Subido por Yenis Cardona

Public Speaking Test: RAP 6-7 Learning Activity 3.2.1

RAP 6-7 - Learning Activity 3.2.1
Evidence: Test your understanding about giving an speech
1. Is it normal to be nervous when you give a speech or a presentation?
a. yes
b. no
2. You should pick a topic:
a. that your teacher is interested in
b. that you are interested in
c. that your mother is interested in
d. that you are not interested in
3. When you are nervous, you might speak:
a. too fast
b. charmingly
c. perfectly
4. When giving a speech or presentation, you should make eye contact with:
a. one person in the room
b. everyone in the room
c. the floor or window
d. the emergency exit
5. Should you memorize your presentation or speech?
a. yes
b. no
6. Is it a good idea to read your speech?
a. yes
b. no
7. What is a good method to help you give a great speech or presentation?
a. practice a lot
b. do not practice
c. translate directly from one language to another
d. read everything from start to finish
8. What is a good way to help you remember your words when you are
presenting your information?
a. write down the main points on small cards
b. say "um" a lot
c. stop talking for a while if you forget something
d. translate the words in your head
9. Is it a good idea to ask the audience a question at the beginning of your
presentation to get their attention?
a. yes
b. no
10. Can presentations and speeches be fun?
a. yes
b. no
Criterios de evaluación
Identifica información y aspectos importantes y específicos de actitud e
intención en conversaciones, textos o presentaciones sobre tecnología
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Carlos Muñoz
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