Seville Teaching Appointment (Verano 2017, Otoño 2017, Primavera 2018) This teaching appointment is a good opportunity for graduate students to experience teaching in a study abroad context. Unlike on-campus teaching, study abroad involves having a sound teaching experience, understanding students’ needs when living abroad, raising students’ cultural awareness, providing a successful and long-lasting experience while learning the language and culture of Spain, and working well and respectfully with students and personnel in the Seville campus. This study abroad program is a very important language experience for the Spanish program, and one which the Spanish faculty wants to preserve and expand. This teaching appointment is the result of a highly competitive application process and reserved only for graduate students who demonstrate that they can work well in the Seville campus. For this reason, after the forms are received, the Spanish faculty as a whole discusses all the candidates, votes, and agrees on the top candidates. The faculty discusses the following areas: • Status in the program: ABDs have a better chance to obtain the position, but only if the student can successfully fulfill the other areas (see below) that are also evaluated. • Excellent teaching skills: students’ evaluations, teaching observations, ability to teach only in Spanish, being able to promote communicative interactions in the classroom, impartiality when providing grades, professional conduct with students (not fraternizing with students). • Good academic standing: grades, showing seriousness in studies and in the MA/PhD courses, progressing successfully during her/his program and dissertation, etc. • Good citizenship: works well and respectfully with others—meaning professors, colleagues, coordination team, director of Spanish-lower courses, and other departmental administrative personnel. • Complete the form in a professional manner: complete sentences (no run-on sentences), providing clear statements and reasons for being in the Seville campus. Seville Teaching Appointment (Verano 2017, Otoño 2017, Primavera 2018) FORM Nombre: ______________________________________ 1. Marcar la información correcta ________ Estoy completando los cursos para mi MA ________ Estoy completando los cursos para mi Ph. D ________ Cursos completos (ABD) 2. Marcar la información correcta. Éste es mi… ________ Primer semestre ________ Segundo semestre _______ Tercer semestre ________ Cuarto semestre ________ Quinto semestre ________ Sexto semestre ________ ------ semestre. Explicar, ______________________________ 3. Me interesa ir a Sevilla (enumerar por orden de preferencia, 1, 2, etc.) ________ Verano 2017 ________ Otoño 2017 ________ Primavera 2018 4. Razones por las que quiero ir a Sevilla (150 palabras) 5. Razones por las que solicito el semestre X (75 palabras) 6. Durante mi estancia en Sevilla (50 palabras): como ABD haré la siguiente investigación… como no soy ABD, haré la siguiente investigación con los cursos de 7000… 7. ¿Cuáles han sido tus logros académicos hasta este momento (ej. Presentaciones en conferencias, proyectos de investigación, publicaciones, etc.)? Enviar por email esta información a la Dra. Elola para el 10 de septiembre a las 10:00 p.m.