o r--1- GONIGYT COMISIÓN NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN % CIENTÍFICA Y TECNOLÓGICA GOBIERNO DE CHILE COMISION NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACTON CIENCIA Y TECNOLOGIA VERSION OFICIAL FECHA: 02/11/2010 PROYECTO INICIACION N°11070159 INVESTIGADOR RESPONSABLE: NICOLAS ANDRES FIGUEROA GONZALEZ FONDO NACIONAL DE DESARROLLO CIENTIFICO Y TECNOLOGICO (FONDECYT) Bernarda Morín 551, Providencia - casilla 297-y, Santiago 21 Telefono: 435 43 50 FAX 365 4435 Email: [email protected] INFORME FINAL PROYECTO FONDECYT INICIACION AÑO ETAPA: 2009 DURACIÓN: 3 años 11070159 N° PROYECTO: TÍTULO PROYECTO: PROCUREMENT MECHANISMS: COST REDUCTION, INCENTIVES TO INVESTMENT AND BARRIERS TO ENTRY TEORIA ECONOMICA DISCIPLINA PRINCIPAL: GRUPO DE ESTUDIO: CS. ECONOM1ADMI INVESTIGADOR(A) RESPONSABLE: NICOLAS ANDRES FIGUEROA GONZALEZ DIRECCIÓN: Providencia 385 Depto 101 COMUNA: Providencia CIUDAD: Santiago REGIÓN: METROPOLITANA FONO: 9331095 EMAIL: [email protected] INFORME OBJETIVOS Cumplimiento de los Objetivos planteados en el Proyecto. Recuerde que los objetivos del proyecto no se refieren a listar actividades desarrolladas sino a los objetivos desarroflados 2 OBJETIVOS CUMPLIMIENTO A model and un unalytical characteritation of the optimal mechanisms in the case of strategical cosi reduction investment from the buyers. The analysis will include the case of commitment and non-commitment to future mechanism rules (from the buyer), investment observability and nonobservability. A comparison of investment levels in each case and a comparison with the socially efficient one. A model and an analytical characterization of the optimal mcchanisms in the case of strategical entry of new seliers and the presence of fixed costs. The analysis will be made in the case the seller can commit to future mechanism rules. A comparison between the entry level in this mechanism and the socially efficient one. lOTAL See attached paper hy Cisternas and Figueroa. FUNDAMENTOjç TOTAL As explained in the file Results,pdf, this ohjective was dcterrnined to be not as interesting as we thought at the beginning. However, it was replaced by at least two other results that were born of this project. On the one hand, the optimal tool to design a mechanism (see Basso, Figueroa and Vasquez) and the cosI of asymmetric information for a planner (see Figueroa and Correa). 3 A dynamic model of entry decisions and bidding behavior in an infinite horizon model for a fixed mechanism that gives advantage lo previous winners. An algorithm to compute the optimal Markov strategies of such a game. Computations of optimal advantage rules through the numerical simulations. TOTAL The results are attached in the paper Figueroa and Vega 2010. We expect to have a ftull-fledged version of the paper by December. Otro(s) aspecto(s) que Ud. considere importante(s) en la evaluación del cumplimiento de objetivos planteados en la propuesta original o en las modificaciones autorizadas por los Consejos. RESULTS OBTAINED: For each specific goal, describe or summarize the results obtained. Relate each one to work already published and/or manuscripts submitted. In the Annex section include additional information deemed pertinent and relevant to the evaluation process. The maximum Iength for this section is 5 pages. (Anal or Verdana, font size 10). 1) To fully characterize the cost-minimizing mechanism when previous winners can costly invest in technology that reduces (in stochastic terms) their costs. This includes the cases of commitment and non-commitment to future mechanisms, and the cases of observability and non-observability of the investment decisions. This was achieved completely. The main paper is "Sequential Procurement Auctions and Their Effect on lnvestment Decisions". It has been submitted and it is attached in as supplementary material. Moreover, secondary results are in the paper "A note on the Comparative Statics of Procurement Auctions", that is also attached. Finally, important work about the role of the outside options (which can change the structure of the optimal mechanism) can be found in the following papers: a) "The Role of Optimal Threats in Auction Design" (published in Journal of Economic Theory 144(2), 884-897) b) "A Note on Optimal Allocation Mechanisms" (published in Economic Letters 102(3), 169-1 73) and c)"Optimal Allocation Mechanisms with Single-Dimensional Private lnformation" (accepted at the Review of Economic Dynamics). 2) To fully characterize the investment leveis observed in the previously described environments, and to compare the with the socially efficient level. This was also completely achieved and the analysis is part of the paper "Sequential Procurement Auctions and Their Effect on lnvestment Decisions". Further comparisons between an optimal mechanism under incomplete information and its fulI-information counterpart, in general settings, was developed in the paper 'On the Planner's Loss Due to Lack of Information in Bayesian Mechanism Design" (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5814 (2009), pp. 72--84. (Proceedings of SAGT 2009)). 3) To fully characterize the cost-minimizing mechanism when previous winners can costly invest in technology, but there are also potential entrants, who strategically decide to participate if future mechanisms are not too biased towards incumbents, therefore allowing them to recoup fixed costs of entry. To fully characterize the investment and entry levels in the previous environment, and to compare them with the socially efficient leveis. This objective was pursued but the models were not interesting enough, for the following reasons. lf there are potential entrants, which must incur in a fixed cost of entry (as in most of the literature), the advantages given to incumbents can act as a deterrent, since they reduce the potential profits arising from participation. However, in any mechanism design setup with transfers (like the ones considered in this research project), this can me mm ediately mitigated through adequate transfers. Since the mechanisms characterized in (1) and (2) are optimal (and therefore maximize the buyer's surplus), they can only be improved through an adequate transfer that guarantees participation from a new entrant. Then, this objective was replaced by the foliowing: "To fully characterize in which context a regulatory mechanism achieves better outcornes when the design tool is either prices or quantities". Again, in the context of this research project this is a natural question, since in the design stage the regulator may decide the tool used to screen the agents. This objective was achieved and can be found in the attached paper "Monopoly Regulation under Incomplete Information: Prices versus Quantities". 4) To study, in a fully dynamic infinite horizon model, the optimal level of advantage to incumbents, in order to balance the benefits of inducing entry and giving incentives to aggressive bidding. This objective has been achieved, though the manuscript represents just an intermediate stage of development. The fulI computational work has been completed, so we expect to finish this stage very quickly. The results are quite surprising (when compared to whatwas achieved in points (1) and (2)) so they deserve sorne comments. Mechanism that perform optimally for two periods, when generalized to a setup where firms compete in an infinitely lived economy, yield suboptimal results. The main reason is that, anticipatirig buge gains if they can obtain enough advantages, firms compete really hard in the first stages. However, such a competition lasts very little, and soon the designer is facing an entrenched incumbent with very little incentives to offer Iow prices. Even if competition is really hard for a short period, steady state probabilities imply that the designer is more often facing an environment with almost no competition and very high costs. What can be done, and this also has been explored, is lo depreciate the advantage over time. This gives incentives that are better distributed over time, improving the overali performance of the mechanism. The preliminary results can be found in the attached paper "Sequential Procurement Auctions in an Infinite Horizon Model" OTHER ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE PRO)ECT: - Research visit(s) to other institution(s). - Outreach activities related to the project's main topic. - Any other contribution, not addressed elsewhere, that you consider important. The maximum Iength for this section is 1 page. (Anal or Verdana, font size 10). Research Visits 1 visited University of North Carolina 6 times during this period, for a total time of 3 months, the University of Toronto twice (total 1 month) and New York University three times (total one month). Moreover three students spent significant time abroad, for periods of two months each: Jorge Lemus (at Northwestern), Jorge Catepillán (at Northwestern) and Tibor Heumann (at NYU). M.S. Students During this period, 1 advised the following students (ah of them at Universidad de Chile): Gonzalo Cisternas (currently Ph.D. student at Princeton) Jorge Lemus (currently Ph.D. student at Northwestern) Jorge Catepillan (currently Ph.D. student at Northwestern) Jorge Vásquez (currently Ph.D. student at University of Wisconsin) Carlos Ramírez (currently Ph.D. student at Carnegie Mellon) Diego Vega Moreover, 1 am currenthy advising the following students Tibor Heumann, Daniel Lillo, José Miguel Carrasco and Andrea Canales. Undergrad Students 1 have advised Andrea Canales (Mathematical Engineeririg at USACH) and Claudio Pareja (Mathematical Engineering at Universidad de Chile, defense on Nov.5 2010). 1 am currently advising Nicolás Hernández (Mathematical Engineering at Universidad de Chile). PRO)ECT SUMMARY: Using non-specialist language, provide a precise and brief description of the project goals, objectives and results obtained. This summary may be published in CONICYT's web page. The maximum Iength for this section 15 1 page. (Anal or Verdana, font size 10). <Begin to write here> The main objective was to characterize the optimal mechanisms (in the sense of cost minimization) when the buyer repeatedly iriteracts with a poci of seliers, who can invest in cost-reduction technologies and behave sequentially rational. More specifically, we wanted to analyze how advantages to previous winners allow the buyer to increase competition among existing sellers and give incentives to ¡nvestment, but also deter potential entrants from participating, since ¡ncumbents can have too much of an advantage. Moreover we wanted to characterize the investment and entry leveis associated to these mechanisms, and to compare them with the socially efficient ones. Finalty, we wanted to extend these results to environments with an infinite horizon. The results, as it was detailed in a previous document, were satisfactory. We were able to provide fuli characterizations in a two period model, allowing for the fuli generality of the mechanism design approach. For the case of an infinite horizon model, we developed a Markovian model, and we were able to show the limitations of a seller when trying to provide advantages. Basically, advantages create too little competition in the long run arid too many incentives to renegotiate. As unexpected results of this project, we obtained also estimations of the cost of asymmetric information for a designer (see the attached paper of Correa and Figueroa 2009), the optimal tool selection of a mechanism designer (see the attached paper by Basso, Figueroa and Vasquez 2010) and an optimal auction when the winners must negotiate with a third paper (see the attached thesis of Jorge Catepillan). PRODUCTOS ARTÍCULOS Para trabajos en Prensa! Aceptados/Enviados adjunte copia de carta de aceptación o de recepción. N°: Figueroa, Nicolas; Skreta, Vasiliki Autor (a)(es/as) Journal of Economic Theory Nombre Completo de la Revista The Role of Optimal Threats in Auction Design Título (Idioma original) Indexación ISI 0022-053 1 JSSN 2009 Año: 144 Vol. 2 N°: 884-897 Páginas: Estado de la publicación a la fecha: Publicada Otras Fuentes de financiamiento, si las hay Instituto Científico Milenio Sistemas Complejos de Ingenieria. : : : : : : Envía documento en papel: Archivo Asociado al artículo : no ThreatsFinal.pdf http /fevalcyt.coricyt cI/informe acadernico/index php/investigador/f4 articulos/descarga!1 3059794111070159/2009/10027 2 N°: Autor (a)(es/as) Figueroa, Nicolas; Skreta, Vasiliki Nombre Completo de la Revista: Economics Letters Título (Idioma original) A Note on Optimal Allocation Mechanisms Indexación ISI 0165-1765 ISSN: 2009 Año: Vol. 102 N°: 3 Páginas: 169-173 Estado de la publicación a la fecha Publicada Otras Fuentes de financiamiento, si las hay Instituto Milenio Sistemas Complejos de Ingenieria : : : : : Envía documento en papel : Archivo Asociado al artículo : no bunching.pdf hltp://cvalcyiconicyl cl/informe_academico/index php/tnvcstigador/f4_articulos/descargail 305979411107015912009, 1 100281 Autor (a)(es/as) Nombre Completo de la Revista Título (Idioma original) Indexación 3 Figueroa, Nicolas; Skreta, Vasiliki Review of Economic Design Optimal Allocation Mechanisms with Single-Dimensional Private Information ISI 1434-4742 ISSN: Año: Vol. Páginas: Estado de la publicación a la fecha : Aceptada Otras Fuentes de financiamiento, si las hay: Envía documento en papel : no Archivo Asociado al artículo : SingleDimensional.pdf http ¡evalcyteonicyl cI/informe acadernico/index php/invesugadorlf4_articulos/descarga'1 3059794/1107015912009100301 OTRAS PUBLICACIONES Sin información ingresada. CONGRESOS Sin información ingresada. TESIS/MEMORIAS N°: Auctions, Negotiations and Information Acquisition Título de Tesis : Nombre y Apellidos del(de la) Alumno(a) : Jorge Catepillan Nombre y Apellidos del(de la) Tutor(a) : Nicolas Figueroa Título Grado : Magister institución : Universidad de Chile País: CHILE Ciudad Santiago : Estado de Tesis Fecha Inicio Terminada : 01/0612009 : 01/0612010 Fecha Término: Envía documento en papel Archivo Asociado : : no tesisjc.pdf hupi/evalcyt conicvt el/informe academicoiindex php/investigador/f4 tesis memorias/descarga/l 3059794/110701 59/2009/7841/ 2 Regulacion optima bajo informacion incompleta: precios versus cantidades Título de Tesis : Nombre y Apellidos del(de la) Alumno(a) : Jorge Vasquez Nombre y Apellidos del(de la) Tutor(a) : Nicolas Figueroa Título Grado : Magister Institución : Universidad de Chile CHILE Santiago Terminada 0 1/12/2009 3 1/12/2009 no cf-vasquezjo.pdf País: Ciudad : Estado de Tesis : Fecha Inicio : Fecha Término: Envía documento en papel: Archivo Asociado : http!!evalcyt conicyl cIinforme_acadeinico/rndex php/investigador/f4 tesis memorias/descargaJl3O59794il 1070159/200917844/ 3 N°: Trabjo de Equipo con Complementariedades Productivas y Esfuerzo Privado Título de Tesis : Nombre y Apellidos del(de la) Alumno(a) : Diego Vega Nombre y Apellidos del(de la) Tutor(a) : Nicolas Figueroa Titulo Grado : Institución : Magister Universidad de Chile País: Ciudad : Estado de Tesis : Fecha Inicio : Fecha Término: Envía documento en papel: Archivo Asociado: CHILE Santiago Terminada 3 1/03/2009 3 1/03/2010 no InformeTesis4_marzo 1 0.pdf http /'evalcyt conicyt.cI!informe_academicor'index.php'investigador/f4_tesis_memorias/descargall 305979411070159/2009/7846/ ANEXOS N°: Archivo Asociado : SequentialProcurement.pdf httpi/evalcyt.conicyt cI/infoniie academíco!index php!investigadorll5 anexos/descarga/l 3059794.'l 1070159/2009114987/ N°: Archivo Asociado : 2 NoteProcurement.pdf htrp: '/evalcyt conicyt ci/informe acadeinico/index.php/investigador/f5 anexos/descarga/1305979411 1070159/2009/14988/ Archivo Asociado: 3 PvsQ-BassoFigueroaVasquez.pdf http .'/evalcytconicyt.cl'informe_academico/index.php./investigadoríf5_anexos!'descarga/1 3059794/11070159/2009/14989/ N°: Archivo Asociado : 4 CF2009.pdf http://evalcyt.contcyt ci/informe academico/index phplinvestigador/fS anexos/descarga/1 3059794/110701 59/2009/14990/ NO: Archivo Asociado: 5 ECOLET4078pdf hup//evalcytcotiicvt cI'informe academicohndex.php/investigador/f5_anexos/descarga!13059794/l 10701592009/15100/ N°: Archivo Asociado: 6 YJETFI 3685. pdf 1070159/2009/15101 / http N°: Archivo Asociado : 7 accept.pdf hup:1/evalcyt conicytcl/informe_academico/index php/tnvestigador/i5_anexos/descargail3O59794!1 1070159/2009/15103/ Archivo Asociado: 8 Sequential_Auctionspaper(2).pdf http /Ievalcyt contcyt.cI/inforrne academico/index.php!investigador/f5_anexos/descarga/l 3059794/11070159/2009/15108/ A continuación se detallan los anexos fisicos/papel que no se incluyen en el informe en formato PDF.