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MINOTAUR: A Journaling RPG Rulebook

Created by Brandon Hall.
Graphics by Noelle Smith.
You are a MINOTAUR. Like all who journal you mean to write every day, but the monotony of
the LABYRINTH weighs your mind down, and most of your writing happens on days of interest.
An ancient spark of wild magic and a reservoir of patient cunning make you an effective
guardian, but also keep you from forgetting the joy of freedom.
After the long ages in the dim Labyrinth, FIRE hurts and panics you. If the Labyrinth even has a
border, it is edged in flame.
The LAW of your prison is thus:
● You may not suffer a TREASURE to leave the Labyrinth.
● You may not strike unless first struck.
● You may not alter the Labyrinth.
Within these rules, you have spent centuries guarding various Treasures on behalf of the
CABAL, keepers of your mystic prison, of an undying flame, of many other mysteries.
Heroes and Conflict:
HEROES come and go, more in times of turmoil when the Cabal's scheming hand touches the
world, and each brings a TRICK and a WEAKNESS. Some even reach whatever Treasure they
may seek—briefly. But the Law is unwavering.
For each Hero roll 2 different-colored d6, the lighter for Trick and the darker Weakness.
● A low roll (1 or 2) resides in the MATERIAL
● A middle roll (3 or 4) the MIND
● A high roll (5 or 6) the HEART
Broadly define these. They may rely on a tool or weapon, a magical map, a witty method of
keeping their bearings, a friend on the outside, luck, courage—they may fall to injury, a phobia,
lack of planning, pride, fear. Give them also a name, and a defining feature.
Add the figures together. If the sum is odd, they slip and show their Weakness early.
Roll 2d6 once more. The lighter die for FLAME, the darker SMOKE.
Flame is the heat of the conflict, the intensity and the narrow edge of defeat. Smoke is the
tension, the mind games, the frayed nerves of waiting and scheming. A Smokeless Flame
suggests a brief, pitched struggle. A Flameless Smoke a waiting game or cat-and-mouse with
no catharsis.
There may occur both, or neither—an un-Heroic retreat—but remember that a confrontation is
not always the end of the encounter, nor must there be only one flare-up.
Apply these rolls to answer how you approach the Hero, their methods and your responses,
how close it comes, whether they escape at all or, extremely rarely, whether they actually
overcome you and obtain their end.
As your dying would alter the Labyrinth, it is forbidden.
What did they teach you? How do you feel now, in the cold aftermath? Did they earn your
respect? Pity? Any regard at all, beyond indifferent rivalry? If they overcame you, what will you
change? What might the Cabal think, or do?
Roll the 2d6 again as the blood cools to glean a LESSON.
● On double 1’s, 2’s, or 3’s, you learn what Treasure they sought.
● On a sum of 7, you learn who they were to the Cabal, or vice versa.
● On double 4’s, 5’s, or 6’s, their Trick teaches you something about the Labyrinth.
● Otherwise, you are no closer to testing the Labyrinth.
Define these as you will, building off of what has passed. You'll quickly learn that some Lessons
are more useful than others, but none are valueless. Remember to apply new information to
what you may already know, to seek connections and infer patterns.
If you think you have enough information to bend the Law and attempt escape, jot down your
plan and then roll the Trick die.
This becomes a counter. Add 1 to the counter for every Lesson which is relevant to your
particular plan.
Next roll the Weakness die.
● On a low result (1 or 2), the Labyrinth or Law acts against you - subtract 3 from the
● On a middle result (3 or 4), the Labyrinth shifts or your nerve falters, and you must
subtract 1 from the counter.
● With a high result (5 or 6), your patience and cunning pay off and you make real
progress, adding 2 to the counter.
Record what transpires, and repeat the Weakness roll unto one of the following ends. You may
never succeed on the first roll, because the Law is always watching. Your leaving would alter the
Labyrinth, after all.
If the counter ever reaches 11 you are a free Minotaur. Centuries or more have passed since
you saw daylight, or your people. What change do you most fear? What of the past will you
always carry? For what are you eager? Many things change not; on which will you rely? What
will you bring with you from your time in bondage?
If the counter reaches zero or below you're forced to LICK YOUR WOUNDS. The Labyrinth
shifts permanently, counteracting half of the Lessons you brought into this plot and
wrong-footing you in your next encounter, but you do gain a new Lesson from whatever
countermeasure defeats you. Another Hero comes, and the Law goads you back to your task.
If the counter rests on 1 and the Weakness die rolls a 1 you come so close that the Cabal has
no choice but to intervene. You die in Fire.