Subido por Sharon Sumari

Underemployment: Social Problem & Economic Impact

• It’s a paragraph.
Underemployment is a social problem that affects job gwoth (S),
business increase and poverty levels, and the emotional and
psychological health. First, when a person is forced to take up jobs
that don't match either with their skills or knowledge, they tipically
(S) receive an income that is below their pay grade, and it's not fair.
Furthermore, the reduction in demand leads to slow business
growth, pushing the economy toward either recession or depression.
Second, underemployment couldn't cause neither stability nor a
good income, instead, that can cause poor mental health. The stress
and anxiety even when you go shopping and you realize that it could
be a waste of money and decide to buy less things. In addition,
relationships with a partner can also suffer as a result of
undermployment (S). In conclusion, employment is the primary
source of income for a person and hence, it is the source of
economic growth. It is considered a lagging economic indicator for
many people around the world, (MW) doesn't matter which country
are you living now, a high underemployment suggest a low demand
of labor.