WOR L D RESOURCES FORUM WORLD RESOURCES FORUM LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN and the INTERNATIONAL SUSTAINABLE BUILDING CONGRESS 2016 Building Sustainable Cities and Lifestyles in Latin America and the Caribbean MAY 17 – 20, 2016 | SAN JOSÉ, COSTA RICA Organised by the Green Building Council Costa Rica (GBC-CR), the World Resources Forum (WRF) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) Green Building Council Costa Rica | World Resources Forum | UNEP/ International Resource Panel (IRP) + 506 6066 35 00 [email protected] www.gbccr.org Switzerland + 41 71 554 09 00 [email protected] www.wrforum.org + 507 305 31 60 [email protected] www.unep.org/10yfp TOPICS ■■ Resource efficiency policies ■■ Sustainable business and financing ■■ Bioeconomy – priority resources ■■ Sustainable and inclusive cities and buildings ■■ Sustainable lifestyles and education PROGRAM ■■ Plenary sessions ▪▪ Sustainable resources management ▪▪ Sustainable buildings and cities ▪▪ Sustainable lifestyles and education ■■ Workshops, scientific sessions, trainings and back-to-back meetings ■■ Exhibitions and cinema ■■ Acknowledgements and awards ■■ Gala dinner, social activities and tours LANGUAGE English and Spanish with simultaneous translation VENUE Universidad Veritas (west side – 1 km- of the Casa Presidencial, San José 10105, Costa Rica) BE ACTIVE at the Green EXPO, establish contacts and learn about companies, products and services from national and international innovators TAKE-AWAYS ■■ Networking opportunities with national and international leaders and experts ■■ Global visibility for activities, projects and products ■■ Friendly and productive environment for learning ■■ Ideas for new business models, projects and research topics ■■ Better understanding LAC priority issues www.congreso.gbccr.org Wichtiger HINWEIS ! Innerhalb der Schutzzone (hellblauer Rahmen) darf kein anderes Element platziert werden! Ebenso darf der Abstand zu Format- resp. Papierrand die Schutzzone nicht verletzen! Hellblauen Rahmen der Schutzzone nie drucken! Siehe auch Handbuch „Corporate Design der Schweizerischen Bundesverwaltung“ Kapitel „Grundlagen“, 1.5 / Schutzzone www. cdbund.admin.ch Alianza Centroamericana y del Caribe para el Desarrollo Sostenible contributing to