References pdf, 60kb

Data references :
Delgado H, Hidalgo E, Giron EM, Pareja G. Encuesta nacional de salud materno infantil 1987. Demographic and Health Surveys. Ministerio de Salud Publica y Asistencia
Social. Guatemala, Central America, 1989 (and additional analysis).
Encuesta nacional de salud materno infantil 1995. Demographic and Health Surveys. Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala, 1996 (and additional analysis).
Encuesta nacional de salud materno infantil 1998-1999. Demographic and Health Surveys. Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala, 1999 (and additional analysis).
Ministerio de Salud Publica y Asistencia Social, Instituto Nacional de Estadistica, Universidad del Valle de Guatemala, et al. Guatemala encuesta nacional de salud
materno infantil 2002. Ciudad de Guatemala, Republica de Guatemala: Oscar de Leon Palacios, 2003 (and additional analysis).
Marini A and Gragnolati M. Malnutrition and poverty in Guatemala. Policy Research Working Paper 2967. The World Bank, Latin America and the Caribbean Region,
Human Development Sector Unit, 2003 (and additional analysis).
Stein AD, Wang M, Digirolamo A, Hoddinott J, Martorell R, Ramirez-Zea M, Yount K. Height for age increased while body mass index for age remained stable between
1968 and 2007 among Guatemalan children. Journal of Nutrition 2009;139:365-9 (and additional analysis).
Ministerio de Salud Pública y Asistencia Social (MSPAS)/Instituto Nacional de Estadística (INE)/Centros de Control y Prevención de Enfermedades (CDC). Encuesta
nacional de salud materno infantil 2008 (ENSMI-2008/09). Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala: Ministerio de Salud Pública, MSPAS, INE y CDC, 2010 (and additional
Additional references :
Cruz JR, Sibrian R, Osorio V, Cossich C. [Nutritional status of Guatemalan preschool children hospitalized for acute respiratory infections.] Archivos Latinoamericanos de
Nutricion 1989;39:251-262.
Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama. Local nutritional study 1965-67. Guatemala: INCAP, 1983 (and additional analysis).
Martorell R, Habicht JP, Rivera J, Schroeder D, Read MS, Kaplowitz H, et al. Benefits of early supplementation feeding: the INCAP longitudinal study. Food and Nutrition
Bulletin 1992,14:167-282 (and additional analysis).
Institute of Nutrition of Central America and Panama (INCAP). Prevalence of undernutrition in the western Highlands of Guatemala during the 1980s: preschoolers.
Guatemala: INCAP, 1988.
Guzman MA, Scrimshaw NS, Bruch HA, Gordon JE. Nutrition and infection field study in Guatemalan villages, 1959-1964. VII. Physical growth and development of
preschool children. Archives of Environmental Health 1968;17:107-118.
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19 July 2011
Additional references :
Habicht JP, Martorell R, Yarbrough C, Malina RM, Klein RE. Height and weight standards for preschool children. How relevant are ethnic differences in growth potential?
Lancet 1974;1:611-614.
Malina RM, Habicht JP, Martorell R, Lechtig A, Yarbrough C, Klein RE. Head and chest circumferences in rural Guatemalan Ladino children, birth to seven years of age.
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Martorell R, Habicht JP, Yarbrough C, Guzman G, Klein RE. The identification and evaluation of measurement variability in the anthropometry of preschool children.
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Martorell R, Yarbrough C, Klein RE, Lechtig A. Malnutrition, body size, and skeletal maturation: interrelationships and implications for catch-up growth. Human Biology
Cheek DB, Habicht JP, Berall J, Holt AB. Protein-calorie malnutrition and the significance of cell mass relative to body length. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
Martorell R, Yarbrough C, Malina R, Habicht JP, Lechtig A, Klein RE. The head circumference chest circumference ration in mild-to-moderate protein-calorie malnutrition.
Journal of Tropical Pediatrics and Environmental Child Health 1975;21:203-207.
Yarbrough C, Habicht JP, Malina RM, Lechtig A, Klein RE. Length and weight in rural Guatemalan Ladino children: birth to seven years of age. American Journal of
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Yarbrough C, Habicht JP, Martorell R, Klein RE. Anthropometry as an index of nutritional status. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology 1974;49:15-26.
Martorell R, Yarbrough C, Lechtig A, Delgado H, Klein RE. Upper arm anthropometric indicators of nutritional status. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1976;29:46-53.
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Pigott J. Nutritional status and dietary habits of rural Guatemalan preschoolers [letter]. Archivos Latinamericanos de Nutricion 1982;32:463-467.
Cavan KR, Gibson RS, Grazioso CF, Isalgue AM, Ruz M, Solomons NW. Growth and body composition of periurban Guatemalan children in relation to zinc status: a crosssectional study. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1993;57:334-343.
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19 July 2011
Additional references :
Engle PL. Influence of mothers' income and fathers' income on children's nutritional status in Guatemala. Social Science and Medicine 1993;37:1303-1312.
Ministerio de Educacion Guatemala. Primer censo nacional de talla escolares de primer grado de primaria de la Republica de Guatemala, 1986. Unidad Sectorial de
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The Journal of Nutrition 1995;125(4S):1027S-1138S.
Martorell R, Schroeder DG, Rivera JA, Kaplowitz HJ. Patterns of linear growth in rural Guatemalan adolescents and children. The Journal of Nutrition
Lasky RE, Klein RE, Yarbrough C, Engle PL, Lechtig A, Martorell R. The relationship between physical growth and infant behavioural development in rural Guatemala.
Child Development 1981;52:219-226.
Palma AP. Validation of information collected by primary school teachers for use in food and nutritional surveillance systems. Manuscrito, Guatemala. INCAP, 1985.
Allen LH. Malnutrition and human function: a comparison of conclusions from the INCAP and nutrition CRSP studies. Journal of Nutrition 1995;125(4Suppl):1119S-1126S.
Ruiz Arregui L, Torre Medina Mora P, Castro Albarran JM, Madrigal Fritsch H. Estado de nutricion de los refugiados guatemaltecos menores de seis anos. Salud Publica
de Mexico 1998;40:172-180.
Rivera JA, Habicht J-P. The recovery of Guatemalan children with mild to moderate wasting: factors enhancing the impact of supplementary feeding. American Journal of
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Gobierno de la Republica de Guatemala, Ministerio de Educacion. Segundo censo nacional de talla de escolares de primer grado de primaria de la Republica de
Guatemala - 16 al 20 de julio de 2001. Informe final. Guatemala, 2002.
Red Humanitaria Results report for the rapid assessment of food and nutritional insecurity in the Guatemalan provinces of the eastern dry corridor, Quiche and Izabal.
Guatemala: Red Humanitaria, 2009.
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19 July 2011
Additional references :
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19 July 2011