'rl1i!i emplu 1111ml aweenuml (" grE ment;) is madeamll eff!!cli\'!! iJ5 ur 5.123f2tl22 b and llelwi! 111 ,1
busine56 entiW known as Freddy Herediil Senior Acronma nt & Doltl!las w, Hall CPA. m having ics pliLC!· f busines iiil 12 N Main L, S.u�4rn, Port Clrn�ll!r, Nt."I\; • 10S73 ('' rnpl yer")
,i!illd Kar� G Cuest<!5 oott-ni;sg,ro ' rn.ployi£').
WH · R · 5 fue funplo}'-er t1Uffids to hire e Empl())''l<'e for - t> posi tion o · 0 ·· oe Cooro:indtor and the
E.mployec desires to pmvidv tbeir sff\ri L'.S on di� nd!ilio□s s.c'l fo b_
IN CO Sffi'EMTION of prollliise;. and miler good and valuable ons deracion Ille pa es agree io me
fol! ing:
[. 8'Plu, e Dul!i , Tlr Employ!"!" gr ' tl1Jt th • will oc1. in" Kl nee wllll tlli gre menl d ID
th� lx!st inte-re.sts of the Emplo �,. ,..,,hicJi may or may not require I.hem io, preseo.t the oost of lheiir skills,
,p pe-ri 11 , ncl t let115, 'lO Jl('f[O � Ill t� d ti req i,rrro f lbe po iii 11. Ill C i ng ut 1lh duti , nd
.ro onsibililles of 1heir position, iJw f.mploy�@ aJ�n.'ic-S to adhere ro any arid all !fJfOCt!· ro
nule_�, ;iml regul,ni 11s ;1& ;idmin� mred h�• the omplo t>r. In clditirm, lhe- Empl�, li':5 to'
all lo atL C1'.iuot.y,!, and f:'oot;?ral laws whili! i!mpl0.)•1!d. l'ly the Employi!r.
[l Rd,pt111 'll)ili.tits. bi!' E1npl'.oyl"I!' .shall be gi.vl!1l tb4! job iJ1fo of Off.ia"! Coon:li11at i: ("Positi 1l -')
wh:ich. !dial] iu1mlh.•e c-on.ducting everyda 1<1!.ks as. needed l>y lhe ·mplo r.
Thi! Emplo e.r Rlil,y also assign dl!ll:ies 10 h mployee frnrn lime·to lime b the Emplo er. The
E.mplo l!i:! 'h;JIJ be '�pee tC!d m rnt1;. 11 a rt•llne b.J&I \0 llh the !\ours m .uclu.al1.: as n1.:c !!O l)y lh
f..mplo er.
IL'•mpl.oynumt Per·od . The rnployeragree5, m · the Employei;, for a pe11od begin , goo
•06.11412 22' ;incl ending on, 0i/]412022. lite •rid of �du tin1t-J1l!ri cl, bud1 p<1rL11.'l! will Ill longl!r l1.iVL!
ilJJY b igati.on excluding severance as oot · ed. in diits Sect:io11, co 1dentiali:ty as listed in S�iolit X[
aml ny n II mpue as. Ii 1cd in ea.ioo .II .
. • ) Emplo:ll(T' n min 1iou. The E:rnploy,� shall ha ·c lbe tlgln io cem1!n,:uc lills
•mem, for Jll}'
re.i�n, b providin� .it le;ist 4 di!y:s' 11□oce to the Emploj'er. H
llllployee should termi11�te this
Ag,reemem Employer shalil. have no fonber b,Jlgmlons ro e Employee uodN this. Agreement,
inc;luding blJt I li,rnited 10, 5,ewran P, rnefii or ,m otherliabil,ities or p mises amade h reio.
·11,,) lll[illoyu''!I. 'Thrminatim1,. Tbe Employer sh 11 have lhe right ·111 Iwminate lrnis Agreemenl at an
lime and for 1111y reason. Upon Sl!Lch term:lnatlon, the Employee sllall no:t be- entllted to �everfillce•
• Pay.. A'!. co.mpi!nsilll.o□ for th!! slY\<l� JNOYiood, lhi"! mpl Dyee shall be paid t5,00 p,t:.'f" I .our
("C□mp1,ns;iliB11"). The- f'.fl ensalion ii.-. ii g s. 11111oun1 that is subjecl all local., St11t1>, iFedeml, 1111ul
airay lhi!r 1.axe arnl d@ductions .is pooscribi!d by law•.P.iy-in.t!11t shaill be distr.i.bu.1.i!d 1.0 till! mpl )i'(c-e o.1l .:i
V. EmplO)•te Ben its. Dming, the term of iliis Agreeme-rn; tlil Empfoyee- r.hall no be eligible- or
upon Comp1msa1i n. This change at,iny lime � if
,e:nlidecl lo a11 ' Berneflis ollaer than IN! agr,
Bem:f11s lx-rome a al.lab� by the Emplo1•i!r•
• Out-o:r-'P'o :1re1
', TI1e IE111 pl yer do() 11 l ag e to , ·irn urse the • mj!iloyc · for ' [!)cil
that ma or may aal. be in.rurrad while performiag d1e dulie� of their pa-si.tion. l!Lracler this Agreement.
vn. Ti::ial Peri.od. " shall oe na Trial Period or any 511.lcli period of lii:ne where 1!he Ern?lD!(l!e sru111l
b pn lli!Jjt ft rn &ne[i
this. re2ml!lll.
Va Uon
RM', ;:,rso l L �-• or n r OITll.'.r I ve thal t.s D id
p.aid in
vm, Vacation Timi!.. Af1£r die rial .Pt!riod is compL1.11.e, the [rnJ)lo '£il is entitw'd to O days off per
,o'I hkh is l"l'(IUired to he mlltll.,11)' hl'n Filing F t'11;1 F.mployer ,mrl ft, F.mpll!l)I , It is r�Y i �-1 for the
F.mploye12 to give nolice ·ilfooo· sdieduli11,� their .-a-cal.imi in. ac:eorcfance wi1h Ci'.lmpaLiy pDlicy.
I-t£Sl!lnal Lf-aw, 'Iliil n,ployt-e sl11U 001 b!! e1ui!loo many tyiie of tlm!!•off rrom tll!!ir position iii
regl!Id m pe:rsoll;;l]J Of' L1ealith �elated lss11es. Ally dme•of.f tbllt Is requesrNI must Ile 3J)proved lb me
Emplo er, a,ml ·t lhe request is appmved, ma • or ma m I he deducted fm11111 1he 1-:mp&lyee's VacaliDrn
• Holldir!f'5• 11.e Employee slt.ul 1101 lbe required to ppear during any Federal H unle-&s
ulhe.rwise instructed
i:he :.mployer. 1l1is is subjc.•CI Lt1 t:ha�e
Lite l:.J11p1uyer foum linll! Ill liml!. 1r
for any rellsOOJ tile Employee sbou.ld reqneM a Jioliday o • the Employer shall detei-lllirle d 1he
E.mployl!t! l'.llil do �u illill i r it :shall be wk•en (rum l!i.Lller the 111 luyee 's Pl.!rs lill LL'la�·e r Vac,uio11
Tmre. H•oli fS detetmined by tile Employer and. may crumg.e •�·ery cale ar rear.
I, on!id nti;;iJizy, e Employee l'! alld <1gre-es to keep any and .ill inl'o1ID11tion
-� nfldemial regordlng 111·, business plans, lnvemkm , d�lgns, produru, scf\ •s, pro
ernts-, cop)'l'iJb tr .erni!fks, oustorner infmmation, custo1ner li&ts, pJi«is, t1J1i1lyti diit<1, cosl5,
affairs, :mdl ,my oilier L□Ionnatloo rb:it could be roms.ldere
• to lhl- Ernplo1yer ('' Confident
tion' ,, TIie
pl ee tmd--l'Stamls ll I di I05tlre or an u h nfid nii..11 Inf- rm ti□n, ei1her
diractl or .i.udi:rec:tl)'. shall l'l!Sull in. !iii ati.oa witlil tilt! Employer eli•ible for i!Quitable .rt!lief to Ille
he I ,e c ni f th lllw, inclllding 111 mat limited to, filin cI ims fo� losses 1dtor dam
. In
arlditlon, if it is fol!Llid that !he E.mpLoyee divulged Conl'idL'llltial .lnformatloli ID a third (3 party wltli
th.I' Em loyer sl111II Ile entilll"t! illl nd 1111 r imh'n . mern fgr i'he[r IPg.!!. nd at1nmey•5 fl'e5.
Ar1er lh Empln
has •�minato
, o lhl'ir ernploymJ?11l with Im> Empl�, the Kmplayee sin. II he hound
to lhis S4lcli0ll of lnQ A�LK@l!lll for pedod of 3 Y>I! r( ).
. n. Non omprw. lirt,Q sh II b@ !lo Non-Comp"te c:-stabllsru! liri 1.his Agrc!.!Olt'ffl., .f1er the
tenninalio:n of dii.�. Agreeme□ the E mpl yee will be allowed lo eek emplo •ml!'lllt or wm in lhe ,une
or like i 11d1mry frte uf IJahilii.y to I Q· Empl .yer.
[ I. mploJ'tt'· Role. ThQ Empl y •e hall ti 1111,we tbe I glu to act 1n the c-.1pachy or the- · npro�c •
Thi!; includes. bl!Lt is not limited! ID, maki□g writtM or ve al agreements any customer, client,
.iffiliilte, ,0 1.>t!ldor, w- third (3"') j)drty.. Tilil!!;e righl!i IflilS 111r 1.11 y nul clia11� I a.11�, lime in 1lm fo re by 1.Ji,
CV. ppe ;mce. The mpCoyee m 51 <!Jlp,e;!l' .at th-e Em�loyer'� d'esire<I workplace al tbe time
schedul d. If the l!mplo ·ee aes nat appear, for an · reason, Olil more than 5 separale occasioo.s in .i, 12mmuh cale11da.r p(!rko• 1.he Employ-�r hn Ille rl:g)ll lO Wfl.UJ "le Ibis AgrcemenL it K-dia1cly. lu :such
, e.·ent, the Emplo ee would not be gran1erl sever,u;tce as stat . in Se;c:1.i n I IL
XV. Disability. If for any reascm the Ernpl ·ee ca□rnJI perform their dulie!>. b)' physic· or men.ta[
dJ b ity, 1be m11lo}1 er na cetmiu;,ue thi 1 g 'Rlelll b glvl11g 11.: · mploy 30 d ' w [ten n t e.
V • 11rnplilrnce. Ii-- Employe agr
� to all :!il'Ctio1 ,n[ chi A 1-eemem ln odUion m, 11y
ruli?S. regul1atio□ , or conduct standards of tihe !!mplay
, iu i11.dudi11il Oi>l.')'i□g all local arid federal la'il,-S. If
i11e Emplo:i e0 does nai tldlleJ, to this I\ ft'elOOllt, ompmny [)Olicie , i11 h1 i11g, ny t11sk_ r obli.gaf 'fl
tl:la.t Ls re.l�l.l!d to lhe respons:i llrlil!S of lll.t:!ir posilioa. lh.e mploy� r□.ly termi!rlate dli:s Agrue:.mi!lil
' ithou• S!.;'!IE'ri!n
s s le(I in ' e tin 111,
:Vl . Return 111 P�l'!rl , The Employe-e agrees to ret11m an · ancl. all propeny of th.e Employer upon.
tlw m.rmioarian of employmi!nl. This inclw.d@s but i not liLttilGd to; Gqlliptnt!'III, !lfoctror.ilcs, ri!Cwds;
occess, 11, ies, <11:ua, 1ests, veludes., :repom, models, or IIIlY properry 1l1a1 ls re(Jll�ted by the Employer.
W. ,otk11&, All notice; mat are to be sem unckr 1hls gJ�em sl!wJJ be do11e .ill wrklng and to be
deli,,e;ral ,,ia Cert:i,fie, 'Mail ,(rt'11t1 , receipl) lo the follmvi11i,:. mailing ad sses.:
ftlf."ddv leredia Senior camntant & Douglas W. l' aU CP , JD
125 N .l!,bin t, Site 4ll0_, P I Chester, N1c·w York 10573
mploy re
Karla G Cuestas Mont,enegro
h� foremetKlon d uddres,_
ma be lumg ·d with the ii [, or eillu r
rt ,pro ding wrilt ·11 notl.
I • Am II I •
JC't"IIICJII Ill • modified r m·ndNI und•Ulh
[email protected] is att.1c:hed an.d authorized b}' .ill parties.
- X. l!vua.bllity, This AAJn,'1!ln(.!nt sh;ill roma1111 i11 ef.foct under 11\e cirrumstane@ ;J stc-c:tion o.r pmvlsiOJi
i5 11nl!llfol'Celllille nr inv11lid. All ff'ITI infog �cli ms ;rncl pmviS"i n!. !.lull be deemed legally binding
unM.s a court rul!!S lha.t al'l.y such provisiol'I. or sootion h in...alid o:r un.1.�iforeeab!@ lliu:s. limlll.11g llit!
effeci or anathe:r pmvis.i.011 □T sOOIiarn. ln such case, I e afrectoo provisi nor sectinn slhal I be enf□rD&I
�so limlltd.
.' I. Waw@lt' of , 111r.actual Riglit. n d11: • m fo •r or Employee fall!. 10 !.'.nlo«:e a pro I 1011 r
.sect[an of 1hi.s Agre,i_"lllenl, it shall nrn be determined as a wah•er 11r limitation. Eidie:r party shaII re:ma[n
1l1f ghl 1. rororc · ant:l o ip l 11hr: c:-o1 1pll:rn •!.'. r Ibis Agtl! m 111 10 its f11ll • l !.'., li!l'IL
• lli¥tn i:11g Law.
ti Agr�rn nt sh.ill be l;U'll�rn�ti l!Ll1Ul'I' lil Im,•� in dll' tall! crJ Nl!W \' rt.
x_xm •ntml gr« n t T is s,�em, ,a.:long wim .m y attitc · e11Th or ad endums, rept� t.s, the
,e:nlire agreement between lli,e parties. Therefore, llhis Agreement !lllpersedes an riar ag.eemen1s,
II dtr . mpl
r ml rnploy,ee.
, co11dl1l ns,
d landlng:s bet
_____________ Date ____________
_____________ nate ____________
Karla Guisel Cuestas Montenegro