r ROON., 407 SPRING 1985 'l'CM CARR OJff:ICE: ECON' t~Ol MW 2:00-2:50 EO'>N RM 117 JIDURS: mnr 1--2 mm.JECT Economics is collcemed with a:he aiJlioca::!on of 0cai:"",e ;rea{l"~rcee in c:1 eociet.y., 1.'he term ·m1.cro imp1:1e$ the focus on th~ iac.Uvidual c~ynm_Si;:..::;r1, proit.,_\ce1r~ or marketo ~hi.s c~rr:;e s dd£"esses t:ha use of pE"iee theocy to .mlloca~e :::-eeoux~es g~ ll:he micro 1eveL The eou:ric::c! ie divided into Bi% majo~ ae~tions: 00 Io Consume~ TheocyIY.o Px-oducer Thecey !!lo MsE:'kei: S~ructurccee IV o V" Vlo Faetor Nzrltets GeneE"el Equilib-..·:h~ Ma;czet ~ailus:ee GIW)lNG The ecu.rse rill he btr*~n dOfrn. ilia fcU..r,J.;oa: M!d!tel?."a. l Mid~ei:ml 2 Ro~rlr. :W1nal R1ta.m 20% '-OX 20l: 40% 1oot {4~6 &sgig.:ce~~s} (comp:eehens:!:qe) ~r~ING ----- 1i2.3 l/2'j Ynti.:owll!Q:!@n Supply au.& jy.:,-_mand R.evil.!:1:r ~·-. 1/28,30 2/1 2/f:;,6 2/8 /•) .10 2/l5 2/18 CoiutlW:ae.:-_ Theo~ A. Ui:iHt:y Analya:1£1 Bo 1nd!widu~l an& N&'rll:et: Jk!~·:md :f!·m ves c .. ~lasticity D.. Extensions and ApplieaU.onN of 1 ~-;iria Thecn:y 1.. Income and Subet:itution Efr·~ets 2o Co1met11aer S'llll.1:tlna lo ?.li:'ice !ndices 2/20 4o Ef:f:f.eieihcy in Exctmuge 2/22 MID''l'Iii~ l I !.. Pzoducer Th~ey A,, '2/25 2/27 3/1 Product:foil Analysia L P'i'~cti(i),m in the Shmirt ru;.ln 'lo PYawct.io.:a iil toe Long Rl.m. 3.., Types @f Prci!f"...:cl:ivn Wuncti0aa ~.. FxficierM:y ii2 Produ:!ti.on Ch. 1 ,: C't':i ... O c~. l Cbo 4 r T: Y. ~ ( i~Et~i.r~~e~"i) ·~ o 3/l} t!oaC .~}U~i:y·~fti f£'1.o~f:-;er~:a C::8LR Q.,.,., ',.~ lo k~~~~~~'.l f~G~~ I~c~~Stiel?-:3 c!BP'i i.~er.;._J;~~ts w~et:U:ioen m:n1-apoly :i;oopc1y tU15;(!,po,ly Honopol:isf::ie )F.cetor ~n-irrre'..":::; 7r---:;,_, -~v~c:..:,.,.;_,. -v,,i"·~ '~ .~:.,...., a..... ,~.li."l..~ Clo !J/5.5,,17 [;,/19 l;/2-;.. i.1 Vo 'j/i.~;, 5/fl'ilU 5l!:.. ft 3h.:1 !V1". n ~ ...... l ~ Thi:~,"G~'f 2. i..a~z- :3" \;£]1'-f:.f:&1:1 L~~Ze!:~ Cr;~~ar.::lf~!~a?. 'f:i'=1r.:ll:aU:: 8;.:·11;.::ct:u:~.ze "!rzioi·lt ri:.:~1 f:.en~ en. .. ' i.Gt~l e 19~§ 'I.fl ?.®