 10/18 establish whether or not they meet the legal requirements to enter into contracts with AXIS. The introduction of the financial bid in an envelope other than that expressed, will necessarily imply the disqualification of the bidding company. If AXIS discovers errors or inaccuracies committed in completing the information provided by the bidding company, it will lead to the disqualification of the same from the contracting procedure. However, in the event that the Committee notices material defects in the documentation which should be contained in "Envelope A", a period of three (3) working days will be granted for remedial action to be taken by the bidder. After the opening of envelope A) corresponding to the General Documentation, the members of the Committee shall proceed to open "envelope C" regarding the Technical Bid or Proposal in order to study its contents. In the event that the members of the Committee shall require any explanation on the technical bid presented, they may request the individual bidders concerned for timely clarification of the items in question, granting them a period of three (3) business days to make the clarifications. The Committee shall score the technical bid according to the appraisal criteria contained in paragraph 9.1 The Committee shall retain all the required supporting documentation regarding the contacts that they have maintained with the bidders concerned, keeping minutes of the meetings that may have taken place with representatives of the same, a document which shall be signed by the parties. The general documentation submitted may be returned after the contract is awarded to the interested parties who so request, except that corresponding to the successful bidder which, if there is a material impediment to this, may be replaced by authenticated copies to be kept on file. 8.4. The envelopes for the Financial Bid submitted by the accepted bidders will be opened within 15 days from the closing date for submission of the envelopes. 8.5. Subsequently, the members of the Committee shall proceed to study the bids submitted, awarding the contract to the bidder which obtained the highest score, after applying the appraisal criteria stated in the specifications and in accordance with the provisions of the same. The Contracting Committee will submit the successful bid to the Contracting Authority. 11/18 9.- 8.6. AXIS will alternatively have the power to award the contract to the most financially advantageous bid (as defined in paragraph 3.1. of these terms and conditions) or declare the invitation to tender void as in the cases provided for in section II. 2.2.j) of the AXIS Internal Instructions for Contracting, in any event justifying its resolution. 8.7. The awarding of the contract or the statement that the contracting procedure has been declared void, once agreed by the contracting authority, will be published in the Contractor profile on the AXIS website. The successful bidder shall be notified personally that they have been awarded the contract by the Secretary of the Committee. 8.8. The Contracting Authority will rule on the awarding of the contract within a maximum of ten (10) working days from the date of opening the financial bid envelope. APPRAISAL CRITERIA. 9.1.- The offers will be appraised in accordance with the following criteria: CRITERIA MAXIMUM SCORE Financial appraisal: 50 points Set amount annum) (maximum €400,000 per 20 points Variable amount (maximum of 0.2% per annum of the amount committed* and/or the cumulative investment). 10 points Maximum annual amount: May not exceed € 1.5 million per annum 20 points Technical appraisal: 50 points Work plan 5 points Technical quality of the team assigned (minimum + additional): Years of experience of the entire team in the complete scope of venture capital as an investor (direct investment in companies and funds). C.V. including the number of years of experience of each team member 10 points to the team with the most and proportional to the others according to the formula: 10 x (Number of years bid to appraise/ Number of years of that with most) 10 points Total volume of resources managed at present by its management companies** . 10 points 12/18 10 points to the team that manages the most resources and proportional to the others according to the formula: 10 x (Volume of resources bid to appraise/ Volume of resources of that with most) Number of funds invested in (specifying the name, total volume and investment of the fund of funds) at present by its management companies.** 10 points to the team with the most funds invested and proportional to the others according to the formula: 10 x (Number of funds invested bid to appraise/ Number of funds invested in by that with most) 10 points Number of funds and/or managers analysed (including name) in the past two years by its management companies.** 5 points to the team that has analysed the most funds and/or managers and proportional to the others according to the formula: 5 x (Number of funds and/or managers analysed bid to appraise/ Number of funds analysed in Spain by that with most) 5 points Number of funds registered in Spain or whose investment target is in Spain (including name) analysed in the last five years by their management companies.** 5 points to the team that has analysed the most in Spain and proportional to the others according to the formula: 5 x (Number of funds analysed in Spain bid to appraise/ Number of funds analysed in Spain by that with most) 5 points Types of funds that have been invested in by its management companies** (1 point for each category regardless of the number of funds). Maximum 5 points according to the following segments considered: - Venture Capital - Expansion - Buy Out - Restructuring - Debt - Others 5 points * For the purposes of this specification, the amount or quantity committed is considered the amount approved by the decision-making bodies of AXIS, until the closing date of the fund (which will become the amount invested from that moment). 13/18 ** This refers to the management companies 100% owned by the bidder. The appraisal of the financial bid shall be made in accordance with the following criteria: Set amount Amount of the most advantageous bid € Score: 20 x Amount of the bid to appraise € Variable amount Amount of the most advantageous bid % Score: 10 x Amount of the bid to appraise % Maximum annual amount Amount of the most advantageous bid € Score: 20 x Amount of the bid to appraise € The final appraisal will correspond to the bid with the highest score, calculated on a weighted basis between both scores, corresponding to fifty percent (50%) for the Financial Appraisal and fifty percent (50%) for the Technical Appraisal. 9.2.- In the event of equal scores being attained, preference will be given to the lowest-priced bid. 10.- SIGNING THE CONTRACT. 10.1.- The contract will be signed with the successful bidder within 15 working days from the date the award is notified. 10.2.- The contract shall conform to the provisions of these Terms and Conditions, and failing this, to the provisions of Private Law. 14/18 10.3.- A copy of these Terms and Conditions shall be attached to the formalised contract, which will be signed by the successful bidder as proof of acceptance. Before the contract is signed, the successful bidder must provide individual certificates accrediting that it is up to date with all its tax and Social Security liabilities, as set forth in Royal Decree 1098/2001. Similarly, if the successful bidder should be liable for Business Tax (IAE) it should accredit up to date with this liability by presenting another certificate issued by the relevant body, or if not available, the last receipt for the payment of this tax. Foreigners, whether natural or legal persons, belonging or not Member States of the European Union that do not have tax residence in Spain must submit a certificate issued by a proper authority in the country of origin, accrediting they are up to date with their corresponding tax obligations. Likewise, certification will be required, also issued by the proper authorities, accrediting all social obligations that are required by the country of nationality are currently being complied with and payments are up to date. All documentation listed in this section shall refer to the last twelve months. Similarly, prior to signing the contract, the bidder shall submit to AXIS a current professional indemnity insurance policy covering the bidder against compensation equal to or greater than four hundred thousand euros (400,000 euros). 11.- BUDGET AND PRICE. INVOICING OF SERVICES. 11.1.- Maximum budget. The maximum amount of the budget for the service provided under the contract shall be €1,500,000 per year plus VAT and cannot exceed the maximum amounts for each item specified in clause 9.1 of these terms and conditions. 11.2.- Price. The price will be that submitted by the successful bidder, always within the maximum budget amount. This price shall include all the expenses that could be incurred by the successful bidder to provide the service under contract. 11.3.- Invoicing and payment. 15/18 The invoicing of the fees for the performance of the service under this contract will be as follows: 1.- The set annual remuneration will be quarterly, paid on a pro rate basis. 2.- The variable remuneration shall be paid in an annual payment. Upon presentation to AXIS by the contractor of the invoice specifying the work carried out, AXIS will proceed with payment within thirty calendar days. 12.ENTRY INTO FORCE AND THE DURATION PERIOD OF THE CONTRACT. The provision of services by the successful bidder shall be counted from the date of the signing of the contract, and will have an initial duration of THREE YEARS and may be subject to an express extension formalised in writing of up to three years. 13.- OBLIGATIONS. 13.1.- OBLIGATIONS OF THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER The SUCCESSFUL BIDDER will be obliged to: 13.1.1.- Provide their services with due diligence as per these General Terms and Conditions. 13.1.2.- Exercise maximum discretion while performing the tasks required under this contract. In any event, where applicable, the regulations of the Personal Data Protection Act will be followed, as set forth in Appendix II. 13.1.3.- Have the technical means available and personnel with the precise technical capacity needed to cover the obligations resulting from this contract. The personnel will be the exclusive responsibility of the successful bidder, and therefore it will assume all the rights and duties inherent to an employer, complying with all current provisions regarding labour law, taxes, Social Security and occupational risk prevention. Any breach of these obligations by the successful bidder, or any breach of the security regulations by a member of its personnel, will under no circumstances imply any liability on the part of AXIS. 13.1.4.- The successful bidder shall pay all the taxes and expenses that may result from fulfilling this contract. 16/18 13.1.5.- Accept liability for any damages that may be produced by the successful bidder in the execution of their work, both to AXIS and to third parties. 13.1.6.- Maintain in force during the term of the contract, the insurance referred to in paragraph 10.3 of these terms and conditions, final paragraph. 13.1.7.- Neither the bidder nor its management companies may present themselves as manager or invest their resources in any of the funds in which the Fund of Venture Capital Firms referred to in these Terms and Conditions invests. This prohibition also extends to the managers and/or funds that are advised by the successful bidder. 13.1.8.- In the case that incubator funds are tendered, the successful bidder agrees to make sufficient professional resources available to AXIS with sufficient experience in the field of incubation for implementing the provisions under contract, at no additional cost to AXIS. 13.1.9.- To deliver in the Spanish language, and additionally in English when AXIS deems it necessary, all the documents that the contractor is required to submit to AXIS with as a part of the provision of services under this contract. 13.1.10.- The bidder shall not subcontract to third parties the provision of the services or transfer to third parties the rights and obligations arising from this contract without express written consent from AXIS. 13.2.- OBLIGATIONS OF AXIS. 13.2.1.- AXIS will be obliged to pay, within the period established in paragraph 11.3 above, the price of the services invoiced. 14.- TERMINATION OF THE CONTRACT. Irrespective of the general causes for contract termination, AXIS may terminate the contract for any of the following causes: 14.1.- Deficiencies in service rendering. 14.2.- Falsehood verified by AXIS in the information provided by the successful bidder which had influenced the awarding of the contract. 14.3.- If the successful bidder incurs any of the prohibitions for government contracts set forth in article 60 of the TRLCSP. 17/18 14.4.- Failure of any of the obligations, specifications requirements contained in these Terms and Conditions. or 15.- JURISDICTION This contract procedure is governed by Spanish Private Law. The parties expressly waive any other jurisdiction to which they might be entitled and submit to the Courts of Madrid. 16.- CONFIDENTIALITY. The successful bidder is obliged to keep the strictest confidentiality regarding the information and documentation to be supplied to AXIS. The successful bidder undertakes not to disclose confidential information and not to publish it by any means, either directly or through third parties, or to make it available to third parties without prior written consent from AXIS. Likewise, the successful bidder shall inform their personnel involved in the purpose of this contract of the obligations set forth herein, in particular those relating to confidentiality. AXIS agrees not to disclose the information provided by the bidders that they have designated as confidential. This affects, in particular, technical or trade secrets and the confidential aspects of the bids. The documentation provided by the successful bidder within the scope of the contract shall be freely available and owned by AXIS. Madrid, may 17, 2013 18/18