raw food coach - Karen Knowler

Training Prospectus 2015
For those who are ready to change the world by
promoting the wonders of raw food nutrition and lifestyle
“Karen Knowler is unquestionably leading the
world’s raw food industry to a powerful new
level. If anyone I know was considering a
training program to become a raw food
coach, I would tell them there is no alternative
- you simply MUST train with Karen Knowler.”
- Ali Brown, millionaire entrepreneur coach and Inc. 500 CEO
Is this YOUR time?
Imagine a life where you get to talk about your passion for raw food and all the magic it brings – every
day – and people pay you handsomely for it.
Imagine a day where you work the hours that YOU want to work (although it usually feels like play!),
doing things on your own terms, doing what you love, maybe creating products, programs, coaching
people on the phone, teaching raw food classes, helping people learn what to eat – essentially,
changing people’s lives.
All through sharing your love and knowledge of eating raw food.
It’s possible!
Right now, you have a dream. It may be small, it may already be in the works, but you have it and you
want it more than perhaps anything else.
I know, I’ve been there, and I totally understand the passion and commitment that you have to what
you know to be true.
This is powerful information that we have.
And yet, oftentimes, you may not know exactly how to share it and how to turn your passion into your
vocation – so that you can give up the day job and spend as many waking moments as you choose
turning people on to miracles of raw and living food.
It’s so frustrating…
Conversations with friends, family, colleagues and even strangers about raw food is one thing, but a
conversation is generally all it becomes.
You feel frustrated when they want to know more, but you don’t have any kind of “process” to walk
them through. The best you can come up with is to give them a web site to check out, or a book to
read. And yet all the time, you’re probably wishing that YOU could be the one to teach them, that
YOU could be the one to guide them, that YOU could do what other raw food promoters are doing….
If only you knew how.
There’s only one way
It’s true. There is only ONE way that you can bring your dream to life – the dream of helping people
“go raw”.
And that way is via a raw food business.
Whether it’s small and part-time in your local area, or a full-scale enterprise online, it really doesn’t
matter what you choose. What matters is that YOU have a way to reach people, a way to work with
people, a way to help people…. And to be able to do it over, and over, and over again.
I’m ready – are YOU?
Hi, I’m Karen Knowler. And I am so happy that you’re here to find out more about how to make your dream of
becoming a Raw Food Coach come true.
If you don’t already know me then here’s the most important things you need to know right out the gate:
I was the original Raw Food Coach – (It still feels weird to say that as I was always waiting for someone
else to do it first, but it’s true!) I started coaching people back in the year 2000 while running the UK’s raw
and living foods organisation, The Fresh Network, and was the first person on the planet – as far as I am
aware – to blend raw food know-how with life coaching and personal development to create an amazing
diet, body and life.
I ran The Fresh Network for 8½ years (1998-2007), and during that time taught the UK’s first live raw
food classes, coached raw food newbies, hosted world famous raw food speakers, created the UK’s first
raw food festival which ran for 3 years, co-authored my first book, spoke at raw food events internationally,
appeared live on national TV, Was interviewed by just about every national newspaper and women’s
magazine, created the UK’s first raw food mail order company, created Get Fresh! magazine - and last,
but by no means least, became the proud mother of a gorgeous little boy! (I share the last part with you
because I learned that you CAN have the best of both worlds, and still be a great mum!)
In 2006 I launched TheRawFoodCoach.com by writing eBooks, running classes, offering 1:1 coaching,
and running live group programs. I built this business as a single mother on next to no budget, and still
managed to have more of a reach and impact than I had done via The Fresh Network – and, as a very nice
bonus, I created a six-figure business within my first year.
In 2007 I started training the first ever group of certified Raw Food Coaches at my live residential
trainings in England. In the years that followed I went on to train hundreds more Raw Food Coaches via my
virtual trainings, as well as Raw Food Teachers and other raw food business owners, including how to be
successful online. During this time I also ran 20 different raw food group programs, founded International
Raw Food Day (July 11th) and self-published Raw Food Made Simple – along with working on many
other juicy raw food projects such as 12 Days of Raw Christmas.
In 2012 I became a Hay House author with Eat Right for Your Personality Type. This was a long term
dream of mine and it’s my third book of many!
In 2013 I created and launched the fabulous Go Raw! magazine, which many of my previous and
current students have been featured in to showcase their amazing brilliance.
At this point, I have trained almost 1000 Raw Food Coaches & Teachers worldwide, and am the
Founder and Director of the IARFCCT – the International Association of Raw Food Chefs, Coaches &
As you can see, I have really put a lot of effort into living my dream of being a Raw Food Coach!
However, back when I started at age 25, I really had no clue what to do first, where any of
it would lead to, or how it would all turn out. I simply took one small step forward at a time,
and inch-by-inch my confidence and experience grew, until things started happening, and
finally I forgot how nervous and unsure I was at the beginning. In short, I let my passion
and commitment override anything else that might have otherwise held me back.
My journey to being a Raw Food Coach was not at all planned, but it truly couldn’t have
been any more rewarding and fulfilling.
Copyright © 2014-15 The Raw Food Coach Ltd. All Rights Reserved. | www.RawCoachTraining.com
The 3 things you REALLY need to
know right now…
People are more open to going raw now (as well as enjoying juicing, detoxing
and upgrading their quality of live overall) than ever before. Literally BILLIONS of
dollars are being spent every year in the diet/health food industry by those who
are looking for a better way, and that number is consistently increasing.
YOU already know how to help these people. You’ve done it. You love it!
You KNOW how! You just need to get your “stuff” together and find a way to get
it out into the world in a way that people can actually USE.
I know exactly how to help you do that. I’ve done it personally, and I’ve
helped hundreds of others to do it too.
Would you like to find out more about how to
create the Raw Food Coaching business that
you dream of?
Turn the page if you’re ready to find out what I’ve
created for you…
This is the moment you and I have both been waiting for! The unveiling of the Raw Coach
Training 2015.
This is for sure the most amazing Raw Food Coach Training I have ever created.
The Raw Coach Training 2015 comprises of the best content from all of my previous Raw Coach
Trainings (there have been four different trainings since they started in 2007) and it also comes with
some truly fantastic features and bonuses that will be invaluable to you in your business.
Before the big reveal it is important to know that I have created 3 LEVELS for you to choose from.
Here are the 3 different options to choose from within the Raw Coach Training 2015:
LEVEL 1: The ESSENTIAL Raw Food Coach
LEVEL 2: The COMMITTED Raw Food Coach
LEVEL 3: The STAR PLAYER Raw Food Coach
On the following pages you can read about each level.
You will know which one is right for you in a heartbeat.
And if you change your mind later and wish to upgrade at any time, then we’ll make it easy for you to
do so.
Copyright © 2014-15 The Raw Food Coach Ltd. All Rights Reserved. | www.RawCoachTraining.com
LEVEL 1: The ESSENTIAL Raw Food Coach
This is for you if:
You’re brand new to raw food coaching, or want to make sure that you know all of the important
You want a firm foundation on which to build
You know that you want to help people but are not yet ready to get into the creating a web site and the
internet marketing side of things – you want to start locally and/or small scale
What you receive
18 info-packed Raw Coach Training Modules covering all of the need-to-know information to be a
great coach, get your business started and how to fill your practice
(See page 9 for a complete listing of the Raw Coach Training 2015 modules)
2 invaluable recordings of Karen Knowler conducting real-life raw coaching sessions with real
case studies to illustrate how to coach clients on multiple levels
“How to Get Your First 3 Trial or Fee-Paying Clients” training – your step-by-step guide to bringing
your first (or next) three clients into your business
Complimentary membership to the IARFCCT until 30 September, 2015 – this includes additional
business building bonuses and 2x 1 hour Q&A calls every month – excluding August 2015, where we have
one Q&A call.
Access to an exclusive Raw Coach Training 2015 Facebook group
An opportunity to buddy-up with one of your RCT2015 colleagues for coaching meetings and practise –
grow your confidence together and share in the fun!
“Raw Food Made Simple: 8 Simple Steps to a Vibrant New You” – access to Karen’s best-selling
home study program in its virtual form.
A full virtual training in the “What Type of Raw Food Eater Are You?” system + the opportunity to
be certified in this program to use with your own clients (NB: If you go for certification with this to use with
your own clients there is a separate paid-for licensing agreement as part of this)
The opportunity to take the end of training exam to receive a certification as a Successfully Raw Raw
Food Coach
Program starts and completes
Starts: The moment you sign up
Ends: Thursday 30 September 2015
Investment options
Please see www.RawCoachTraining.com for details of the pay-in-full and instalment option for all levels of training.
Copyright © 2014-15 The Raw Food Coach Ltd. All Rights Reserved. | www.RawCoachTraining.com
LEVEL 2: The COMMITTED Raw Food Coach
This is for you if:
You’re at any stage of your raw food coaching journey – you just know that you want to be as good
as you can be, as quickly as possible!
You are ready to move and just need the right help to do so – you’ve been waiting for this moment and
you’re ready to grab it with both hands
You LOVE the internet and can’t wait to create your own web site, or to dramatically improve the online
presence that you already have
What you receive
18 info-packed Raw Coach Training Modules covering all of the need-to-know information to be a
great coach, get your business started, and how to fill your practice
2 invaluable recordings of Karen Knowler conducting real-life raw coaching sessions with real
case studies to illustrate how to coach clients on multiple levels
4 ADVANCED Raw Coach Training Modules covering: How to Create Proprietary Content & Materials;
How to Create and Run VIP Days; How to Create Coaching Programs & Packages; How to Create Your
“Magic Fountain”.
(See page 9 for a complete listing of the Raw Coach Training 2015 modules)
Complete and immediate access to “Prepare for Lift-Off!” – THE definitive home-study training for
niching, branding and setting yourself up for long term success online (see www.prepareforliftofftraining.com
for full details)
“Coach on the Couch” – a total of 7x 1-hour coaching calls with Karen (1 per month starting February
2015 and excepting August) where YOU the coach can get your raw-related issues addressed, or those
affecting your clients, so that you know how to coach around specific questions and scenarios. Truly
“How to Get Your First 3 Trial or Fee-Paying Clients” training – your step-by-step guide to bringing
your first (or next) three clients into your business
Complimentary membership to the IARFCCT until 29 October, 2015 – this includes additional
business building bonuses and 2x 1 hour Q&A calls every month – excluding August 2015, where we have
one Q&A call.
Access to an exclusive Raw Coach Training 2015 Facebook group
An opportunity to buddy-up with one of your RCT2015 colleagues for coaching meetings and practise –
grow your confidence together and share in the fun!
“Raw Food Made Simple: 8 Simple Steps to a Vibrant New You” – access to Karen’s best-selling
home study program in its virtual form.
A full virtual training in the “What Type of Raw Food Eater Are You?” system + the opportunity to
be certified in this program to use with your own clients (NB: If you go for certification with this to use with
your own clients there is a separate paid-for licensing agreement as part of this)
The opportunity to take the end of training exam to receive a certification as a Successfully Raw Raw
Food Coach + a certificate of completion of the Raw Coach Training 2015
Program starts and completes
Starts: The moment you sign up
Ends: Thursday 29 October 2015
Investment options
Please see www.RawCoachTraining.com for details of the pay-in-full and instalment option for all levels of training.
Copyright © 2014-15 The Raw Food Coach Ltd. All Rights Reserved. | www.RawCoachTraining.com
LEVEL 3: The STAR PLAYER Raw Food Coach
This is for you if:
You are already raw food coaching, you LOVE it, you’ve been doing it solidly for at least one year, and
you know that it’s what you were put on this earth to do
You’ve already achieved great things, you’re successful, you’re online, you’ve a lot to be proud of, and
you know that you are ready for a whole lot more – both for your own personal rewards and fulfilment, and
just as importantly, to create an even bigger impact than you’ve done so far – you’re looking at your legacy
You want that extra level of insight, support and guidance from someone who has already walked
the path that you are on. You know that this is a crucial piece for you and you are looking for the ultimate
guidance on creating your bigger picture game plan and getting the push that you need
What you receive
EVERYTHING included in Level 2 (see page 7 for complete listing)
Immediate access to “Online Groups Training Intensive”
– see www.OnlineGroupsTrainingIntensive.com for full details of this amazing home-study program that
which will teach you step-by-step how to run GROUP coaching programs
Full and complete access to “The High Vibrational Business Foundations + Fireworks”
See www.FoundationsAndFireworks.com for full details of this live and interactive business training
program which starts in January 2015. You receive all benefits except the 1:1 coaching calls that fall as
part of the VIP level (your 1:1 coaching calls are geared specifically to your raw food business, see below.)
3x private 1:1 coaching hours with Karen Knowler – to be taken as required at a mutually suitable
time between Monday 8 February 2015 and Thursday 29 October 2015.
The guaranteed opportunity to be one of our featured experts in “International Raw Food Day
Online Giveaway 2015” – an awesome opportunity to rapidly grow your list by hundreds, if not thousands
of new raw food enthusiasts
“Raw Food Made Simple: 8 Simple Steps to a Vibrant New You” – access to Karen’s best-selling
home study program in its virtual form.
A full virtual training in the “What Type of Raw Food Eater Are You?” system + the opportunity to
be certified in this program to use with your own clients (NB: If you go for certification with this to use with
your own clients there is a separate paid-for licensing agreement as part of this)
The opportunity to take the end of training exams to receive a certification as a Successfully Raw
Raw Food Coach + a certificate of completion of the Raw Coach Training 2015 + Karen Knowler Endorsed
Master Raw Food Coach + certificate of completion of Online Groups Training. Take as few or as many of
these four exams as you desire.
Program starts and completes
Starts: The moment you sign up
Ends: Thursday 29 October 2015
Investment options
Please see www.RawCoachTraining.com for details of the pay-in-full and instalment option for all levels of training.
Copyright © 2014-15 The Raw Food Coach Ltd. All Rights Reserved. | www.RawCoachTraining.com
The Raw Coach Training 2015 Training Modules
All ESSENTIAL Raw Food Coaches receive Modules 1-18 inclusive, delivered 2 per month,
with Module 1 available immediately and Module 2 uploaded on 21 January 2015.
All COMMITTED Raw Food Coaches receive Modules 1-22 inclusive, delivered 2 per month,
with Module 1 available immediately and Module 2 uploaded on 21 January 2015.
All STAR PLAYER Raw Food Coaches receive Modules 1-22 inclusive, delivered 2 per month,
with Module 1 available immediately and Module 2 uploaded on 21 January 2015.
See www.RawCoachTraining.com for a full breakdown of what you receive as part of each Training Module.
How to Run a Successful Coaching Business & Practice
Going Raw and The Raw Food Journey
Who are Your Ideal Clients?
How to Introduce People to Raw Foods
Different Approaches to Coaching – What’s Your Style?
How to Be a Great Raw Food Coach
How to Attract Coaching Clients to Your Business & Convert Them to Paying Clients
Complimentary Calls & Free Sessions
How to Create & Run Awesome “Discovery Sessions”
10 Client Questionnaires & Coaching Forms
11 How to Get Clients Started on Raw Foods
12 How to Help Clients Stay Successful on Raw Foods
13 How to Move Clients Through Emotional Detox
14 How to Move Clients Into Raw Magic & Mastery
15 How to Coach Clients Over the Phone
16 How to Coach Clients Face-to-Face
17 How to Market & Fill Your Practice
18 How to Take Care of Administration
19 How to Create Proprietary Content & Materials
20 How to Create & Run “VIP Days”
21 How to Create Coaching Programs & Packages
22 How to Create Your “Magic Fountain”
Copyright © 2014-15 The Raw Food Coach Ltd. All Rights Reserved. | www.RawCoachTraining.com
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