Subido por jesica barrera

Call Flow

Call Flow
1. Greeting:
Live Agent: Thanks for calling to _______________ (company name). This is
____________ (agent’s name), how can/may I assist you today?"
2. Caller Identification:
Request the customer's name and, if applicable, an account or reference number.
Issue Identification:
Ask the customer, how can I assist you today?
((take notes about the customer issue))
Listen actively to the customer's concern or inquiry.
3. Issue Clarification:
Ask open-ended questions to gather more information about the issue.
Summarize the customer's concern to ensure understanding.
4. Troubleshooting/Resolution:
Provide information, instructions, or resolve the issue based on the customer's
Follow company guidelines and procedures to address the customer's needs.
5. Confirmation and Assistance:
Confirm with the customer if the issue has been resolved or if additional assistance
is required.
Offer further support, options, or alternatives as necessary.
6. Documentation:
Log the call details and the resolution in the system for future reference.
7. Closing:
Summarize the key points of the call.
Thank the customer for choosing __________ (company name) and express your
willingness to assist in the future.
8. Survey (Optional):
Offer the customer an opportunity to participate in a post-call survey to gather
9. Farewell:
Thank you for choosing _____________ (Company Name). Have a great day."
10. Follow-Up (If necessary):
If additional steps are required, arrange for callbacks or transfers to relevant