Subido por Ana Megías Valverde


The following text is an article that comments on an interview. Note that the register changes when
extracts from the interview are provided. If you are interested in receiving some background information or in
watching the original footage, please follow the links below. When you finish your translation, provide a brief
analysis of the process following the examples included in the textbook.
[Assessment criteria: 0-6 for the translation and 0-4 for the analysis; please check the guide to understand the
assessment rubric and other related criteria and follow the sample ley of the book and of the previous
translation activity (unit 2) to understand the structure the analysis needs to follow].
Humor y periodismo enfrentados en un encuentro mediático
El cómico Russell Brand, conocido por sus bromas infantiles, abuso de drogas y aventuras de una
noche con estrellas de Hollywood, experimenta una transformación al convertirse en unos de los
ensayistas más populares de Reino Unido.
Haber plasmado en palabras sus episodios personales, como los temores de recaída de un ex adicto,
así como políticos, véase la muerte de Margaret Thatcher, ha hecho que obtenga una buena acogida,
aunque quizás su mayor logro hasta el momento sea haber sido el editor invitado del número de esta
semana del New Statesman, una de las revistas históricamente más importantes de Reino Unido.
Para publicitarlo, Brand visita la BBC para hablar con el periodista Jeremy Paxman, conocido por su
estilo tan provocativo de entrevistar, llegando en una ocasión a repetir doce veces la misma pregunta
a un ministro del Gobierno. Las expectativas frente a un encuentro de dos de las figuras públicas más
osadas de Gran Bretaña eran enormes, y no defraudó. La entrevista se dirigió hacia el tema de la
revolución en que se basa el ensayo de cuatro mil quinientas palabras que Brand escribe para este
número de la New Statesman.
La batalla estuvo reñida; mientras Paxman calificaba a Bran de anodino y se refería a él con desdén
tildándolo de actor, Brand se defendía con uñas y dientes: “Jeremy, has pasado toda tu carrera
reprendiendo y sermoneando a los políticos, y cuando alguien como yo dice que son inútiles y
cuestiona su función, tú me atacas porque ya no soy pobre”, para continuar, en un tono más suave,
aconsejándole que se siguiera dejando crecer su “hermosa barba”
A continuación, explica por qué no vota: “No es que no vote por apatía. No voto por absoluta
indiferencia y por estar cansado de mentiras, de la traición y del engaño de generaciones de políticos”
Muchos de los espectadores parecen haberse puesto del lado de Brand. "Russell Brand está lejos de
ser anodino. En el programa de noticias Newsnight, hizo que Paxman pareciera ridículo", escribió
Simon Kelner para el periódico The Independent, mientras que Gawker dice que "pudo haber iniciado
una revolución".
Muchos de los espectadores parecen estar del lado de Brand. Mientras Gawker cree que se podría
haber iniciado una “revolución”, Simon Kelner escribe en The Independent afirmando que en el
Newsnight lo hizo parecer ridículo.
No todo el mundo es favorable a la ambigüedad de las ideas de Brand o a su elaborado estilo
lingüístico, sin duda. No obstante, a juzgar por la gran acogida de esta entrevista y su otro trabajo en
todo el mundo, nos preguntamos por qué su tipo de apatía política y su esperanza de cambio llegan a
tanta gente.
The fragment to be translated belongs to a newspaper article, where we find literal quotes from
interventions during an interview. Although it is not a specialized text, in it we find terms that pose
translation problems. Next, we will do an analysis of the different translation procedures and the
decision-making when choosing that we have carried out:
To begin, we will comment on the change in the translation of the title. This change is due to a double
intention: on the one hand, to eliminate the names of the interviewees because they are unknown to a
Spanish-speaking public, so that a generalization has been chosen and to change these names to a
general noun that explains what they are about. will you speak and what is your relationship with the
protagonists. On the other hand, the adjective “epic” has been replaced by the term “media”, since I
think it better adapts to the general context of the fragment to be translated that speaks, precisely, of
the media.
At a micro level, we can comment on the decision made about the translation of “a very trivial man”,
because, firstly, although the term “trivial” exists in the Spanish language, it is not usually attributed
to the character of a person. On the other hand, in this sense it refers to a person who does not arouse
much interest, so we have opted for a more idiomatic term in the target language but which
nevertheless kept the meaning of the original text. Along the same lines, we find “puerile jokes” for
“childish jokes”, as we have in the original text the adjective refers to a type of joke typical of a child.
Furthermore, the translation of culturally known items also poses translation problems. It is worth
highlighting the translation of names of television programs unknown to a Spanish-speaking reader,
so I have decided to give a brief explanation saying what it is about, as in the case of the newspaper
"The Independent". Proper names like the previous one have also been kept in the target language.
On the other hand, in “Brand held his own and got in a few jabs” there is a double strategy; the first
consists of the translation of "got in a few jabs" by "defending with nails and teeth", since the meaning
that is intended to convey is that it responds by launching a counterattack and, on the other hand, the
first part has been eliminated because the Spanish expression "to defend oneself with nails and teeth"
already encompasses the entire meaning of the original text, thus producing a case of omission.
Finally, at the textual level we also find changes in the order of the elements. We can take as an
example the first paragraph where these changes have been carried out to achieve a more idiomatic
effect in Spanish. In addition, “on a lighter note, Brand also advised Paxman to keep growing his
gorgeous beard”, has undergone a transposition process because it had been referring to another of
the sarcastic comments that were made in the interview, so I decided to translate it further above
along with quotes from Russell Brand's snide comments to Paxman.