Evolución fonética de la Lengua inglesa # Phonetique

* Grimm's Law or First Sound−Shifting
voiceless stops aspiration voiceless fricatives
p > ph > f
t > th > <þ>
k > kh > <h>
kw > kwh > w <hw>
voiced stops voiceless stops
gw > kw
aspirated voiced voiced stops
bh > b
dh > d
gh > g
gwh > gw
Ex: IE*pisk− ; IE* ten− ; IE* kerd− ; IE* dónt− ; IE* gen*− ; IE* bhrter ; IE* dhoigh− ; IE* ghaido−
* Grassmann's Law
a) After voiceless fricatives Gmc voiceless stops did not become voiceless fricatives.
b) After [s] Gmc voiceless stops did not change.
c) When there are two voiceless stops together only the first one is affected.
Ex: IE* okto−
* Free changes
> / o > a / * > a / ² appeared (preterite of some verbs of class 7 and adverb hr)
Ex: IE* mter ; IE* golt− ; IE* p*tér
* Conditioned changes
e nasal or > i
o high vowel > u
Ex: IE* pempe, ten.
* Diphthongs: ei > / oi > ai / ou > au
Ex: IE* bheid ; IE* le−loikw− e (>*laihw) ; IE* louk−o− (>lauha)
* (Re)sonnants: m, , , > um, un, ul, ur.
Ex: IE*s ; IE*mtos
* e + i, ,j (in the following syllable) > i
* i + a (in the following syllable) > e
Ex: IE* nisdo > PrGmc* nesta
*Verner's Law
Voiceless fricatives became voiced fricatives unless:
(a) Being the first sound of the word
(b) Being next to another voiceless sound Ex: PdE stop
(c) Having the IE stress on the immediately preceding syllable.
Voiceless fricatives Voiced fricatives
f > v [*]
> g [*]
IE* went−
* Stress shift: stress to the first syllable of the word.
* > (only ¹) Ex: PrGmc* mnan > WGmc mna (> mna)
* a mf > f, s, þ
i + ns > f, s, þ
u nþ [n] > f, s, þ
Ex: PrGmc* gans > WGmc gs (> gs )
*WGmc Change
The sounds resulting from Verner's Law where further modified as follows:
v [*] > v
g [*] > [*] or [j] according to whether the neighbouring vowels were back or front.
z > r (this change is called Rhotacism)
Ex: IE* mter, SV2 osan: est as curon e−coren; SV3 weorþan: wierþ wearþ wurdon e−worden.
* f, s, þ > f, s, þ
f, s, þ > f, s, þ
f, s, þ > f, s, þ
* Palatalization (Occurred earlier than i−mutation)
k− > [t*] < >(Posición inicial ante vocales frontales)
g− + front vowels > [j] < >(Posición inicial y medial ante vocales frontales)
sk− (æ,e,i) > [*] < s(e) >
Ex: ild; iefan; fis.
* e + nasal or labial + consonant > i
* [n] before [h] was lost / [n] before [f, , s] was lost in Pre.
* Final accented > Ex: c, h, t.
* i + z (< s) > e
u + z (< s) > o
Ex: meord (e > eo Breaking), leornian.
* Final open vowels were lengthened when under full accent. Ex: þ, þ, m, w, , h, s, n, etc.
* Unstressed syllables were reduced phonetically.
* au > [æa] < a > / eu > o Ex: PrGmc* hauhaz > hah; PrGmc* deupaz > dop
* Gemination of consonants
single vowel + single consonant + resonnant (l, m, n, r, j, w)
Gemination of < f > [v] was < bb > [vv]; gemination of < g > [j] was < cg > [d*]
The [r] was not geminated, and when followed by [j] ( rj ) the [j] was vocalized to [i], so that [rj] > [ri]
Ex: settan, tellan, bycan, hebban (to raise), nerian, herias.
* [z] is lost finally in unaccented syllables
* > æ / + nasal > Ex: WGmc mna > mna
* ai > (> æ² by i−mutation) Ex: WGmc stainaz > stn
* Anglo−Frisian Brightening or First Fronting
a > æ/e Unless followed by nasal or back vowel in the following syllable
Ex: WGmc hwat > hwæt.
1− Breaking or Fracture (WS)
æ + h > ea [æa] e + h > eo
æ + h + consonant > ea [æa] e + h + consonant > eo
æ + r + consonant > ea [æa] e + r + consonant > eo
æ + l + consonant > ea [æa]
i + h > io (io > eo in WS)
i + h + consonant > io
i + r + consonant > io
i + l + consonant > io
Ex: eahta, weorþan, eald, leornian, Peohtas.
Retraction (Anglian)
i l, r, h + cons > u
Ex: Anglian ald, barn, harm, sword, worþian,
2− Restoration of [a] before back vowels: æ > a
Ex: dæ (nom. sg) dæes (gen. sg.) dagas (nom/acc. pl) dagum (dat. pl)
3− Second Fronting (Mercian)
æ >e / a > æ Takes place after First Fronting and after the Restoration of [a] before back vowels. Ex: Mercian
de dægum.
Palatal Diphthongization (WS)
< s(e) > [*] æ > [æa] < ea >
< > [t*] + e > [ie]
< > [j]
Ex: sap, iellan, iefan, easter, et.
4− I−Mutation (I−Umlaut; Front Mutation)
The back vowels a, , o, , u, ; the diphthongs ea, a, eo, o; and the front vowels æ, e; were modified by
the vowels [i, , j] in the following syllable.
a > æ a + m, n > e ea > ie æ > e
o > e eo > ie e > i
Ex: dman, fyllan, cwellan, færst, epan, hilpþ, fend, menn.
5− Back Mutation
æ > [æa] < ea >
e + u, o in the next syllable > eo
i > io
West−Saxon: only when there was an intervening single consonant which was either a labial or a liquid (f, p,
w, m, l, r).
Anglian: through any intervening consonant except [k, g]
Kentish: before any consonant.
Ex: earm, frond, feohtan, hiord, eorn.
6− Smoothing (Anglian)
[æa] > æ (> e)
eo + [, k, g] > e
io > i
Ex: Anglian æhta, fehtan, feh, birhtu
7− Contraction of vowels leading to compensatory lengthening
vowel + h + vowel the <h> is lost and the vowels are contracted and lengthened.
Ex: Pre* sehan > * seohan > * seoan > son (PdE see).
vowel + liquid + h + vowel / vowel + h + liquid + vowel the <h> is lost and the first vowel (or diphthong) is
lengthened, but there is no vocalic contraction due to the <r>. Ex:Pre feorh + es> fores.
(there are not , in , only , )
* All diphthongs became monophthongs (usually falling diphthongs):
o > L [] / < a > [æa] > 12thC[] / < ea > [æa] > 12thC[a]
( æ > 12thC[] / æ > 12thC[a] )
Ex: hafod, heofon, fond, mearc.
Rising diphthongs: fower (>L[fwer]), scotan, sawian.
* Lengthening of short vowels followed by lengthening consonantal groups: < ng, nd, mb, ld, rd, rl, rn > and <
rþ, rs > when a vowel follows.
Ex: grund, feld, word (> LWS [w] + short vowel or [eo] + [r] > [u] always), wolde, scolde, land.
* [ss] > [s] (se simplifica) Ex: mæsse
* Syncope : in trisyllabic words the vowel of the second syllable (usually [] ) is syncopated. Ex: fæder >
12thC[fad()r] Syncope (oblique cases).
* lg > L lw / rg > L rw. Ex: folgian [folian] > L [folwian] / hergode [herode] > L [herw(o)d] (also syncope)
* Palatal Umlaut (LWS):
[e] ht, hs, hþ
[eo] + or > [i]
[io] h(e)
Ex: feoht, reoht, (nah, hah > !!)
[] + [h]>L[] (Palatal umlaut) Ex: plh, enh, th.
* Long accented vowels are shortened in closed syllables before consonantal groups (except lengthening
groups) Ex: gdspell
* Se vocaliza <g> []//[]: [j] after front vowels / [w] after back vowels
Ex: dæ, gen
* æ > 12thC[] (>[] in KENTISH DIALECT) / æ > 12thC[a]
Ex: sæ, æs [æ]
[i] North and East Midlands Ex: þyrstan(PdE<thirst>)
* y > 12thC: [y] <u> West Midlands and South West
Ex: wyrcan(PdE<work>Minims)
[e] South Eastern (Kent).Ex: yfel(PdE <evil>)
* New dipththongs arose due to the vocalization of <g>:
Palatal sounds
<æ> [æ]>L[æj]>12thC[ai]>13thC[ai]>14thC[]>15thC[æ]
<æ> [æ]>L[æj]>[j]>12thC[ei]>13thC[ai]>14thC[]>15thC[æ]
<e> [e]>L[ej]>12thC[ei]> 13thC[ai]>14thC[]>15thC[æ]
<> []>L[j]>12thC[ei]/[]>13thC[ai]/[]>14thC[]/[]>15thC[æ]/[ij]
<i> [i]>L[ij]>12thC[]> 13thC[]>14thC[]>15thC[ij]
Ex: we, fæn, land
Velar sounds
<ag> [a]>L[aw]>12thC[au]>16thC[ou]>19thC[]
<g> []>L[w]>12thC[w]>13thC[ou]>14thC[]>16thC[]
<og> [o]>L[ow]>12thC[ou]>14thC[]>16thC[]
<g> []>L[w]>12thC[ou]/[]>14thC[]/[]>15thC[]/[uw]>16thC[]/[ou]
<ug> [ug]>L[uw]>12thC[]>15thC[uw]>16thC[ou]
Ex: dg, bg, bgan
* There are not long diphthongs in ME and ModE.
* []>[] : not in Northern dialects. Ex: hw
* Gliding between a vowel and <h> : [j] after front vowels/ [w] after back vowels.
Ex: feohtan, bh
* 13thC−18thC: loss of [h] : [hl], [hn], [hr] Ex: hlapan, hld
* Short vowels were lengthened in open stressed syllables of disyllabic words:
South (1st half of century): [a]>[] North (2nd half): [i]>[]
[e]>[] [u]>[]
Ex: nama, specan/ North: wicu
* [i] + [ht] gliding in between(and the resulting lengthening): [ijht]>[ht]
Ex: niht.
* Shortening of first syllable of trisyllabic words.Ex: hlidæ
* Shortening before two or more consonants (except for lengthening groups)
* Epenthetic vowel: in disyllables a glide develops in medial position between:
consonant + nasal, liquid, [w] Making trisyllables. Ex: dvles > LME(13th−14thC) dveles
And between a liquid + []/[w] (glide [o] ) Ex: folwen > LME folowen / morwe > LME morowe.
* NORTHERN DIALECT: [ai]>13−14thC[]
[ei]>13−14thC[] They lose the 2nd element.
[oi]>13−14thC[] Ex: cæ
* WEST−MIDLANDS: [h]>LME[f]>14−15thC[uf]>17thC[f] (the [f] shortens the vowel) Ex: enh, th
* [−er]>[−ar] (>18thC[] ) when [r] belonged to the same syllable. Sometimes [−er] remained or was
reintroduced: >18thC[] (=[:]) Ex: bern, heorte.
* Lengthening kept only (the rest were shortened):
(a) [i] / [o] + [mb] (b) [i] / [u] + [nd] (c) Any vowel + [ld]
(bimbo) (hindu)
* [ir]>[er] / [ur]>[or] / [er]>[ær] (>15thC[ar] )
* [ai]>[] Ex: næel.
* [dr]>[r] <th> (French influence)
* LME Glide consonants: [m] + [p, b] / [n] + [t, d] Ex: æmet
* [w] often disappeared in LME(14−15thCs) between [s] and a back rounded vowel; and at the beginning of a
lightly stressed syllable.
[sw + back rounded vowel]>14−15thC[s + back rounded vowel] Ex: sw
* WESTERN DIALECT: tendency to put a [w] in front of words in LME (Prothetic [w,j] ) Ex: n.
* Great Vowel Shift :
* Se empieza a fijar la grafía a finales del siglo XV
* <e> [e]>L[je]>12thC[ji]>[]>13thC[]>14thC[]>15thC[Ø]
It was weakened due to lack of stress and finally lost in 15thC.
* Back vowel + [l] / [l + consonant] develops a gliding [u] when in the same syllable.
[al]>15thC[aul]>16−17thCs[oul]>18thC[] (15thC[aul] has two possible written forms: <aul> / <awl> ) Ex:
PdE all, tall, call, pall, small.
(a) when [l] occurred finally.
(b) before dentals.
(c) when [l] was followed by [f, v, m] (lip consonants): [au]>[]
[ol]>15thC[oul]>20thC[l]. Ex: PdE toll
[u] + [ld] / [lt] > [ou] Ex: PdE shoulder.
* [w] + [a]>15thC[wo] (Rounding influence of [w] )Ex: PdE wash, swan
[w] + [a] + [k, g, ] : there in no rounding.Ex: PdE twang, wag.
* GVS: []>16thC[]>19thC[ou]>20thC[]
* [dr] >16thC[r] <th> / sometimes <dr>.
* −er
−ir >16thC[r]>18thC[] [:] Ex: yrie
* There are not oblique cases anymore and [d, t] can shorten the previous vowel.
* [a]>17thC(1653)[æ] In the North, the [a] remained. Ex: 14thC barn
* ME <u/o> (minims) [u]>17thC[] // >[o]/[] influence of spelling with <o>
Ex: dst
* [r] lengthened the preceding vowels when in the same syllable, but not when [r] was in intervocalic position
(spelt <rr>)
ME[ar]>[ær]>17thC[ær]>18thC[].Ex: PdE arm, sharp, garden.
ME[or]>17thC[r]>18thC[] Ex: PdE for, horse.
* the labial consonants [f, p, b] tend to cause rounding of the following vowels. And their influence prevented
[u]>17thC[] or led to the restoration of the founded vowel, especially when followed by [, t, l].Ex: PdE full,
pull, pulpit.
* Voiceless fricatives caused lengthening of the immediately preceding vowel:
ME[a]>[æ] + [f, s, ] >17thC[æ]>18thC[] Ex: PdE after, staff, fast, grass,path
ME[o] + [f, s, ] >17thC[] Ex: PdE off, coffee, cross, froth.
* [æ] + [f, s, ]
[r] + consonant >17−18thC[æ] Ex: PdE craft, mark
[n] + consonant (dental or [s] )
* Before [k] shortening took place late and not in Scots and Northern dialects.
* Initial [k, g] + [n] : [k, g] disappeared in pronunciation in 17thC.Ex: PdE knight
* Se fija la grafía para diferenciar [v]/[u]: <ve> en posición final para evitar confusiones antes de que fijara la
grafía, y luego se mantuvo la misma grafía.
* [g] after the velar nasal [] is lost in the 17thC.Ex: PdE king
* loss of [r]: (a) medially before consonants.
(b) finally: short vowel + [r]> 18thC[long vowel] Ex: PdE thirst
long vowel + [r]> 18thC[long vowel + ] Ex: PdE hard
diphthong + [r]>18thC[diphthong + ] Ex: PdE fire[f]
* [wr]>18thC[r]. [w] disappeared in pronunciation.Ex: PdE write
* Diphthongization: []>19thC[ou] Ex: PdE over [v]
* Centralization of diphthong: [ou]>20thC[] Ex: PdE so [s]