Students Names: Advanced (5) Proficient (4) Developing (3) Needs works (2) Inadequate (1) Content (30%) the content presented goes in alignment with the requirements provided by the teacher Most of the content presented fulfils the with the requirements provided by the teacher Half of the content presented fulfils the with the requirements provided by the teacher Few content presented fulfils the with the requirements provided by the teacher Coherence (20%) All of the information presented was purposeful coherent and organized. The whole group used language structures related to question making and use of present and past tenses in a comprehensive and clear way. Most of the information presented was purposeful coherent and organized. Most of the group used language structures related to question making and use of present and past tenses in a comprehensive and clear way. Half of the information presented was purposeful coherent and organized . Half of the group used language structures related to question making and use of present and past tenses in a comprehensive and clear way Few of the information presented was purposeful coherent and organized. Few participants used language structures related to question making and use of present and past tenses in a comprehensive and clear way Preparedness: (15%) The whole group showed preparedness when presenting the information. All of the avoided reading Most of the group showed preparedness when presenting the information. Most of them avoided reading Half of the group showed preparedness when presenting the information. Half of them avoided reading Few participants showed preparedness when presenting the information. Half of them avoided reading Used of visual aids (10%) There were visual aids that helped to comprehend the information There were enough visual aids that helped to comprehend the information There were some visual aids that helped to comprehend the information There were a few visual aids that helped to comprehend the information Barely any content presented fulfils the with the requirements provided by the teacher Barely any information presented was purposeful coherent and organized Barely any participant used language structures related to question making and use of present and past tenses in a comprehensive and clear way Barely any participant showed preparedness when presenting the information. Half of them avoided reading There were barely any visual aids that helped to comprehend the information Language use (25%) Total