Integration of water production into the forest management. Multi

Water and Land
1. Land Use Planning, Forest Cover and Afforestation
Integration of water production into the forest management.
Multi-functionality and prerequisites
Leopoldo Rojo Serrano
Zaragoza, June 17, 2008
• Convención de las Naciones Unidas de Lucha contra la
Desertificación (CNULD)
• Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas sobre el
Cambio Climático(CMNUCC)
• Convención sobre la Biodiversidad (CBD)
Tres perspectivas de una misma realidad:
Desertificación: La CNULD ratifica los esfuerzos y
realizaciones de España en la restauración de nuestros
España ha sido un paradigma de la restauración forestal: 3,5
millones de has se restauraron entre 1941-1981. De ellas, al
menos 2 millones lo fueron con la finalidad de proteger el
suelo y el agua.
Zaragoza, June 17, 2008
Ejemplos de Actuaciones para la Restauración
de la Cubierta Vegetal
Vista de la cabecera del río Espuña en la
actualidad. Han pasado 110 años entre estas dos
imágenes: la Sierra de Espuña es uno de los
Parques Naturales más emblemáticos de la
Región de Murcia. Fuente: Ministerio de Medio
Ambiente - Foto inferior: J. Nicolás
Zaragoza, June 17, 2008
Ejemplo de Actuaciones para la Defensa de
Embalse de Cijara en el término municipal de Herrera
del Duque (Badajoz). En ambas fotografías se
observan las mismas laderas vertientes al vaso del
embalse antes y después de su repoblación con el
resultado de una clara disminución de los sedimentos
aportados al embalse.
Foto Sup: P.F.E. de Badajoz, 1957. Foto Inf: Javier Chamorro
Benito, 2002. Fuente: Ministerio de Medio Amb iente
Zaragoza, June 17, 2008
1. Diagnóstico
2. Metodología
3. Coordinación de Políticas
4. Acciones específicas
1. Sistema integrado de evaluación y vigilancia de la desertificación
2. Análisis, divulgación y explotación de resultados de programas de
investigación, desarrollo e innovación tecnológica sobre desertificación.
3. Incorporación de los sectores sociales afectados al desarrollo del PAND
4. Restauración Hidrológico-Forestal de Cuencas.
5. Fomento de la gestión sostenible de los recursos naturales en zonas afectadas
por la desertificación.
Zaragoza, June 17, 2008
Zaragoza, June 17, 2008
The Complex Hillslope Hydrological Cycle
Zaragoza, June 17, 2008
Water flow type and residence time in the watershed
Zaragoza, June 17 2008
Forest cover and water quantity form experimental evidence
Zaragoza, June 17, 2008
Integration of water production into the forest management. Multi­
functionality and prerequisites
• When speaking of forest influence on water is essential to clarify
which attribute of water: quantity, quality and regime, under
• Eureka!!!! After those experimental evidences we have found out the
solution: Spread and cover of concrete the basins, as I saw in Kitt
Peak Nat Observatory Az USA, and will get water to meet worst
• Forests are Multi-functional entities which have to meet diverse
demands, such as, ecological, (hydrological),economical, cultural,
productive, protective, recreational, scientific, landscape, game,
wildlife,…. Which have to be harmonized
• Forests are essential to protect water quality and soil. Riparian
zones are key to protect water.
Zaragoza, June 17, 2008
E (Hm3) = Ni q (m3/sg) - a ki
Zaragoza, June 17, 2008
Forest management oriented to water production. Some
orientations to consider (from USFS ¨NED¨¨)
• Minimal management unit 20 ha. All the stands adyacent to water,
wetlands or riparian buffer should meet:
Evergreen species should comprise less than 70% of basal area
Relative density of overstory should be less than 70%
If stand is in the seedling size class, relative density should be less than
30% and sprouts should comprise less than 30% stand
• Treatments may include:
Reducing stand stocking to below 70% relative density
Using short rotations
Encouraging hardwood species
Encouraging regeneration from seedlings
Zaragoza, June 17, 2008
Integration of water production into the forest management. Multi­
functionality and prerequisites
Incorporating water production goals in forest management might be a
reality under critical circumstances at local scale
Such alternative states strict prerequisites about persistency and
diversity of forest and the protection of soil and water quality
Capacity of forests to built soil and foster infiltration as a first step to
increase base flow, the authentic usable water, should be assessed
Multi-functionality of forests and increasing public appreciation of their
natural values have led productive silviculture to a secondary stage. It
is unlikely to see forests deeply transformed for water production.
Other options are wise, like the reduction of water losses in distribution
Increase of water production is nevertheless compatible in most cases,
and the production of high quality water will remain as a central
concept in forest Management.
Zaragoza, June 17, 2008
Natural Beauty of forests should be preserved for ever…
Thank you!
Zaragoza, June 17, 2008