CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL This is to certify that the Quality Management System of: Rockwood Litio Ltda. Panamericana Norte Km 1357. Lotes 1 y 2 Sector La Negra. Antofagasta - Chile has been approved by Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance to the following Quality Management System Standards: ISO 9001 :2008 The Quality Management System is applicable to: Production of Lithium Carbonate from Brine Production and Sales of Potassium Chloride technical grade. This certificate is valid only in association with the certificate schedule bearing the same number on which the locations applicable to this approval are listed. Approval Certificate Original Approval: 29 May 1998 Current Certificate: 29 May 2013 No: SAC 0703008 Certificate Expiry: 28 May 2016 O~ Issued by: L1oyd's ~America Limited on behalf L1oyd's Register Quality Assurance Limited ~ U KAS MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 001 This document is subject to the provision on the reverse Blanco 625, of. 112, Valparaíso, Chile For and on behalf of 71 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 4BS United Kingdom. This approval is carried out in accordance with the LRQA assessment and certilication procedures and monitored by LRQA. The use 01 the UKAS Accreditation Mark indicates Accreditation in respect 01 those activities covered by the Accreditation Certilicate Number 001 Macro RemlOro 13 CERTIFICATE SCHEDULE Rockwood Litio Limitada Panamericana Norte Km 1357. Lotes 1 y 2 Sector La Negra Antofagasta - Chile locations Activities Planta Química La Negra. Panamericana Norte Km 1357, Lotes 1 y 2 Sector La Negra, Antofagasta - Chile Production, Quality Control Laboratory, Purchase, Maintenance, Warehouse, Human Resourses and Dispatch. Planta Salar. Salar de Atacama. Región de Antofagasta Production, Quality Control Laboratory, Purchase, Maintenance, Warehouse, Human Resourses and Dispatch. - Chile Sales and Management. Oficina Santiago. Isidora Goyenechea N° 3162, Of 202, Las Condes - Santiago Approval Certificate Original Approval: 29 May 1998 Current Certificate: 29 May 2013 No: SAC 0703008 Certificate Expiry: 28 May 2016 \~ Page 1 of 1 ~ U KAS MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS 001 Approval Certificate No: SAC 0703008 This document is subject to the provision on the reverse Blanco 625, of. 112, Valparaíso, Chile For and on behalf of 71 Fenchurch Street, London EC3M 4BS United Kingdom. This approval is carried out in accordance with the LRQA assessment and certification procedures and monitored by LRQA. The use 01 the UKAS Accreditation Mark indicates Accreditation in respect 01 those activities covered by the Accreditation Certilicate Number 001 Macro Remiofl 13