Limnol. Oceanogr.. 36(8), 1991,1756-1771 0 1991, by the American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, Inc. Minimum iron require.ments of marine plhytoplankton and the implications for the biogeochemical control of new production Larry E. Brand LJniversity of Miami, RSMAS, 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Florida 33 149 Abstract The Fe : PO., ratio at which nutrient limitation of final cell yield shifts from one nutrient to the other was determined for 22 species of marine phytoplankton. Among eucaryotic phytoplankton, coastal species have subsistence optimum Fe: P molar ratios of lo-* to 10-3.1, but most oceanic species have ratios of < 1O--4,indicating that oceanic species have been able to adapt their biochemical composition to the low availability of Fe in the open ocean. In contrast, both coastal and oceanic species of cyanobacteria have relatively high Fe : P molar ratio requirements, ranging from 1O-1.4to 1O-2.7.A simple comparison of these requirement ratios with the ratios of the Fe and PO, fluxes to the photic zone from deep water and the atmosphere indicates that new production of cyanobacterial biomass is Fe limited, but new production of eucaryotic algal biomass is not. Because of the large differences among species in their Fe requirements, especially between procaryotes and eucaryotes, changes in the relative inputs of Fe and PO, to the photic zone are expected to lead to changes in the species composition of phytoplankton communities. Indeed, the ratio of atmospheric to deep-water inputs of nutrients and the resulting Fe : P input ratios appear to influence the relative abundance of unicellular cyanobacteria and Trichodesmium and their vertical and biogeographic distributions. Because some phytoplanlcton species have adaptations that reduce their dependence on combined N and Fe but not on P, it is concluded that PO, is the ultimate limiting nutrient of new production of organic C on a geochemical and evolutionary time scale, even though N and Fe are important growth rate-limiling nutrients on an ecological time scale. What controls the rate of new production of organic C in the ocean is of great interest because of its influence on atmospheric 0, and C02, sedimentation and organic burial, and fisheries. One of the first to consider the geochemical control of new production in the ocean, Redfield (195 8) conducted a gedanken experiment in which he compared the ratio of NO3 to PO, in deep water with the ratio of N to P in marine biota and asked which nutrient would be depleted first by the biota if the deep water was upwelled into the photic zone. At that time,, trace metals were not generally considered as important limiting nutrients because of the high concentrations observed in the ocean as a result of inadequate techniques and serious contamination problems. As a result of greatly improved techniques, we now know that many trace metals are present in the ocean Acknowledgments This research has benefited greatly from discussions with Bill Sunda and Bob Guillard. An earlier draft was improved by comments from Nicholas Fisher, Francois Morel, Sallie Chisholm, and an anonymous reviewer. The work was partially supported by NSF grant OCE 84-08672. at extremely low concentrations (Bruland 1983). We now have sufficient data to once again conduct Redfield’s gedanken experiment, but this time to also consider Fe, Zn, Mn, and Cu as potentially limiting nutrients. Martin et al. (1976), Collier and Edmond (1984), and Moore et al. (1984) used clean techniques to measure the trace element composition of plankton collected with nets with mesh sizes ranging from 44 to 76 pm. Wallace et al. (1977) measured the trace element composition of particulate matter in the photic zone collected with 0.4~pm filters. These particulate elemental ratios along with dissolved deep-water nutrient concentrations are shown in Table 1. Similar comparisons have been presented by Brand (1986). The higher trace metal concentrations relative to P in the particles analyzed by Wallace et al. (1977) probably reflect the considerably smaller size fraction collected. It is suspected that some of the material was ino:rganic and that the larger particles collected with plankton nets in the other studies may more accurately reflect the composition 0.f living organisms. Estimates of the nutrient ratios entering the photic zone 1756 Minimum 1757 iron reqvirements Table 1. Nutrient ratios of plankton and deep water. P Fe Plankton elemental composition (molar ratios normalized to P) Martin et al. 1976, 64qm net (station 78) 1 4.2 x 1O-3 Collier and Edmond 1984, 44-pm net 1 10-2 Moore et al. 1984, 76-pm net 1 1.2 x 10-2 Wallace et al. 1977, 0.4~pm filter (station 5, normalized to N, assuming N : P = 16) 5.1 x 10-2 Rough avg (t’ 10-2 Dissolved nutrients in deep water (molar concn) Atlantic Ocean Bruland and Franks 1983 1.2x 10-h Symes and Kester 1985 2 x 10-g Pacific Ocean Bruland and Franks 1983 2.7 x 1O-6 Gordon et al. 1982 10 9 Molar ratios of dissolved nutrients in deep water (normalized to P) Atlantic 1 1.7 x 10-3 Pacific 1 3.7x10-4 based on the deep-water nutrient concentrations (Table 1) are only rough approximations because the actual source of nutrients for new production is from the pycnocline just below the photic zone, but the ratios do not differ by much and the basic argument is not altered. By the same logic used by Redfield (19 5 8), a comparison of deep-water nutrient molar ratios to plankton elemental composition ratios leads to the conclusion that plants in the photic zone would deplete the upwelling water of Fe long before the other nutrients. N03, P04, Zn, and Mn would all be depleted at about the same time. There is more than enough Cu. Indeed it has been argued that upwelled Cu could be toxic to phytoplankton (Sunda et al. 198 1; Brand et al. 1986; Coale and Bruland 1988). A simplistic conclusion to be drawn from this comparison of plankton elemental composition and deep-water nutrient concentrations is that Fe availability controls new production of organic C in the ocean, not PO, as concluded by Redfield (19 5 8). This conclusion seems reasonable from an evolutionary perspective. During the first half of the history of life when most basic biochemistry evolved, the ocean was anoxic. As a result, Zn and Cu were less soluble while Fe and Mn Zn Cu 1.76 x lO-3 6.7 x 1O-4 7.8x 4x 10-3 9 x 10-4 3.5 x 1o-4 3.4 x 10-4 5.5 x 1o-4 1.6x 1O-4 3 x 10-J 2x 10-3 5.3 x 10-3 1.5x10-3 6 x 1O-4 2x 4x10-4 10-4 10-9 7 x 10-10 2x 10-9 8 x 1O-9 2x 10-10 4x 10-9 1.7x10-3 3 x 10-3 5.8x1o-4 7.5 x 10-S 1.7x 10-3 1.5x10-3 Mn were much more soluble in seawater and available to phytoplankton (Brand 1986). It is estimated that trace metal concentrations in the anoxic ocean were around 10B3 M Fe (Osterberg 1974), 10m5 M Mn, lo-l1 M Zn, and lo-l7 M Cu (Ochiai 1978). Given the high concentration of Fe relative to other trace metals, it is not surprising that it is used more than any other trace metal for various biochemical functions (Osterberg 1974; Egami 1975). The shift to an aerobic ocean resulted in a drastic reduction in Fe solubility and availability (from 1O-3 to 1O-9 M) and quite possibly led to Fe becoming the geochemically limiting nutrient. This gedanken experiment is incomplete, however, because a significant fraction of the Fe entering the photic zone of the open ocean comes from the atmosphere, not just from deep water (Duce 1986), which makes the analysis much more difficult because one must now measure and compare flux rates from the atmosphere and the deep ocean, and not just standing concentrations in deep water. Table 2 shows some estimates of these fluxes to the photic zone of the Pacific Ocean. Duce (1986) has presented similar comparisons to demonstrate the importance of atmospheric inputs. These ratios are not only more difficult to measure but also more Brand 1758 Table 2. Nutrient flux rates to the Pacific photic zone (mol m-2 d-l). =. -. North Pacific central gyre Flux from deep water (Martin and Gordon 1988) Flux from atmosphere (Duce 1986) Southern Ocean Flux from deep water (Martin et al. 199Ob) (P flux estimated from N:P= 16) Flux from atmosphere (Martin 1990) - N 1’ 4x10-4 3x10-5 8 x 10 -,j to 2.6 x 1O-5 6.3 x 1O-3 variable because of the large differences in the relative input of atmospheric dust and deep water to the photic zone in different parts of the ocean. Because of geochemical fractionation between ocean basins, the Fe : P dissolved nutrient ratio is 5 times higher in the Atlantic than the Pacific (Table 1). At the same time, it appears that the atmospheric Fe input is higher in the Atlantic than the Pacific because the Atlantic basin is smaller and in closer proximity to land. Buat-Menard and Chesselet (1979) estimated an atmospheric Fe input of 1.6 x 1O-6 M m-2/d-1 to the Sargasso Sea and Duce ( 1986) estimated 2-8 x 1Oe7 M Fe m-2/d-1. In contrast, Duce (1986) estimated only 8 x lo-* to 1.6 x 1O-7 M Fe m-2/d-1 to the North Pacific central gyre. As a result, Fe limitation is much less likely in the Atlantic and so efforts to detect Fe limitation are focused on the Pacific. The lowest Fe : P flux ratio to the photic zone is expected to be in the Southern Ocean or the equatorial Pacific where upwelling is strong but there is very little continental dust input (Martin and Gordon 1988; Martin 1990). There the Fe : P molar ratio supplied to the photic zone would be - 10m4. A complicating factor is the wide array of chemical forms of Fe in seawater- some available to phytoplankton and some not (Rich and Morel 1990; Wells 199 1). Generally most but not all “dissolved” Fe (that which passes a 0.4-pm filter) is available to phytoplankton. Some of the inorganic colloidal Fe that passes through a 0.4-pm filter can be in a chemical form that does not dissolve sufficiently to supply significant 5x IO-9 to 1.2x 10-s (3.9 x 10-d) -~ Fe 4.3 x IO-9 8x 1O-8to 1.6x lo-’ 2.5 x 10-S 1.2x10-8 amounts of Fe to phytoplankton (Wells 199 1). On the other hand, some forms of particulate Fe are available to phytoplankton through dissolution and photochemical reduction to Fe 2+ (Rich and Morel 1990; Wells 199 1). Early work (Hodge et al. 1978) indicated t,hat only - 1% of the Fe in atmospherically derived particles would dissolve in seawater, but more recent work suggests that 10 (Moore et al. 1984) to 50% (Zhuang et al. 1990) can dissolve, depending on conditions. Overall, it appears quite possible that a significant fraction of the particulate Fe in seawater is also available to phytoplankton. Although we still have much to learn about the chemistry of Fe in seawater, I will assume here that all upwelled dissolved Fe but none of the upwelled particulate Fe is available to phytoplankton. Only dissolved Fe concentrations are shown in Table 1, which does not introduce much error as particulate Fe concentrations in deep water of th.e open ocean are similar to concentrations of dissolved Fe (Gordon et al. 1982; Martin and Gordon 1988) and a high fraction of dissolved Fe in offshore waters seems to be available to phytoplankton (Wells 199 1). There are also complications in estimating the nutrient needs of phytoplankton. Careful elemental analysis of particulate matter in the photic zone by Martin et al. (19’76), Collier and Edmond (1984), and Moore et al. (1984) indicated a Fe : P molar ratio of - 100~ (see Table I). Data on the elemental composition of particles in the ocean, however, do not necessarily reflect the composition of phytoplankton because Minimum iron requirements such particles also include detritus, zooplankton, and inorganic matter (Banse 1974). The higher trace metal content of the smaller particles (Table 1) analyzed by Wallace et al. (1977) probably reflects this problem. Furthermore, nutrient content does not necessarily indicate minimum nutrient need. The nutrient uptake data of Martin and Gordon (1988) and Martin et al. (1990a) indicate a Fe : P molar ratio of 4 x 1O-4 to 10-3. Such data on nutrient uptake rates however do not necessarily indicate minimal nutritional needs or balanced elemental ratios because of luxury uptake (Droop 1974; Goldman and McCarthy 1978). The laboratory study by Anderson and Morel ( 1982) with the coastal diatom Thalassiosira weissjlogii suggests a minimum Fe : P molar ratio requirement of 8 x 10e4. The extrapolation of the Fe requirements of this coastal diatom to phytoplankton in general assumes that all phytoplankton have similar requirements and that the “extended Redfield ratio” (Table 1) is rather uniform among phytoplankton species. The uncertainty over the minimum Fe : P molar ratio quota needed by phytoplankton provides the rationale for this study. My primary purpose was to determine the Fe : P molar ratio at which biomass production limitation shifts from Fe to P limitation in a wide variety of phytoplankton, particularly those that live in oceanic regions with strong upwelling and relatively little dust input, where Fe limitation is most likely. Given the potential problems with using elemental composition of particles in the field to indicate nutritional need, the data in Table 1 cannot exclude the possibility that other trace metals such as Zn, Mn, or Cu could limit new production in the ocean. Experiments (Brand unpubl.) have shown that the Zn and Mn cell quota requirements relative to P are considerably less than what is provided to the photic zone. Presented here are the results of experiments on the Fe requirements of marine phytoplankton. Methods Clonal cultures of phytoplankton of various phylogenetic origins were isolated from various coastal and oceanic habitats or obtained from the Provasoli-Guillard Center for Culture of Marine Phytoplankton (Table 1759 3). Seawater for the experiments was collected from the northern Tongue of the Ocean, Bahamas, from in front of the ship as it moved forward at - 1 knot. The water was collected with a pumping system that allowed the seawater to contact only Teflon, polyethylene, and a 30-cm section of silicone tubing through a high-speed peristaltic pump. The seawater and individual nutrient stock solutions were all tyndallized separately in Teflon bottles. Nutrients added to the seawater were: 1Om3 M NaN03, either 1Ow6 or 2 x 10m6 M NaH,PO,, lo-* M MnSO,, lOUs M ZnSO,, 1O-g M CoSO,, 1O-g M CuSO,, lo-* M H,SeO,, 1O-* M thiamine, lo-* M biotin, and 10Bg M vitamin B12. Concentrations of Fe-EDTA added were: none, 1O-lo M, 1O-g M, lo-* M, or 10e7 M. EDTA was added to a concentration of 10m7M to ensure that Fe and other trace metals did not precipitate to a form unavailable to the phytoplankton, although some Fe probably precipitated at the highest concentration. A higher concentration of EDTA was not used to avoid the problem of overchelation at low Fe concentrations that could prevent the phytoplankton from taking up most of the Fe. The free ionic activities of the other trace metals in the culture media are estimated as follows: Zn- 10-g.5; Mn- lo-*; Cu- 10-12a7; and Co- 1O-g.7. A comparison with the data of Brand et al. (1983, 1986) indicates that the cultures were not nutritionally limited by these metals nor affected by any trace metal toxicity. Background concentration of PO4 in seawater from the Tongue of the Ocean was determined with a Technicon CSM6 AutoAnalyzer. Background [Fe] was determined by comparing the biomass yield with no, lo-lo, and 10hg M Fe added to the seawater. The experiments were conducted in 25- x loo-mm polycarbonate test tubes with screwcaps. The experimental test tubes were cleaned with detergent and repeated rinses and soaks of dilute HCl and deionized water (18 Ma), microwaved for sterilization (Keller et al. 1988), and finally rinsed with tyndallized seawater from the Tongue of the Ocean before experimental culture media was added. Experiments were conducted at 2 lo-23°C. A light intensity of 59 PEinst m-2 s-* was provided by “cool-white” fluorescent bulbs Brand 1’760 Table 3. Origins of experimental cultures. Clone Species name Coccolithophores A2362 Calcidiscus leptoporus Al387 Emiliania huxleyi 451 B Emiliania huxleyi A222 1 Gephyrocapsa oceanica cocco 2 Pleurochrysis carterae Se62 Syracosphaera elongata A2390 Umbilicosphaera sibogae Dinoflagellates Amphi Amphidinium carterae WT8 Gymnodinium simplex Al569 Peridinium sp. Exuv Prorocentrum minimum Al379 Thoracosphaera heimii A2414 Gymnodinium sp. Other eucaryotes MC-l Mantoniella sp. A2167 Micromonas sp. OLISTH Heterosigma akashiwo Cyanobacteria SYN Synechococcus bacillaris Al601 Synechococcus sp. A2169 Synechococcus sp. A2357 Synechococcus sp. A2367 Synechococcus sp. DC2 Synechococcus sp. Lcxation Date Isolator 0”24.1O’S, 113”17.84’W 23”48.8’N, 89”45.7’W Oslo fjord, Norway 08”53.7’N, 79”3 1.7’W Woods Hole, Massachusetts ? 24”19.51’N, 82”12.22’W 15 Jan 90 23 Apr 80 ? 26 Ju183 Jul 58 ? 4 Jan 90 Brand Brand Paasche Brand Pintner Droop Brand Great Pond, Falmouth, Massachusetts 9”48.5’N, 89”14.5’W 23”56’N, 8234’W Great South Bay, Long Island 23”48.9’N, 89”45.7’W 5”07.92’S, 149”09.12’W Sep 54 Guillard 1958 28 Jan 81 Jul58 23 Apr 80 23 Jan 90 Dodson Brand Pintner Brand Brand North Pacific central gyre 05”08.l’S, 81’43.1’W Long Island Sound 17 Feb 73 20 Ju183 1952 Lewin Brand Conover Milford, Connecticut 19”45’N, 92”:25’W 05”00.5’S, 84”29.4’W Northern Tongue of the Ocean 24”19.51’N, 82”12.22’W 33”44.9’N, 67”29.8’W 1957 1980 21 Ju183 16 Nov 84 4 Jan 90 1978 Guillard Brand Brand Brand Brand Brand with 2 x lOem M PO, to test if it was the other limiting nutrient when Fe was not limiting. The culture with no Fe added was used as a bioassay to estimate the highest possible background concentration of Fe in the seawater used. Because the nutrient ratio at which Fe limitation shifted to PO, limitation was determined in stationary phase, it is equivalent to the optimum nutrient ratio at zero growth rate of Rhee and Gotham (1980). COPY. The overall design of the experiment was Nutrient cell quotas are necessarily larger at higher growth rates. If the quantitative reto determine final cell yield in different cullationships between cell quotas and growth ture media with either no Fe added or consimilar for two difcentrations ranging from 1O-lo M up to 1Oe7 rates are proportionally M. At some point, Fe concentrations were ferent nutrients, the optimum nutrient ratio would be the same at all growth rates. Terry no longer limiting cell yield and PO4 became et al. (1985) and Elkfi and Turpin (1985) the limiting nutrient of cell yield at a conhave demonstrated that the optimum N : P centration of 10M6M. Minimum cell quota can then be calculated from the final cell ratio varies with growth rate but the variation is not large. The optimum N : P ratio yield and the initial total nutrient concentration, assuming the nutrient-starved cells of Selenastrum minutum varied from 16.4 to 2 1.5 over a range of growth rates of Otake up essentially all of the nutrient. An 1.‘7 div. d-l (Elrifi and Turpin 1985). For additional culture with 1Oe7M Fe was grown with a 12 : 12 photoperiod. Experimental cultures were grown as sequential replicates for 66 d and monitored by measuring in vivo fluorescence with a Turner lo-OOOR fluorometer. Once the fluorescence measurements indicated that the cultures had reached peak abundance, cell abundance was determined by microscopic counts with hemacytometers or settling chambers and either direct light or epifluorescence micros- Minimum iron requirements Pavlova lutheri it varied from 37.9 to 48.9 over a range of 0.55 to 1.21 div. d-l. Although both Fe (Davies 1970; Harrison and Morel 1986; Sunda et al. 199 1) and PO, (Rhee 1982; Terry et al. 1985; Elrifi and Turpin 1985) cell quotas are higher at faster growth rates, no data set at present shows how the optimum Fe : P ratio varies with growth rate. Depending on the relative increase in Fe and P quotas needed to sustain higher growth rates, the optimum Fe : P ratio at higher growth rates could be higher or lower than the subsistence optimum Fe : P ratio at zero growth rate measured in these experiments. Final yields are presented here as cells per seawater volume, which is the proper measurement for addressing questions of evolutionary adaptations (genome per nutrient) but not necessarily for questions of C transport from the atmosphere to deep water. With respect to new production of organic C, there is undoubtedly a bias, but the C per cell variation is not large enough to alter the general conclusions presented here. C per cell varies much less than other nutrients (Goldman and McCarthy 1978). Results The final cell concentrations achieved in the different nutrient regimes are shown in Figs. l-4. Where Fe limitation was achieved, the sloping line on the left in the figures is given the theoretical slope along which Fe is the limiting nutrient, not the best fit to the data points. Slopes vary among figures only because of differences in the ranges of cell concentrations on the vertical axis. The intersection of the sloping lines on the left in the region of Fe limitation and the horizontal lines in the region of PO4 limitation indicates the subsistence optimum Fe : P molar ratio at which there is a shift from Fe to PO, limitation of the maximum cell yield. The vertical lines separate the data at the higher PO, concentrations that demonstrate that PO4 is indeed the limiting nutrient when Fe is not limiting. Background concentration of PO4 was < 3 x 10m8M. Based on the fact that 1O-lo M Fe additions led to small increases in cell yield and 1O-g M Fe led to order-of-magnitude increases in those species that were 1761 Fe limited, it is concluded that background concentrations of Fe in the seawater media were - lo-lo M. It is suspected that Fe concentrations are less than were initially present in the water when it was collected as a result of precipitation, adsorption to the polyethylene walls of the storage containers, and uptake by bacteria growing on the walls of the containers over the 5 yr of storage. The Fe : P molar ratio at which Fe limitation of cell yield shifts to PO, limitation is quite different for different species of phytoplankton. Among eucaryotic phytoplankton, the subsistence optimum Fe : P ratio ranges from - 10-3.4 in Micromonas sp. to < 1O-4 in most of the oceanic species (Figs. 1, 2) but from - 1O-2 to 10-3.1 in coastal species (Fig. 3). The lowest Fe : P molar ratio attained in the experimental media because of the background concentration of Fe in the seawater was - 10m4.Most of the oceanic phytoplankton species show no signs of Fe limitation even at this ratio. These data indicate that many eucaryotic phytoplankton living in low Fe environments have adapted by having a biochemical composition with very little Fe and that natural selection has led to oceanic species needing less Fe than coastal species. Although diatoms were not examined in this study, Sunda et al. (199 1) investigated the Fe requirements of two closely related diatoms, one from estuarine waters and one from the open ocean, and found essentially the same result with very different methods. All the procaryotic cyanobacteria tested here, both coastal and oceanic, need relatively high Fe : P molar ratios, ranging from lo-la4 to 10m2.’ (Fig. 4). Some habitat-related pattern can be discerned but it is weak. The only clone (A2169) from the Pacific Ocean, where Fe : P molar ratios in deep water are lowest, has the lowest Fe : P molar ratio requirement. The only clone (SYN) from coastal waters is one of three with the highest subsistence optimum Fe : P ratios. Overall however, the differences among the cyanobacteria do not relate as well to their habitats as do those of the eucaryotic phytoplankton species. Even the cyanobacterial clone with the lowest subsistence optimum Fe : P ratio has a ratio higher than most eucaryotes and higher than the nutrient ratios Brand .-_-Calcidiscus I I leptoporus I Fe _______ IO-M lo-SM lo-%4 10.7M lo-7M P lo-%i lo-6M l@M lO%l 10-GM 2xlO43M 10s 107 Emiliania Gcphyrocapsa huxleyi (451 B) oceanica I 8 ij u ‘OR 1 0 r---&l l@ 105 FO 10s ___.___ lo-‘01 lo-%I IO-f‘M lo-7M 104% 10-W 10-W lo% lo-7M Fe 2x10-6M P -.-_-._ 10-l’)M W’M IO-EM 10.‘M lO-7M lo-6M lo-GM 2x10-m 1 Umbilicosphaera sibogae I Fe P _______ IoJOM lo-f’M 10-EM lo-7M 10.71 lo43M lo45M lo4M 104M lo-6M 2x10&M Fig. 1. Final cell yields of oceanic coccolithophores in culture media with various concentrations of Fe and PO, added. Minimum Gymnodinium Fc P _._._I 1w3M Peridinium simplex lO-‘M 10% 10-m lOal Thoracosphaera 1763 iron requirements lo-SM lO-7M lo-7M sp. FC _______ W’-‘M lo.% lo-EM 10.7M lo-7M P lo-GM 1043M lo-rrM 10-6~ 104~ 2~10-6~ Gymnodinium sp. heimii I I I ’ 8 I cl I a ’ l@ 9 e cl 0 0 0 8 0 0 El’ o ‘I 8 /r----j 6 0 I I I 104 Fe P I____. 104M lo-l”M 10% lo-f’M lo-7M lo.7M FC ____.__ 10-M 10% IO-EM lo-7M 10.7M IO-al lo-SM IO-GM 1043M 2X104M P lo-GM lo-6M lo-fiM 104M lo-GM txlO4M Micromonas sp. I I 10s Ft! P _..____ 104M 10.1”M 1043M lo-f’M lO%I 10.RM lo-6M lO-7M lW3M lo-7M 2xlO4M FC _..---- lO-10M 10% IO-RM 1O’M lo-7M P IO-CM 104M lo-6M 1043M 106M 2x10% Fig. 2. As Fig. 1, but of oceanic dinoflagellates and prasinophytes. 1764 Brand 1 Plourochrysis carterae Syracosphaera elongata 1Or 104 i 10s l 101 Fe -.._... 10-M IO-f’M lo-EM lo-7M lO-7M P 104M 10% 1043M 104M lo-‘3M 2x10-EM I------Fe 10-M 10% lo-8M IO-71 lo-7M l@M 10% 10-W 10-W 2x104M - - I Prorocentrum minimum I f-+-G 8 c Fe P mm.m.-. 10-M 10% W’M lO-7M 104M 10% 1O”sM 104M 10-w --L-- 105 Heterosigma akashiwo 8 FC ___..__ 10-M 10-9M lo-8M lo-'&l 1’ IO-fiM 104M 10-w lo-‘%I 10.‘%I lo-7111 2x10-6M Fig. 3. As Fig. 1, but of coastal coccolithophores, dinoflagellates, and a raphidophyte. 10-7M 2x10-w Minimum 1765 iron requirements Synechococcus sp. (A1601) Fe P I -.---mm lO-‘M 1W8M lo-EM lo-‘M lo.‘M Fe -_._... 10.lOM IO-BM 104M lo-7M lo-7M lo-6M lo-6M lo-%I lO+‘M lo-6M 2~10% P lo-GM 10% mm 1043~ 10-6~ 2x104~ I I Synechococcus sp. (A2169) 107 B i 107 10s 0 I I@ I I 10s Fe P -<.mm. 10-W lo-‘OM llwm 10% 10% 104M 10-6~ lO-7M 10-6~ 104 . lo.7M Fe ____._. 10-M 10% 104’M lo-7111 lo-7M 2~10-6~ P 104M 104M 104M lo-6M lO-‘JM 2xlO43M -t 1Oe Synechococcus sp. (A23671 107 il s 10 I 104 1Oa Fe _m_I--- 1o”oM 10% 10.*M 107M lo-7M FC _._____ lo-l”M 10% 104M 10-7M lo-7M P 1043M lo.%I 104M lo-%I 106M 2x10-Q P 10-6M 10-W IO-GM 10-w 104M 2x104% Fig. 4. As Fig. 1, but of coastal and oceanic cyanobacteria. 1766 Brand transported to most of the oceanic photic zone. These data indicate that oceanic cyanobacteria have been unable to evolve a significantly lower optimum ratio like the eucaryotic phytoplankton. Discussion The coastal-oceanic difference in the minimum Fe requirements for biomass production of eucaryotic phytoplankton reported here is similar to that found by Brand et al. (1983) who observed that growth rates of oceanic phytoplankton are less limited by low concentrations of Fe than those of coastal species. Clearly, one cannot extrapolate the Fe requirements of coastal species to oceanic species or to phytoplankton in general. The significant difference between coastal and oceanic eucaryotic phytoplankton is most likely the result of natural selection, indicating that Fe is an important environmental factor. It appears that many oceanic eucaryotic phytoplankton maintain ‘high growth rates at low Fe concentrations by having a biochemical composition with a much lower Fe quota requirement, which agrees with the ideas of Hudson and Morel (1990) that Fe uptake rates may be near the maximum possible because of diffusion limitation. Although the biochemical nature of the adaptation is not known at this time, it does appear that oceanic eucaryotic phytoplankton have evolved very low Fe cell quota requirements in response to the extremely low Fe concentrations found in many parts of the open ocean. The biochemical mechanism is of great interest because Fe is found in such a wide array of essential molecules such as Fe-S proteins, cytochromes, oxygenases, hydroperoxidases, and Fe flavoproteins. In a few cases, other metals have been shown to substitute for Fe in certain enzymes or alternative enzymes have been shown to need no metal ion (Raven 1988). Fe-containing cytochrome c can be replaced by Cu-containing plastocyanin and Fe-containing ferredoxin can be replaced by flavodoxin which contains no metal in some species. In a similar fashion, Price and Morel (1990) have found that Cd and Co can substitute for Zn. Studies are currently underway to determine to what extent other metals can substitute for Fe in oceanic phytoplankton species in Fe-poor water. Also of interest is why all cyanobacteria, even oceanic species, need rather high amounts of Fe in the cell. Why have oceanic cyanobacteria been unable to evolve a low Fe quota like the oceanic eucaryotes? As most of the Fe is involved in redox reactions in cytochromes or Fe-S proteins in the chloroplasts and mitochondria (Raven 1988) one would expect most of the Fe to reside in these organelles rather than in the cytosol. Indeed it is estimated that 80% of the Fe in higher plants is in the chloroplasts (Marschner 1986). Therefore, it is hypothesized that the Fe: P molar ratios in cyanobacteria, chloroplasts (evolutionarily endosymbiotic cyanobacteria), and mitochondria are all high and perhaps rather similar and that the Fe : P ratio in the eucaryotic cytosol is much lower, resulting in an overall lower ratio for eucaryotes. There may be a lower limit to the Fe : P molar ratio in procaryotes and organelles packed with electron transport chains, but eucaryotes can achieve considerably lower ratios by having a relatively large amount of cytosol with little Fe. This is <surely not the complete explanation, because eucaryotic algae such as Mantoniella and Micromonas that are almost as small as cyanobacteria with much of the cell volume occupied by organelles (Thomsen 1986) are still able to grow well with very little Fe (see Fig. 2). The answer to Redfield’s question-which nutrient is depleted first in the photic zone depends on the competition between procaryotes and eucaryotes and the relative abundance of the two. It may well be that competition results in the relative abundance of the two groups shifting, so that the composite Fe : P molar ratio composition of the community reflects the input ratio. It does appear that cyanobacteria comprise a hi,gh fraction of the phytoplankton community in the most stratified waters (Waterbury et al. 1986; Glover et al. 1988; Siegel et al. 1990; Krupatkina 1990; Ondrusek et al., 199 1) where the ratio of atmospheric to deep-water input and the resulting Fe : P input ratio should be the highest. In contrast, Waterbury et al. (1986) had a hard time finding any cyanobacteria in the Southern Minimum iron requirements Ocean where the ratio of atmospheric to deep-water input and the resulting Fe : P ratio should be about the lowest anywhere in the ocean. El-Sayed (1988) reported that picoplankton are a relatively small fraction of the phytoplankton community in open waters of the Southern Ocean. Similarly, procaryotic cyanobacteria are a larger fraction of the phytoplankton community in the upper photic zone (Longhurst and Harrison 1989; Bidigare et al. 1990; Siegel et al. 1990) where the atmospheric to deep-water input and Fe : P ratios are relatively high, than at the bottom of the photic zone, where the Fe : P input ratio is expected to be lower. Although more data are needed, these latitudinal and vertical gradients indicate that the ratio of procaryotes to eucaryotes in phytoplankton communities may be partially controlled by the Fe : P ratio of nutrient inputs to the photic zone and therefore also ultimately controlled by the relative importance of atmospheric dust to deepwater input of nutrients. It appears likely that Fe influences the distribution of N,-fixing cyanobacteria as well. Fanning (1989) has examined GEOSECS and TTO surface nutrient data sets to determine whether NO3 or PO, is most depleted to below detection limits in the photic zone. Overall, NO3 and not PO, is depleted the greatest amount at most stations around the world, with the exception of areas downwind of North America and Asia, where PO4 is depleted more than NOS. He argued that most of the ocean is N limited but is shifted to P limitation where it receives combined N from continental sources as a result of fossil fuel combustion. Another explanation for this pattern is related to the fact that the input of Fe to the ocean in atmospheric dust would have a distribution pattern similar to that of combined N from continental sources. A comparison of the map of NO, vs. PO4 depletion presented by Fanning (1989) with the maps of atmospheric dust input (a reasonable indicator of Fe input) as well as combined N input from the atmosphere (GESAMP 1989) reveals striking similarities. Because of the high Fe requirement of N2 fixation (Rueter 1988; Raven 1988), it is hypothesized that N2 fixation cannot alleviate local N limi- 1767 tation in most areas of the open ocean, but can do so in areas receiving significant amounts of atmospheric Fe, resulting in PO4 depletion downwind of North America and Asia, Maps of the global distribution of Trichodesmium abundance (Carpenter 1983) show higher abundance downwind of North America and Asia, similar to the maps of dust input and surface PO, depletion. While the direct input of additional combined N from the atmosphere should not be discounted, the role of Fe in supporting N2 fixation certainly deserves consideration. The input of both atmospheric N and Fe can lead to PO, depletion in the photic zone. In support of the hypothesis of Fe limitation is the fact that additional N from the atmosphere would deter N2 fixers such as Trichodesmium, whereas Fe enrichment would enhance their growth. The global distribution of Trichodesmium tends to support the idea of Fe as an important limiting nutrient of N2 fixation on an ecological time scale. It is hypothesized that Fe became the limiting nutrient of new production when the ocean shifted from being anoxic to being well oxygenated and Fe concentrations decreased by a factor of a million. New production of cyanobacteria has been limited by Fe ever since, but the eucaryotes, which evolved at the time of the anoxic-oxic shift, appear to have evolved a biochemical composition that needs much less Fe. This adaptation seems to have reduced or eliminated Fe limitation and caused a shift back to PO4 being the nutrient that limits global new production on a geochemical time scale. The present data do not demonstrate with absolute certainty that the minimum Fe requirements of oceanic eucaryotic phytoplankton are low enough to prevent Fe limitation because of uncertainties over exactly what fraction of the Fe in the ocean is chemically available to phytoplankton and how much the optimum Fe : P ratio varies with growth rate. Therefore we cannot at this time completely rule out Fe as the ultimate limiting nutrient on a geochemical time scale. If we assume that very low Fe quotas are biochemically feasible however, then natural selection would lead to optimum Fe : P ratios that are just low enough to alleviate . 1768 Brand most Fe limitation, and Fe and PO, would end up equally limiting to new production. There is no selective pressure for a still lower Fe : P ratio quota even if it is biochemically feasible. This prediction of Fe and P being roughly equalling limiting of new production (along with N because of the balance between N2 fixation and denitrification) is similar to the argument of Brand et al. (1983) that the growth rates of phytoplankton would be simultaneously limited by several nutrients rather than just one. To the extent that a lower Fe cell quota can evolve should a biogeochemical shift provide the selective pressure, Fe cannot be considered the ultimate limiting nutrient on a geochemical and evolutionary time scale, despite its importance on ecological time scales. PO, remains the geochemically limiting nutrient because phytoplankton have not evolved a way to reduce their dependence on this resource. Although it appears likely that Fe does still limit the biomass of cyanobacteria, there are two reasons for believing that their direct contribution to global new production is small. They are relatively sparse compared to eucaryotes at the bottom of the photic zone (Longhurst and Harrison 1989; Bidigare et al. 1990; Siegel et al. 1990) where most new production is thought to occur (Coale and Bruland 1987; Small et al. 1987), and their small size is thought to lead to long food chains with most of the organic C produced being recycled in the photic zone, not exported to deep water (Michaels and Silver 1988). It is argued that neither N nor Fe can be the ultimate geochemically limiting nutrient because some component of the phytoplankton community has been able to evolve a reduced dependence on them. Some cyanobacteria can grow without any combined N by fixing dinitrogen gas, thus gaining access to a large “inert” pool. Many oceanic eucaryotic phytoplankton have reduced their dependence on Fe by evolving a biochemical composition that needs considerably less Fe. Of critical importance is that no organisms are capable of reducing their dependence on both combined N and Fe. Cyanobacteria that fix N have high Fe requirements, and eucaryotes with low Fe re- quirements cannot fix N2. Both groups are needed to overcome N and Fe limitation of new production and elevate productivity to a level that forces PO4 to become the ultimate limiting nutrient of biomass on a global basis. ,4lthough NO3 is depleted slightly before PO4 in most areas of the ocean (Redfield 19 5 8; Fanning 19 89) Redfield correctly pointed out that N cannot be the ultimate limiting nutrient on a geochemical time scale because of the large atmospheric pool of molecular N accessible through N2 fixation. Fe availability does appear to influence the biomass and global distribution of N,-fixing cyanobacteria. It appears that eucaryotic phytoplankton are not Fe limited directly, but they could be indirectly limited because of their ultimate dependence on N2 fixation (w:hich is Fe limited) to counteract the effects of denitrification. The critical factor is that in this role, Fe is acting as a catalyst and not limiting biomass directly. Although Fe availability appears to limit the biomass and control the distribution of cyanobacteria, it does catalyze enough N2 fixation to keep denitrification from depleting the ocean. The fact that NO3 is not depleted from surGace waters until most of the PO4 is also depleted is evidence that N,-fixation rates are sufficient to prevent N from becoming the geochemically limiting nutrient. Th.e fact that N2 fixation has been able to keep up with denitrification on a global scale is evidence that N,-fixation rates are controlled by a feedback mechanism rather than by some basic geochemical constraint such as Fe. At most, only a small percentage of the production of new biomass is limited by the small depletion of N relative to P by denitrification. To the extent that Fe limitation prevents N2 fixation from eliminating this N deficit completely, one could argue that a small fraction of new production is ultimately Fe limited. N, P, and Fe can each be considered to be limiting new production of biomass of certain components of the phytoplankton community. Because of the relationship between procaryotes and eucaryotes and a variety of complex biological interactions that vary over time and space and alter species composition, any of the three nutrients can Minimum iron requirements end up limiting the maximum amount of biomass produced locally on an ecological time scale. Both NO3 (Eppley 198 1) and Fe (Martin and Fitzwater 1988; Martin et al. 1989; Martin et al. 1990a) have been shown to limit the growth rates of phytoplankton in the ocean, but a nutrient that limits growth rate does not necessarily limit the final yield of biomass produced from the complete depletion of nutrients. It appears that on an evolutionary and geochemical time scale, the total amount of new biomass that can be produced globally from new nutrients entering the photic zone of the ocean is limited by PO+ The addition of NO3 or Fe would be expected to result in a species shift but not significantly more biomass. Conclusions Rather large differences exist among marine phytoplankton in their minimum Fe requirements. In the open ocean, eucaryotic algae seem to need only a hundredth as much Fe as cyanobacteria. The fact that oceanic eucaryotes need much less Fe than coastal eucaryotes is evidence that Fe has exerted selective pressure in the ocean and that oceanic eucaryotes have been able to evolve a biochemical composition that reduces the problem of Fe scarcity. It appears that the cyanobacteria have been unable to evolve a significantly lower Fe requirement. A rough comparison of the minimum Fe : P molar ratio requirements of various phytoplankton species with the estimated fluxes of Fe and PO4 to the photic zone from deep water and the atmosphere suggests that new production of eucaryotic biomass would not be Fe limited but production of cyanobacterial biomass could be in parts of the ocean, particularly where atmospheric input is low compared to deep-water input and where dissolved Fe : P ratios in the deep water are lowest. The global and vertical distributions of cyanobacteria are consistent with the patterns of Fe and PO4 input to the photic zone as a result of the high Fe : P ratios of atmospheric inputs and low Fe : P ratios of deep-water inputs. Cyanobacteria seem to be a large fraction of the phytoplankton community in the upper photic zone of stratified waters where the ratio of atmo- 1769 spheric to deep-water input is high, a smaller fraction in the lower photic zone where the ratio of atmospheric to deep-water input is lower, and quite sparse in the Southern Ocean where the ratio is very low. N,-fixing Trichodesmium also appears to be most abundant where the atmospheric input of Fe is high compared to the deep-water input. 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