Avances en Ciencias Veterinarias – Vol. 6, No. 2: 166-171, 1991. PREVALENCIA DE LA INFECCIÓN TOXOPLÁSMICA EN CERDOS EN EL URUGUAY Y SU SIGNIFICACIÓN ZOONOTICA. Alvaro Freyre Mc.C. (M.V), Alicia Colombo S. (M.V), José Miguel D´Angelo H. (M.V), Jesús Falcón B. (M.V). PREVALENCE OF TOXOPLASMIC INFECTION IN SWINE IN URUGUAY AND ITS ZOONOTIC SIGNIFICANCE. Seventy per cent of 600 pigs weighing 90 kg. had anti-Toxoplasma antibodies, as measured with the Sabin and Feldman reaction. Diaphragm specimens from pigs with titers of 1:64 and1: 256 were inoculated in mice, and those from pigs with titers of1:16 were fed to two Toxoplasma free kittens. Both mice and kittens were infected with Toxoplasma. Therefore, titers of 16 and higher were considered an indication of toxoplasmic infection in pigs. It was found that there are not cross-reactions in the Sabin and Feldman reaction in pigs with Sarcosporidia. Correlation of titers and isolation of Toxoplasma, prevalence of infection in foreign countries, interpretation of titers distribution, and resistance of Toxoplasma in pork are discussed. The prevalence found is high. Beef is not an effective source of toxoplasmic infection. Mutton and chicken are usually well cooked in Uruguay. On the basis of this information, it is concluded that pork is the most important source of toxoplasmic infection with cysts in Uruguay, even though it is not the most frequently consumed meat, and the oocysts transmission pattern is widely operative in Montevideo, at least during childhood. Palabras clave: Toxoplasma, cerdos, zoonosis. Key words: Toxoplasma, swine, zoonose.