ESCUELA DE CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACIÓN 551019 – Language Forms and Functions Activity Guide Collaborative Task U1 March 3rd 2015 ACTIVITY GUIDE Course: Language Forms and Functions Code: 551019 Topic: Language Forms Prezi Presentation Learning Strategy: Collaborative Timeline: March 3rd 2015 to March 28th 2015 Score: 100 points FORMATIVE INTENTION: In this academic guide you will find the instructions for your Collaborative Task U1: Make a Prezi presentation or a similar online presentation. The assignment will be graded according to the EVALUATION RUBRIC taking into account the strict adherence to what is required in each one of the activities described in this guide. APPROACH: The activity focuses on the Task Based Language Learning (TBLL). The task is used by the student in order to master some concepts. PURPOSE: The development of this activity will allow the interaction of the students in the small collaborative group and promote the analysis of the course contents to complete first individual and then group work so that to encourage team work and group agreement. COMPETENCES: The students argue the existing parameters with respect to characteristics of the Language Functions, and their effect in their Language learning Process in order to unify precise criteria by putting into consideration a series of contributions in collaborative work. Communicative Competences: Students argue and appropriate concepts and definitions related to Language Forms, Language Learning and its challenges. DESCRIPTION: This activity has been designed in order to verify your understanding and comprehension of the topics in your Language Forms and Functions course. Here as a group the students agree on the top three more difficult topics of the English Language Forms for them as learners from the ones discussed in the e-book used corresponding to Unit1. Designed by Cenaida R. Alvis B. et all. 1 ESCUELA DE CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACIÓN 551019 – Language Forms and Functions Activity Guide Collaborative Task U1 March 3rd 2015 BACKGROUND KNOWLEDGE: 1. Review the course material and write your personal summary of the three most difficult aspects from the ones that appear in the first e-book “The nature of language”. Include the three main topics and most relevant information related to why they are difficult for you as a learner. INSTRUCTIONS: PART A. INDIVIDUAL WORK: 1. Post those impression in the forum to generate an academic discussion. 2. Post your first individual contribution before March 5th so others students can comment your participation on time. PART B. GROUP WORK: 3. Discuss and give feedback to all your e-mates’ contributions (at least 50 words). Think about the nature of your comments and the final outcome of the activity. 4. As a group decide and agree on the make the top three more difficult topics from those discussed previously to be sent as the final product for this collaborative task. LEARNING STRATEGY Decide and divide the role each member of the group is going to have. Each student has to share their individual contribution in the forum Collaborative Task1 available in the Collaborative Environment. This forum will allow the interaction of all members of the small collaborative group and the strengthening of group skills. Each student has to work individually to upload their work to the corresponding forum: Collaborative Task1 Submit your first individual contribution before March 6h 2015. Select the three most difficult Topics to learn for all members of the group based on Designed by Cenaida R. Alvis B. et all. 2 ESCUELA DE CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACIÓN 551019 – Language Forms and Functions Activity Guide Collaborative Task U1 March 3rd 2015 your discussions and reflections about each one. Offer teaching possibilities to help learners with those difficult topics. The Group Leader uploads a PDF (or word) document with the LINK (making sure it can be opened, so send ID/password if required) to the presentation through the Evaluation Environment, according to the directions in this activity guide. STEPS TO FOLLOW TO DO THIS TASK: • Read this activity guide carefully and thoroughly so you can complete this task on time and get excellent results. • Send the link to your presentation. • The final product has to be sent in PDF format. Name your final product: CollaborativeTask1_GroupNumber.pdf. Example: CollaborativeTask1_Group10.pdf • Participate in the forum at least three (3) times: introduce yourself, share your work and give an opinion about your e-mates’ contributions. Remember to write at least 50 words in your comments. III. CONTENT CRITERIA 1. Students who are not actively involved in this collaborative assignment, will automatically get a zero (0.0) as score for this activity. 2. The socialization of the contributions to be shared in the assigned forum and the submission of the final product on time will be assessed in the evaluation rubric. 3. Students submitting products from other classmates, get a zero (0.0) as score. Designed by Cenaida R. Alvis B. et all. 3 as a plagiary will ESCUELA DE CIENCIAS DE LA EDUCACIÓN 551019 – Language Forms and Functions Activity Guide Collaborative Task U1 March 3rd 2015 4. Assignments will be graded according to the Evaluation Rubric. IV. FINAL PRODUCT: A Prezi (or similar) Presentation that the Group Leader uploads a PDF (or word) document with the LINK (making sure it can be opened, so send ID/password if required) to the presentation through the Evaluation Environment, according to the directions in this activity guide. V. APA GUIDELINES: You have to follow these guidelines at all times, as expressed by the university: Hace alusión a los criterios de formales para la presentación del documento escrito y los cuales se recomiendan incorporar en la rúbrica de evaluación. Son los siguientes: (Tomados de la norma APA, versión 3 en Español como traducción de la versión 6 en Inglés) Se espera que los estudiantes realicen paso a paso cada una de los paso/componente presentados anteriormente y que entreguen un solo informe de manera grupal desde los siguientes criterios (1) Editor de texto MS Word para Windows (2) Fuente: Times New Roman (3) Tamaño fuente: 12 (4) Espacio entre líneas (2). (5) Márgenes: izquierda, derecha, superior e inferior de 2,56 cm. (6) Títulos en la fuente, tamaño 12 y centrado. (7) Subtítulos en cursiva, tamaño 12, espacio 2 y alineado al margen izquierdo. (8) Registre todas las referencias de las fuentes bibliográficas, cibergráficas y hemerográficas que le darán soporte teórico, conceptual y metodológico a su trabajo de investigación. (9) El trabajo debe presentarse acorde al formato tanto individual como grupal entregado en anexos. No se debe presentar en formato PDF, ya que no permite la información de retorno por parte del docente. RESOURCES: Course Agenda. e-book Designed by Cenaida R. Alvis B. et all. 4