Santiago, 25 de noviembre de 2015 REF.: Cancela inscripción en Bolsa a “El Tigre Silver Corp” (TIGCL). _____________________________ COMUNICACION INTERNA N° 12.952 Señor Corredor: Cumplo con informar a usted, que hoy miércoles 25 de noviembre de 2015 la Bolsa de Comercio de Santiago ha procedido a cancelar la inscripción en el Mercado de Valores Extranjeros de la sociedad anónima canadiense denominada “El Tigre Silver Corp” (TIGCL), en atención a que mediante carta de fecha 25 de noviembre de 2015, que se adjunta, dicha sociedad solicitó formalmente su deslistamiento en esta Bolsa, en atención a que la compañía Oceanus Resources Corporation adquirió la totalidad de las acciones ordinarias emitidas y en circulación de El Tigre Silver Corp, pasando esta última a ser subsidiaria y de propiedad total de la primera. Saluda atentamente a usted, BOLSA DE COMERCIO DE SANTIAGO BOLSA DE VALORES Juan C. Ponce Hidalgo GERENTE DE OPERACIONES Adj.: lo indicado JCR/ Cielim.202 VIA EMAIL AND COURIER Santiago Stock Exchange, Venture (the “Exchange”) La Bolsa 64 Santiago Región Metropolitana Chile Attention: Macarena Ahumada Aldea, Área Emisores November 25, 2015 Dear Ms. Aldea: Re: El Tigre Silver Corp. (“El Tigre”) - Request to Delist from the Exchange Background On November 13, 2015, pursuant to a court-approved plan of arrangement (the “Arrangement”) under the provisions of the Business Corporations Act (British Columbia), Oceanus Resources Corporation (“Oceanus”) acquired all of the issued and outstanding common shares of El Tigre (the “El Tigre Shares”) in exchange for 0.2839 of one common share of Oceanus. In connection with the Arrangement, “in-the-money” warrants and stock options to purchase El Tigre Shares were transferred to El Tigre in exchange for that number of El Tigre Shares as was equal to the value of the “in-the-money” amount of the warrant or option, and such El Tigre Shares so issued were subsequently treated as per the remainder of the outstanding El Tigre Shares in the Arrangement. Outstanding El Tigre warrants and options that were not “in-themoney” were cancelled. As a result of the Arrangement, which became effective on November 13, 2015, El Tigre is now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Oceanus. Applications have been made to delist the El Tigre Shares from each other stock exchange or quotation system on which they were traded, including El Tigre’s main listing on the TSX Venture Exchange. Therefore, this letter is to request that the Exchange delist the shares of El Tigre, which traded under the symbol “TIGCL”, from the Exchange, forthwith.