
PRÓLOGO de Luis María Huete ......................................................................
INTRODUCCIÓN ..........................................................................................
1. EL PRECURSOR: ERASMO DE ROTTERDAM ..................................................
2. SIGLOS XVIII Y XIX ..........................................................................................
SIGLO XVIII. PIONEROS ....................................................................................
Arkwright, R. (1768); Smith, A. (1776): An Inquiry into the Nature and
Causes of the Wealth of Nations.
(1800-1820): Owen, R (1815): Observations on the Effect of the Manufacturing System; (1820-1840): Babbage, C. (1832): The Economy of Machinery
and Manufacturers; (1860-1880): Marx, K. (1867): El capital; (18801900): Marshall, A (1890): Principles of Economics: An Introductory Volume;
Veblen, T. B. (1899): The Theory of the Leisure Class: An economic Study in
the Evolution of Institutions.
3. SIGLO XX ..........................................................................................................
(1900-1920) PLANIFICAR Y VENDER ..................................................................
Weber, M. (1904-1905): La ética protestante y el espíritu del capitalismo;
Gantt, H. L. (1910): Work, Wages and Profits; Casson, H. N. (1911): Advertisements and Sales: A Study of Advertising and Selling from the Standpoint of
the New Principles of Scientific Management; Gilbreth, F. B. (1911): Motion
Study; Taylor, F. W. (1911): The Principles of Scientific Management; Schumpeter, J. A. (1912): The Theory of Economic Development; Emerson, H.
(1913): The Twelve Principles of Efficiency; Copeland, M. T. (1917): Problems in Marketing; Fayol, J. H. (1917): Administration Industrielle et Generalé; Rathenau, W (1917): Los Días Venideros; Knoeppel, C. (1918): Organization and Administration.
(1920-1940) PRODUCCIÓN Y FACTOR HUMANO ................................................
Carnegie, A. (1920): Autobiography of Andrew Carnegie; Cherington, P.T .
(1920): The Elements of Marketing; Rowntree, B. S. (1921): The Human
Factor in Business: Experiments in Industrial Democracy; Ford, H. y Crowther, S. (1922): My life and Work; Sheldon, O. (1923): The Philosophy of
Management; Follett, M. P. (1924): Creative Experience; Le Chatelier, H.
(1928): Le Taylorisme; Dennison, H. S. (1931): Organization Engineering;
Mooney, J. D. y Reilley, A. C. (1931): Onward Industry! The Principles of
Organization and Their Significance to Modern Industry; Berle, A. A. y
Means, G. C. (1933): The Modern Corporation and Private Property; Mayo,
G. E. (1933): The Human Problems of an Industrial Civilitation; Urwick, L.
F. (1933): Management of Tomorrow; Commons, J. R. (1934): Institutional
Economics: Its Place in Political Economy; Keynes, J. M. (1936): The General
Theory of Employment, Interest and Money; Barnard, C. I. (1938): The Functions of the Executive; Roethlisberger, F. J. y Dickson, W. J. (1939): Management and the Worker.
(1940-1960) ORGANIZACIONES Y COMPORTAMIENTO HUMANO ..........................
Burnham, J. (1941): The Managerial Revolution: Or, what is happening in
the world now; Simon, H. (1947): Administrative Behaviour; Gulick, L. H.
(1948): Administrative Reflections from Worl War II; Drucker, P. F. (1954):
The Practice of management; Galbraith, J. K. (1955): The Great Crash:
1929; Herzberg, F. (1959): Managerial Choice: To Be Efficient ant To Be
Otros autores de las décadas 1940-1960 ......................................................
Likert, R.; McGregor, D. y Trist, E.
(1960-1980) DIRECTIVOS, EMPRESARIOS Y ESTRATEGIAS......................................
Tregoe, B. B. y Zimmerman, J. W. (1961): Top Management Strategy;
Chandler, A. D. (1962): Strategy and Structure: Chapters in the History of
the American Industrial Enterprise; Friedman, M. (1962): Capitalism and
Freedom; March, J. G. y Cyert, R. M. (1963): A Behavioral Theory of the
Firm; Sloan, A. P. (1964): My years with General Motors; Ansoff, H. I.
(1965): Corporative Strategy; Lawrence, P. y Lorsch, J. (1967): Organization and Environment; Thompson, J. D. (1967): Organizations in
Action; Andrews, K. R. (1971): The Concept of Corporate Strategy; Bower,
J. L. (1971): Managing the Resource Allocation Process; Mintzberg, H.
(1973): The Nature of Managerial Work; Argyris, C. y Schön, D. (1978):
Organizational Learning; Hofer, C. y Schendel, D. (1978): Strategy Formulation: Analytical Concepts; Miles, R. E. y Snow, C. (1978): Organizacional Strategy, Structure and Process; Ohno, T. (1978): El sistema de producción de Toyota: más allá de la producción en masa; Pfeffer, J. y
Salancik, G. R. (1978): The external control organizations: Resource
dependence perspective; Salter, M. y Weinhold, W. A. (1979): Diversification Through Acquisition.
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Otros autores de las décadas 1960-1980 ......................................................
Braverman, H.; Burns, T.; Hannan, M.; Freeman, J.; Hofstede, G.; Lindblom, C.; Pugh, D.; Child, J.; Hickson, D. y Williamson, O. E.
Abell, D. F. (1980): Defining the Business; Porter, M. E. (1980): Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors; Quinn, J. B.
(1980): Strategies for Change: Logical Incrementalism; Nelson, R. R. y Winter, S. (1982): An Evolutionary Theory of Economic Change; Peters, T. J. y
Waterman, R. H. (1982): In search of Excellence; Slatter, S. (1984): Corporate Recovery - A Guide to Turnaround Management; Deming, W. E. (1986):
Out of the Crisis; Henderson, B. D. (1984): The Logic of Business Strategy;
Hamermesh, R. (1986): Making Strategy Work; Rumelt, R. (1986): Strategy, Structure and Economic Perfomance; Buzzle, R. D. y Gale, B. T. (1987):
The PIMS Principles: Linking Strategy to Performance; Juran, J. M. (1988):
Juran’s Quality Control Handbook; Burgelman, R. A. y Sayles, L. R. (1988):
Inside Corporation Innovation; Pearce, J. A. y Robinson, R. B. (1988): Strategic Management. Strategy Formulation and Implementation; Senge, P.
(1990): The Fifth Discipline: The Art and Practice of the Learning Organisation; Thompson, A. A. y Strickland III, A. J. (1992): Strategic Management: Concept and Cases.
Otros autores de las décadas 1980-2000 ......................................................
Bartlett, C.; Ghoshal, S.; Crozier, M.; Digman, L. A.; DiMaggio, P. J.;
Powell, R. W.; Galbraith, J. W.; Kazanjian, R. K.; Handy, C.; Harrigan, K.
R.; Kanter, R. M.; Morgan, G.; Pettigrew, A.; Schein, E.; Vroom. V. y
Weick, K. E.
Algunos autores españoles del siglo XX ...................................................... 108
CONSIDERACIONES FINALES ........................................................................ 113
ÍNDICE DE NOMBRES ............................................................................................ 117
BIBLIOGRAFÍA ...................................................................................................... 119
OBRAS DEL AUTOR ................................................................................................ 125
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