English for tourism

In this text I'm going to write about the hospitality industry.
The hotel vent de mar is situated in puerto de Sagunto, this level is three stars but is more comfotable.
The hotel jobs are: 1) hotel manager, this person is responsible for all staff.
2) Marketing Manager, this person finds business for the hotel and organizes advertising the hotel.
3) Accountant, this person does the hotel's finances and does the acounts for the hotel.
4) Concierge, responsible for greets guest at the dor and collects guests and luggage from the airport.
5) Bartender/Barman, serves guests at the bar
6) Head Waiter, serves food and drinks to guests and trains new staff.
7) Waiter serves in the restaurant
8) The Recepcionist, this person works behind the front desk, welcomes guests when they arrive and gives
them their keys, checks in new guests, sends e−mails and comfiming booking, takes the reservations, prepares
bills when guests check out, answer the phone, and checks records.
One conversation for a booking in this hotel
Recepcionist− good mornig, vent de mar hotel, Francisco speaking. How can I help you?
Customer− Hi, we' ve booked a room
Receptionist− Could I have the name, Please?
Customer− Sure, it's Mr and mrs Manuel Hernández
Receptionist− Could you spell yoursurname for me, sir?
Customer− H−E−R−N−A−D−E−Z
Receptionist− one moment, I'll check it on my computer.
Ok, Mr Hernández, a double room for six nights.
Customer− How much would it cost?
Recepcionist− A doble room from July 17 th costs 60 euros for night including breakfast.
Customer−That's right , goodbye
Receptionist− goodbye, thank you for calling!
One conversation for a rental cars
• Hello, Sagunto Cars. How Can I help you
C. Hello I'd rent a car. I called yesterday.
A.Can I have your name, please, sir?
C.It's Spencer. Mr Jhon Spencer.
A. Just one Moment, sir. Was that a Mercedes car?
C. That's right. Mercedes Benz with air conditioning.
A. I'd like a car for seven−day rental. Could you confirm the price?
C. Total cost including insurance is 400 euros
A. And when are you picking up the car, Mr Spencer?
C. Tomorrow morning at 10 am.
A. Great, see you at ten and thanks for calling! Have a nice day.
In a Restaurant
• sea food coctail
• grilled prawns
• Goat's cheese
• Garlic Bread
• Grilled king prawns
• Mediterranean Salad
• Mushrooms with Tomatoe sauce
Main Course
• Duck stuffed served with orange sauce
• Turkey roast served with potatatoes and mushrooms
• Salmon bake served with mint sauce
• Tuna grill ot bake served with béchamel sauce
• Banana split
• Lemmon Cake
• Strawberry with whipped cream
• Strawberry Cake
• Cheese Cake
A range of wines, minerals and spirits are
available from the restaurant
One conversation in a Restaurant
Waiter− Good morning, do you have a reservation madam?
Customer− yes, a table for two. My name is Alice Gray.
Waiter− Would you like smoking or non smoking?
Customer− Non−smoking, please
Waiter− Fine Madam. Would you follow me please?
Waiter− Would you like to see the menu?
Customer− yes, I'd like to see the menu
Waiter− Are you ready to order?
Customer− yes, I'd like to appetiser an Mediterranean salad
And then Duck stuffed seved with orange sauce.
Waiter− Would you like anything to drink?
Customer− A bottle of a red wine
Waiter− And Would you like any dessert ?
Customer− yes, I'd like to dessert a Strawberry with whipped cream
Waiter− And Would you like something else?
Customer− yes, A capuccino, please
Waiter− Ok Madam, I'll be with you in a minute
One Conversation about the Bus turístic in Barcelona
Guide− Good mornig, welcome to the Tourist Bus of Barcelona
We'll star our route in the Barcelona's Modern Arts Museum.
And now, in your left you can see the Magic Fountains most evenings in the
Summer. There's a show every half hour.
Tourist− What time does the next show start?
Guide− Let me see. There´s one starting in five minutes, at 9:30
Tourist− And how long does it take?
Guide− About half an hour. Please be back at the bus by 10:15.
Tourist− Excuse me, did you say the olimpic stadium was near here?
Guide− That's right, the sport stadium we visited this afternoon, please be careful of
Pickpocket and look after your money and Valuables.
Tourist− And how much does it cost to see the fountains?
Guide− Nothing, it's free.
Hotel Vent de Mar
This hotel level is trhee stars, but is more comfortable, all bedrooms have a complete en suite bath/shower
room, satellite tv and air conditioning.
The hotel facilities are, porter service, hair dryer, spacious rooms, minibar.
The localitation this hotel is in fron of the sea, with the rooms with a promenade views.
One conversation for this hotel
I−What made you decide to upgrade your hotel, Vent de mar?
R− Well, the reason , are the good people to work in this hotel
I− So, how did you go about changing the hotel? What did you have to do?
R− well, is a hotel level trhee stars, but is more comfortable moreover have a rooms with a promenade views.
I think is wonderfull to travel in a cruise ship, the cruise ships are floatings resorts, when in a hotel, the cruise
ship, have a differts works in here.
The captain is the most senior person on board the ship, the name of the people to work in a cruise is a crew.
The principal Medical officer, the staff captain, the chief Engineer and the hotel Manager all report to the
The hotel Manager has overall responsibility for the gallery staff, food and beverage, the purser and the
purser's staff as well as general entertaiment on board.
Curriculum Vitae
Adress: street −−−−−−−nº 3
Telephone: 444444444
Date of Birth: 00/00/00
Marital status: single
Nationality: Spanish
2000/2001 High school graduated in the school Santa Maria del Puig
2002/2003 studies of English in The school Caston College
2004/2005 currently stufying in pax (higher studies)
2006 second level of higer studies to obtain a full−time position as a tourism manager, I can work as
receptionistor the other employments of a hotel or cruise ship.
• I have a driver's license
• I have an identity card as a bodyguard
• I have a first level of English
• I have a first level of German
I'm studying English and German in a school of languages
One conversation for a travel agency
Travel agent: Zafiro holidays. Can I help you?
Customer: Hi, I'd like to comfirm a holiday booking
Travel agent: Certainly. Can I have your name, please?
Customer: Yes, it's Francisco, Francisco Hernandez.
Travel agent: Sorry, Could you spell your surname?
Customer: Yes, H−E−R−N−A−N−D−E−Z. We spoke on Friday.
Travel agent: Ok, Thank you. Just let me confirm the details. That's five people, three adults and two
Childrens, leaving Paris Orly on Monday 17th July, returning on Sunday 23st July.
Customer: yes that's rigth
Travel Agency: Thank you, Mrs Francisco. Now how do you wish to pay for your holiday? By Credit card?
Customer: Yes, I'd like to pay by credit card
Travel agent: ok. Thank you for calling!
Giving advice and recommendations
When a person travel to a Tropical for exaple Indian, South Africa's the travel agent recommend to the
customer diferents recommendations.
You should have a vacinattion against Malaria
You shouldn't carry large sums of money
You Avoid wearing expensive jewellery in the street
You Avoid drinking tap water
You musn't leave any bags unattended
You should wear sunglases and a hat
You should't wear casual clothes at the meeting
One Redacction about my favourite resort.
My favourite resort in Greece is Athens. It's the best resort because you can go on Cruises and also visit the
Greek ruins. For example the Greek theather,
This year in Athens celebrating the festival of Eurovision, this event moved tourits of the worlds.
In Athens the type of tourism is the hotels and the money value is the euro.
You can visited moreover than Athens, Santorini, in a cruise ship blue dreams from Barcelona waterfront or
you should travel by aeroplane in Valencia airport.
Traditional gifts from three countries
One traditional gift in spain are ceramic from Manises in Valencia,that is Valencia's artist tradition. the
oranges that is a fruit cultivation in Valencian Comunity, the valencia's wather( agua de valencia) that is a
spirit, an alcoholic drink.
In Italy the tipical gift is cristal of Murano, is a jewellery from the region of Murano
From France the tipycal delicious groullere cheese, and the Russia the typical Rusian's dolls.