Outcome 14 - The right to freedom of association and collective

Outcome 14 - The right to freedom of association and collective bargaining is widely known and
Indicator - 14.1. Number of member States that, with ILO support, improve the application of basic rights on freedom of association and
the right to collective bargaining.
To be counted as reportable, results must meet at least two of the following criteria, as observed by the ILO supervisory bodies or in the framework of the
1998 Declaration follow-up mechanism:
1. An awareness-raising strategy and/or programmes on freedom of association and collective bargaining targeting the tripartite constituents are
2. Convention No. 87 or 98 is ratified.
3. There is progress in the respect of the fundamental civil liberties of the members of trade unions and employers’ organizations.
4. Changes are introduced in law, policy or practice to ensure that trade unions and employers’ organizations can be registered and function without
undue restrictions.
5. Mechanisms to ensure protection against acts of anti-union discrimination or interference are established or expanded.
6. Policies and mechanisms to promote collective bargaining are established or expanded.
Country/Country Programme Outcome Measurement
Result Achieved
ILO Contribution
Cape Verde/ CPV901:
Improved legislative framework and
Establishment in June 2011 of a Special
Committee for the promotion of collective
Organized and provided technical inputs to a
National Tripartite Workshop on collective
institutional mechanisms to promote effective
collective bargaining and a wider
understanding of these rights and their
effective exercise
bargaining within the Council for Social
Consultation. The Special Committee held its
first meeting and adopted an awarenessraising and training programme on collective
bargaining for the tripartite constituents, with
different focus areas addressing the specific
needs identified by each constituent.
bargaining methodologies (Praia, 9-11 May
2011). The workshop recommended the
establishment of a Special Committee for the
promotion of collective bargaining within the
Council for Social Consultation and provided
specific guidelines for the design of an
awareness-raising and training programme on
collective bargaining.
Adoption of a Legislative Decree amending
Sections 15, 70, 110 et 353 of the Labour
Code (June 2010) noted by the ILO
supervisory bodies. This reform facilitated
union formation and conclusion of collective
agreements, and the public availability of
information on unions and collective
Decree by the Ministry of Manpower in March
2011 on the right to freedom of association.
This represents a new policy by the
Government of Egypt and was followed by a
draft law on freedom of association that is
expected to be tabled before the new
parliament in early 2012.
Organized a series of awareness-raising and
training activities on freedom of association
and the gaps between the national legislation
and C.87 and C.98. Carried out high-level
policy dialogue with the Government of Egypt
and at high-level tripartite roundtables to
promote respect for international labour
standards and realize changes in policy,
practice and national legislation. Provided
technical input and advisory services to the
tripartite constituents on the draft freedom of
association law.
Formation and registration of a large number
of independent trade unions outside the
umbrella of the Egyptian Trade Union
Federation. Formation and registration of the
Organized a series of capacity-building and
training workshops for the nascent
independent trade union movement that
contributed to the establishment and
Conducted awareness-raising activities on the
conclusions and recommendations made by
ILO supervisory bodies (Committee on
Freedom of Association and the Committee of
Experts on the Application of Conventions and
Egyptian Federation of Independent Trade
registration of many independent unions.
Unions, which is to hold its founding congress Supported the Egyptian Federation of
in early 2012.
Independent Trade Unions in developing their
organizational structures, constitution and
internal regulations.
Guinea Bissau/GNB826:
Strengthened capacity of member States to
ratify and apply international labour standards
and to fulfil their reporting obligations
Swaziland/ SWZ828:
Application of the right to freedom of
association and collective bargaining
Tripartite constituents adopted a Plan of
Action which included an awareness-raising
strategy on freedom of association targeting
the tripartite constituents, plus labour law
professionals and Members of Parliament and
legislative changes to give greater respect in
law to the principles of freedom of
Organized a national tripartite workshop on
freedom of association to sensitize the ILO
constituents, including members of Parliament
(May 2011) with a view to identifying concrete
measures to be taken in law and practice for a
better respect for freedom of association.
The National Assembly approved ratification
of Convention No. 87 in December 2011.
Organized a national tripartite workshop on
freedom of association to sensitize the ILO
constituents (including members of
Parliament) held (Bissau, 3-6 May 2011) and
facilitating understanding of the provisions
and importance of the Convention for
consideration of ratification.
An awareness-raising campaign has been
carried out with the tripartite social partners
on the role they can play to promote freedom
of association and collective bargaining. In
addition, the police have begun to be trained
in respect for freedom of association.
Provided regular assistance, training and
capacity-building to assist the Government in
its action plan for the promotion of freedom of
association and meaningful social dialogue;
conducted targeted training and capacity
building for the police. Facilitated a tripartite
workshop to enhance the structure and
debate of the National Social Dialogue
Steering Committee. Addressed the
Government on various occasions on the
principles of social dialogue, freedom of
association and collective bargaining, with
specific reference to implementing ILO
recommendations, and met with the social
partners separately to discuss these
developments. This included a presentation to
the Public Service Parliamentary Portfolio
Committee on including these key principles in
the draft public service bill, and a presentation
to the full Parliamentary Cabinet on the
principles of social dialogue, freedom of
association and collective bargaining.
Arranged for a tripartite delegation from
Swaziland, headed by the Ministry of Labour,
to become better acquainted with social
dialogue in South Africa.
The Committee of Experts has noted with
satisfaction amendments to the Employment
Bill No.4 of 2007 aimed at ensuring greater
respect in law for fundamental principles and
rights. Extensive participation and debate by
the tripartite constituents at the Labour
Advisory Board during this process.
Provided technical assistance/advisory
services to the Government and the social
partners when reviewing and drafting the
amendment of the Bill, along the lines of the
comments of the Committee of Experts on the
Application of Conventions and
Recommendations (CEACR).
Government is implementing awareness
raising and capacity building on freedom of
association, collective bargaining and social
dialogue within the context of the DWCP.
These activities are planned to take place
through October 2012.
Provided technical advisory services and
capacity building to develop the capacities of
the Government and social partners on
freedom of association and collective
The establishment of the General Federation
of Oman Trade Unions in February 2010 is an
essential condition for meaningful collective
bargaining with workers’ organizations. The
Provided technical assistance for the
development of the constitution of the first
independent trade union in Oman, following
support for the formulation of the legislation
Arab States
Improved legal framework and national
capacity for freedom of association and
collective bargaining
Federation, within the new legal framework, is adopted in 2009, which made development of
developing its capacity to bargain collectively the constitution possible.
and conclude collective agreements.
Philippines/ PHL129:
Improved application of basic rights on
freedom of association and the right to
collective bargaining
A Memorandum of Agreement on respecting
freedom of association and promoting
workers’ rights was signed by the Armed
Forces of the Philippines, Department of
Labour and Employment, the Department of
National Defence and several trade unions,
and was witnessed by the Commission on
Human Rights and the ILO (July 2011).
This was followed by the formulation, through
consultations at national and sub-national
levels, and adoption of the Joint DOLE Philippines National Police – PEZA Guidelines
on the conduct of Police Personnel, economic
zone police and security guards, company
security guards and similar personnel during
labour disputes, to be applied nationwide
(May 2011). Since then, these guidelines have
been being used in regular police training.
DOLE has initiated a partnership with the
armed forces and the human rights
commission to address strategies to improve
the application of civil liberties in the context
of freedom of association.
In March 2011, the National Tripartite
Industrial Peace Council, which formulates
recommendations to amend the labour
Conducted several workshops on freedom of
association related to the military and the
police. Workshop outcomes served as inputs
for a DOLE action plan on freedom of
association. Provided technical inputs to a
workshop with the armed forces, which were
included in the action plan.
Provided technical support to the
implementation of the strategies involving the
security forces (the police and the armed
forces) to improve application of civil liberties
in the context of freedom of association
principles, including through advice and
guidance in the elaboration of guidelines.
Supported the development of a trade union
rights chapter in the human rights training
material for the armed forces.
Provided training on conciliation, mediation
and arbitration techniques to 30 officials from
the Department of Labour and Employment
legislation, agreed on a proposal to lower the
minimum membership requirement for the
registration of trade unions, in line with the
outstanding comments of the Committee of
Experts on the Application of Conventions and
Recommendations (CEACR), which has now
been adopted by the Government.
Supreme Court decision on Heritage Hotel
issued in January 2011, invoked ILO
Convention No. 87.
(DOLE) and to 30 officials from the Philippines
Economic Zone Authority (PEZA), including
key officials in charge of ecozone security
(April 2010); trained 51 DOLE arbitrators,
mediators and conciliators to improve the use
of international labour standards in settlement
of labour disputes (November 2010); trained
34 justices and 67 lawyers from the Supreme
Court and Court of Appeals to improve the
use of international labour standards in the
judiciary (November 2010).
Establishment of the National Tripartite
Monitoring Body on the general application of
international labour standards, which is also
tasked with monitoring and expediting the
cases concerning acts of anti-union violence
pending before the judiciary. This was noted
with interest by the Committee of Freedom of
Association (CFA) and the CEACR.
Following an ILO High-Level Mission, provided
technical advisory services on the basis of the
mission report, including on the establishment
of high-level monitoring body.
Campaña de sensibilización en los medios de
comunicación acerca de la libertad de
asociación puesta en marcha, la cual eleva el
nivel de conciencia de la opinión pública
nacional, en relación con el derecho de
asociación y libertad sindical en Colombia.
En el marco de los proyectos de cooperación
técnica en Colombia, se ha capacitado a
funcionarios de la Procuraduría acerca de la
libertad sindical y de asociación y la
negociación colectiva, conforme a las NIT
Colombia/ COL108:
Representantes del Congreso y del Ministerio
de protección social estarán informados sobre
la relevancia de las NIT y de los
pronunciamientos de los órganos de control
de la OIT, en materia de libertad sindical
Programas de apoyo al desarrollo y
fortalecimiento del dialogo social
desarrollados, en el marco del Acuerdo
Tripartito suscrito entre gobierno,
empleadores y trabajadores en junio de 2006,
los cuales tienen como uno de sus pilares los
derechos fundamentales referidos a la libertad
sindical y negociación colectiva. Mapa de la
libertad sindical e igualdad de género
elaborado con participación de las centrales
sindicales, lo que ha servido como una
herramienta de trabajo para la acción sindical
Peru/ PER142:
Se habrá apoyado a la nueva Dirección
Nacional de Derechos Fundamentales del
Ministerio de Trabajo.
Reforma del Código Penal a través de la Ley
1453 del 24/06/2011 (Artículo 200), en donde
se penalizan los actos en contra del derecho
de asociación y las prácticas antisindicales
La OIT ha insistido sobre la necesidad de
fortalecer los medidas para la protección de
los derechos de asociación y negociación
colectiva tanto en las actividades de
capacitación, promoción del diálogo social y
publicaciones realizadas en el marco de los
proyectos de cooperación técnica
La mesa bipartita de diálogo social en el
sector público acordó una reforma al Decreto
535 que regula la negociación colectiva en el
sector público. Se está a la espera de la
aprobación Presidencial. Ya cuenta con la
firma del Ministro y de la Directora de la
Función Pública.
A través de los proyectos de cooperación
técnica en Colombia, se ha propiciado
espacios de reflexión y diálogo sobre el
derecho de la negociación colectiva en el
sector público y capacitado a los actores en
los principios normativos relacionados con el
Lineamientos de acción para promover el
derecho a la libertad de asociación y
negociación colectiva diseñados. En aplicación
de sus lineamientos de acción, la Dirección
Nacional realizó en en marzo y setiembre de
2011 varias conferencias públicas sobre la
importancia de la libertad sindical y la
negociación colectiva.
La Oficina prestó asistencia técnica para el
diseño de los planes de acción en materia de
promoción a la libertad sindical y negociación
colectiva. Colaboración de la Oficina en la
primera Conferencia organizada en marzo de
2011 por el Ministerio de trabajo sobre
promoción d ela libertad sindical y negociación
En aplicación de sus lineamientos de acción,
la Dirección Nacional llevó a a cabo en febrero Participación de la Oficina en los programas
y marzo de 2011 un programa de capacitación de capacitación en febrero y marzo de 2011
para la inspección de trabajo, tanto a nivel
para inspectores de trabajo sobre libertad
nacional como regional, sobre la protección de sindical y negociación colectiva
la libertad sindical y de la negociación
colectiva. Dicho programa de capacitación
tendrá una segunda fase.
Sentencia de la Corte Constitucional de 15 de
julio de 2011 que toma expresamente en
cuenta las recomendaciones del Comité de
Libertad Sindical para reinstalar a un dirigente
sindical, revirtiendo así la sentencia
correspondiente de la Corte Suprema.
Realización con el Tribunal Constitucional de
una serie de seminarios (agosto de 2010 y
abril de 2011) para los asesores del Tribunal
sobre la relevancia de las NIT, con especial
enfoque en la libertad sindical
El Ministerio del Trabajo ha puesto en práctica
actividades de sensibilización con miras a
alcanzar un mayor cumplimiento de la libertad
sindical y de asociación y la negociación
colectiva, con especial énfasis en la inspección
del trabajo.
Mapa de la libertad sindical e igualdad de
género elaborado, constituyéndose dicho
mapa en una herramienta para la
sensibilización y programación de la acción
sindical con perspectiva de género
Indicator - 14.2. Number of member States that, with ILO support, take significant action to introduce freedom of association and the
right to collective bargaining in EPZs.
To be counted as reportable, results must meet at least one of the following criteria, as observed by ILO supervisory bodies or in the framework of the 1998
Declaration follow-up mechanism:
1. An awareness-raising strategy and/or programmes on freedom of association and collective bargaining targeting the workers and employers in EPZs
are launched.
2. Measures are adopted to permit workers’ organizations to be established and function in EPZs.
3. Mechanisms to ensure protection against acts of anti-union discrimination or interference in EPZs are established or expanded.
4. Policies and mechanisms to promote collective bargaining in EPZs are established or expanded.
Result Achieved
ILO Contribution
The Government is participating in the
implementation of projects aimed at
promoting awareness raising around freedom
of association.
Conducted several technical advisory
missions, including workshops for the
constituents to raise awareness and help build
capacity in the area of freedom of association
and collective bargaining. Conducted
diagnostic meetings (December 2010 and May
2011) to discuss freedom of association and
collective bargaining in garment factories,
which included awareness raising and
contributed to constituent buy-in on these
issues. Conducted a national study and a
diagnosis of freedom of association in the
EPZs (2011), which will serve as an input to
guide strategy for improved freedom of
association in EPZ garment factories.
A full-fledged capacity-building programme on
freedom of association is being implemented
throughout the country, targeting officials from
the Department of Labour and Employment
(DOLE), PEZA, social partners, the judiciary,
armed forces and the police.
Organized a series of awareness-raising and
capacity-building activities for over 700 staff
from government bodies and social partners
in selected regions, as well as for members of
the National Tripartite Industrial Peace
Council on freedom of association and
collective bargaining, and its links with civil
liberties/human rights and strategies to
advance investigation, prosecution and
conviction. Conducted a series of diagnostic
meetings with tripartite constituents to
discuss freedom of association and collective
Bangladesh/ BGD226:
Country takes effective measures to respond
and implement CEACR recommendation
including fulfilling its reporting obligations.
Philippines/ PHL129:
Improved application of basic rights on
freedom of association and the right to
collective bargaining
bargaining in call centres and electronics
factories, which contributed to constituents’
buy-in in relation to these issues.
Sri Lanka/ LKA104:
Improved social dialogue to achieve job
security, productivity and competitiveness
For the first time, an outreach campaign was
carried out in the EPZs, reaching some 4,200
workers through 84 training sessions in
selected EPZs in Koggala, Katunayake and
In cooperation with the National Institute of
Labour Studies, Board of Investment of Sri
Lanka, the Department of Labour, Employers’
Federation of Ceylon, the EPZ Manufacturers
Association and trade unions, developed the
curricula and helped coordinate the trainings.
The Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations,
the Department of Labour and the Board of
Investment have agreed to allocate a meeting
space for trade union representatives to meet
with workers in the EPZs.
Held discussions with the Ministry of Labour
and Labour Relations, the Department of
Labour and the Board of Investment to enable
access to this facility.
The Ministry of Labour and Labour Relations
has submitted amendments to the Legal
Draftsman’s Office to increase fines for antiunion discrimination from US$ 250 to US$
1,000 which would bolster the protection for
workers’ rights in this area.
Held tripartite workshops on the issue of
rights in EPZs, including anti-union
discrimination. As a result, the Ministry of
Labour and Labour Relations took steps to
introduce the legal amendment.
The Commissioner General of Labour issued a The revised circular was issued as result of
revised circular in March 2011 on the process the tripartite workshops held by the ILO.
of recognition of unions for the purpose of
bargaining in the EPZs.
The Government is pursuing an awarenessHeld meetings with the constituents (April and
raising campaign on freedom of association in December 2010) to discuss freedom of
export processing zones.
association and collective bargaining in
practice in the export processing sector, which
included awareness raising and contributed to
El Salvador/ SLV105:
El país toma medidas, siguiendo las
recomendaciones de la OIT, para la efectiva
aplicación de los convenios 87 y 98 sobre
libertad sindical y negociación colectiva, en
respuesta al Pilar II (4) del PME para El
constituent buy-in in relation to these issues.
Freedom of Association and Development
This study provides ILO constituents with concrete examples on how strong and independent employers’ and workers’ organizations contribute to economic
and social development. The study addresses four main development themes: (1) inclusive economic growth and poverty reduction; (2) a positive business
environment; (3) cooperation in times of crisis; and (4) strengthening democracy and governance. The study also examines the role of governments,
employers and trade unions and the challenges and opportunities facing them. The study is available online at:
Putting your message to work
These manuals provide guidelines to ILO constituents on how to reach out to their respective constituencies and the general public to raise awareness on
legal policy and practical interventions that embody the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining in their countries. Through the use of
strategic communications, constituents can bring about changes to the workplace and improve the opportunities for more people to obtain decent work in
conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity.
How to promote collective bargaining: A handbook for practitioners
The aim of this handbook is mainly to provide public authorities with a guide on their role in promoting collective bargaining. It provides a prescription for the
policy and legal environment that needs to be in place to promote effective collective bargaining. It lists a number of practical examples and case studies
from different countries that offer diverse options for adopting policies that suit their environment.