Subido por Matias Sanchez

Phrasal verbs e idioms IA

Ask for
1. Pedir; 2. Buscar
1. I asked for a glass of water. (Pedí un vaso de agua.) 2. She's asking
for trouble. (Ella está buscando problemas.)
Ask out
Invitar a salir
He asked her out for dinner. (La invitó a salir a cenar.)
1. Respaldar; 2.
Retroceder; 3. Apoyar
1. Make sure to back up your files regularly. (Asegúrate de respaldar
tus archivos regularmente.) 2. The car behind me backed up to let
me out. (El auto detrás de mí retrocedió para dejarme salir.) 3. I'll
back you up in this argument. (Te apoyaré en esta discusión.)
1. Apagar (velas); 2.
1. She blew out the candles on her birthday cake. (Apagó las velas de
su pastel de cumpleaños.) 2. The tire blew out on the highway. (La
llanta reventó en la autopista.)
1. Explotar; 2.
1. The bomb blew up the building. (La bomba hizo explotar el
edificio.) 2. He blew up at his boss and quit his job. (Se enfureció con
su jefe y renunció a su trabajo.)
Resumirse a
The problem boils down to a lack of communication. (El problema se
resume a una falta de comunicación.)
Back up
Blow out
Blow up
Boil down
1. Romper; 2.
Break down Descomponerse
Break in
1. The mechanic will fix the car that broke down. (El mecánico
reparará el auto que se descompuso.) 2. The relationship started to
break down due to constant arguments. (La relación comenzó a
desmoronarse debido a constantes discusiones.)
1. Someone broke in and stole our valuables. (Alguien entró
forzadamente y robó nuestras pertenencias.) 2. Sorry to break in,
1. Entrar forzadamente; but I have an important question. (Perdón por interrumpir, pero
2. Interrumpir
tengo una pregunta importante.)
1. A fire broke out in the building. (Se produjo un incendio en el
edificio.) 2. The prisoners broke out of jail. (Los prisioneros
escaparon de la cárcel.)
Break out
1. Estallar; 2. Escapar
Break up
1. They decided to break up after five years together. (Decidieron
terminar su relación después de cinco años juntos.) 2. The crowd
1. Romper (relación); 2. started to break up and leave. (La multitud comenzó a dispersarse y
Separarse; 3. Terminar marcharse.) 3. Let's break up the meeting and reconvene tomorrow.
(una reunión)
(Terminemos la reunión y volvamos a reunirnos mañana.)
Bring up
1. She brought up an interesting point. (Ella mencionó un punto
1. Mencionar; 2. Criar o interesante.) 2. They brought up their children to be polite. (Criaron
educar a un niño; 3.
a sus hijos para que fueran educados.) 3. He felt sick and brought up
his dinner. (Se sintió enfermo y vomitó su cena.)
1. Cancelar; 2.
1. They had to call off the game due to bad weather. (Tuvieron que
cancelar el partido debido al mal tiempo.) 2. The teacher called off
the class trip. (El profesor suspendió la excursión escolar.)
1. Visitar; 2. Pedir a
alguien que hable
1. I'll call on you tomorrow to see how you're doing. (Te visitaré
mañana para ver cómo estás.) 2. The teacher called on me to
answer the question. (El profesor me pidió que respondiera la
Call up
1. Llamar por teléfono
I'll call you up later to discuss the details. (Te llamaré más tarde para
discutir los detalles.)
Call back
1. He didn't answer, so I left a message asking him to call me back.
(No contestó, así que dejé un mensaje pidiéndole que me devolviera
1. Devolver una llamada la llamada.) 2. The customer service representative promised to call
telefónica; 2. Llamar de back with a solution. (El representante de servicio al cliente prometió
llamar de vuelta con una solución.)
Care for
1. She cares for her elderly parents. (Ella cuida de sus padres
1. Cuidar de; 2. Gustar; mayores.) 2. Would you care for a cup of tea? (¿Te gustaría tomar
3. Querer
una taza de té?) 3. I really care for you. (Realmente te quiero.)
Call off
Call on
1. Llevar a cabo; 2.
1. We need to carry out a survey to gather data. (Tenemos que llevar
a cabo una encuesta para recopilar datos.) 2. The doctor will carry
out the surgery tomorrow. (El médico realizará la cirugía mañana.)
1. Alcanzar; 2. Ponerse
al día
1. I ran to catch up with the others. (Corrí para alcanzar a los demás.)
2. I need to catch up on my reading. (Necesito ponerme al día con mi
Catch on
1. Comprender; 2.
Hacerse popular
1. It took him a while to catch on to the new concept. (Le tomó un
tiempo comprender el nuevo concepto.) 2. The dance trend quickly
caught on among teenagers. (La tendencia de baile se hizo
rápidamente popular entre los adolescentes.)
Check in
1. We need to check in at the hotel before 2 PM. (Tenemos que
registrarnos en el hotel antes de las 2 PM.) 2. Passengers are
1. Registrarse; 2. Hacer required to check in two hours before the flight. (Se requiere que los
el check-in
pasajeros hagan el check-in dos horas antes del vuelo.)
Carry out
Catch up
Check out
1. Pagar y dejar un
hotel; 2. Echar un
vistazo; 3. Comprobar
1. We checked out of the hotel early in the morning. (Pagamos y
dejamos el hotel temprano en la mañana.) 2. Check out this amazing
view! (¡Echa un vistazo a esta vista increíble!) 3. Make sure to check
out the new restaurant in town. (Asegúrate de comprobar el nuevo
restaurante de la ciudad.)
Check up
1. The doctor will check up on your progress. (El médico examinará
tu progreso.) 2. It's important to have regular check-ups with your
1. Examinar; 2. Hacer un dentist. (Es importante hacerse chequeos médicos regulares con tu
chequeo médico
The funny video cheered her up after a long day. (El video gracioso la
alegró después de un día largo.)
Cheer up
Animar; Alegrar
Clear up
1. Let me clear up any confusion about the schedule. (Permíteme
aclarar cualquier confusión sobre el horario.) 2. The rain cleared up
1. Aclarar; 2. Mejorar (el just in time for the outdoor event. (La lluvia mejoró justo a tiempo
para el evento al aire libre.)
Come by
1. I'll come by your house later to drop off the package. (Pasará por
tu casa más tarde para dejar el paquete.) 2. Can you come by some
bread from the bakery? (¿Puedes conseguir un poco de pan en la
1. Pasar por; 2. Obtener panadería?)
1. Please come in and have a seat. (Por favor, entra y siéntate.) 2.
The train is coming in on platform 3. (El tren está llegando en la
plataforma 3.)
Come in
1. Entrar; 2. Llegar
Come out
1. The sun came out after the rain stopped. (El sol salió después de
que paró la lluvia.) 2. Her new book will come out next month. (Su
1. Salir; 2. Ser publicado nuevo libro se publicará el próximo mes.)
Come back 1. Volver; 2. Regresar
Cut back
1. Reducir; 2. Recortar
1. He went to get groceries and will come back soon. (Fue a comprar
alimentos y volverá pronto.) 2. Don't forget to come back home
before dark. (No olvides regresar a casa antes de que oscurezca.)
1. I need to cut back on sugar for my health. (Necesito reducir el
consumo de azúcar por mi salud.) 2. The company is cutting back on
expenses to increase profitability. (La empresa está recortando
gastos para aumentar la rentabilidad.)
End up + in Terminar en
They went on a road trip and ended up in a small seaside town.
(Hicieron un viaje por carretera y terminaron en un pequeño pueblo
Face up to
It's time to face up to the truth and accept the consequences. (Es
hora de enfrentar la verdad y aceptar las consecuencias.)
Afrontar; Enfrentar
Quedarse atrás;
Fall behind Atrasarse
I fell behind in my studies and need to catch up. (Me quedé atrás en
mis estudios y necesito ponerme al día.)
1. Llenar; 2. Completar
(un formulario)
1. Please fill up the gas tank before we go on the trip. (Por favor,
llena el tanque de gasolina antes de que salgamos de viaje.) 2. Don't
forget to fill up the registration form. (No olvides completar el
formulario de inscripción.)
Find out
Descubrir; Enterarse
She found out the truth about her friend's betrayal. (Descubrió la
verdad sobre la traición de su amiga.)
Figure out
Descifrar; Resolver
I need to figure out how to solve this math problem. (Necesito
descifrar cómo resolver este problema de matemáticas.)
Get along
1. Llevarse bien; 2.
1. They used to fight a lot, but now they get along well. (Solían pelear
mucho, pero ahora se llevan bien.) 2. How is your project getting
along? (¿Cómo está progresando tu proyecto?)
Get away
1. They managed to get away from the kidnappers. (Lograron
escapar de los secuestradores.) 2. Let's get away for the weekend
1. Escapar; 2. Tomar un and relax. (Vamos a escaparnos durante el fin de semana y
Fill up
1. He'll get back home late tonight. (Regresará a casa tarde esta
noche.) 2. I need to get back the book I lent you. (Necesito recuperar
el libro que te presté.)
Get back
1. Regresar; 2.
Get by
1. With careful budgeting, they managed to get by on a tight income.
(Con un presupuesto cuidadoso, lograron arreglárselas con un
1. Arreglárselas; 2. Pasar ingreso ajustado.) 2. Can you get by without a car? (¿Puedes pasar
(por algo)
sin un auto?)
Get in
1. Entrar; 2. Llegar
1. Please get in the car. (Por favor, entra al auto.) 2. The train got in
on time. (El tren llegó a tiempo.)
Get out
1. Salir; 2. Sacar
1. Get out of the house and enjoy the sunshine. (Sal de la casa y
disfruta del sol.) 2. Get out your passport for inspection. (Saca tu
pasaporte para inspección.)
Get on
1. Get on the bus at the next stop. (Súbe al autobús en la próxima
parada.) 2. They used to be good friends, but now they don't get on
1. Subir; 2. Llevarse bien well. (Solían ser buenos amigos, pero ahora no se llevan bien.)
Get off
1. Get off the train at the next station. (Bájate del tren en la próxima
estación.) 2. Get off your wet clothes and put on something dry.
(Quítate la ropa mojada y ponte algo seco.)
1. Bajarse; 2. Quitarse
Get through 1. Terminar; 2. Superar
1. I need to get through this stack of paperwork before the deadline.
(Necesito terminar esta pila de documentos antes de la fecha límite.)
2. We will get through this difficult time together. (Superaremos este
momento difícil juntos.)
It takes time to get over a broken heart. (Lleva tiempo superar un
corazón roto.)
Get over
Superar; Recuperarse
Get up
Levantarse; Despertarse I usually get up at 7 AM. (Normalmente me levanto a las 7 AM.)
Give back
Please give back the book when you're done reading it. (Por favor,
devuelve el libro cuando termines de leerlo.)
Give up
Rendirse; Dejar
Don't give up on your dreams. (No te rindas en tus sueños.)
Go back
1. Volver atrás; 2.
1. Let's go back and take the other route. (Volviendo atrás y tomando
la otra ruta.) 2. The clock went back an hour at midnight. (El reloj
retrocedió una hora a medianoche.)
Grow up
She grew up in a small town. (Ella creció en un pueblo pequeño.)
Entregar; Presentar
Please hand in your assignments before leaving the classroom. (Por
favor, entrega tus tareas antes de salir del aula.)
Hand out
1. Distribuir; 2. Dar
1. The teacher handed out the exam papers to the students. (El
profesor distribuyó los exámenes a los estudiantes.) 2. She handed
out free samples of the new product. (Ella repartió muestras
gratuitas del nuevo producto.)
Hang on
1. Hang on tight, the ride will be bumpy. (Agárrate fuerte, el paseo
será irregular.) 2. Hang on a moment, I'll be right back. (Espera un
1. Agarrarse; 2. Esperar momento, volveré enseguida.)
Hang up
Colgar (teléfono)
He got angry and hung up the phone. (Se enojó y colgó el teléfono.)
Have over
Invitar (a alguien a tu
We're having some friends over for dinner tonight. (Vamos a invitar a
algunos amigos a cenar esta noche.)
Salir; Partir
We're heading out for a weekend getaway. (Nos vamos de escapada
de fin de semana.)
Help out
Can you help me out with this heavy box? (¿Me puedes ayudar con
esta caja pesada?)
Hide out
The fugitive hid out in a remote cabin. (El fugitivo se escondió en una
Esconderse; Refugiarse cabaña remota.)
Jump over
Saltar por encima de
Hand in
Head out
She jumped over the puddle to avoid getting her shoes wet. (Saltó
por encima del charco para no mojar sus zapatos.)
Leave out
Omitir; Dejar fuera
Don't leave out any important details in your report. (No omitas
ningún detalle importante en tu informe.)
Look at
Look at the beautiful sunset! (¡Mira el hermoso atardecer!)
Look for
I'm looking for my keys. Have you seen them? (Estoy buscando mis
llaves. ¿Las has visto?)
1. I'm looking forward to the weekend. (Espero con ansias el fin de
1. Esperar con ansias; 2. semana.) 2. They're looking forward to the new movie release.
(Están anticipando el estreno de la nueva película.)
Look/watch 1. Tener cuidado; 2.
Estar atento
1. Look out! There's a car coming. (¡Ten cuidado! Viene un auto.) 2.
Watch out for any suspicious behavior. (Estate atento a cualquier
comportamiento sospechoso.)
1. Revisar; 2. Echar un
1. Please look over the document before signing it. (Por favor, revisa
el documento antes de firmarlo.) 2. I'll just look over the menu
before deciding. (Solo echaré un vistazo al menú antes de decidir.)
1. Buscar información;
2. Mejorar
1. You can look up the meaning of that word in the dictionary.
(Puedes buscar la definición de esa palabra en el diccionario.) 2.
Things are finally looking up for him. (Las cosas finalmente están
mejorando para él.)
She has always looked up to her older sister. (Siempre ha admirado a
su hermana mayor.)
Make up
1. Inventar; 2.
1. Don't make up stories to get out of trouble. (No inventes historias
para evitar problemas.) 2. She likes to make up her face before going
out. (Le gusta maquillarse antes de salir.)
Can you pass by the store and pick up some milk? (¿Puedes pasar por
la tienda y comprar un poco de leche?)
Pass out
Desmayarse; Repartir
The heat was so intense that some people passed out. (El calor era
tan intenso que algunas personas se desmayaron.)
Pick out
She picked out a dress for the party. (Ella eligió un vestido para la
Pick up
1. Can you pick me up at the airport? (¿Puedes recogerme en el
aeropuerto?) 2. He quickly picked up the basics of the new language.
1. Recoger; 2. Aprender (Aprendió rápidamente los conceptos básicos del nuevo idioma.)
Look over
Look up
Look up to
He pointed out the mistake in my calculations. (Señaló el error en
mis cálculos.)
Pop up
Aparecer; Surgir
Unexpected expenses keep popping up. (Los gastos inesperados
siguen apareciendo.)
Post up
1. He posted up a movie poster on his bedroom wall. (Colgó un
póster de película en la pared de su habitación.) 2. She posted up an
1. Colgar (un póster); 2. announcement on the bulletin board. (Publicó un anuncio en el
tablón de anuncios.)
Point out
1. Guardar; 2. Recoger
1. Put away your toys after playing. (Guarda tus juguetes después de
jugar.) 2. Please put away your clothes before leaving. (Por favor,
recoge tu ropa antes de irte.)
1. Instalar; 2. Invertir
1. They need to put in a new air conditioning system. (Necesitan
instalar un nuevo sistema de aire acondicionado.) 2. He put in a lot
of effort to complete the project. (Invirtió mucho esfuerzo para
completar el proyecto.)
Put off
1. Posponer; 2.
1. They had to put off the meeting until next week. (Tuvieron que
posponer la reunión hasta la próxima semana.) 2. Don't let setbacks
put you off pursuing your goals. (No dejes que los contratiempos te
desanimen de perseguir tus metas.)
Rut on
Encender; Activar
He rutted on the light switch as he entered the room. (Encendió el
interruptor de la luz cuando entró en la habitación.)
1. Apagar; 2. Sacar
1. Put out the candles before leaving the room. (Apaga las velas
antes de salir de la habitación.) 2. The firefighters put out the fire in
record time. (Los bomberos extinguieron el incendio en tiempo
1. Encontrarse con; 2.
Chocar contra
1. I ran into an old friend at the supermarket. (Me encontré con un
viejo amigo en el supermercado.) 2. The car ran into a tree and was
damaged. (El auto chocó contra un árbol y quedó dañado.)
Run out of
Quedarse sin
We ran out of milk, so I need to buy some more. (Nos quedamos sin
leche, así que necesito comprar más.)
Run over
1. The car ran over a pothole and got a flat tire. (El auto atropelló un
bache y se pinchó una rueda.) 2. Let's run over the main points one
1. Atropellar; 2. Repasar more time. (Repasemos los puntos principales una vez más.)
Put away
Put in
Put out
Run into
Set up
1. He helped me set up my new computer. (Me ayudó a configurar
mi nueva computadora.) 2. They set up a tent in the campground.
1. Configurar; 2. Montar (Montaron una tienda de campaña en el camping.)
Sign up
Registrarse; Apuntarse
Sleep in
1. I like to sleep in on weekends. (Me gusta dormir hasta tarde los
1. Dormir hasta tarde; 2. fines de semana.) 2. He slept in and missed the bus. (Se quedó
Quedarse dormido
dormido y perdió el autobús.)
Sleep off
Dormir para
He needs to sleep off the effects of last night's party. (Necesita
dormir para recuperarse de los efectos de la fiesta de anoche.)
Speak up
Hablar más fuerte;
Can you speak up? I can't hear you. (¿Puedes hablar más fuerte? No
te oigo.)
Stand out
Her red dress made her stand out in the crowd. (Su vestido rojo la
hizo destacar en la multitud.)
Stay up +
Quedarse despierto
I'm going to stay up watching movies all night. (Me voy a quedar
despierto viendo películas toda la noche.)
Step up
1. It's time to step up and take responsibility. (Es hora de dar un paso
adelante y asumir la responsabilidad.) 2. The company needs to step
1. Dar un paso adelante; up its marketing efforts. (La empresa necesita aumentar sus
2. Aumentar
esfuerzos de marketing.)
Take care of Cuidar; Encargarse de
Don't forget to sign up for the workshop before the deadline. (No
olvides registrarte para el taller antes de la fecha límite.)
She took care of her sick grandmother. (Cuidó de su abuela
Take off
1. The plane will take off in ten minutes. (El avión despegará en diez
minutos.) 2. Take off your shoes before entering the house. (Quítate
1. Despegar; 2. Quitarse los zapatos antes de entrar a la casa.)
Take out
1. I'll take out the trash. (Sacaré la basura.) 2. He took her out for a
1. Sacar; 2. Invitar a salir romantic dinner. (La invitó a salir a una cena romántica.)
Take up
1. Empezar a
practicar/hacer; 2.
1. She decided to take up painting as a hobby. (Decidió empezar a
pintar como hobby.) 2. The new furniture takes up too much space
in the living room. (Los nuevos muebles ocupan demasiado espacio
en la sala.)
Let's talk over the details before making a decision. (Discutamos los
detalles antes de tomar una decisión.)
Talk over
Planificar con
Think ahead anticipación
It's always good to think ahead and be prepared. (Siempre es bueno
planificar con anticipación y estar preparado.)
Throw up
The bad food made him throw up. (La comida en mal estado le hizo
Tutu around Tontear; Jugar bromas
Stop tutu-ing around and get to work. (Deja de tontear y ponte a
Turn on
Encender; Activar
He turned on the lights as he entered the room. (Encendió las luces
al entrar en la habitación.)
Turn off
Don't forget to turn off the TV before leaving. (No olvides apagar la
tele antes de irte.)
1. Aparecer; 2. Subir el
1. He didn't turn up for the meeting. (No apareció para la reunión.)
2. Can you turn up the music? It's too quiet. (¿Puedes subir el
volumen de la música? Está muy bajo.)
Turn down
1. Rechazar; 2. Bajar el
1. She turned down the job offer. (Rechazó la oferta de trabajo.) 2.
Please turn down the music. It's too loud. (Por favor, baja el volumen
de la música. Está muy alta.)
Wake up
I usually wake up at 7 a.m. (Normalmente me despierto a las 7 a.m.)
Turn up
Write down Anotar
Don't forget to write down the important details. (No olvides anotar
los detalles importantes.)
You can zoom in to see the details or zoom out for a broader view.
(Puedes acercar para ver los detalles o alejar para tener una vista
zoom in/out Acercar/alejar la imagen más amplia.)
50 Idioms IA
A piece of cake
Pan comido
Don't worry, the exam will be a piece of cake.
A blessing in disguise
Bendición disfrazada
Losing that job was a blessing in disguise.
Actions speak louder than
Los hechos hablan más que
las palabras
She promised to help, but actions speak louder
than words.
All ears
I'm all ears. Please tell me what happened.
An arm and a leg
Costar un ojo de la cara
The new car costs an arm and a leg.
Barking up the wrong tree
Ir por mal camino
If you think I stole your wallet, you're barking
up the wrong tree.
Beat around the bush
Andarse por las ramas
stop beating about the bush!
Bite the bullet
Aceptar algo difícil
I had to bite the bullet and apologize to him.
Break a leg
Buena suerte
Break a leg on your performance tonight!
By the skin of your teeth
Por los pelos
He passed the exam by the skin of his teeth.
Caught between a rock and a
hard place
En un aprieto
I'm caught between a rock and a hard place.
Cut to the chase
Ir al grano
Let's cut to the chase and discuss the main
Don't cry over spilled milk
No llores sobre la leche
Don't cry over spilled milk; move on and focus
on the future.
No hay mal que por bien no
Every cloud has a silver lining venga
Losing the job was difficult, but every cloud
has a silver lining.
Get a taste of your own
Probar tu propia medicina
After all those pranks, he finally got a taste of
his own medicine.
Give someone the cold
Ignorar a alguien
She gave me the cold shoulder at the party.
Hit the nail on the head
Dar en el clavo
She hit the nail on the head with her analysis.
Hit the sack
Irse a dormir
I’m so tired, I’m going to hit the sack - see you
all in the morning.
Kick the bucket
Unfortunately, he kicked the bucket last night.
Revelar un secreto
I accidentally let the cat out of the bag about
the surprise party.
Let the cat out of the bag
50 Idioms IA
After missing several deadlines, he's on thin ice
with the boss.
On thin ice
En terreno peligroso
Put all your eggs in one
Don't put all your eggs in one basket; diversify
Apostar todo a una sola cosa your investments.
Spill the beans
Revelar un secreto
She couldn't resist and spilled the beans about
the surprise.
Take it with a grain of salt
Tomar con precaución
He tends to exaggerate, so take his stories with
a grain of salt.
The ball is in your court
Te toca a ti
I've done my part; now the ball is in your court.
Throw in the towel
Tirar la toalla
After years of struggling, he finally threw in the
When pigs fly
Cuando las ranas críen pelo
You'll be rich when pigs fly.
Your guess is as good as
No tengo ni idea
How long will it take? Your guess is as good as
A penny for your thoughts
Cuéntame qué piensas
You seem lost in thought. A penny for your
Actions speak louder than
Los hechos hablan más que
las palabras
She promised to help, but actions speak louder
than words.
All ears
I'm all ears. Please tell me what happened.
An arm and a leg
Costar un ojo de la cara
The new car costs an arm and a leg.
Barking up the wrong tree
Ir por mal camino
If you think I stole your wallet, you're barking
up the wrong tree.
Bite the bullet
Aceptar algo difícil
I had to bite the bullet and apologize to him.
Break a leg
Buena suerte
Break a leg on your performance tonight!
By the skin of your teeth
Por los pelos
He passed the exam by the skin of his teeth.
Caught between a rock and a
hard place
En un aprieto
I'm caught between a rock and a hard place.
Cut to the chase
Ir al grano
Let's cut to the chase and discuss the main
Don't cry over spilled milk
No llores sobre la leche
Don't cry over spilled milk; move on and focus
on the future.
50 Idioms IA
No hay mal que por bien no
Every cloud has a silver lining venga
Losing the job was difficult, but every cloud
has a silver lining.
Get a taste of your own
Probar tu propia medicina
After all those pranks, he finally got a taste of
his own medicine.
Give someone the cold
Ignorar a alguien
She gave me the cold shoulder at the party.
Hit the nail on the head
Dar en el clavo
She hit the nail on the head with her analysis.
Kick the bucket
Unfortunately, he kicked the bucket last night.
Let the cat out of the bag
Revelar un secreto
I accidentally let the cat out of the bag about
the surprise party.
On thin ice
En terreno peligroso
After missing several deadlines, he's on thin ice
with the boss.
Put all your eggs in one
Don't put all your eggs in one basket; diversify
Apostar todo a una sola cosa your investments.
Revelar un secreto
She couldn't resist and spilled the beans about
the surprise.
Take it with a grain of salt
Tomar con precaución
He tends to exaggerate, so take his stories with
a grain of salt.
The ball is in your court
Te toca a ti
I've done my part; now the ball is in your court.
Throw in the towel
Tirar la toalla
After years of struggling, he finally threw in the
When pigs fly
Cuando las ranas críen pelo
You'll be rich when pigs fly.
No tengo ni idea
How long will it take? Your guess is as good as
Spill the beans
Your guess is as good as