NATIONAL AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF MEXICO FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE 1. COURSE SYLLABUS: LEARNING TOOLS (652) 2. SEMESTER: Second 3. CYCLE: Basic 4. AREA: 5. COURSE TYPE: Theory and Practice (Elective) 6. DURATION: Hours per week: Total number of hours: 7. REQUIREMENTS: 16 weeks Theory:2 Theory: 32 None 8. GENERAL OBJECTIVES: By the end of the course, students will become acquainted with those learning strategies which will enable them to optimize their academic performance. They will learn about the study techniques that will provide them with the necessary tools to best deal with their academic challenges. Make use of metacognitive strategies and will work out their own learning styles and do practical work of everything learned throughout the course. Practice:2 Practice: 32 9. TEACHING UNITS 9.1. Unit 1 Course Framework 9.1.1 Diagnostic test 9.1.2Course framework 9.1.3 Metacognition and learning styles 9.2. Unit 2 Metacognition and Learning Styles 9.2.1 Metacognition 9.2.2 Learning styles 9.3. Unit 3 Goals 9.3.1 Life goals: DVM . Time line 9.3.2 Short, medium and long-term goals 9.3.3 Strategies for planning, developing and evaluating personal and academic activities 9.4. Unit 4 Awareness 9.4.1 Listening Awareness 9.4.2 Reading Awareness 9.4.3 Note taking 9.5. Unit 5 Writing a Summary 9.5.1 Notecards 9.5.2 Synopsis 9.5.3 Concept Maps 9.5.4 Mind Maps 9.6. Unit 6 Writing an Assignment 9.6.1 Topic Selection 9.6.2 Introduction 9.6.3 Topic development 9.6.4 Conclusions 9.6.5 Bibliography 9.6.6 Writing and Spelling 9.6.7 Title Page 9.6.8 Index 9.6.9 Layouts 9.7. Unit 7 Assignment Development and Oral Presentation 9.7.1 Development Standards of support 9.7.2 Materials 9.7.3 Voice Modulation 9.7.4 Personal Appearance. Body Postures and Non-Verbal Communication when Addressing a Group of People 9.7.5 Emotional Control 9.8. Unit 8 Studying for an Exam 9.8.1 Types of Exams 9.8.2 Developing Study Guides 9.8.3 Self-evaluation 9.8.4 Doing an exam 9.9. Unit 9 Reading Comprehension in a Foreign Language 9.9.1 Key Words 9.9.2 Main Ideas 10.0 Unit 10 Socio-cultural resources supporting learning 9.10.1 Movies 9.10.2 Theater 9.10.3 Non-scientific Literature 9.10.4 Sports 9.10.5 Music 10. BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY 10.1 Boggino NA: ¿Problemas de Aprendizaje o Aprendizaje Problemático?: estrategias didácticas para prevenir dificultades en el aprendizaje. Homo Sapiens. Rosario, Argentina, 2000. 10.2 Cervantes VL. El ABC de los Mapas Mentales. 3a ed. Asociación de Educadores Iberoamericanos, México, 1999. 10.3 Ibarra LM. Gimnasia Cerebral para Aprender Mejor. Gernika, México. 1999. 10.4 Ibarra LM. Mapeando con Luz María. Gerinka, México. 2003. 10.5 Johnsons DW. El Aprendizaje Cooperativo en el Aula. <paidos, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 199. 10.6 Klinger KC, Vallido BG. Psicología Cognitiva. Estrategias en la Práctica Docente.Mc. Graw Hill Interamericana, México.1999. 10.7 Ruiz-Primo MA. On the Use of Concept Maps as an assessment tool in science: What we have learned so far. Revista Electrónica de Investigación Educativa. 2000; 2(1):29-52 11. SUPLEMENTARY BIBLIOGRAPHY 11.1 Boggino NA. Cómo Evaluar Mapas Conceptuales en la Escuela. Aprendizaje significativo y globalizado. Educación inicial. Ed. Homo Sapines. Rosario, Argenitna. 1997. Cervantes VL. El ABC de los Mapas Mentales para Niños. Asociación de Educadores Americanos, México. 2001. 11.2 Espasa Calpe S.A. Enciclopedia Temática Espasa. Espasa Siglo XXI. España. 1998. 11.3 Lerner deZD. El Aprendizaje de la Lengua Escrita en la Escuela. Reflexiones sobre la propuesta pedagógica constructivista. Ed. Aique, Buenos Aires. 2001. 11.4 Maclure S, Davis P. Aprender a Pensar, Pensar en Aprender. Gedisa, Barcelona. 1994. 12. TEACHING METHODOLOGY Theory: Oral Presentation with questions included Commented Reading Group Work Study Guides Music Therapy Practice: Concentration and Relaxation Techniques Utilization of all learned strategies and techniques Extra practice to reinforce all learning strategies previously learned 13. COURSE EVALUATION 14. REQUIREMENTS FOR TEACHING THE COURSE Oral and written assignments Homework to Hand in Class Participation Veterinarian or other professionals postgraduate studies in pedagogy with a