Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System (VMNIS) WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency The Vitamin A Deficiency database includes data by country based on xerophthalmia and/or serum or plasma retinol concentration Last Updated: 2007-10-08 GUATEMALA Serum / plasma retinol concentration (µmol/l) Prevalence of xerophthalmia (%) Level L L N L L NR N Date Location and sample descriptor Sex Age (years) Sample size Prevalence (%) Mean Current XN Previous XN X1B X2 X3A X3B XS 2002 8 Area development programs: Pre-SAC B 0.50-4.99 440 0.00 1997 P 5 communities near Guatemala city: Pre-SAC B 1.00-5.99 B 1.00-5.99 248 248 0.80 5 communities near Guatemala city: Pre-SAC National: Pre-SAC: Total B 1.00-4.99 Pre-SAC by age B 1.00-1.99 Pre-SAC by age B 2.00-2.99 Pre-SAC by age B 3.00-3.99 Pre-SAC by age B 4.00-4.99 Pre-SAC by region: Guatemala Department B 1.00-4.99 Pre-SAC by region: High Plateau B 1.00-4.99 Pre-SAC by region: North East B 1.00-4.99 Pre-SAC by region: South Coast B 1.00-4.99 Coban (4 hamlets): Pre-SAC: Total B 0.50-6.57 Pre-SAC by sex F 0.50-6.57 Pre-SAC by sex M 0.50-6.57 Pre-SAC by hamlet: Chamil B 0.50-6.57 Pre-SAC by hamlet: Pocola B 0.50-6.57 Pre-SAC by hamlet: Rancho B 0.50-6.5 Pre-SAC by hamlet: Sehuba B 0.50-6.5 425 232 193 147 142 78 58 1984 -NS El Quiché (6 communities): Pre-SAC B 0.00-5.99 576 1.40 1975 National rural: Pre-SAC B 1.00-5.99 B 1.00-5.99 543 543 1.10 National: Rural: Pre-SAC 1995 1995 P <0.35 <0.70 SD < 1.05 1576 NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS 5.2 1.6 15.8 19.9 17.7 13.1 11.9 15.5 16.1 16.2 14.6 20.0 18.0 22.0 21.0 13.0 26.0 26.0 3.3 21.5 Notes General 0.00 0.0 Reference 1.13 * 3176 * 3091 * 4618 * 52 * 2105 * 0.26 51.0 0.90 1.00 0.90 0.90 1.00 0.90 0.90 5102 0.40 4.50 0.20 7.90 0.30 0.80 0.30 Line © WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency NOTES GUATEMALA Reference No: 5102 General notes: Two-stage PPS cluster sampling. Sample comprised households within 8 Area Development Programs from various states. No location specified. Night blindness assessed by asking mothers whether they or their child had difficulty seeing at dusk/night time. Reference No: 3176 General notes: Reference No: Sample comprised of 50 children from 5 randomly selected study sites within 2 hours drive from the study laboratory (Guatemala city). Study designed to validate a semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire in 3 countries to detect children at risk for vitamin A deficiency. Data collection timed to occur during periods of minimum food availability in communities to increase likelihood of vitamin A deficiency. Therefore, prevalence may be overetimated. Study authors indicate that there is no local term for night blindness in Guatemala so prevalence figure may be inaccurate. Serum retinol concentrations converted from µg/dL to µmol/L. 3091 General notes: Multi-stage PPS cluster sampling. Péten department not included. Plasma retinol concentrations converted from µg/dL to µmol/L. Reference No: 4618 General notes: Reference No: Sample comprised of pre-SAC from 4 rural hamlets (Chamil, Pocola, El Rancho and Sehuba) near Coban, in the region of Alta Vera paz. Baseline data before a vitamin A intervention project. 52 General notes: Sample comprised of children from 6 communities in El Quiché department (Tzalbal, Acul, Ac'Txumbal, Rio Azul, Las Violetas and Nebaj). Reference No: 2105 General notes: Baseline survey before initiation of the vitamin A fortification at national level. Sample comprised of pre-SAC from 12 randomly selected rural communities with between 1000-2000 inhabitants. The department of El Petén excluded because the number of villages with between 1000-2000 inhabitants was very low. Serum retinol concentrations converted from µg/100 mL to µmol/L. © WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency REFERENCES GUATEMALA Reference 52 National Committee for the Blind and Deaf [Guatemala], UNICEF. Report on the Joint Ophthalmic and Nutritional Survey and Delivery of Services in Nebaj, Quiche- 16-25 May, 1984. 1985. Reference 2105 Arroyave G, Aguilar JR, Flores M, Guzmàm MA. Evaluation of sugar fortification with vitamin A at the national level. Scientific Publication, 1979. Reference 3091 Ministerio de Salud Publica y Asistencia Social. Encuesta Nacional de Micronutrientes. Guatemala City, Ministerio de Salud Publica y Asistencia Social, 1996. Reference 3176 Sloan NL, Rosen D, de la Paz T, Arita M, Temalilwa C, Solomons NW. Identifying areas with vitamin A deficiency: the validity of a semiquantitative food frequency method. Journal of Public Health, 1997, 87 :186-191. Reference 4618 Romero-Abal ME, Mendoza I, Bulux J, Solomons NW. Blood retinol and beta-carotene levels in rural Guatemala preschool children. Reference 5102 Klaas N. Vitamin A add-on program: first annual report March 2003. Mississauga, Ontario, World Vision Canada, 2003. American European Journal of Epidemiology, 1995, 11 :133-139. © WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency ADDITIONAL REFERENCES GUATEMALA Reference 72 Ministry of Public Health and Social Assistance. Encuesta Nacional de Micronutrientes. Guatemala, 1995. Reference 200 Vitamin A Field Support Project. Tercer Taller Regional Sobre Deficiencias de Vitamina A y Otros Micronutrientes en América Latina y el Caribe, Recife (Brasil), agosto 23-27. Virginia, Vitamin A Field Support Project - VITAL, 1993. Reference 242 Arroyave G, Mejia LA, Aguilar JR. The effect of vitamin A fortification of sugar on the serum vitamin A levels of preschool Guatemalan children: a longitudinal evaluation. of Clinical Nutrition, 1981, 34 :41-49. Reference 245 Gadomski AM, Kjolhede CL, Wittpenn J, Bulux J, Rosas AR, Forman MR. Conjunctival impression cytology (CIC) to detect subclinical vitamin A deficiency: comparison of CIC with biochemical assessments. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1989, 49 :495-500. Reference 247 Kjolhede CL, Gadomski AM, Wittpenn J, Bulux J, Rosas AR, Solomons NW, Brown KH, Forman MR. Conjunctival impression cytology: feasibility of a field trial to detect subclinical vitamin A deficiency. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1989, 49 :490-494. Reference 1883 Solomons NW. Micronutrients and urban life-style: lessons from Guatemala. Reference 2104 Mejia LA, Arroyave G. The effect of vitamin A fortification of sugar on iron metabolism in preschool children in Guatemala. Reference 2121 American Journal Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición, 1997, 47 (2 Suppl 1):44-49. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1982, 36 :87-93. Mejia LA, Pineda O, Noriega JF, Bentez J, Falla GF. Significance of postprandial blood concentrations of retinol, retinol-binding protein, and carotenoids when assessing the vitamin A status of children. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1984, 39 :62-65. Reference 2859 FAO. Conferencia Internacional Sobre Nutrición. Situación alimentario nutricional de Guatemala. 1991. Reference 3210 Instituto Nacional de Estadistica Guatamala, Ministerio de Salud Publica y Asistencia Social. Encuesta Nacional de Salud Materno Infantil 1998-1999. Reference 3927 Mejia LA, Chew F. Hematological effect of supplementing anemic children with vitamin A alone and in combination with iron. 1999. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1988, 48 :595-600. Reference 4240 Phillips M, Sanghvi T, Suarez R, McKigney J, Fiedler J. The costs and effectiveness of three vitamin A interventions in Guatemala. 1668. Reference 4498 Ribaya-Mercado JD, Mazariegos M, Tang G, Romero-Abal ME, Mena I, Solomons NW, Russell RM. Assessment of total body stores of vitamin A in Guatemalan elderly by the deuteratedretinol-dilution method. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 1999, 69 :278-284. Reference 4588 Reference 4619 Social Science & Medicine (1982), 1996, 42 :1661- Marini A, Gragnolati M. Malnutrition and poverty in Guatemala. Human Development Sector Unit, Latin America and the Caribbean Region, 2003. Arroyave G, de Moscoso YM, Lechtig A. Vitamina A en sangre de embarazadas y sus recién nacidos de dos grupos socio económicos [Vitamin A in blood of pregnant women and their newborn infants in 2 socioeconomic groups]. Archivos Latinoamericanos de Nutrición, 1975, 25 :283-290. © WHO Global Database on Vitamin A Deficiency