For humanitarian aid programs.
Gaming Control Board (JCJ) managed the delivery of 108,820 dollars as
contribution to 11 foundations, associations, clubs and tourist boards that develop
works and programs in support of Panamanian men and women with needs by
disease or social risk.
Eric Rios, executive secretary of the JCJ, noted that according to article 42,
paragraph 10 of Resolution No.059 of July 26 th, 1999, stipulates that the prize not
claimed or not won must be donated by the company of common agreement with
the Gaming Control Board to a charity, beneficence, or social assistance.
On this occasion was the donation of the prizes are not substantiated the
commercial promotion called "Lottery + Raspadito Mobile", authorized by resolution
No. 732 of August 20th, 2015, as amended by Resolution No. 779 of August 31st,
2015, as amended by Resolution No. 1032 of November 11 th, 2015, which made
the company Cable & Wireless in the amount of 108,820 dollars and 23 cents.
The donation of 10 thousand dollars for each organization, was handed to the
Foundations Cable & Wireless Panama, Te Tengo en Cuenta, Niños de Cristal de
Panama, Cuerpo de Voluntarias del Hospital del Niño, Asociacion de Amigos del
Hospital Cecilio A. Castillero C., FUNDACANCER, IPan de los Pobres Foundation,
Kiwanis Club Las Perlas, and the Association of the Divine Mercy and Maria Rosa
Mystique. The Board of Trustees Ciudad del Niño received the amount of 8,820
dollars and 23 cents.
Belgica Villareal of the Association of Friends of the Hospital Cecilio A. Castillero
C., stated that this donation will allow them to provide breakfast to people who
come from distant places to be met in the hospital. While for Dianeth Ruiz of
FUNDACANCER, this donation will be destined for humanitarian support, going
exclusively to help people to pay medical expenses and medicines because they
cannot cover.
Control board games with this donation not only complies with the law, also brings
to the organizations that support the needy people in our country.