Crimen y castigo; Feodor Dostoievski

by Feodor Dostoievski
That History is developed in Russia on XIX century.
Raskolnikov was a poor student with a good heart. In those times the situation of Russia was very bad, and
there were lots of people who did not have money to eat, and Raskolnikov was one of them.
In the building where he lived, and old and avaricious woman lived there too. She was a moneylender, but she
swindled to people giving them less money by their properties. All nights Raskolnikov thought in how he
could kill her and rob all her money.
Raskolnikov met a beautiful girl named Ivannova and he felt in loved of her; he used to give her gift and
money because her family was so poor and she had to work as prostitute to make money.
One day he needed the money with urgency because the father of Ivannova had died and they did not have
money to bury him.
Raskolnikov ran into the building and went to see the old woman. He hung her and took all the coins that he
could, but when he was left the room, a nice and kind woman saw him and he had to also kill her.
Raskolnikov tried to justify his crime with the idea that everything is allowed to a superman like him. With
this money he helped to his friend's family and hid the rest of the currency under a bridge.
Nevertheless nightmares and remorse seizes did not let him live. The policemen started the investigations and
he was one of the suspect. Raskolnikov had to talk about what he had seen, but he felt so bad at the moment
and fell sick. He though that a person like her did not had value, and he had benefited the humanity killing
He did not supported more and confessed the crime. He was judge and deported to The Dungeons of Siberia.
The treatment was cruel and the weather was so cold. Raskolnikov was taken to the hospital because of the
wounds that he had. When he woke up after two days in comma, surprisingly saw at his beautiful friend who
had offered herself to serve as a nurse in Siberia. She followed him to prison and at the end he discovered that
the true freedom is founded on the generous given to the people around us.
I decided to read this book because at school I studied about Feodor Dostoievski, and I was so interested in
reading one of his books.
Written in 1866, this is his most famous novel. Dostoievski is a realism writer because all his books have the
characteristic of the meticulous description.
I liked very much the whole story, because I was deep and interesting in general, but for me, was so hard to
read a book like this, because has a different way to say the things, and in English it is more difficult, because
the book is to long, with a lot of new vocabulary and with lots of extra−information that in some cases bored
to the reader.
In fact, in these times is difficult to read a book, because we do not find available time in our schedule or
because we don not have the culture of reading, but in particular is very rewarding for me to read and more if
are works of Classic Literature.