Subido por Javier Rojas

IEEE COLCOM-COLCACI 2020 Conference Program

Aug 7th
8:30 - 9:00
9:00 - 10:30
An Overview of Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization
Dr. Carlos Coello
Nanocommunications for Medical Applications
Ph.D. Rafael Asorey Cacheda - Claudia
10:30 - 12:00
Investigador Cinvestav 3F, IEEE Fellow, CINVESTAV-IPN
IoT goes to space: A revision of the challenges to enable IoT connectivity from nano-satellites constellations
Ph.D. Sandra Cespedes
Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, España
The Modern Automobile is the Most Complex Cyber Physical System (CPS)
Dr. Nady Boules - Carlos
NIC Chile Research Labs
President, NB Motors, L.L.C
LUNCH - Poster session
Session Chair:
Dr. Andrés Navarro
Universidad Icesi
12:00 - 14:00
Aug 8th
Agricultural and Earth Sciences
Biomedical Applications
Signal Processing
Image Processing Applications
Track Chair:
Dr. Claudia Zúñiga,
Universidad Santiago de Cali
Track Chair:
Dr. Jesús Alfonso López Sotelo,
Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
Track Chair:
Dr. Alvaro David Orjuela Cañón,
Universidad del Rosario
Track Chair:
Dr. Andrés Navarro
Universidad Icesi
Track Chair:
Dr. Jesús Alfonso López Sotelo,
Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
Track Chair:
Dr. Alvaro David Orjuela Cañón,
Universidad del Rosario
ID2 - Morphological Neural Networks for Parkinson
Detection through Speech Signals
ID50 - Real Time Implementation of a Hybrid
ID32 - NCD-net: Deep Network Architecture for Detection of
Differential Manchester-PWM Encoding for Constant
Nuclear Cataract and Post-Cataract
Data Rate under Variable Brightness in VLC Systems
ID3 - FCM Algorithm: Analysis of the Membership
Function Influence and Its consequences for fuzzy
ID18 - Preliminary machine learning model for citrus
ID60 - Analysis and Evaluation of HTTP/2 Flow Control
greening disease (Huanglongbing-HLB) prediction in
Algorithm for IoT
ID14 - Work of Breathing Estimation during
Spontaneous Breathing Test using Machine Learning
ID52 - Extraction of omplex natural resonances of ID53 - Object Classification Using Spectral Images and Deep
ships acoustic signals using Matrix Pencil Method Learning
ID17 - On the Use of a Low-Cost Embedded System for
Face Detection and Recognition
14:40 - 15:00
ID59 - A Qualitative Study on Trust Perception in IoT
Mobile Applications
ID29 - Critical Diagnosis in Brain MRI Studies based on ID14 - Noise Immunity evaluation for DPSK-k non- ID54 - Snapshot compressive spectral video via a monocular
coherent receivers (SISO and MIMO cases)
Image Signal Intensity and Supervised Learning
optical system
ID21 - Buy & Sell Trends Analysis Using Decision Trees
15:00 - 15:20
ID7 - Towards a Visual Grammar for IoT Systems
ID45 - Deep-Learning for Volcanic Seismic Events
Representation and their Cybersecurity Requirements Classification
ID48 - Comparison between HOG and Haar
descriptors in the detection of abnormal tissue in
ID55 - Improved Double-jump 2 Pulse to Compensate ID55 - Video-Tensor Completion using a Deep Learning
Frequency Offset in MQAM-OFDM Systems
ID36 - Systematic Literature Review: Artificial Neural
Networks Applied In Satellite Images
15:20 - 15:40
ID 16 - A Vulnerability Analysis of the IEEE 802.15.6
Display Authenticated Association Protocol
ID58 - MRI Brain Tumour Segmentation using a CNN
Over a Multi-parametric Feature Extraction
ID36 - Numerical study of noise evolution for
ultrashort pulse generation using graphene as
saturable absorber
ID56 - Spatio-Spectral Enhancement of Single-Pixel
Reconstruction by a Fully Convolutional Neural Network
ID51 - Echo State Network Performance Analysis using
Non-random Topologies
15:40 - 16:00
ID 10 - Impact of Functional Package Manager Over a ID47 - Tracking Hammerhead Sharks With Deep
Non-Traditional High Performance Computing System Learning
ID62 - Efficient Transfer Learning for Spectral Image
Reconstruction from an RGB Image
ID52 - Electoral Manifestos and Online Campaign
Analysis: Case Study - The 2019 Ecuadorian Sectional
14:00 - 14:20
ID9 - On MAC Protocols Performance for M2M
14:20 - 14:40
16:00 - 16:20
ID7 - Categorizing Volcanic Seismic Events with
Unsupervised Learning
ID35 - Olive and Oregano Leaves Diseases and Pests
Classification using Transfer Learning
ID46 - MosCla app: An android app to classify
Culicoides species
ID59 - Transfer Learning with Convolutional Neural
ID64 - Prototype of an Audible Tool for Blind Based
Network for Gastrointestinal Diseases Detection using
on Microcontroller
Endoscopic Images
Vehicular Technologies
Biomedical Applications
Image Processing Applications
Track Chair:
Dr. Carlos Lozano
Universidad de los Andes
Track Chair:
Dr. Alvaro David Orjuela Cañón,
Universidad del Rosario
Track Chair:
Ing. José David Cely,
Universidad Distrital FJDC
Track Chair:
Dr. Jesús Alfonso López Sotelo,
Universidad Autónoma de Occidente
16:20 - 16:40
ID12 - Increasing Safety at Vehicular Intersections
with a Controlled Retransmission of Cooperative
Awareness Messages
ID61 - Machine learning techniques for detecting
imaginary movement for upper limbs.
ID44 - Performance of Raman Fiber Amplifiers (RFA)
in a Next Generation Optical Network XGS-PON
16:40 - 17:00
ID23 - Assessing BBN, PBN and ST jamming strategies
for blocking UAV navigation system: A comparison
and first experimental results
ID65 - Classification of Diagnosis-Related Groups
using Computational Intelligence Techniques.
ID63 - Decision Tree - Based Automated Test Bed for
ID5 - Cooperative Energy Spectrum Sensing for Mobile
Performance Validation of Line Protection Relays Using a
Cognitive Radio Networks using SDR
Hardware-in-the-Loop Architecture
17:00 - 17:20
ID22 - A technique to evaluate field traffic patterns of
sugarcane harvester using Autopilot System
ID1 - Convolutional neural network proposal for wrist ID19 - Remote experimentation environment for next- ID41 - Locomotion Control of PhantomX Hexapod Robot with
position classification from electromiography signals generation computer networks.
Touch-Pressure Sensor and RoboComp
17:20 - 17:40
17:40 - 18:00
ID23 - Power Management Strategies for Hybrid Vehicles: A
comparative study
ID18 - Design of a Predictive Model for Customer
Retention in the Cancellation of an Insurance Policy