YEAR OF MERCY JUBILEE FOR CATECHISTS “ANNOUNCING THE MERCY OF GOD” SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2016 12 p.m. Mass Celebrant - Most Reverend John J. Myers, Archbishop of Newark Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart 85 Ridge Street, Newark, NJ 07104 On September 25th, Pope Francis will join with catechists from around the world to celebrate the Jubilee for Catechists in Rome. The Catechetical Office of the Archdiocese of Newark invites all Parish Catechetical Leaders (PCLs) and catechists of children, families, and adults from every parish to this special mass. All PCLs will be recognized formally by Archbishop Myers as we join Pope Francis in celebrating the catechetical ministry. Please mark your calendars. “WHO ARE CATECHISTS? THEY ARE PEOPLE WHO KEEP THE MEMORY OF GOD ALIVE; THEY KEEP IT ALIVE IN THEMSELVES AND THEY ARE ABLE TO REVIVE IT IN OTHERS.” (Holy Mass on the Occasion of the ‘Day for Catechists’ during the Year of Faith, Homily of Holy Father, Pope Francis, September 29, 2013) Spanish Flyer Follows AÑO DE LA MISERICORDIA JUBILEO DE CATEQUISTAS “ANUNCIANDO LA MISERICORDIA DE DIOS” DOMINGO, SEPTIEMBRE 25, 2016 12 p.m. Misa Celebrante – Su Excelencia Reverendisima John J. Myers, Arzobispo de Newark Catedral Basilica del Sagrado Corazón 85 Ridge Street, Newark, NJ 07104 El 25 de Septiembre, El Papa Francisco se unirá a los catequistas de todo el mundo para celebrar el Jubileo de Catequistas en Roma. La Oficina de Catequesis de la Arquidiócesis de Newark invita a todos Líderes Parroquiales de Catequesis (PCLs) catequistas de niños, familias , y adultos de todas las parroquias a esta misa especial Todos los Líderes Parroquiales de Catequesis (PCL) serán reconocidos Formalmente por el Arzobispo John J Myers, uniéndonos al Papa Francisco en esta celebración del Ministerio de la Catequesis Por favor, marque su calendario “WHO ARE CATECHISTS? THEY ARE PEOPLE WHO KEEP THE MEMORY OF GOD ALIVE; THEY KEEP IT ALIVE IN THEMSELVES AND THEY ARE ABLE TO REVIVE IT IN OTHERS.” (Holy Mass on the Occasion of the ‘Day for Catechists’ during the Year of Faith, Homily of Holy Father, Pope Francis, September 29, 2013)