Ministry Minister Address Contact Information Ministry for the Social Action and National Solidarity ORRR Ministry of Labour and Social Security Ministry of Public Admin., Employment, and Social Security Ministerio de Trabajo, Empleo y Seguridad Mr. Tayeb Louh Route Nationale N°1 les vergers BP N°31 Bir khadem - Alger [email protected] z Mr. Antonio Pitra Neto Telephone number: 244 338940/336095/96 Armenia Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Mr. Mkhitar Mnatsakanyan Azerbaijan The Ministry of Labour and Social Protection of Population Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations Ministry of Labour Mr. Fizuli Alakbarov Rua do 1° Congresso do MPLA, N° 5, Luanda Av. Leandro N. Alem 650 (C1001AAO) Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires Government Building 3, Republic Square, Yerevan AZ-1000, Baku , U. Hajibayov st. 40, The Governmental House 16-18 Mort St Canberra Act 2600 Dr. Majeed Al Alawi P. O. Box 32333, Isa Town [email protected] Minister of Labour, Local Government and Rural Development Mr. Gabriel A. Martinez Belmopan [email protected] Ministère de l'industrie du commerce et de la promotion de l'emploi Ministry of Labour, Employment and Social Security ( Ministerio de Trabajo) Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs Reckia Madougou 01 Boîte Postale 363 Cotonou N/A Mr. Calixto Chipana Calisaya Calle Yanacocha Esq. mercado S/N - Zona Central, La Paz [email protected] Mr. Peter Siele P/Bag 002 Gaborone N/A Ministerio do Trabalho e Emprego Mr. Carlos Lupi Esplanada dos Ministérios Bloco F CEP: 70059-900 Electronic contact form: /sisouvidor/autoatendiment Algeria http://www.massn.go Angola http://www.mapess.g Argentina http://www.trabajo.g Australia Bahrain bh/mol/default.aspx Belize http://www.belize.go 073&CtNode=600&m p=27 Benin ndex.php Bolivia http://www.mintrabaj Botswana ndex.php?option=co m_content&task=vie w&id=30&Itemid=40 Brazil br/ Dr. Carlos Tomada Ms. Julia Gillard Contact Information: contactos/ [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Brasília - DF Burkina Faso http://www.emploi.g x.jsp) Burundi http://www.burundig Gouvernement-de-la Cameroon No website found Ministère du Travail, de l’Emploi et de la Jeunesse Mr. Jérôme Bougouma N/A o/cadastro/formularioMensa gem.jsp N/A Ministère de la Fonction Publique, du Travail et de la Sécurité Sociale Ministry of Labour and Social Security Ms. Clotilde Niragira Bujumbara N/A N/A Yaounde N/A Canada http://www.labour.go Ministry of Labour Mr. Peter Fonseca 14th Floor 400 University Avenue Toronto ON M7A 1T7 Cape Verde cv/ Ministério do Trabalho, Formação Profissional e Solidariedade Social Ms. Maria Madalena Brito Neves Monte Agarro Plateau Cidade da Praia Ilha de Santiago, Cabo Verde 453 Central Africa Republic No website found Chad rd.asp?url=http://ww Chile http://www.mintrab.g Columbia http://www.minprote eContent/home.asp Congo No Website found Ministry of Social Affairs Solange Pagonendji N'Dackala Ms. Fatime Tchombi Bangui Contact the Minister of Labour via e-mail: a/english/feedback/feedfor m.php?source=min Contact Ministry of Labour via e-mail: ex.php?option=com_contac t&task=view&contact_id=1 &Itemid=111 N/A N/A N/A Ministerio del Trabajo y Prevision Social Ms. Claudia Serrano Madrid Huérfanos 1273 Santiago Ministerio de la Proteccion Social Mr. Diego Palacio Betancourt Cra. 13 #32-76 Bogotá D.C. Ministry of Labour, Employment, and Social Security Ministere de l’Emploi, du Travail et de la Prévoyance sociale Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social Mr. Gilbert Odongo Brazzaville To Contact via e-mail: contacto/ To contact via e-mail: http://www.minproteccions ntactus.asp N/A Mr. Ferdinand Kambere Kalumbi Mr. Francisco Morales Hernández Kinshasa N/A Oficinas Centrales Barrio Tournón, San José 10133-1000 N/A BP V 99 Abidjan N/A Democratic Republic of Congo No website found Costa Rica http://www.ministrba Cote d’Ivoire No website found Ministry of Civil Service, Labour and Employment Ministry of Employment and Civil Mr. Hubert Oulaye Service Ministry of Labour and Social Insurance Ms. Soteroula Charalambous Clementos 9, 1061 Nicosia [email protected] Ms. Margarita Marlene Gonzalez Fernandez Mr. Michal Sedláček Calle 23/ O y P, Vedado, La Habana [email protected] Na Poříčním právu 1/376 128 01 Praha 2 [email protected] Mr. Mohamed Barkat Abdillahi N/A N/A Mr. Maximiliano Puig Miller Mr. Antonio Gagliardo Valarezo Av. Jiménez Moya Centro Los Héroes, La Feria Clemente Ponce 555 y Piedrahita QuitoEcuador N/A Ministry of Manpower and Immigration Ms. Aisha Abdel Hadi 96 Ahmed Orabi St. - Mohandeseen Embaba - Cairo Ministerio de Trabajo y Previsión Social Mr. Jose Roberto Espinal Escobar Etiopía http://www.molsa.go Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Mr. Hassan Abdella Finland glish/n Ministry of Employment and the Economy Ms. Tarja Cronberg France http://www.minefe.g Ministère de l'Économie, de l'industrie et de l'emploi Ministry of Labour, Employment, and Social Welfare Sec. of State for Trade, Industry, and Ms. Christine Lagarde Alameda Juan Pablo II y 17 Ave. Nte. Edificios 2 y 3, Centro de Gobierno,San Salvador Kirkos Kifle Ketema, Kebele 18 Kazanchis P.O.Box 2056 P.O. Box 32, FI00023 GOVERNMENT, Finland 139 rue de Bercy, 75012 Paris Cyprus http://www.mlsi.go.c y/mlsi/dl/dl.nsf/dlinde x_en/dmlindexen?Op enDocument Cuba Czech Republic en/ Djibouti Dominican Republic o/ Ecuador http://www.mintrab.g bajo/index.htm Arab Republic of Egypt http://www.emigrati x El Salvador http://www.mtps.gob .sv/default.asp?id=55 &mnu=55 Gabon No website found Gambia http://www.statehous Ministerio de Trabajo y Securidad Social Ministerstvo práce a sociálních věcí (Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs) Ministry of Employment and National Solidarity Secretaría de Estado de Trabajo Ministerio de Trabajo y Empleo Mr. JeanFrancois Ndongou Mr. Abdou Kolley B.P. 2256 Libreville NIPA Building Independence Drive N/A N/A Information: [email protected] c Comments/suggestions: [email protected] c [email protected] [email protected] To contact via e-mail: services/courrierPHP4/index .php Telephone Number: 241 76 3843 [email protected] Georgia http://www.healthmi hp Germany portal/16702/startseit e.htmlEnglisch/Navig ation/root.html Ghana http://www.ghana.go n=com_content&view =article&id=334:ministry-ofemployment-andsocial-welfare&catid=74:ministries &Itemid=224 Greece Employment Banjul Ministry of Labour, Health and Social Affairs Mr. Aleksandre Kvitashvili №30 K.Gamsakhurdia ave., Tbilisi 0102 Telephone number: (+995 32)221 235, 387 071 Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales (Ministry for Labour and Social Affairs) Ministry of Employment and Social Welfare Ms. Ursula von der Leyen Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) William Street 49 10117 Berlin P.O. Box 1627 State House Accra [email protected] Head office 40, Pireos Street 10437 Metaxourgio, Athens 7A. AV. 3-33 ZONA 9 EDIFICIO TORRE EMPRESARIAL, La Nueva Guatemala de la Asunción Route Nationale N° 1 Gattereau 1 N° 21 4110 Gonaïves Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi - 110 001 Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav. 51 Jakarta 12950 [email protected] Mr. Stephen Kwao Amoanar [email protected] Ministry of Employment & Social Protection Mr. Andreas Loverdos Guatemala http://www.mintrabaj Ministerio de Trabajo y Previsión Social Mr. Edgar Alfredo Rodriguez Haiti No website found Ministère du Travail et de l'Emploi Labour Ms. Gabrielle Previlon Baudin India Ministry of Labour and Employment Mr. Shri Mallikarjun Kharge Indonesia http://www.nakertran Ministry of Manpower and Transmigration Mr. Muhaimin Iskandar Iran Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs Mr. Ali Nikzad Tehran, Azadi Street [email protected] Iraq No website found Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs N/A N/A Ireland http://www.entemp.i e/index.htm Israel http://www.moital.go Ministry for Enterprise, Trade, & Employment Ministry of Industry, Trade and Labour Mr. Mahmud Muhammad Jawad al-Radi Ms. Mary Coughlan 23 Kildare Street, Dublin 2 [email protected] Ms. Orit Noked 5 Bank of Israel Street, Jerusalem To contact: [email protected] .gt N/A [email protected] Contact the ministry: http://www.nakertrans.go.i d/contact.html 981-357D-446FAFAC91A358E93C87.htm Italy msTamat/SendMail.aspx Ministero del Lavoro della Salute e delle Politiche Sociali (Ministry of Labour, Health, & Welfare) Ministry of Health, Labour, & Welfare Mr. Maurizio Sacconi via Vento 56, Rome [email protected] Mr. Yoichi Masuzoe [email protected] Ministry of Labour Mr. Ghazi Shbeikat 1-2-2 Kasumigaseki Chiyoda-ku Tokyo, 100-8916 8160 Amman 1118 Ministry of labour and Human development Mr. John Kiyonga Munyes Social security House, Bishop Road P O Box 40326 Nairobi [email protected] Ministry of Social Affairs and Labour Mr. Mohammad Mohsen Al Afasi N/A part of website under construction Inquiries: MOSAL/static/aboutet.jsf Ministry of Labour Mr. Mohammed Fneish N/A part of website is under construction [email protected] Sec. of the Gen. People's Committee for Social Affairs Ministry of Human Resources Mr. Ibrahim alZarruq alSharif Mr. Subramaniam Sathasivam N/A N/A [email protected] Mexico http://www.stps.gob. mx/ Secretaria del Trabajo y Prevision Social Mr. Javier Lozano Alarcon Level 6-9, Block D3, Complex D Federal Government Administrative Centre, 62530 Putrajaya Periferico Sur No 4271, Col. Fuentes del Pedegral, Tlalpan 14149 Mexico Morocco http://www.emploi.g Mozambique http://www.mitrab.go Ministère de l'Emploi et de la Formation Professionnelle Ministry of Labour Mr. Jamal Aghmani Avenue Mohamed V, Hassan, Rabat Ms. Helena Taipo Avenida 24 de Julho 2351, C.P. 281 Maputo Japan http://www.mhlw.go. jp/english/ Jordan o/default.aspx?tabid= 175 Kenya http://www.labour.go .ke/index.php?option =com_content&view= frontpage&Itemid=1 Kuwait http://www.mosal.go GxHs2EnRR3GxLmUA ==.jsf;jsessionid=c0 a855115026c0a0408c 8044938c628c2b2f6e a93a Lebanon http://www.Labour.g Libya No website found Malaysia .my/ [email protected] Phone number: From the interior of Mexico (switch) 01) (55) 3000-2100 From abroad (switch) (52) (55) 3000-2100 N/A site under construction Telephone: Tel: +258 21 428301/3, 324071 Netherlands Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment Mr. Piet Hein Donner P.O. Box 90801 2509 LV The Hague E-mail form: cfm?rubriek_id=392029&ho ofdmenu_item_id=14635 [email protected] Nicaragua http://www.mitrab.go Niger No website found Nigeria No website found Ministerio del Trabajo Ms. Jeannette Chavez Gomez PO Box No. 487, Managua, Ministry of Civil Service and Labour Ministry of Labour and Productivity Ms. Kanda Siptey Mr. Adetokunbo Kayode Ms. Hanne Bjurstrøm Niamey N/A N/A N/A Postboks 8019 Dep. 0030 Oslo nb/dep/ad/dep/kontakt/kon taktarbeidsdepartementet.html ?id=437459 [email protected] Norway http://www.regjering l?id=165 Ministry of Labour Panama http://www.mitradel. Ministerio de trabajo y desarrollo Laboural Mr. Edwin Antonio Salamin Jaen Ricardo J. Alfaro (Tumba Muerto), Bethany Edison Plaza, Fifth Floor Paraguay No website found Ministerio de Justicia y Trabajo Mr. Humberto Blasco N/A Peru’ http://www.peru.gob. pe/ Ministerio de Trabajo y Promoción del Empleo Philippines ph/ Department of Labour and Employment Mr. Jorge Elisban Villasante Aranibar Mr. Marianito D. Roque Poland http://www.mpips.go Portugal .pt/english.asp Rwanda http://www.mifotra.g php Russia http://www.minzdrav Saudi Arabia a Sierra Leone http://www.slhc- Ministry of Labour & Social Policy Ms. Jolanta Fedak Ministry for Work & Social Solidarity Ms. Maria Helena André Ministry of Public Service and Labour Anastse Murekezi Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia y Estados Unidos ASUNCIÓN Av. del Aire N° 485 San Borja (Altura de la Cdra 14 de la Av. Canada) Muralla St. cor. Gen. Luna St., Intramuros, 1002 Manila, Philippines ul. Nowogrodzka 1/3/5 00-513 Warszawa Praça de Londres, 2 -16º 1049-056 Lisboa N/A Ministry of Health & Social Development Ms. Tatyana Alekseyevna Golikova Mr. Ghazi bin Abd al-Rahman al-Qusaybi Minkailu Mansaray 3 Rakhmanovskiy Pereulok Moscow 127994 Omar bin Al-Khatab Street, Riyadh N/A New England Freetown Telephone number: (232) 2241947/240885/240041/2 Ministry of Labour Ministry of Employment and ntactenos/pep_contactenos .asp ntact/index.php [email protected] [email protected] Feedback form: lang/en/contact.php tact.html tm Singapore .sg/publish/momport al/en/home.html Industrial Relations and Social Security Ministry of Manpower Sierra Leone 41930 Mr. Gan Kim Yong 18 Havelock Road Singapore 059764 Department of Labour Mr. Shepherd Membathisi Mdladlana Spain Ministerio de Trabajo e Inmigración Sri Lanka k/Ministries_2007/Mi n_labour_relations_m anpower.html Sweden http://www.regeringe Ministry of Labour Relations and Manpower Mr. Celestino Corbacho Chaves Mr. Athauda Senaviratne Room 1207, 12th Floor, 120 Plein Street, Cape Town Agustín de Bethencourt, 4 28071- Madrid Labour Secretariat, Narahenpita, Colombo 05 Send e-mails via online feedback service: blish/momportal/en/header /feedback.html [email protected] South Africa http://www.labour.go Ministry of Employment Mr. Sven Otto Littorin Rosenbad 4 SE-103 33 Stockholm Tanzania http://www.tanzania. Ministry of Labour, Employment, & Youth Development Mr. Athumani Juma Kapuya Turkey http://www.calisma.g Ministry of Labour & Social Security Mr. Omer Dincer Permanent Secretary, Hifadhi House Samora Avenue/Azikiwe Road P.O. Box 1422, Dar es Salaam. Đnönü Bulvarı No:42 Pk: 06520 Emek / Ankara United Arab Emirates Ministry of Labour Mr. Saqr Ghobash Saeed Ghobash United Kingdom uk/ United States Department for Work and Pensions Ms. Yvette Cooper Department of Labour Ms. Hilda L. Solis Uruguay http://www.mtss.gub .uy/ Venezuela Ministerio de Trabajo y Seguridad Social Mr. Eduardo Bonomi Al Salam Street, P.O.Box: 809, Al Matar Abu Dhabi Caxton House, Tothill Street, London SW1H 9DA U.S. Department of Labour 200 Constitution Ave., NW Washington, DC 20210 Juncal 1511, Planta Baja, Montevideo Ministerio del Poder Ms. Maria Plaza Caracas, El [email protected] Telephone number: 94-112368175, 2589267 E-mail Mr. Littorin via the regisrator:http://www.rege article/117/jsp/Render.jsp? a=70251&m=popup&l=sv N/A Send a message to the Minister: en/page.php?page=messsa gepost Contact Center: tact.html [email protected] E-mail inquiry: tact/contact-email.htm [email protected] N/A because website is http://www.mintra.go Popular para el Trabajo y la Seguridad Social Cristina Iglesias Silencio, Edificio Sur del Centro Simón Bolivar. Oficinas de atención en los pisos 2, 4 y 5 currently under construction