Link Grocery Cards to GUNSTON MIDDLE SCHOOL Parents, Please link or relink your Harris Teeter or Giant grocery cards to Gunston Middle School. This No Cost fund raiser helps the PTA and School. Last year, only 56 parents linked their cards to Gunston. Some local schools generate over $7k from this no cost fund raiser and it would be a shame to leave literally thousands of dollars to other schools. We are here to make this easy. 1. Sign up at Harris Teeter or Giant Customer Service. Our code for Harris Teeter is 4886 and our code for Giant is 03029 or just ask them to link you to Gunston. 2. Link Online: > click Community >Together In Education > Link To Your School and ‘Click To RE’Link VIC Card’ and create or sign in into your account. Harris Teeter Code: 4886 > click ‘Savings and Rewards’ > ‘A+ School Rewards’ and create or sign in into your account. Giant Code: 03029 Or you can link right at the store while checking out! 3. At Gunston: Bring your VIC & Bonus cards with you to the Gunston Open House, Fall Fun Fest or PTA meetings. Look for our table, and will help you link your cards. 4. Email Us: Send an email to [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] with your Last Name (registered for your VIC Card) plus your 11 digit Harris Teeter or Giant card numbers or Phone Number. Conecta Su Tarjetas de Supermercado a Gunston Familias de la Escuela Gunston, Estamos por comenzar un nuevo año escolar y por ello les pido que apoyen a recaudar fondos para el PTA. Los siguientes negocios donan un porcentaje de su compra sin costo adicional para ustedes (solo le tomara un poco de tiempo). Compra en Harris Teeter o Giant? Por favor vincule sus tarjetas de la tienda! Solo estos dos supermercados donan un porcentaje de la venta cuando usted compra productos de su marca. Harris Teeter: Vincule su tarjeta VIC hoy mismo! Quiere ayuda? Envíe un correo electrónico a [email protected] or [email protected] or [email protected] con su apellido (que uso para abrir una tarjeta VIC) además de los 11 dígitos de su tarjeta VIC o el número de teléfono (que uso para abrir una tarjeta VIC). Hágalo por internet. Visite y elija ‘Community’, ‘Together In Education’, ‘Link To Your School’, and ‘Click To RE’Link VIC Card’. Crea o inicia una sesión. Hágalo en la tienda. Cuando este en la caja, pida que vinculen su tarjeta a ‘Gunston Middle School PTA (Arlington)’. Giant: Vincule su tarjeta hoy mismo! Hagalo por internet. Visite y elija ‘Savings and Rewards’, ‘A+ School Rewards’. Crea o inicia una sesión. Muchas gracias por su tiempo para apoyar a Gunston PTA!