Subido por María Soledad Arguello

Ingles parrafo narrativo

Narrative Paragraph about “time you experienced good or bad behavior”
Names: Matias Revelo, Geraldine Garzón, Andrea Zuleta
Date: 9-12-2020
The subject of buses is very controversial, since just as there are good people with manners,
there are people who are not.
Background events:
One day all the of us were going to get on a bus on the way to our house and we were taking
many books, and we were feeling very stressed because there were many people
Main events:
On the way, there were very suspicious people, and they were scaring the passengers.
In this, we could see how they wanted to steal an older man, and the man asked for help.
We could see how all the people stood there doing nothing, so we wanted to intervene but we
couldn't because the thieves threatened us, then they got out and no one else helped the old
Link events
From that moment, we have always made sure not to get on very crowded buses, and always
be vigilant
The subject of buses is very controversial, since just as there are good people with manners, there are
not. One day all of us were going to get on a bus on the way to our house and we were taking many
books, and we were feeling very stressed because there were many people. On the way, there were
very suspicious people, and they were scaring the passengers. In this, we could see how they wanted
to steal an older man, and the man asked for help. We could see how all the people stood there doing
nothing, so we wanted to intervene, but we couldn't because the thieves threatened us, then they got
out and no one else helped the old man. From that moment, we have always made sure not to get on
very crowded buses, and always be vigilant.