Español 1 – Examen Final Study Guide Preliminary Chapter

Español 1 – Examen Final Study Guide This study guide is meant to help guide your studying for the final exam, but is in NO WAY all­inclusive or a substitute for studying on your own! It is simply meant to help give you extra practice exercises. Preliminary Chapter ​(greetings, time, date, days, months) Complete the following sentences with the correct word in Spanish. 1. Hoy es viernes, mañana es __________________. 2. Mañana es jueves, hoy es___________________. 3. El veinticinco de ___________________ es La Navidad (Christmas). 4. El cuatro de ________________es el día de independencia (Independence Day). 5. Los días de la semana son ____________, martes, miércoles, _____________, viernes, ____________, domingo. Write the following dates in Spanish, using the correct format: Write the following times in Spanish: Hoy es el________ de ____________. Use “son las” and “es la” for “it is”. 1. December 29 _______________________________ 3:00__________________________________ 2. March 18 __________________________________ 2:15_________________________________ 3. November 22________________________________ 8:30__________________________________ 4. May 6______________________________________ 10:35_________________________________ 5. January 20___________________________________ 6:55________________________________ ANSWER the following questions IN SPANISH: 1. ¿Cómo te llamas?_________________________________________________ 2. ¿Cómo estás?_________________________________________________ 3. ¿Cuántos años tienes?_______________________________________________ 4. ¿De dónde eres?______________________________________________ 5. ¿Cómo eres?____________________________________________________ Chapter 1 ​(subject pronouns, regular verb conjugations, ser, adjectives describing people) Write the subject pronouns in Spanish. I =
we = you (familiar) =
you all (familiar) = you (formal) =
you all (familiar/formal) = he =
they (m, m & f) = she =
they (f) = Conjugate ser: ​ser = ____________ I am =
we are = you (fam.) are =
you all (fam.) are = he is =
they (m, m & f) are = she is =
they (f) are = you (form.) are =
you all (fam/form) are = Translate to Spanish using the verb Ser: 1. We are students. ___________________________________________________ 2. She is my friend. _____________________________________________ 3. You are a boy.__________________________________________________ 4. I am from Panamá. ____________________________________________________ 5. They are teachers. _____________________________________________________ Write the OPPOSITE of each word in SPANISH: 1. gordo____________________________
7. paciente___________________________ 2. débil____________________________
8. alto____________________________ 3. pelo corto____________________________
9. malo____________________________ 4. reservado____________________________
antipático____________________________ 10. 5. trabajador____________________________
estúpido____________________________ 11. 6. bonito____________________________
12. ordenado_________________________ What are the 4 DEFINITE articles in Spanish?____________________________________________________ What are the 4 INDEFINITE articles in Spanish?___________________________________________________ Write the endings for each kind of verb in Spanish: ​­ar endings
​­er endings
­​ir endings Write the following in Spanish: 1. You and I talk on the phone. ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Beti and Martín eat dinner. _________________________________________________________________________ 3. Miguel and Mercedes dance the Tango. _______________________________________________________________ 4. I use the computer___________________________________________________________________________ 5. You (fam) run in the park. _______________________________________________________________________ 6. José writes in the book. __________________________________________________________________ Chapter 2​ (School supplies, tener expressions, tener + que + infinitive) Fill in the blank with the correct vocabulary word in Spanish: 1. Yo uso una _______________________________________ en la clase de matemáticas. 2. Ella pinta en la clase de ______________________________. 3. Tú necesitas un diccionario en la clase de _______________________________. 4. Yo uso una ___________________________en la clase de tecnología. 5. Leemos el libro “To Kill a Mockingbird” en la clase de ____________________________. Using the tener expressions, translate the following sentences: 1. We are hungry _______________________________________________________________________ 2. The class is sleepy _______________________________________________________________________ 3. I am lucky ___________________________________________________________________________ 4. You (fam) are thirsty _______________________________________________________________________ 5. They are wrong. _______________________________________________________________________ Using the formula “tener + que + infinitive” translate the following sentences into Spanish: 1. I have to speak Spanish in Spanish class. ______________________________________________________________. 2. The class has to listen. ____________________________________________________________________________. 3. You all have to run in PE. __________________________________________________________________________. 4. We have to study. _____________________________________________________________________________. 5. You (formal) have to make good grades. ______________________________________________________________. Chapter 3​ (Gustar, Encantar, food) Fill in the blank with the correct word to describe what the following people ​like. 1. a ellos____ ________ las cebollas. 5. a nosotros ____ ________ la leche. 2. a mí ____ _________ la pizza. 6. a sarita ____ ________ las zanahorias. 3. a ellas ____ ________el bistec. 7. a Sarita y a Laura ____ ________ el pescado. 4. a vosotros ____ ________la ensalada. 8. a ti ____ ________ las galletas. Fill in the blank with the correct word to describe what people ​love. 1. a uds ____ ________ el jugo. 5. a ellos____ ________ las fresas. 2. a Carlos____ ________ el pan. 6. a mí ____ ________ los huevos. 3. a mi papá ____ ________ las papas. 4. a él ____ ________ el perro caliente. 7. a nosotros ____ ________ el arroz. 8. a ti ____ ________ el queso. Translate the following sentences into Spanish: 1. I don’t like bread. ________________________________________________________________________ 2. Pepe loves coffee. _______________________________________________________________________ 3. I like iced tea. _______________________________________________________________________ 4. They don’t like bacon. _______________________________________________________________________ 5. We love chicken. _______________________________________________________________________ Chapter 4​ (emotions, estar, places, ir, ir + a + infinitive) Conjugate the verb ir: ​ir = ______________
Translate the following sentences: Nosotros­ Vosotros­ ellos/ellas/ustedes­ 1. I am going to the gym. ___________________________________________________________________ 2. We are going to the movies________________________________________________________________ 3. You (fam) are going to the park. ____________________________________________________________ 4. You (form) are going to the beach. __________________________________________________________ 5. Sandra is going to the synagogue. ___________________________________________________________ Form sentences with the subject pronouns and verbs provided using the formula ir + a + infinitivo to tell what the person/people are going to do. EX: Yo/leer el libro → Yo voy a leer el libro. 1. Juana y Raúl / nadar: _________________________________________________________ 2. mi amigo / comer la fruta: ____________________________________________________ 3. Ud. / compartir la comida: ____________________________________________________ 4. tú / beber el refresco: ______________________________________________________ 5. Yo/caminar en el parque: ____________________________________________________ Conjugate estar:____________________ yo
nosotros tú
vosotros ellos/ellas/uds. Using ​estar, ​tell how the following people feel: 1. Lola is depressed. ___________________________________________________________________ 2. You all are worried. ___________________________________________________________________ 3. I am sick. ___________________________________________________________________ 4. They (fem) are tired. ___________________________________________________________________ 5. La. Srta. Stewart is angry.___________________________________________________________________ Using ​estar, ​tell where the following people are: 1. I am in the gym. ___________________________________________________________________ 2. Carlitos is in the museum___________________________________________________________________ 3. We are in the pool. ___________________________________________________________________ 4. You all (Spain) are in the library______________________________________________________________ 5. Carlota and Mercedes are in mosque. ________________________________________________________ Chapter 5​ (family, possessive adjectives, saber/conocer, irregular yo­form verbs) Translate the sentences using the correct possessive adjectives: 1. Our grandma________________________________
2. His family________________________________
5. Their 6. My parents________________________________ 3. Your (fam) siblings________________________________ 7. Her uncle________________________________
4. Our cousin (fem) ________________________________
8. My niece________________________________ Translate using the correct form of Saber or Conocer: 1. I know how to speak Spanish. ____________________________________________________________ 2. The class knows the answer (la respuesta) ____________________________________________________________ 3. Do you know my mom? ____________________________________________________________ 4. The students know the information (la información) well. _________________________________________________ 5. My grandma is familiar with Italy. ____________________________________________________________ 6. I know Kanye West. ____________________________________________________________ Write the definition and yo form for the following verbs: definition
yo form 1. producir____________ ________________
6. tener____________ ________________ 2. saber ____________ ________________
________________ 7. conducir ____________ 3. poner____________ ________________
8. hacer____________ ________________ 4. dar____________ ________________
9. ver____________ ________________ 5. conocer____________ ________________
10. traer____________ ________________ Translate: 1. I watch tv. ___________________________________________________________________________________ 2. They know the information well. ____________________________________________________________________ 3. He drives the car (el carro) __________________________________________________________________________ 4. I do the homework everyday _______________________________________________________________________ 5. I am 15 years old. _________________________________________________________________________________ Chapter 6​ (Stem­changing verbs, present progressive) Conjugate the following stem­changing verbs, then write what they mean in English: Entender (yo) _____________________
Dormir (ella) _____________________ Preferir (nosotros) _____________________
Preferir (yo) _____________________ Jugar (tú) _____________________
Jugar (ellas) _____________________ Competir (ellos) _____________________
Entender (nosotros) _____________________ Cerrar (él) _____________________
Tener (usted) _____________________ Contar (yo) _____________________
Perder (nosotros) _____________________ Dormir (nosotros) _____________________
Perder (él) _____________________ Using the present progressive tense (estar + ­ando/­iendo) translate into Spanish: 1. They are vacuuming____________________________________________________________________ 2. I am taking out the trash___________________________________________________________________ 3. You and I are washing the car________________________________________________________________ 4. He is helping_________________________________________________________________________ 5. You all are washing the clothes_______________________________________________________________ Chapter 7​ (clothing, numbers through 1000, demonstrative adjectives) Tell what the following people are wearing in Spanish: 1. Pedro wears a white t­shirt and green pants. ___________________________________________________________ 2. I wear a yellow blouse and a purple skirt. ______________________________________________________________ 3. They (fem) wear blue dresses________________________________________________________________________ 4. She wears black shoes_____________________________________________________________________________ 5. You (fam) wear a black suit and white socks___________________________________________________________ 6. We wear orange t­shirts and pink shoes_______________________________________________________________ Use the correct demonstrative to describe each item of clothing: 1. This dress__________________________________ 7. Those t­shirts (over there) ___________________________ 2. Those shoes_________________________________
8. These socks______________________________________ 3. Those skirts (over there) __________________________9. This bathing suit_________________________________ 4. These earrings_________________________________ 10. That sweater___________________________________ 5. That necklace_________________________________ 11. Those boots (over there)_________________________ 6. That watch (over there) _____________________________ 12. These pants________________________________ 
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