NATIONAL AUTONOMOUS UNIVERSITY OF MEXICO FACULTY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE 2. SEMESTER: EXTERIOR AND BASIC CARE OF EQUIDS (0651) Second 3. CYCLE: Basic 4. AREA: Medicine and animal health 5. COURSE TYPE: Theory and Practice (Elective) 6. DURATION: Hours per week: Total number of hours: 7. REQUIREMENTS: 16 weeks Theory: 2 Practice: 2 Theory:32 Practice:32 Introduction to animal science; Behaviour, Management and animal welfare The student will identify the exterior equine regions, also the information for the identification and phenotypic differences between breeds. He/She will know and apply the management, basic care and handling techniques 1. COURSE SYLLABUS: 8. GENERAL OBJECTIVES: 9. TEACHING UNITS 9.1. Unit 1. Introduction and equine history. 9.2. Unit 2. External regions of the horse. 9.2.1 Head regions. 9.2.2 Neck regions. 9.2.3 Thorax regions. 9.2.4 Front limb regions. 9.2.5 Hind limb regions 9.3. Unit 3. Hygiene. 9.3.1 Brooming. 9.3.2 Bath. 9.3.3 Hoof care. 9.3.4 Rest bandage. 9.4. Unit 4. Aplombs, conformation and dynamics. 9.4.1 Normal aplomb of the front limb, side and front views and principal defects. 9.4.2 Normal aplomb of the hind limb, side and front views and principal defects. 9.4.3 Conformation and dynamics. 9.5. Unit 5. Shoeing. 9.5.1 Balance. 9.5.2 Normal shoeing. 9.5.3 Orthopedic shoeing. 9.6. Unit 6. Teeth and aging. 9.6.1 Differences between temporal and permanent teeth. 9.6.2 Termporary teeth dental formula, eruption and wear off. 9.6.3 Permanent teeth formula, eruption and wear off. 9.6.4 Aging. 9.6.5 Enamel points and their treatment. 9.7. Unit 7. Coats. 9.7.1 Simple. 9.7.2 Compound. 9.7.3 Head marks. 9.7.4 Body marks. 9.7.6 Limb marks. 9.8. Unit 8. Identification and history. 9.8.1 Zoometry methods. 9.8.2 Artificial identification methods. 9.8.3 Types of history (simple, medium, complete) 9.9. Unit 9. Main breeds. 9.9.1 Hot blood horses. 9.9.2 Warm blood horses. 9.9.3 Cool blood. 9.9.4 Jackasses. 9.10. Unit 10. Main horse-functions in Mexico. 9.10.1 Races. 9.10.2 Jumping. 9.10.3 Charrería. 9.10.4 Dressage. 9.10.5 Working. 9.10.6 Rejoneo. (spanish function) 9.10.7 Walking. 9.10.8 Polo. 9.10.9 Breeding. 9.10.10 Endurance. 9.10.11 Alta escuela. (spanish function) 9.10.12 Equinotherapy. 9.11. Unit 11. Natural dressage. 9.11.1 Communication between horses and human been . 10. BASIC BIBLIOGRAPHY 10.1. De la Puente, J.: Exterior y Manejo de los Animales Domésticos, UNAM, México, 1993. 10.2. Evans, J.W.: Horses A Guide to Selection, Care, Enjoyment, 3ª. Ed. Henry Holt and Company, LLC, USA, 2001. 10.3. Levy, L.V. C. Y Rodríguez, M.A.: Temas Selectos de Zootecnia Equina. Ed. Trillas, México, 1993. 10.4. McEwen, J.: B. Vet.Med, MRCVS: Ultimate Horse Care, The Complete Veterinary Guide, IDG Books Worldwide, inc. Singapore, 2000. 10.5. Real Venegas, C. O.: Zootecnia Equina, Trillas, México, 1990. 11. SUPLEMENTARY BIBLIOGRAPHY 11.1 American Quarter Horse Association: Anatomy of the American Quarter Horse. Ed. AQHA, Texas. 1994. 11.2 Arguera E. y Sandoval J.: Anatomía Aplicada del Caballo. Harcourt Brace. España. 1999. 11.3 Baker, G.J.: Easley J.: Odontología Equina. Intermédica, Argentina, 2002. 11.4 Bishop, R.: Manual de nutrición del caballo, Omega, Granbretaña, 2003 11.5 Bush, K.: Vicios y Resabios del Caballo. Cómo Corregirlos. Hispano Europea. España, 1999. 11.6 Blanc, H.I.: Guía del caballo y del Poney. Caballos, Poney, Asnos, Hemiones, Cebras. Albatros, Argentina, 1998. 11.7 Centro de Estudios Agropecuarios.: Crianza de Caballos. Grupo Editorial América, México. 11.8 Domenico, M.: Los caballos de Silla: Raza Morfología y Aptitudes. De Vecchi. España. 2002. 11.9 Ensminger, M.E.: Horses and Horsemanship. Seventh Edition, Interstate Publishers, Inc. USA. 1999. 11.10 Hickman, J. y Humphrey, M.: Manual y Técnicas de Herraje. 2ª. Ed., Harcourt Blace. España, 1999. 11.11 Hogg, A.: Manual del comportamiento del caballo, Omega, Barcelona, 2005 11.12 Lewis L.D.: Alimentación y Cuidado del Caballo. Inter-Vet. Argentina, 1991. 11.13 Metz, R.: Todo sobre Asnos y Mulas. De Vecchi. España, 1995. 11.14 Pisan, M.E.: Conocer los Asnos y las Mulas. De Veecchi, S.A., Barcelona 1995. 11.15 Svendsen, E.D., De Aluja, A.S.,Villalobos, A.N.M.: El Cuidado del Burro. FMVZ-UNAM, México, 1989. 11.16 Zoller, k.:Comunicarse con los caballos. Omega, Barcelona ,España, 2000 Journals: Equine Athlete. Equine Veterinary Education. Equus. Horse & Rider. Horse Illustrated. Journal – Paint Horse, December 1997. The Blood Horse. The Chronicle of the Horse. The Horse. The Texas Thoroughbred. Lectures 12. TEACHING METHODOLOGY Reading Field labs Quizzes. 13. COURSE EVALUATION Seminary. Homework. Assistance to theory lectures. 14. REQUIREMENTS FOR TEACHING THE COURSE Assistance to labs. Participation (theory-lab) Written quizzes Practic quizzes Veterinarian with a minimum of 5 years of experience in equine clinics.