Facultative (2016) | PDF

Not only the sports industry becomes more and more sophisticated and requires complex
and innovative insurance/reinsurance solutions
Information as of [Month YYYY]
Facultative Reinsurance
Hannover Re’s Facultative Division was founded on 1st
April 2001. As part of the company’s P&C organisation, its
launch was motivated by the recognition that our written
portfolio requires specific knowledge and expertise in the
relevant lines of business right across the world.
We are constantly refining our organisation in order to
meet and indeed surpass our clients’ expectations.
Currently consisting of 12 local offices, our network spans
the globe. Premium wise, a significant part of our business
is written from Hannover. This enables us to build close
relationships between the underwriters with regional
responsibilities and the specialty lines, hence leading to a
more client- oriented and unified marketing approach.
It is the aim of the Facultative Division to offer our clients
reinsurance solutions for all risks where coverage is needed.
We especially welcome the opportunity to provide tailormade solutions. Particularly where specialty risks are
concerned, we truly believe that reinsurance should be
perceived as a partnership of which the original insured,
the ceding company and the reinsurer should benefit. We
at Hannover Re’s Facultative Division are dedicated to
providing our clients with a high standard of efficient
services, particularly where underwriting expertise and
experience are requested from our partners. For instance,
we introduced centres of competence for dedicated lines of
business and products in which we concentrate our underwriting experience to write lead business.
Information as of January 2016
We are constantly striving to improve our services in our
pursuit of Hannover Re’s goal to become the preferred
partner of our clients.
Facultative capacities
With a strong emphasis on risk assessment we strive to
fully engage our underwriting capacities without neglecting
risk and exposure considerations. Subject to our
underwriting guidelines, we are prepared to commit the
following capacities in order to satisfy your reinsurance
needs and further our strategic objectives:
• Property: up to USD 100 million (capacity on estimated
maximum loss basis)
• Casualty: up to EUR 25 million
• Engineering: up to USD 100 million (capacity on estimated maximum loss basis)
• Inherent defects insurance: EUR 35 million
• Energy: USD 100 million
• Personal accident: EUR 5 million per head; up to EUR
50 million per event
• Contingency: EUR 5 million as working capacity but up
to 50 million for very large events
Your contacts
Christian Lefebvre
Managing Director
Tel. +49 511 5604-1282
[email protected]
Santiago Zorrilla Tordera
General Manager
Tel. +49 511 5604-1696
[email protected]
Responsible for:
Worldwide Facultative Reinsurance
and Direct Business
Member of the board of the Hannover
Re Takaful Bahrain
Responsible for:
Worldwide Facultative Professional and
Financial Lines (D&O, E&O, BBB,
crime) and cyber for commercial risks
and financial institutions.
Casualty Circle
Jorge Alfonso Perez
General Manager
Tel. +49 511 5604-1611
[email protected]
Michael Wennin
General Manager
Tel. +49 511 5604-1493
[email protected]
Responsible for:
Facultative Property, Casualty & Engineering for Ibero America and South &
Central Europe
Engineering Circle
Responsible for:
Facultative and Direct Energy Business
(worldwide up and downstream,
power, mining)
Property Circle
Gordon Döring
General Manager
Tel. +49 511 5604-1832
[email protected]
Anja Oldenburger
General Manager
Tel. +49 511 5604-2527
[email protected]
Responsible for:
North America Property & Casualty
and Special Lines (personal accident &
disability, product recall, extended
warranties, contingency and specie)
Responsible for:
Facultative Property & Casualty for
Northern and East Europe, CIS
countries, Asia