Subido por Angie Sancho

2019 Horoscopes by darkastrology

ARIES 2019
The main focus for you in 2019 is your life-calling and career. You have learnt to
live with the unpredictability of Uranus in your sign, but you will be glad to know
that it is leaving for good after a short swansong in your sign early in the year.
Uranus's departure should help stabilise your life now so you can focus on your
status and reputation.
This is the year to go self-employed as Saturn helps you accept total responsibility
for your actions. Saturn also makes you appear mature and authoritative. Without
Uranus throwing curve balls, people are more likely to trust you with their projects.
This maturity also holds true for relationships as you appear far more sensible and
trustworthy as a long-term commitment. You are just a far more safe bet then you
have been in years.
Aries Horoscope 2019 Keywords: Stabilisation, foreign lovers, attracting gurus,
prize-winning, career stamina, earth magic & healing, power hungry, loyal friends.
The big aspect of the year is Jupiter square Neptune. This aspect falls safely out of
the way of your business zones, so you are not likely to fall prey to any dream
schemes that look too good to be true. They probably will be. Instead, this aspect
is most likely to be challenging in a spiritual as the attraction to Neptunian
mysticism knocks heads with your more mainstream religious views. Travelling
abroad is going to have some effect on what you believe to be true about the
reality of this world. For example, you might travel somewhere which you find is
totally different to how it has been portrayed in the media.
Love affairs are most likely to be with foreigners or ignited by travel abroad. You
might find that infuriatingly you are just not able to connect romantically with
anyone local this year. Skype and air miles will be your friend for 2019. Two eclipses
in your career house sandwich the year for you. One on Jan 6 and the other on
Dec 26. This only further amplifies the ambition and work ethic that is being fired up
within you big time this year. Things will feel more stable thanks to Uranus leaving
Aries, and the rollercoaster effect is certainly over.
However, you will still have plenty to keep you busy. 2019 is quite a build-up year to
when Jupiter joins both Saturn and Pluto in your career sector. My golly, if that is
not the timeframe for a business to take off then I don't know what is. If you don't
happen to be a raving entrepreneur, this is still the house of status. So instead you
might very well meet and marry someone who will change your status in a positive
way. This person can be older or more established and is able to give you longterm security and respectability.
Transits of Saturn, Jupiter, Ceres, Mars & Lilith
As stated, Saturn continues in your career
zone. This is one of the most important
transits of your life in terms of your life
purpose and status! Your karmic chickens
come home to roost when Saturn
activates your status zone. Being
recognized as a leader is very likely to
happen if that has been your lifelong
aim. Everything you have been working
towards, for the last 20-24 years is coming
to a crescendo! This transit can also work
to give you more stability when Uranus is
out of Aries for good (Mar 6). So get used
to being bored for once!
However with Saturn prominent, get ready to make a big impression. Instead of
Uranus bringing emotional fireworks, not you can work on the fanfare of sky colour
and sparkles that you want people to remember you by when you retire from this
mortal coil. You won't experience Saturn here for another 30 years, so make the
most of the next year and a half. This transit of Saturn is all the more important for
you because Saturn loves to be in Capricorn and will work extra hard here for you
The spectacle of the firework display you create, all depends on the quality of the
ingredients and careful coordination. This is your big, Oscar-winning moment....or
not. Ok, if you are more of a backstage player, your 'display' might not rival the
opening ceremony of the Olympics but it will still be recognized and rewarded in a
more subtle way. This is a really crucial time in terms of respect for what you have
achieved in your career thus far. It is not just about work achievements, however,
for this is also the house of motherhood. So here parents could experience rewards
by seeing a child graduate, marry, have a child or just blossom into a wonderful
human being. At this time of harvest, it is immensely satisfying to see all the backbreaking work, nappy changing, sleepless nights, stressful deadlines were damn
well worth it. It is a time to be proud and allow people to pat you on the back. You
deserve it.
Jupiter is at his best in the 9th house of expanding horizons, religion and philosophy.
Jupiter will be here for most of the year until Dec 3. With Jupiter in this sector, you
will want to climb up the highest mountain and take an eagle-eye perspective. As
you are now able to see miles ahead, you find that you are better able to predict
your own future. The pettiness of silly little arguments dissolves into the background
and you can feel more optimistic that it's all part of a grand plan. Jupiter will
square Neptune in your house of self-undoing on an off this year so behave
yourself on holiday. You don't want to undo all that good work Saturn is doing for
your reputation.
You should have no trouble attracting participants for any teaching groups you
start and will learn a great deal from them too. You can also attract a teacher or
guru into your life on your travels. Of course, it goes without saying, that foreigners
will be important and very influential at this time, whether you are home or
abroad. Practical experience of other cultures and seeing spirituality in action will
help you acquire real, grass-roots knowledge rather than blind beliefs. You will
want to know things first hand. This practical experience should lead you to throw
aside many old prejudices you once carried. Nov 24 is a fantastic day for love
connected with foreigners. If you go abroad at this time you could have a holiday
romance. This is because romantic Venus and lucky Jupiter meet in your travel
house. A great day for a wedding abroad, even if it is not your own!
Ceres enters your adventuresome 9th house of expanding horizons and airports on
Jan 26 and will be there until Nov 15. You could come into contact with an
influential teacher in the form of a healer, astrologer or seer at this time. Maybe
you meet this guide through taking part in a course that involves the priestess
crafts of herbal medicine, divination or planetary magic. Your mind is expanded
through being contact with the sacred wisdom of mother earth. You may take
part in pagan rituals, harvest festivals or activities that bring you into contact with
lay lines or telluric currents under the earth. Even simply walking in nature or
gardening is enough. Since Jupiter is also in this house the possibilities of finding an
influential mentor on your travels is even greater. A very special day for this will be
on Oct 26 when Ceres will conjunct Jupiter in the sky. You will probably experience
the year's big aspect Jupiter square Neptune as a crisis in your belief system. This
could be from travelling abroad and having your eyes opened to different cultures
and their sacred connection to the land.
No retrogrades this year for your eager ruling planet Mars. It makes some quite
fierce connections with both Saturn and Pluto this year and will at times make you
quite power hungry. Check the list of big aspects of 2019 to see what your ruler is
up to. You start the year with Mars bouncing around in your own sign until Feb 13.
During this time your energy levels and libido is at its peak. During this time you fight
for your rights and will tend towards daring and courageous acts. Self-assertion
and confidence are very strong as you feel potent and full of zest. Sexually you will
be extremely alluring. However, you won't have the patience to wait to be asked
out on a date and are more likely make that bold first move.
You will feel quite predatory in all conquests whether in love or other areas. Most of
all time, you will get what you desire, so make the most of this bountiful hunting
period. The best day to go a hunting as it were will be Jan 25 when Mars is trine,
Jupiter. Together these brave knights are hard to beat. Both planets are in their
signs of rulership too. You can get anything you want! Just before Mars leaves Aries
on Feb 13 he smooches with excitable and volatile Uranus. Don't drink and drive,
this combination is known to cause accidents. It can make you impulsive and
Black Moon Lilith starts of the year in your 11th house and is there all the way until
May 2. Lilith through the house of friendship and wishes will sort out which contacts
are on your wavelength and which are not. During this time if you are not able to
be authentic with your closest companions, then you may find yourself getting
impatient and bored. The strain of keeping up a façade will take its toll and you
will slowly feel yourself separating. Networking with common interest groups is
recommended as a remedy, that way Lilith will not feel exiled and alone. The more
you project your true self the more you will attract members of your soul group.
May 16 Mars enters your 4th house of home and parents. You can put a great deal
of energy into your domestic situation right now. This could be working on
renovations or putting effort into moving house. There is also a big passion for your
roots and motherland if you don't live in the country of your ancestors. You could
have strong feelings of cultural pride and connection with the land. If the two are
one and the same, then this bond will be easier. If not then you will feel the need
to learn more about your native heritage in order to feel anchored and secure.
You might also feel like fighting for your land too.
While Mars is your homestead sector it will make a conjunction with the North
Node on Jun 13 which will help re-align you with your soul's path is you have been
feeling a little lost. This could be triggered by visiting the homes of your ancestors or
simply just spending more time with your family than you usually do. Home cooked
meals will help keep you grounded. Maybe go home and visit parents if Saturn has
been working you too hard. Mars leaves your 4th house on Jul 2.
May 3 Black Moon Lilith moves into your 12th house of self-undoing and institutions.
If you do not give yourself enough TLC then illness could be the result. Being ill
forces you to slow down, but if you have really been abusing yourself you could be
hospitalized! Overdoing the forbidden fruit might call for you to put yourself in
rehab or go through a period of detoxification. Another form of detox is to
withdraw from sexual relationships or become celibate, that way you become
virginal for nine months and clear yourself from past lovers 'stuff '. In essence, you
are giving birth to the new you. One that is honest, frank and does not
compromise your ethics in order to be accepted.
Oct 4 to Nov 19 Mars revs up the passion in your marriage house. It is joined by
Venus and the Sun for October so this is a great time for a second honeymoon
with your beloved. Or for putting yourself out on the dating scene to find yourself a
mate. At the same time remember this is also the house of open enemies. You will
certainly know who your friends are and you might well need them on your side
when defending yourself against the wild mob who are hurling knives at you. Ok,
it's not going to be that bad hopefully, but Mars in its rulership here is going to be
feisty, to say the least. A lot of it could be simply jealousy of the beau that you
have hanging on your arm, so take any snide remarks with a pinch of salt. You
need to be able to take the high ground and not rise to the bait. Those with longterm partners might find that they delight in just winding you up. The best
approach with your lovers is to make love, not war. It really is the only option. If
they won't let you go for the 'love in', just take out the frustration on a tennis
racquet or any ball that you can kick or hit.
Jupiter & Saturn
Your Decan's Luck & Challenges in 2019
Aries Decan 1. Sorry, none of these
planets will aspect you directly this year,
but you still get the benefit of Jupiter
being in a sign that is harmonious to
yours. The effects below will be felt but in
much more watered down form. At least
you are mostly relieved of the Saturn
Aries Decan 2. Jupiter trine ~ Jan 3 to
Feb 14. Aries Decan 3. Jupiter trine ~ Feb
15 to Jun 2.
trine from Jupiter really can feel like a gift
from the heavens. The biggest problem is
feeling so contented and blissed out that
you fail to make any use of it. For sure your vitality, enthusiasm and sense of well
being will be great. This is, if you don't let yourself fall into the 5-course indulgence
that is often served up with this transit. The only downside of Jupiter's generous
bounty is the tendency to become a little more erm rotund.. Yep, your waistband
could easily start to resemble the width of the great gas giant itself. Thankfully you
should have bags of energy too so this is an ideal time to get out and about, be
adventurous or try out a new sport. You could also get physical by making your
home a lot more grander than it is. So upgrading your house or extending it is also
a possibility.
Aries Decan 2. Saturn square ~ Jan 1 to Apr 4 and May 30 to Dec 19. Aries Decan
3. Saturn square ~ Apr 5 to May 29 and Dec 19 to 29.
Saturn square your decan can be a very challenging time. Thankfully this only
occurs every 14 years. You may find that you constantly come into conflict with
authority figures. If this shows in relationships, then you could also find yourself
being confronted by your spouse on a daily basis during the transit. Try to think of
this as natural law taking effect. Saturn squares a part of your life where you need
to 'work out' in order to strengthen muscles that have become complacent. A
good argument can clear the air and purge festering anger that would've
become lethally toxic if it wasn't allowed to surface. This is a time of purging, but
that which is worth preserving will not be ripped apart by this Saturn storm. Here
you will see your true friends and allies. The stubborn folk who have clung on for
dear life and whom you can rely on from now on. Saturn square your decan
throws some curve balls your way no question. This is a time of trails where you can
test out whether the decisions of the past few years have staying power. If not,
then you will probably feel let down by relationships or frustrated that projects
seem to be banging themselves against a great big Saturn brick wall. Everything
happens for a reason. Saturn's message reminds us of natural law and that what
goes around comes around. Good times are not far away.
The major shift for you Taurus is getting used to the entrance of the planet of
change and revolution into your sign. This happened already in 2018 briefly, but on
Mar 6 it enters proper and for the next 7 years. Uranus is quite a radical and volatile
energy for earthy Taurus, but hey if this edgy planet can be considered a modern
ruler of fixed Aquarius then why shouldn't Uranus work quite well in your domain
also? It's just a question of learning to balance the progressive action of the topsyturvy turquoise planet with the steady and patient approach of the bull. How
exciting! You can look forward to surprises, thrills and innovation sweeping into your
life all the way to 2026.
During the year, Mars will make aspects to Uranus and this is when you might feel
these electrical charges of Uranus most acutely. Your first taste is a love bolt to the
heart when Venus joins Uranus in Taurus on May 5. Out of nowhere, you could fall
head over heels in love. The trouble with Uranus is that it gives no guarantee of
longevity. Be prepared that this might be a wild fling and don't count your
chickens until a few weeks have passed. More positively, however, this new love
could start as a long distance affair that becomes long term eventually. Only time
will tell.
Taurus Horoscope 2019 Keywords: Big changes, excitement, mystical attractions,
poetic muses, university of life, intense banking, career authenticity, triangular
May 22 Mars sextiles this Uranus for you and gives the promise of something more.
Mars's activation could bring exciting new friends into your life, so it's not just about
sexual relationships. Another potential hot date for love, however, is when Venus
conjuncts Mars in your pleasure and lover's zone on Aug 24. If you are not looking
for lower chakra jiggy-jiggy just take the kids or act like a kid somewhere fun.
Whatever you do don't waste this fabulous triple ice cream sundae aspect. You
don't want to be stuck in an office, so take the day off!
None of this year's eclipses affect you in any way, so you don't have to worry
about any unexpected re-boots. Uranus is enough excitement for now anyhow.
Most of the emphasis in terms of the outer planets is about quiet self-work, an
exploration of ancient wisdom and broadening one's perspective through the
eyes of foreigners. Sometimes it takes a fresh set of eyes from an outsider to
enlighten you as to who you really are.
When Jupiter joins Saturn and Pluto in your house of higher-learning in 2020 you will
find 2019 was the year that you gained an immense amount of wisdom. What you
have learned this year will really lay the groundwork for interacting with teachers,
gurus and international clients in the future. The connections you make abroad will
be supportive for many years to come and become a home from home.
Jupiter square Neptune this year will make you irresistibly attracted to Neptunian
friends, these could be mystics, poets and musicians. With the square though,
there is a danger of being seduced by the glamour of their profession as well as
the seduction of drugs and escapism. It might be hard to keep your feet on the
ground when you are in their company. Try not to imbibe too many mind-altering
substances when this aspect is exact on Jan 6, Jun 16 and Sep 21. Saturn in your 9th
house of religion and spirituality will help you keep you grounded however in terms
of staying in touch with reality.
Transits of Saturn, Jupiter, Ceres, Mars & Lilith
Saturn continues through your 9th house of
travel and higher learning. This period of
your life is preparation for the big one, the
pinnacle of the 29 year Saturn cycle where
you get Saturn's mortarboard slapped
onto your head. Right now though, you
are in the university of life. You should
encounter great teachers and learn much
from your travels. No this does not mean
obstacles on long journeys unless you
purposely choose a country with crap
trains! This is the time to absorb as much
culture, spiritual teaching and philosophy
as you can.
Your mind is certainly open to acquiring
knowledge, but you will learn that true wisdom is only attained by being discerning
about what information you keep. Beliefs are questioned at this time, and any
dogma tested. Saturn is realistic and won't be content with a spiritual practice that
focuses too much on the life hereafter. Spirit will need to take form in matter and
be embodied. All this questioning of your beliefs and ethics should serve you well
when you have a status to uphold in the world. Having a public face and
responsibilities means your actions affect other people. You will become a role
model. But for now you can enjoy the journey, it's time to experiment, you can
make mistakes while no-one is watching!
You have Jupiter in your dark house of taboo until Dec 3. This is not the greatest
placement for the planet of luck, but there are sometimes positives connected
with wealth. Traditionally, generous Jupiter in the house of inheritance can mean
that you come into an unexpected legacy. Inheriting money or property sometime
happens, but mostly this placement means that you benefit from other peoples
wealth. One example is pooling resources with a partner in order to invest
successfully. It is also a fantastic time to borrow money too, or you might be able
to pay off a large debt that you had from the past.
Whatever the scenario, dealing with banks are emphasised and will tend to be
beneficial. Often Jupiter's transit through the underworld of the 8th house can feel
like nothing is happening, but these still waters run very deep. The healing is
operating so far down that it is invisible. Think of it as decaying matter that is
broken down and compressed to create power for your future, like oil. When
Jupiter makes its square to Neptune in your hopes and wishes sector
From Feb 13 to Mar 29, Mars the planet of passion and action is in Taurus. This might
be a period where you are quite insensitive to other people since your major focus
is on your own needs. This is fine if you have been bowing down too much to other
peoples demands. Now is the time to look at what you want and make plans
involving only yourself. You are probably feeling extra zestful and potent, so if
others around you can't keep up, then you might have to decide to leave them
be for now.
It would be a shame to waste this very virile and vivacious energy by holding
yourself back. This va va vroom period won't last for long, so enjoy it while it lasts
and you can rejoin the others later. During this time, of course, you will feel the
electricity of Uranus in Taurus when it enters on Mar 6 and start to get a feel for
what it can do for you. Mars in your sign will give you the courage to get daring
new schemes up and running. It could also push you into the arms of a hot new
lover. Uranus brings the unexpected and should help refresh and long-term
relationship that has become stagnant at this time.
Black Moon Lilith transits through your house of status and higher-calling until May 2.
During this period you will be asking you to look at how authentic you are being in
your career. How much is the material benefit compared to feeding your soul and
being of service to others? Are you a team player or are you starting to feel a little
exiled from the rest of your colleagues? In this house, the individualist side of Lilith
wants to stand out and have her status recognised. This transit is about taking your
sovereignty and becoming your own boss. You might not be able to leave and
become self-employed, but you might find you are giving more orders than taking
Ceres transits through the idle place from Jan 26 to Nov 15 will make you face
death in one way or another. This zone is associated with inheritance and other
people's money. During this period then, there literally could be the death of an
important matriarch in the family. It is also a rite of passage and a loss of virginity in
some way. As part of the triple goddess (Or God) influence, this movement could
show the transition from maiden to mother, or mother to crone. A man could leave
behind his bachelor days while a woman starts her menopause.
For you then there is a most obvious shedding of the snake's skin, signifying a
period of intense and often shocking transformation. Of course, Jupiter is also in this
house too so when Ceres and Jupiter meet on Oct 26 is when these themes are
going to be the most amplified. You could very well get an unexpected windfall
from a general benefactor. Just make sure there are no hidden strings attached.
The 8th house can be one of bondage and debt slavery.
From May 3 Black Moon Lilith in your friend zone means any new friends you make
at this time could all carry Lilith themes. Examples; you form a triangular friendship,
you become friends with a healer/witch/shaman or make a friend who is taboo in
the eyes of your regular friends. (Too poor, rich, religious, bohemian or traditional
etc..) The lowest manifestation would be befriending an addict, hoping to rescue
them, but then getting pulled into the drugs yourself.
More positively you could make friends with someone who 'red pills' you, which
distances you from your more unenlightened friends. Sometimes this can feel like
you have joined some sort of cult! You will tend to feel pretty uncomfortable with
regular society, once you know too much! You will also get the first taste of Uranus
in your sign when Venus makes an exciting and euphoric conjunct to it on May 18.
This could also bring unusual and enlightening friends into your life. You will also
learn the truth about a romantic relationship that is important to you.
From Jul 3 to Aug 17 Mars is in your cosy home sector. There is much pride in your
family at this time. Events occur where you can get together with extended family
and feel empowered by your shared blood. You have a huge amount of energy
to give to your children or other family descendants. This means that you set aside
time for activities and adventure together. You won't have to travel too far from
home for this physical bonding, for instance, you might build a tree-house, play
sports in local parks or build sandcastles together if you live near a beach. Jul 11
Mars square Uranus is a reckless and impulsive sort of energy, so just be careful
playing rough with the kids. Safety needs to be paramount, so helmets on if you
are riding mountain bikes and make sure all belts are strapped tight. Mars/Uranus is
an aspect of speed so no skateboarding around the house and warn people of
wet floors as accidents in the home are possible on this day!
The important thing is putting energy into having fun with your family in places that
give you a feeling of connection both with the earth and each other. On Jul 11
Mars will also square Uranus in your own sign which could spark up some friction in
the home, but if you use this energy well you could actually turn your abode into a
hub of invention. If you are politically motivated, you could use your home as a
base for radical discussions on how you can as a collective overturn the oligarchs
and cyber-slave meisters, or something like that... Otherwise, give your family
members plenty of space for them to experiment. This is not a time to be invading
their personal space, especially those rebellious teens!
Nov 20 to Dec 29 Woaahh! Mars in the house of open enemies could be
interesting. This is a time when your partners are either going to be fiercely loyal
when you are under attack. Or not..You will certainly know who your friends. Mars
in its rulership here is going to be feisty and you need to be able to take the high
ground. Try not to rise to the bait that lesser minded trolls are throwing at you.
Partners might also delight in just winding you up for the hell of it. Use the passion in
the bedroom and not in the kitchen where there are lots of sharp knives.
Jupiter & Saturn
Your Decan's Luck &
Challenges in 2019
Taurus Decan 1. Sorry, none of these
planets will aspect you directly this year,
but you still get the benefit of Saturn
being in a sign that is harmonious to
yours. The effects below will be felt, but
in a much more watered down form.
Taurus Decan 2. Saturn Trine ~ Jan 1 to
Apr 4 and May 30 to Dec 19 Taurus
Decan 3. Saturn Trine ~ Apr 5 to May 29 and Dec 19 to 29.
You are blessed by the supreme structure of Saturn while this trine is in effect. But
you will need to build on it so that you can keep this framework for the future.
Trines are gifts, but are so often taken for granted and not 'banked'. This is an
opportunity not to be squandered! Saturn gifts are like that old dusty antique that
has been sitting in the attic for years unappreciated until an expert tells you it's
worth a fortune under the grime. Offers that come at this time will seem pretty
drab, but don't pass them by without giving them a serious test drive. A new
relationship is likely to grow on you also. Anything worthwhile is going to take time
to mature with this transit, but it really will be the case of an ugly duckling turning
into a swan. At this time you become more realistic about what you can achieve,
but your willpower is so strong that surmounting obstacles is really easy. Ironically
being realistic actually takes you further than you anticipated, possibly because
you will know exactly what your weaknesses are. This sensible attitude means you
will enlist help from others who are more qualified than yourself.
The best news for Gemini in 2019 is Jupiter's year-long stay in your marriage house.
This transit is the classic one that favours meeting a partner that could be a longterm relationship or possible spouse. Of course, this transit alone does not
guarantee that this is the year of wedding bells, but it should bring some luck with
partnerships of all kinds. Jupiter will make some interesting squares with Neptune in
your house of career which can only add to the euphoria. One thing for sure is that
you will feel very much more romantically inclined than you have for a few years. If
you thought your libido had withered away, then this year will help you feel like
you have your mojo back.
There will be a good few silly false starts, however, thanks to Neptune's rose-tinted
influence with the square to Jupiter and the fact that Ceres is shadowing Jupiter in
your 7th house too. Ceres can be a mixed blessing because as Persephone she is
apt to let herself be abducted by those Plutonic 'bad boys'. Adding Neptune in
the mix amps up the Isis complex, that of wanting to fix broken people.
So Gemini must be careful not to fall for the doe-eyed sob story from the cad who
just wants to get their rocks off. Once through the thorny path, there is the
possibility of lasting happiness, but you might just have to get past the fake
soulmate first. Triangular relationships are quite high up on the list of potentials this
year thanks to Ceres. The vulnerable points as far as Neptune goes are Jupiter
square Neptune on Jan 6, Jun 16 and Sep 21
Gemini Horoscope 2019 Keywords: Long-term romance, weddings bells, fxing
dark souls, meeting your nemesis, life-changing moves, credit crunches, travelling
A safe day for love without 'Dark Cupid' interference is on Jan 22 with a sumptuous
Venus conjunct Jupiter in your marriage house with a sexy trine to Mars no less. You
really can't go wrong with this as Mars is in your house of friends, hopes and wishes.
Get out and attend some meet-ups with those you share common interests. Here
you will find fertile hunting ground for potential mates. This fantastic love-bomb of
a conjunction happens once more on Nov 4.
The eclipses this year have no real effect on Gemini. The outer planets are mainly
in low impact houses. The only planet that could be messing with you is Neptune in
your 10th house. This is great for careers in music, film, the church, mysticism, as a
life guru or in divination. Otherwise, Neptune's otherworldly and supernatural
energy is really hard to deal with in the real world. Depending on where your
actual midheaven is, Neptune can so a really good job of dissolving inauthentic
careers that are based purely on material gain.
Although rather unfairly, this Neptune square can also help deceptive sorcerers
and propagandists do rather well also. All you have to do is decide whether you
are using your magic in an honourable way or not. However, it is quite easy to
delude yourself with Neptune. Its square to Jupiter might mean that your partner
will reflect back to you any black magic tendencies! We mustn't forget Jupiter in
the 7th house can even be your open enemy. So your nemesis could also do the
same job of acting out your shadow side too.
Transits Of Saturn, Jupiter, Ceres, Mars & Lilith
Most of the juicy aspects still come
from Jupiter and there is one
almighty T-square which is going to
be the highlight of the year for you
Gemini. This effect lasts from Sep 2
to 10. This is because the Sun,
Mercury, Venus and Mars will line up
one by one in Virgo in your homebase squaring Jupiter in your
marriage house and opposing
Neptune in your career house. A
build-up of planetary energy in
these foundational houses means
life-changing events are stirred up.
It's a domino effect from one to the
But the empty leg of that T-square is
what will be impacted, your core being. The trigger could be in the home, it could
be a move that attracts a long-term partner into your life. Ir it could work the other
way that a partner brings many changes to your home. For example, they may
have children of their own that come to live with you. Or this partner might work
from home which means expansion in your home to accommodate their studio,
clients, yoga studio, study groups etc. there are many different scenarios here. But
it looks to be that significant comings and goings are happening in your property.
With Jupiter square Neptune there is a chance that the home could become a
sanctuary of sorts, a place of healing or learning. You could meet someone who
you want to set up a spiritual retreat with or it could be a recording studio which
attracts many musicians and artists. All sounds very bohemian and hippie doesn't
it? Well, that's Neptune for you! The worst case scenario is you fall for a junkie and
your house becomes a mecca for jazz-lovin' beat poets and drop-outs... I'm
kidding of course. Or am I? Again Neptune is fluid, it can be the very holiest or the
very darkest. Remember you also have both Saturn and Pluto in your 8 th house too,
so you will have to be extra vigilant that you don't attract the wrong type of
Neptune into your life. With Saturn in the 8th, you could easily end up in debt by
financing someone else's addiction, even if that addiction is only to vintage
electric guitars.
Saturn continues its journey through the house of the underworld, debt and taboo.
During this time you are going to learn the hard lesson of not relying on other
people's money. This means living within your means and having to minimise your
debt as much as possible. Externally this could manifest as loans being called in,
banks refusing you credit or failing to get a mortgage. You should pass through this
period relatively unscathed if you are already self-sufficient. If however, you rely on
the generosity of others then you may suddenly find they are withholding funds
more than usual. Yes, this is the proverbial credit crunch transit!
These days women tend not to live solely on the husband's income, but it is still
possible that the spouse's income might well take a tumble during this transit. If you
are lucky enough to be a kept woman (or man!), you might find you are rudely
forced to share the financial burden or face severe lifestyle downgrading. This
might be a period where you get a job for the first time. Conversely, you might
equally leave work to have children, which then makes you more reliant on your
spouse's income. This action, in turn, forces them to be more responsible and hard
Jupiter in your house of marriage always gets singletons excited. By itself though,
this transit doesn't guarantee a Prince Charming yelling at you to throw down your
hair. Any relationship that does come along, however, will still feel quite overblown
and dramatic with Jupiter amping up the Hollywood factor. This can sometimes
make you think you have met your soulmate when you haven't! Those already in a
relationship need to be careful, because as this transit could make you think the
grass is that much more exotic looking across the pond.
To compound matters, Ceres is also in your 7th house from Jan 26 to Nov 15. Dark
Triad relationships can certainly become a problem when Ceres transits through
your marriage zone. Triangles form not only in romantic relationships but also in
business and family dynamics. The most obvious can be becoming the scapegoat
for narcissistic parents when your sibling is the golden child. The other scenario is a
mother or father-in-law coming between you and your spouse. In this case, there is
often some unconscious sexual rivalry with incestuous overtones going on, which
can become quite creepy.
You don't have to worry about Ceres too much until she is conjunct Jupiter on Oct
26. This is the time when the Dark Triad tendencies are most likely to play out.
Around this time you could find yourself in a love triangle. The lucky will be
choosing between two lovers, the unlucky will find another tries to get in between
you and your spouse.
The positive side of Jupiter in your 7th house is always there, however. Once Ceres is
out the way, whoever you attract this year will complement you in such a way that
together you can do great things. This is also a fantastic time for seeking guidance
and advice. You may well find a great therapist at this time. Marriage counselling
would likely be very successful in mending bridges too. This is not a time for solo
action, so reach out and do the merry Jupiter dance as you naturally find a rhythm
that works well with anyone who takes your hand.
Black Moon Lilith is in your travel sector until May 2. Lilith through the zone of travel,
spirituality and philosophy will be a period when you are willing to travel down the
most forbidden paths to seek enlightenment. At this time you are likely to embark
on a course of study to expand your wisdom but may find that you become
quickly disillusioned by the confines of the academic program. Still, you will enjoy
challenging the teachers! Generally, though, the priestess energy is really happy to
be liberated in your house of ancient wisdom and will enjoy being a gipsy for a
Mars heats up your sign from Apr 1 to May 15. You are so sure of yourself at this
time, that seeing the other side of peoples arguments might be quite difficult. It's
not the best time for trying to be forceful with words, nor will you feel like
compromising with others. It would be best then, to work things out by yourself at
this time.
Physical energy is really high, so it might be best to shut the mouth up and express
yourself through actions instead. No, that doesn’t mean punch someone in the
face! Even if you want to thump people, try to channel the aggression into hard
work or better still... sex! It shouldn’t be hard to find a willing partner while you have
so much animal magnetism about you. This combined with Jupiter in your
marriage house means this is a peak time for finding a partner if you are single.
May 5 is a particularly spicy moment with Mars opposite Jupiter straddling your
relationship axis. It could be a case of opposites attract here. Someone who
makes your blood boil initially could suddenly melt your heart a week later. But this
person could succeed in getting under your skin to the point of obsession if you are
not careful. It could also be the case that you attract a stalker of sorts too.
May 3 Lilith moves into your 10th house of career and status. This is also the house of
the mother, so here you may also have to deal with unresolved childhood rage
which may be misdirected at female authority figures around you. If this woman
really is an old harridan, this could push you to the point where you decide to flee.
There can be a realisation that success (or not) in the wider world stems from
criticism you received as a child. Now you can start to put right the fact you have
overworked to gain praise or underworked to confirm your feelings of failure.
Mars moves into your cosy sofa sector from Aug 18 to Oct 3. The home turf can be
the source of conflict at this time, but this is only because you are more confident
about asserting yourself. If you still live with your parents then this can be quite a
challenging time as you seek to cut the umbilical. There are mixed feelings as you
want to maintain the connection but at the same time feel like you have
outgrown the nest.
If your domestic situation has always been generally supportive then your request
for severance should not leave any lasting scars. If you have already left home, this
transit will simply play out is a lessening of reliance on family support and a greater
step towards independence. This is also where the passionate Venus conjunct
Mars takes place on Aug 24. This could mean you leave home to move in with a
lover. Other possibilities are that you work together with your lover to make your
home romantic and sexy. Redecorating the bedroom or installing a real fireplace
resonate nicely with this conjunction. Or just have a candlelit dinner at home with
your beloved. Mars is best channelled in the bedroom with this combination.
Venus will take the edge off any recent domestic angst.
Jupiter & Saturn
Your Decan's Luck &
Challenges in 2019
Gemini Decan 1. Sorry, none of these
planets will aspect you directly this year, but
you still get the benefit of Jupiter in your
marriage house as already mentioned. The
effects below will be felt, but in a much
more watered down form. Saturn is safely
tucked away in the underworld of your 8th
house so does not make any aspects at all
to Gemini.
Gemini Decan 2. Jupiter opposition ~ Jan 3 to Feb 14 and Jun 3 to Oct 13. Gemini
Decan 3. Jupiter opposition ~ Feb 15 to Jun 2 and Oct 14 to Dec 1.
This can be a wonderfully positive time where you can collaborate with
benefactors. You attract generous, fun and expansive people into your life and
mostly this is from your travels. The more you get out into the world the more you
can make the most of this blossoming energy. You find you can easily harmonise
with whoever you come across on your travels. Even though this supposedly a hard
aspect, remember opposites attract. This is actually what you really need to bring
balance into your life. So relationships can go extremely well while Jupiter is
blessing you by opposition. This can be a great time for material gain if you have
been investing wisely for the last 6 years.
Opposites attract and this is especially true for this transit. You may have been
searching for your dream beloved for many years and now you have come to a
turning point. The sun is gleaming on the horizon and you feel much more positive
about relationships. The reason for the hope will usually be because you any work
benefits you have reaped have given you confidence, this, in turn, makes you
attractive to people of high status. Feeling good about yourself in this way goes on
to inspire you to expand your ambitions even more. This transit can make you quite
greedy for material things and you could go over the top in your pursuit of them.
However as the cycle goes on, you realise that money and luxuries aren't
everything and that Jupiter is about spirituality too.
Go travelling and you could find happiness in the shape of someone who is your
very opposite. The push-pull action of the opposition is less about conflict and
more about stimulation when Jupiter is involved. You grow giddy with the see-saw
action which makes you feel warm and bubbly. People find you amusing and your
zest for life is catching. This is a time where you can come into conflict with others
but in an enjoyable, competitive way. In work, this can mean you get involved in
creative collaborations that are a great deal of fun. Romance will evolve a lot of
flirting and the thrill of the chase. Sometimes what starts off as a 'hate' relationship,
suddenly flips into a loving one. You meet, immediately fall into an argument, but
then find that opposites can sometimes be the very same.
The main challenge for Cancer in 2019 is that Saturn continues its journey through
your house of marriage and open enemies. Pluto is also there so some of you may
be experiencing his deep transformation and detoxing action also if in aspect to
your sign. Relationships will feel heavy going if your partner is immature because
you will need to act responsibly for them.
On the plus side, if you involve yourself with older, more mature folk who have
earned their authority in the world you stand a chance of actually having a very
supportive time during this transit. You could actually feel stable and protected by
this person or persons. Look towards traditional and family minded people you can
depend on and that should bring out the positives gifts of Saturn in this position.
Cancer Horoscope 2019 keywords: Responsible partners, deep commitment, make
or break, exciting new friends, enjoyable routines, ft & healthy, international work
The 7th house of partners is further highlighted because of the two eclipses that fall
in this house in 2019. The first on Jan 6 and then again at the end of the year on
Dec 26. You are being given the opportunity of a good clean out of your
relationships. It could be likely that one important relationship could come to an
end this year, but it is not a certainty by all means. The most likely time for any
endings to occur is when Mars triggers hard aspects to this Saturn. The first time this
occurs is Jan 21 and the second on Oct 27.
This is a ray of hope with Uranus having changed signs and entering your house of
hopes, wishes and friends. This happens for good on Mar 6, so from then on, any
void left by Saturn's and Pluto's exorcisms will be quickly filled by exciting new
friends and a stimulating social life. This could be a time in your life where you don't
want the baggage of an emotionally draining partner. For example, you might just
be starting university or a job that involves touring or travel. You will feel like you
want to travel light anyhow.
So although you start the year a little on the glum side due to people or
opportunities leaving you, Uranus more than makes up for the empty feeling you
might be experiencing. May 22 Saturn is conjunct the South Node in your partner's
zone which could bring an old foe back into your life. This feels totally karmic, and
you may not realise this person is an enemy at all. Depending on how you treated
them in a past life, you could actually gain from this. There is an uneasy feeling,
yes, but because they possibly treated you badly this person now owes you
Jul 2 gives you an eclipse in your own sign, which throws the ball in your court and
gives you the upper hand which has been a bit in short supply with all the
planetary heavyweights being placed on your rivals and partners. It still feels like a
reboot, but at least one where you get to flip the switch when it suits you. One
thing to remember is that lucky Jupiter will make its grand entrance into your
relationship house on Dec 3 so that is your silver lining when Saturn or the eclipses
are putting you under pressure.
Think of the whole of 2019 as training so that you can really make the most of
Jupiter's lucky romantic influence in 2020. Saturn is only preparing the earth for the
growth that Jupiter is sure to bring you. Expect the blossoming of relationships and
business partnerships ahead, but only if you invest your time in them now. That end
of the year eclipse in your 7th house could really be the icing on the cake,
especially if you are reading this for your ascendant and the eclipse falls on your
descendant (4º Capricorn). In that case, whoo hoo, prepare to meet your
significant other!
Transits of Saturn, Jupiter, Ceres, Mars & Lilith
Until Jupiter meets Saturn (And indeed
Pluto!) in Capricorn, Saturn continues in
your 7th house of partnerships solo. Last
year was a major transition period, where
Saturn ascended out of the inner zone of
your chart and out over the horizon. You
have been working on your foundations
and your deep self for the last fourteen
years and now it's time to test how well
you hold yourself when confronted with
the needs of others.
you have built a strong sense of self, then
this debut will be strengthening and you
will be confident enough to keep centred, even if your close relationships
challenge you. If those partners are vampiric and depend upon feeding off your
energy, then your reluctance to be a doormat could very well mean that the
partnership ends. You will find out who your parasites are! If you are the host and
put up boundaries, it will cause a great panic from the feeders. So you could see
turbulence around you, but you should feel calmer within.
This can be a time when immense weeding of your contact book happens, but
you will find new rocks of support too by the end of this transit. Have patience,
eventually, you will find your allies for the next 14 years. As you take on more
responsibility in your life you become a parent to more projects. You might even
literally become a parent. Therefore naturally, you will have less energy to give to
any adult children around you. Time management is essential.
This year, Jupiter in the house of daily grind is supposed to make work more
enjoyable, but this depends on how much you really enjoy your job. Also, Jupiter is
really not that powerful in this sector of your chart, so it's almost as if Jupiter's
fortunate aspect is switched off, or at least set to dimmer mode. In modern
astrology is also the house of health so, in theory, you should have more vitality
and higher energy levels. However, traditional astrology doesn't have many
positive things to say about house 6 unless you like pets! (It rules small animals, so
Tiddles might have kittens..)
Plan and weigh up options, it will give you something to look forward to while you
wade through that extra workload. So keep your head down, be extra nice to
whoever will write your reference and basically act the perfect slave. The
reference will be worth all the back-breaking hours. This is not the most fun year as
you are given more duties than usual and will have to provide "service with a
smile." At least you will learn how to pack as many tasks as possible into your
timetable. Your organizational skills will improve immensely.
During this passage, Jupiter will make a square to Neptune in your 9 th house of
travel. So international work could appeal, but also lead you into unrealistic
Neptune dreams. You could fantasise about foreign partnerships and markets that
are actually incompatible with your brand and do not translate well. Be very
careful that foreign promises don't make you misty-eyed with exotic locations. You
will need to keep your feet on the ground and be realistic. Online businesses might
find that something is lost in translation also. Jupiter square Neptune highlights the
most difficult issues with work abroad or with foreigners on Jan 6, Jun 16 and Sep 2.
You start the year with Mars in your house of career until Feb 14 which could further
aggravate the international problems above. Your ambition to achieve is aroused,
but at the same time, you need to avoid igniting conflict around you with this fiery
energy. Mars here is a great stimulant, but it is also hard to regulate. You can have
your eyes so focused ahead on the goal that you fail to see your peers reacting
beside you. In your mad dash for the trophy, you risk offending those you
inadvertently trample over.
Yes, you might want the glory all to yourself, but is this solo prize really worth the
upset? If you can align your goals with your co-worker's interests, you might find
yourself the leader of a very successful team. Ok, you might have the share the
bootie in the end, but your leadership skills will not go unnoticed. Non-threatening
behaviour now will help you sail up the career ladder later in the year.
Black Moon Lilith transits through your 8th house until May 2. Lilith here carries that
possibility of becoming involved with a lover who is taboo to your friends and
family. They could be a criminal, a junkie or just an arrogant, aggressive controlfreak! Taboo may also be due to differences in race, religion, age or class. Since
this area is to do with the spouse's money, the bad boy/girl could lose or gain a
great sum of cash which causes you great stress.
Ceres transits through your 6th house from Jan 26 to Nov 15. The connection
between mind and body is paramount now while Ceres is in your health zone. Disease of the mind manifests in the body. Before it gets a chance to get a grip,
counselling may be the best recommendation, as well as giving up bad habits
and addictions. The rape/abduction theme of Ceres can turn the enslavement of
the position into something more sexual. Innocent Persephone could manifest as
one being seduced into a sadomasochistic relationship that involves role-playing
and bondage. This can be figuratively or literally depending on your own
proclivity... Since Lilith is also playing a dangerous game during this time, it would
probably best to focus on platonic relationships and working hard until Lilith is
safely out of the forbidden zone on May 3. Thankfully Lilith's exit happens before
Mars comes into your sign on May 16, otherwise, the build-up of racy energy could
really get you into trouble!
Mars will be in Cancer until Jul 2. You are feeling quite passionate about
everything right now but could become extra-moody if people get too close. Give
yourself a wide-berth while you enjoy feeling so hot-blooded and virile, because
you might snap at others if they get too close. This is a time when people see your
tempestuous side! Coming out of your watery sea-shell means you are successful
with 'shock and awe' techniques of persuasion. Don't overuse this tactic, however,
take the bootie and carry on with your independent activity. Solo projects at this
time can fly, sky-high because you carry an enthusiastic, can-do, upbeat attitude.
After May 3 Black Moon Lilith enters your 9th house for the rest of the year which far
easier to deal with. Knowledge is power here, and teaching yourself can help you
take great strides forward in areas of your life where you have felt unseen. This is
your opportunity to step forward and claim your crown, especially if you had a
really hard time with Lilith in your 8th house before her resurrection from the
underworld! In your 9th house, however, Lilith will feel like the warrior queen, so if
you have been bullied or taken for granted, you now have the opportunity to put
the situation right. Courts and the legal system come into focus too, so you could
seek justice and prosecute someone during this transit. The chance of success is
high, but only if you are not coming from a spiteful or vengeful place.
Mars in your 4th house means pressures at
workforce you to take refuge in your
home from Oct 4 to Nov 19. You will find
frustrating obstacles are placed in your
th when working with others which will test
your patience. If you can you will
probably just want to work from home.
Keeping busy with work concerns might
also be a way to avoid domestic conflicts
with family members too. At this time the
home feels energising as much as it
inflames the passions. The best way to
avoid the plate-throwing tendencies at
this time would be to get spicy in the
bedroom. Other options are cooking up
the hottest Vindaloo in town or getting physical with some home DIY. Using power
tools will be therapeutic too, but not on each other!
Jupiter & Saturn
Your Decan's Luck & Challenges in 2019
Cancer Decan 1. Sorry, none of these planets will aspect you directly this year. The
effects below will be felt, but in a much more watered down form. In this case, you
have already had the challenges referred to below and Saturn is supporting you
Cancer Decan 2. Saturn opposite ~ Jan 3 to Feb 14 and Jun 3 to Oct 13. Cancer
Decan 3. Saturn opposite ~ Feb 15 to Jun 2 and Oct 14 to Dec 1
Unfortunately this a tough transit no question, just quite how tough depends on
how Saturn is configured in your natal chart. For some, this is an opportunity to rise
up to the challenge and behead one's nemesis. The battle that ensues can make
or break them, but fear not, for those with a strong Saturn it will surely be made!
This transit is the planetary equivalent of going 12 rounds with Mike Tyson, you will
get knocked down by life more than a few times, but you will get up again and
again, and again.... By the end of it, you will think, ok enough, I'm going to build
myself to be so strong that this will never, ever, EVER happen to me again. This
boxing match only happens every 29 years, so it is helpful to prepare a year in
advance. Get in shape! A healthy body means that the mind will also be fit and
less likely to fall into a defeatist mindset. The blues can only hit badly if you are
already in a weakened state, through addictions, bad relationships, lack of
exercise or a bad diet.
Sometimes all that happens during this transit is... a big fat nothing. This is because
you are simply just too tired to do much of anything. Another reason is that
socialising can feel too demanding and draining. More than a few confrontations
have made you feel like you need time alone to lick your wounds. This can be a bit
of a hermit period where you discard friends who keep infringing your boundaries.
The problem is that the new, respectful folk have not turned up to replace them
yet and you can feel quite lonely. Saturn opposite Sun means some severe feng
shui of all your relationships, romantic mainly, but also any vampiric friends, family
or business connections. You may feel you have outgrown them all, or even that
you are too old for the lifestyle that some of these people lead. Maturing with
Saturn means giving up some of your more immature behaviours, this could be
bad habits like recreational drug-taking or binge-drinking. Again changing your
lifestyle often means changing the company you keep. If you try to hang onto
your wilder mates you may find that they dump you anyway for being a 'party
The best way to handle this transit would be to not fight against it. You will only
waste the precious little energy you have. As the saying goes, if you got lemons
you make lemonade. In the case of Saturn, this is astrological wintertime. Sulking
outside under a damp, doom-cloud pleading for sunshine is just going to make
you miserable. This is a low point in the cycle, but that doesn't mean you lock
yourself away until spring. Instead, you prep your mental soil and your physical
body, for this is a fantastic time for a detox. We have talked about letting go of
bad relationships already, but Saturn opposite your Sun is also about what you put
into your body. Saturn rules the 3D, material world and your body is very much a
part of it. Putting an excessive strain on your vehicle could lead it to break down,
so be very kind to it at this time. Saturn will make you slow down no matter what
and if you insist on speeding, Saturn could pull the brakes by force. You don't want
whiplash! Taking a break before you literally break doesn't mean you must
stagnate, just honour your limitations and do things slowly, carefully and patiently.
LEO 2019
Leo will have much innovation in the area of career and reputation when Uranus
strides confidently into your status sector and bring all sorts of exciting
opportunities. This year the eclipses finally give you a breather from rebooting your
arse, but there are still changes afoot now that Uranus is embarking on spending
seven good years in an angular house. It's not called the seven-year itch for
nothing. You will be feeling rather itchy if your work thus far keeps you constrained
with a limited scope and surrounded by glazed eyed robots. Not only that but
Saturn is getting serious, in your 6th house. So this year it's plough the field time!
Uranus enters your 10th house on Mar 6.
Prepare to put some wellie into 2019 as Saturn cracks the whip in your house of
daily grind and routines. This period can be hard to manage in terms of energy
consumption. You need to be sowing seeds for your future, but at the same time,
you cannot afford to suffer from burn-out. This can very easily be a time where you
become a workaholic, which will be just fine as long as you don't try to burn the
candle at both ends also. If work must be your total focus, then put 100% into it
and this area of your life only.
Leo Horoscope 2019 Keywords: Status opportunities & change, ploughing the
feld, lovers & muses, imagination boost, childlike fun, holiday romance, passion for
the motherland.
Any other distracting or draining relationships must be put aside since doing both
will give you extra stress and could make you ill. Remember this is also your health
zone too, so Saturn will test your immune system and strength of constitution. As
you go through this period, you might find you come down with more colds and flu
than usual. If this happens, do not try to work over it and make sure you get the
rest that Doctor Saturn prescribes.
There is a chance of some great fun and pleasure during the course of 2019 so
don't become a total workhorse. This is because you have Jupiter blossoming
beautifully in the house of pleasure and creativity from the beginning of 2019. This
can be one of the most joyful years you can have since the creative-self is pushed
into manifestation. With Uranus creating sparks in your life-purpose zone, it will be
hard for you to function in a job that doesn't allow your creativity to flourish.
Transits of Saturn, Jupiter, Ceres, Mars & Lilith
With Jupiter in your 5th, you will be unable to hold yourself back from expressing
your feelings and unique ideas. Creatives will find this time extremely productive
and fun so that it won't feel like you are working at all. Another reason for the
outpouring of beautiful images or evocative poetry could be the fact that you
have fallen head-over-heels in love. This is the zone of love affairs and Jupiter is the
solar system's most successful nymph-chaser.
If a lover does happen to waltz into
your life then make sure they are worthy
of your time, because you will not have
great deal of it spare in 2019 with Saturn
placing constrictions on your timetable.
The Timelord will be very serious about
the structure of your working week. This
could be because they are short
staffed at work and you find that you
are being asked to take the slack.
Again make sure that you're being
appreciated and paid for your time.
Your willingness to be a team player
hopefully should not go unnoticed and
with Uranus freshly in your 10th house,
there is always the possibility of the
unexpected promotion.
You had a bonanza of eclipses last year, but you still have one more in your sign at
the beginning of this year on Jan 21. This makes a really nice aperitif to the
romantic aspects to follow. Make sure you get yourself all fit and healthy if you are
single. A lunar eclipse in your 1st house of the physical body is the ideal time for revamping your appearance and working on your fitness levels. There is nothing like
wanting to attract a mate to get you motivated into making yourself look
gorgeous. The side effects are healthy too,
One of the most romantic days of the year for you will be on Jan 22 when the
planet of love Venus kisses Jupiter while making a trine to sexy Mars in your
foreigner's zone. If single a holiday romance could be on the cards or at least an
attraction to a more exotic mate than your usual taste. The forbidden fruit of Lilith is
also beckoning from the beginning of the year while she slinks through your house
of relationships. Watch out for time-wasting distractions if you are single, all very
tempting but you really have quite enough on your plate with Saturn working you
so hard.ll
If you push too hard and fast with your ambitions when Mars is in your career house
you could really easily threaten those who have authority over you. Mars will pass
through this sector from Feb 15 to Mar 30. Don't feel you need to defeat any small
opposition to your goals and don't let yourself get over-defensive either. You have
enough zip in your approach to actually rally people to your side quite easily with
time. Patience is never easy when you want to win so badly, but it should be much
easier to keep your eye on the ball when Mars trines Saturn in your workhouse. You
then should be able to steam forward without getting frustrated by 'helpful'
suggestions from your workmates. Eventually, others will see you were right and
trust you enough to leave you alone. You will inspire by example rather than railroading others.
If you are in a long-term union, Black Moon Lilith through the marriage house will
bring exciting opportunities to explore and enrich the sex life of a relationship if it
has become rather humdrum. It should feel like a second honeymoon, so make
the most of this magical time. The change of scene will add yet more sparkle to a
resurrected libido. Otherwise, as usual with this forbidden fruit aspect, there is
always the temptation to try to regain the sizzle factor by having an affair. Beware,
my friend, for this is also the house of open enemies!
Another great advantage of Jupiter in your 5th house is that relationships with
children will be much more lighthearted and exuberant than usual. You will have
some great belly laughs with them, feeling more like a playmate than a parent. In
fact, acting the kid is one of the great benefits of Jupiter here. It doesn't mean you
become really reckless or irresponsible, just that you can now afford to really let
your hair down. The giggles leave you feeling energised and revived. This sprightly
new attitude cannot fail to make your outward appearance seem more youthful
For solo people, all these blissful factors add up to help attract a fun-loving mate
into your life. That Jupiter will be triggered by an ardent Mars on Jul 22 by trine.
Take that opportunity to have a holiday where there are loads of kids or you have
the opportunity to act like one! Mars trine Jupiter will give you bags of energy to
cope with any exuberant bundles of children, or if you are playing with adults it will
bring passion and joy too.
May 18 Venus is conjunct Uranus in your career house and it could be tempting to
mix business with pleasure. Either that or a woman will be instrumental in ushering
unusual clients or opportunities your way. Jupiter makes a couple of squares to
Neptune this year from your lover's house so again there seems to be a theme this
year of being whisked away by a pirate to foreign shores. With the second hit on
Jun 16, you are more likely to be tempted to be led astray as you have been so
sensible earlier in the year and now naughty Lilith is in your taboo zone from May 9
until the end of the year. You will find it increasingly hard to behave as the summer
ticks on.
Mars bursts with passion into your sign from Jun 1 until Aug 17. So now you are
super-ambitious and have a no-holds-barred approach to life. Mainly it is about
looking after number one and being quite selfish, or even ruthless at this time. Be
careful your ego doesn't get so out of control that you run roughshod over
everyone in your path and this includes any new lover also. Consideration and
teamwork will not be strong points, but at least strong leadership is. Even if you do
come across as quite bossy, if you take control in a confident, capable manner
you can be quite impressive and will win many admirers.
The big mutable T-square from Sep 2 to 10 impacts your cash zone and puts it in
conflict with lovers, pleasures and kids. Well, its quite obvious how that can
manifest, as kids and fun can often spell expense these days unless the weather is
lovely and sunny. Actually, you will do just fine as so much energy is going into your
finances anyway, so you should have enough to go around. Neptune across the
way in your taboo and debt house might mean there are some deceptive deals
going on in the background, so keep your wits about you. On the positive side,
there could be some inheritance to deal with that comes from an unexpected
and distant source. Some long forgotten great Auntie four times removed might
leave you something in her will. It is the kind of wishful-thinking windfall that
happens once in a blue moon, but you never know!
Ceres joins Jupiter for a roll in the hay in your 5th house from Jan 26 to Nov 15. Since
this is the house of children, an immature Ceres here would prefer to act the child
than actually be the parent. Here she is the innocent, naive Persephone before
she was rudely abducted from the spring meadows. Mature Ceres might actually
deserve a break and you could be offered babysitting help from relatives so that
you can actually let your hair down without feeling guilty.
Conversely, if you have no children of your own, you may have the urge to "adopt"
a child. This could take the form of mentoring or looking after somebody else's
children for a while. Oct 27 would be a great time to go camping with the family
when Ceres is conjunct Jupiter exactly. Any pursuit that allows you to have some
good wholesome fun in nature would do wonders for your health and relaxation
around late October.
Mars in your home sector from Nov 20 to Dec 29. You can put a great deal of
energy into your domestic situation right now. This could be working on renovations
or putting effort into moving house. There is a big passion for your roots and
motherland if you don't live in the country of your ancestors. You could have
strong feelings of cultural pride and connection with the land. If the two are one
and the same, then this bond will be easier. If not then you will feel the need to
learn more about your native heritage in order to feel anchored and secure. On
Nov 25, in particular, you might also feel like fighting for your land too, since Mars
will be opposite Uranus in your career zone. This opposition means you could also
be jetted somewhere unexpectedly in connection with foreign business
Looks like a very exciting year ahead for you Leo, lots of helpful and happy
aspects with just the temptation of Lilith to avoid if you want to make the most of
the superb career opportunities. Wholesome frolics are well starred though, I'm
thinking outdoor activities, picnics and outdoor sports. The more time you spend in
the sun and fresh air the better, for that will blow away any dark cobweb energy
that Lilith can sometimes throw into the mix.
Keep everything honest and open and all will be well. Hiding things and playing it
sneaky will bite you on the bum later on with Neptune lurking in your taboo 8 th
house. Saturn is being too sensible this year to put up with any skullduggery in other
areas of your life. The theme is honesty in the boardroom and the bedroom this
year as unexpected events could tarnish your reputation. A proud lion doesn't
want the embarrassment of a 'kiss and tell' from an unscrupulous Lilith!
Jupiter & Saturn
Your Decan's Luck & Challenges in 2019
Leo Decan 1. Sorry, none of these planets
will aspect you directly this year. The
effects below will be felt, but in a much
more watered down form.
Leo Decan 2. Jupiter trine ~ Jan 3 to Feb
14 and Jun 3 to Oct 13. Leo Decan 3.
Jupiter trine ~ Feb 15 to Jun 2 and Oct 14
to Dec 1
Jupiter loves the great outdoors, and with
this transit, you could be called to go
exploring. You will benefit greatly from
hiking through nature, riding horses or just
horsing around with the kids while having
a picnic. Your energy levels are boosted
sky high and you are feeling joyful and upbeat. Laughter is one of the great gifts of
this transit and you might find yourself reduced to giggles at the smallest thing.
Your cheerfulness is infectious so you could attract new friends or partners into your
life. Good times are scheduled for this period so don't let it go to waste. You could
use this time to take a holiday as it should go harmoniously without any travel
hitches. Take off, be happy and let your hair down. You can use this time to make
money or spend money, but whatever you do have fun!
You have already seen how Jupiter will benefit you in the general forecast, but
during the above dates, you can really get the benefits of luck in your love life. It is
also the time when you will feel the most romantic and creative too. Make sure
you don't waste these blessings and get yourself out and about as much as
possible. Go on holiday and you could well meet someone that becomes an
important long-term relationship. You are as warm and cheerful as Jupiter himself
which goes a long way in attracting potential suitors into your life.
If you are in a long-term union then the Jupiter trine along with Lilith turning up the
spice factor for most of the year could help fix a relationship that was turning stale
or sour. This combination should sweeten things up very nicely indeed!
VIRGO 2019
This year Saturn joins Pluto in Capricorn to give an added boost to the grand
empowerment that is occurring subtly in the lovers and pleasure zone of your
chart. Saturn will turn frivolous romances into something far more substantial and
committed. It will also make you serious about having fun this year too.
Jupiter is doing a great job of expanding and improving your homestead and this
year it will make a hardworking square into your house of marriage also. Although
the square is traditionally a challenging aspect, the planets involved are quite
spiritual so it will be interesting to see how this plays out. In fact, the square could
actually manifest something quite lovely. It all depends on how realistic you are
generally. This can be a very welcome dreams-come-true aspect for the practical
Virgo who keeps their feet rather too firmly on the ground.
Virgo horoscope 2019 Keywords: Grand empowerment, saviour fgures, serious
fun, limits in love affairs, parental care, buying property, home extensions,
romantic redecorations.
However if you are one of those rarer Virgos who goes so far into martyr mode that
you actually become Pisces, then this square might bring the need for you to find
a saviour figure! A fake guru type might well show up with this combination. Or it
could be very easy to go full Cinderella with this one too, so go easy on any mindaltering drugs or the fairytale could turn into a nightmare. Just a warning!
There is also Saturn in your 5th house of fun to contend with. Whatever you do you
will have to take life very seriously indeed. This is not a year for easy flings. So it will
feel very much like Saturn is a party-pooper in your recreation sector. No one really
likes Saturn here, but at least you can get very serious about creativity. This is the
house of the three P's: pleasure, pro-creation and playtime! Therefore you will be
tested how well you express yourself through romantic encounters.
What might well happen is that you find yourself attracting people who constantly
challenge your identity or critique your artistic products. The temptation at this
point is to withdraw from dating altogether, as it feels too much like hard work.
What Saturn will then do is poke you in the back and place you in very fated
situations. Around the time of Mars square Saturn on Jan 21 you will find that you
keep running into that annoying person who rubs your ego up the wrong way!
When Saturn is conjunct the South Node you could meet a lover from the past
who opens a can of worms from the past. But there are too many supernatural
synchronicities to ignore and you feel like you are falling the rabbit hole...
Eventually, the coincidences get ridiculous and you might have to surrender to
Saturn's ironic 'good timing'.' For those already with a partner, you might have to
take on some extra burden that puts pressure on your relationship. It might actually
be a nice kind of responsibility, like having a new baby! Whatever projects or
people you take on at this time, it will cause you to have to place limits on leisure
Transits Of Saturn, Jupiter, Ceres, Mars & Lilith
Uranus enters Taurus for the second time
and for good on Mar 6. Prepare for seven
years of jet-setting or travel connected with
higher learning. Jupiter is also in your 4th
house of home for the whole year which
could mean that you are either away from
home a lot or that you make a lot of
expansion to your home in terms of building
You might add an extension or add a
bedroom into the loft. There is also the
possibility that you need to upsize because
of additional family members coming to
stay or there is a baby on the way. With Saturn in the house of children, the
responsibility of an extra child could be likely! Sometimes Saturn in the 5 th means a
parent becomes like a child and this is why one may have to find room in order to
take care of them. This caretaking of someone who is sick may happen when
Jupiter squares Neptune which happens three times this year. The dates are: Jan 6,
Jun 16 and Sep 21. If it is not a child or a parent it could be a partner as Neptune is
in your marriage house.
Jupiter is pitching up his great big gaseous tent in your home sector all year. If
there ever was a time to buy a house then this is it! Generous Jupiter should grant
you the mother of all accommodation. Property investment is classic behaviour at
this time. But it's not all about building Trump Towers. A fantastic sense of pleasure is
felt by being at home with your family. Your clan base is enriched in every way
and you will want to spend as much time as possible in it. If there have been
problems on the domestic front, then they are more easily smoothed out during
this blessed time. Relationships with your parents also fall under Jupiter's charm, so
bad ones can be patched up to a certain extent and good ones just become
super generous and loving.
The year's big aspect hits you with extra oomph so that means any house investing
will have to be on the cautious side when Jupiter makes the square to Neptune in
your house of open enemies. You should have great luck with Jupiter otherwise,
but just keep a note of these dates so you know when you have the tendency to
overreach yourself with your wildest dreams.
Be careful not to get lead astray by Piscean or Neptunian partners at this time
because you are likely to feel less of your usual grounded, prudent Virgo self. The
Jupiter square Neptune dreamy dates are Jan 6, Jun 16 and Sep 21. However, if
you are in the mood for redecorating your house in a romantic style then this
square might give you some great inspiration. Just be careful you don't get carried
away with opulent fixtures and fittings and keep to budget. The temptation to
build a mini Versailles is huge this year.
If you do want to achieve great things in the big wide world, you will find your
family are extremely supportive, and willing to invest in any career deals especially
around the time Jupiter is conjunct Ceres on Oct 26. But the time is really best
spent improving things much closer to home. This is a great period for creating
happy memories spent together as a family. Cherish this golden time and gather
the generations together for celebrations under your roof. If relatives are sparse
and children have not graced your home with their sunny faces yet, then this is a
very fertile time to start baby-making. The 5th house of children is next in line!!
Virgo also gets the blessing of the mutable T-square that lasts between Sep 2 to 10.
Despite it being a challenging aspect, the planets involved are pretty much
benign so the only danger is indulgence and the tendency to fantasize. But this is a
fantastic combo for the artists and healers among you as you will be extra-sensitive
and intuitive to your client's needs and what is going down in the collective. If you
are single this could bring quite a soulmate type love into your life also, but it might
feel so good to be true that you don't actually trust it. Of course, it is your birthday
month too so you will feel like you are in bloom and others are attracted to your
sunny visage!
Much of this year Virgo, you will come across more floaty and Dionysian than
usual. Because of this, you will attract the sort of following that Pisces usually does.
Make use of social media to disperse seeds of your charm into the world. One of
your most beguiling days could be when Venus joins with Jupiter in your home
sector. This would be a great day for a party, even a housewarming one or one
maybe to show off your new conservatory, extension, landscaped garden or
cabbage patch.
Ceres, of course, will spend a lot of time flirting with Jupiter in your home zone too.
It makes your pad even cosier and inviting, but it is also good for tending the
garden or making sure your home is eco-friendly. But don't buy those hideous longlife light bulbs with Mercury in them, total con! Just try and use natural fibres and
materials where possible.
Mars heats up your status zone from Apr 1 to May 15. This can be a great period for
advancement in your career, but only if you bear in mind that there are others
involved in the equation. It will be hard, but you really must at least try and look like
you are considering others interests. Conflicts can easily arise, just because you are
generating a lot of passion around you. This passion could come to a head when
Mars opposes Jupiter on May 5.
The sizzling working vibe can easily turn tetchy if you rub some people up the
wrong way. It would be a shame to generate rivalry and resentment just because
you were just one degree too pushy. You will learn to modulate! Any ruffling of
rivals feathers will have them blocking your advancement. Use your verve to
inspire others about the worth of their own efforts. That way, they will see you as a
role model they can work towards, not a ruthless competitor they must obliterate.
Mars opposite Jupiter at best can make you brave and daring, so use this energy
well for yourself but not to bash others with. It can make you too reckless.
If you are more of a hermit Virgo. Ceres transiting the deepest roots of your chart
can be somewhat reclusive. Here the earth goddess wants to go into her cave
and make potions. So the best way of using this transit would be to make your
home a sanctuary. Indulge in treating yourself to your own company. Study, read
and pray. Your home will become your sacred space and temple. Fill it with
candles and incense for purification by fire. Subjects who are feeling more
sociable may open up their homes to those who have experienced abuse and
hardship. Ceres will be brewing in your homestead from Jan 26 to Nov 15.
Mars in your own sign from Aug 18 to Oct 3 always makes one feel full of verve and
self-assurance. However, you can be so sure of yourself, that seeing the other side
of peoples arguments might be quite difficult. It's not the best time for trying to be
forceful with words, nor will you feel like compromising with others. It would be best
then, to work things out by yourself at this time. You get some really delicious
aspects while Mars is in Virgo though, the super loved-up Venus conjunct Mars on
Aug 24 is a corker and a great opportunity for a birthday party. It is followed by an
exciting Mars trine Uranus on Aug 28 too which can also bring unexpected fun or
romance into your life.
Physical energy is really high, so it might be best to shut the mouth up and express
yourself through actions instead. No, that doesn’t mean punch someone in the
face! Even if you want to thump people, try to channel the aggression into hard
work or better still... sex! It shouldn’t be hard to find a willing partner while you have
so much animal magnetism about you at the end of August.
To add to all this seductive energy you have spellbinding Lilith entering your
relationships sector on May 2 which will last for the rest of the year. Two Darth
vaders (Saturn and Pluto) and a dark goddess in your love affair houses this year is
bound to bring some wicked pleasures into your life. As always there is the danger
of these turning 'dark cupid' if you don't keep your feet on the ground, especially
with Neptune making you go all misty-eyed in your marriage house.
With Black Moon Lilith's forbidden fruit
transit, there is always the temptation to
try to regain the sizzle factor by having
an affair. Beware, my friend, for this is
also the house of open enemies! Hold on
tight to grounding crystals like red jasper
and hematite. On the positive side, Lilith
through the marriage house will bring
exciting opportunities to explore and
enrich a humdrum sex life. It could feel
like a second honeymoon, so make the
most of this magical time. The change of
scene will add yet more sparkle to a
resurrected libido. Don't waste that juicy
Venus conjunct Mars on Aug 24!
2019 looks likely to be an exciting year for Virgo with some dark cherry romances
for singles and some hard to resist temptations for marrieds. Hopefully, Saturn in
your lover's zone will help with willpower and that goes for giving up bad habits
Jupiter & Saturn
Your Decan's Luck & Challenges in 2019
Virgo Decan 1. Sorry, none of these planets will aspect you directly this year. The
effects below will be felt, but in a much more watered down form.
Virgo Decan 2. Jupiter square ~ Jan 3 to Feb 14 and Jun 3 to Oct 13. Leo Decan 3.
Jupiter square ~ Feb 15 to Jun 2 and Oct 14 to Dec 1.
Don't worry about the square here. Jupiter can magically transform its edgy
energy into a diamond. The secret is knowing when to stop and learning selfcontrol. If you are a daring person anyway it might be hard to curb your
enthusiasm, just make sure you take a deep breath before you blurt out your big
idea or leap into the unknown.
Your bombastic approach could frighten potential clients which is a shame at this
time because generally, Jupiter can be very lucrative in that it puts you in the right
place at the right time so don't blow it. Even the square can still be lucky if you
know your limits, and take on board judgements that others make about you too.
Since Jupiter is the law, a court case could erupt at this time which could be
challenging, but not if you learn how to compromise
If you are a cautious bod normally then this is the big push you need to inflate
yourself. Yeah... go for it. Expansion is Jupiter's middle name, but while you are
growing don't forget to press on the brakes now and then so you don't
prematurely burst. It's like blowing one of those humungous bubbles. You will be
surprised at what you can achieve when you breathe sloooowwwwww.
Virgo Decan 2. Saturn trine ~ Jan 1 to Apr 4 and May 30 to Dec 19. Virgo Decan 3.
Saturn trine ~ Apr 5 to May 29 and Dec 19 to 29.
The Saturn trine fortifies you, but also makes you humble. You are so comfortable in
yourself that you appreciate the strength of others so much more and do not feel
threatened by them. This secure energy radiates out to others who are then drawn
towards helping you. Saturn trine your decan is a building energy where others
want to work with you because they trust that you will pull your fair share of the
weight. Each part of your support structure is equal in force, which means
construction is effortless.
You should find that your life rules smoothly and sedately at this time. It won't be
particularly exciting, but you should feel relaxed and contented with what you
have accomplished thus far. You could even receive some kind of recognition or
an award for your achievements. You are pleased to accept responsibility and
have the stamina to go the distance with any long-term projects.
Relationships that form at this time whether business or pleasure have a serious
intention and will tend to be with older people or souls. These folk will be ultrareliable, so you can relax knowing that someone has your back. This can feel such
a blessing if you are usually the more responsible person in a partnership. Feeling
looking after means you can build up your own strength and vitality if it has been
worn down. This is a good preparation time for when the pace of your life picks up.
Make use of this period to build firm foundations strong enough to withstand any
storm ahead. This trine will help give you resistance when the temptations of Lilith
grip you too hard.
LIBRA 2019
Have you got used to no more rollercoaster in your relationship house yet?
Basically, you have had a seven-year itch that saw any decent love option run a
mile everytime commitment was brought up. Well, now you can now take your
feet off the pedals and stop trying so hard when it comes to romance. Now there
is no more Uranus jumping out from behind your shoulder and spooking anyone
sensible entering your life. If you are a Libra that enjoys freedom and change, you
might have trouble adjusting to the new calmer waters.
You start the year briskly with Mars in your marriage house so you may find that you
are on a mission when it comes to your love life. But don't worry, you won't have to
run around armed with a glue-gun-like you did in the past few years. Unplug the
weapon for crying out loud, as you might burn someone! Be especially careful on
Feb 12 when Mars makes its explosive conjunction with Uranus in your partner's
sector. What?! Uranus is back!? Yes, but don't panic, it is just a short revisit before it
leaves Aries for good on Mar 6
Libra Horoscope 2019 Keywords: Going steady, feisty friendships, health &
healing study, root inspections, last crazy fing, magical information, hungry for
So from Jan 1 to Valentine's day on Feb 14 you have Mars in the house of open
enemies, which could prove stressful but interesting. You will certainly know who
your friends are and you might well need them on your side when defending
yourself against the wild mob who are hurling knives at you. Ok, it's not going to be
that bad hopefully, but Mars in its rulership here is going to be feisty, to say the
least. You need to be able to take the high ground and not rise to the bait.
Until Feb 14 your partner might also delight in just winding you up for the hell of it.
The best approach with lovers is to make love, not war. It really is the only option. If
they won't let you, just take out the frustration on a tennis racquet or any ball that
you can kick or hit. Ladies, careful with those pointy know what I'm
The big aspect pattern of the year, Jupiter square Neptune will impact your
learning sector during on Jan 6, Jun 16 and Sep 21. This will make you curious
about spiritual wisdom and how it can help you in your daily life. The selfsacrificial/martyr tendencies of this aspect won't impact your relationships, but you
could end up being the office slave if you are not careful.
If you work for yourself then you can much better utilise this energy with a new
course of study. If you are a healer then this square is particularly useful as you can
use its cleansing qualities for a detox. You will also spend time learning about your
locality, what healing is available in your neighbourhood and where you find the
best locally-sourced food. Your nearest farmers market will be your new medicine
Transits of Saturn, Jupiter, Ceres, Mars & Lilith
You have serious Saturn in your home
sector for the next 2 years. This is an
extremely important transit of Saturn
because it entails an inspection of the
very roots of your being. You will be
examining your domestic arrangement
and any properties you might own.
Unhappiness here will probe you to dig
deeper at the fundamental cause.
Perhaps you might look at ancestral
karma and what you may perceive as a
family curse.
What you fix within yourself at this time will
be integral to your life-calling or career in 15 years time, so it is really, really
important to make these foundations strong, deep and stable. This is your rock for
many years to come. The solar eclipse in your 4th house on Jan 6 will bring extra
focus on your living arrangements and they could well change over the course of
the next 6 months.
You may become closer to your parents in an attempt to understand your
ancestors. Conversely, you might find a replacement parental figure in order to
help heal a dysfunctional relationship with your biological parents. Relationships
you make at this time are highly likely to feel quite patriarchal. I mean this in the
most positive sense, where you find a connection is both protective and
supportive. You might have to learn not to become too reliant on this 'parental'
style of support, however. Pluto conjunct the South Node in your ancestral zone on
Mar 28 is a good time to focus on your family roots and what behaviour patterns
you may have to exorcize. On May 20 Saturn joins in the happy purging of your
past. Time to shut the door for good on any draining karmic baggage.
Jupiter brings blessings to your communications zone this year (Until Dec 3).
Frankness, honesty and very open conversations are the themes for this year. Even
if you are brutally honest, the 'bullshit free' attitude will be much appreciated and
not seen as insulting. You can talk about the edgiest, taboo and politically
incorrect subjects and be admired for your bravery.
Your audiences will be impressed with this uncensored information and risque
presentations. Your powers of persuasion are at their utter peak, so if there are any
stubborn clients that need swaying, do it this year. If there is something that you
always wanted to say to a loved one, but felt like you were treading on eggshells,
then broach the touchy subject while you can!
Ceres is also helping out Jupiter in your house of local learning from Jan 26 to Nov
15. Together this means that all information is magic while Ceres visits this house of
the goddess! Trust then that the relevant information or just the book you needed
to read will fall into your lap from the ether. You will also enjoy charmed
experiences with your siblings where you can relive magical childhood
experiences or enjoy telling scary stories to each other around the campfire.
Bonding with siblings will feel especially strong and meaningful. Ceres is conjunct
Jupiter exactly on Oct 26 On this date friends or lovers may become extremely
frustrated when you suddenly feel the need to go off grid and flee to somewhere
secluded in nature.
Black Moon Lilith starts the year in your lover's zone and is there until May 9. This
should give you some replacement spice after Uranus leaves in March. You can
use Lilith like a nicotine patch if you start missing the excitement of the topsy-turvy,
sideways spinning maniac that is Uranus. Because of this, you could experience
one last crazy love affair while you are under the influence of the both of them.
uranus always likes to leave with a bang, as does Lilith for that matter. Enjoy it
before you become prim and proper after it leaves.
Saturn in your 4th will also add to the conservative vibe somewhat as it is strong in
an angular house this year. Plus there is a possibility that Saturn will be squaring
your Sun (or Ascendant if you are reading for that). Fear not the Ring-Lord, for it will
do you good to be bound to someone for a while. Sometimes Libra can be quite
flirty and flighty!
You might indeed find it hard not to be flighty while Lilith is still in your pleasure zone
(Until May 9). However creativity is heightened while the sexual urge is high, so you
could channel that energy into erotic art or poetry. I suggest you find a good
muse! Generally, though, Lilith in this position is a time of forbidden pleasures,
taboo indulgences and acting like a teenager again.
Be prepared for a period of great drama where emotions boil over and ones daily
life feels like a soap opera. The effect can also feel rather like a mini-midlife crisis as
you try to relive and retrieve lost parts of your carefree and possibly more honest
youth. Between Mar 6 and May 9 is the Uranus withdrawal, after that its time to
take a cold tub. (If that last sentence didn't sound rude to you don't worry. It
doesn't sound like you have a saucy Lilith problem!)
From May 16 to Jul 2 your ambition to achieve is aroused, but at the same time,
you need to avoid igniting conflict around you with this fiery energy. Mars is now in
your career zone and a great stimulant, but it is also hard to regulate. You can
have your eyes so focused ahead on the goal, that you fail to see your peers
reacting beside you. In your mad dash for the trophy, you risk offending those you
inadvertently trample over.
Yes, you might want the glory all to yourself, but is this solo prize really worth the
upset? If you can align your goals with your co-worker's interests, you might find
yourself the leader of a very successful team. Ok, you might have the share the
bootie in the end, but your leadership skills will not go unnoticed. Non-threatening
behaviour now will help you sail up the career ladder later.
Mars will also make an opposition to the colonic conjunction of Saturn/Pluto/South
node which are huddled around the south node of your basement zone. This
could get messy if you have been airing your dirty laundry in public. Be as discreet
as you can because you never know what skeletons from the past are apt to jump
out and scare the pants off whoever is putting the spotlight on you. The South
Node is at the arse end of the dragon remember. Make sure no one is standing
near it as relieves its gas...
If you want to take your mind off your lower chakra urges and belches you could
go swallow a library with Jupiter in your 3rd House this year. Paper isn't smelly at
least (Unless it's old and musty..) With Jupiter in your pupil zone, your mind is just so
hungry for new information. Until Dec 3 you will find it so easy to process the data
and retain it all too. You will also be able to be very fair-minded about problemsolving, as any prejudiced attitudes you might have had before they are thrown
out of the window. While Jupiter is here you will want to be empirical with your
queries and not make assumptions unless you have directly experienced them
yourself. You are not likely to take the word of a teacher but form your own thesis
about the subject at hand. Your strong opinions are admired because it is obvious
you have put a lot of passion and hard work into your unique conclusions.
So many of the eclipses this year are in the cardinal signs and therefore they hit the
powerful angular sectors of your chart. The summer ones highlight your familyversus-work-axis and this is a zone that is getting juice anyhow due to the dark lords
of Saturn and Pluto making this area one to be taken very seriously this year. The
family will become your main focus, whether you like it or not. If NOT liked then it
will raise its ugly shadow side for you to inspect. Career reboots should happen at
the Jul 2 solar eclipse while the Jul 16 Lunar eclipse will really help remove any
stubborn grime that has accumulated in your home. This could be annoying
people who keep coming over or just useless clutter. Whatever it is, get out the
Plutonic black bin bags out and chuck out all of it. You will feel so refreshed once
you have feng shui-ed your whole life and home.
You get a triple helping of Mars in your angular houses this year. It all ends with
Mars in your own sign from Oct 4 to Nov 19. This might be a period where you are
quite insensitive to other people needs since your major focus is on your own.
However, this transit should work well if you have been bowing down too much to
other peoples demands. Now is the time to look at what you want and make plans
involving only yourself. You are probably feeling extra zestful and potent, so if
others around you can't keep up, then you might have to decide to leave them
be for now. It would be a shame to waste this very virile and vivacious energy by
holding yourself back. This va va vroom period won't last for long, so enjoy it while it
lasts and you can rejoin the others later.
So you can see there certainly is a focus on the foundational houses this year. So
along with the other cardinal signs, you will experience quite a few life-changing
events this year. Mostly the focus is on renovating the home and any father-issues
that have not been resolved either. The past does come back to haunt you to
some extent this year Libra. But because of studying where you made mistakes in
your youth, you can now step forward into your glorious future. Looking towards
2020 sees Jupiter enter into Capricorn so there is expansion on the way for your
home. This year it is about strengthening its foundations, next year it is about
growth in this sector. Your family could grow or you could make improvements or
upgrade your living environment.
Jupiter & Saturn
Your Decan's Luck & Challenges in 2019
Libra Decan 1. Sorry, none of these planets
will aspect you directly this year. The
effects below will be felt, but in a much
more watered down form.
Libra Decan 2. Saturn square ~ Jan 1 to
Apr 4 and May 30 to Dec 19. Libra Decan
3. Saturn square ~ Apr 5 to May 29 and
Dec 19 to 29
Saturn square Sun means you will be
forced to learn discernment. This is
because conflicts with those of a higher
status will mean you won't have the
energy to waste time on projects that are
more trouble than they are worth. This works out well in the end because it will
force you to rip out all the draining weeds in your life. This is the time to take a cool
hard stock-take of what needs to be ditched so that at least some of your plans
can go forward. There will be some cutting of losses, and you might feel like you
have wasted your time for nothing. However, it would be better to think of this as a
time where you really have learnt from your mistakes.
All is not lost, because even if things seem slow now, the wisdom you have gained
will propel you along at double the speed in the future! You won't be happy at the
time, but you will feel wonderful in a few months, trust me! No pain, no gain is your
mantra for this period. But it doesn't have to be that painful if you 'Let go and let
god'. Sorry for all the cheesy metaphors, but that's probably the only way you can
get through this period without going mad. Grit your teeth and mantra yourself into
a trance while the universe is bashing your knuckles with a hammer. It's an
endurance test. One thing you will learn is patience and how to stay grounded no
matter who pokes you. Once Saturn has passed you can lean on this wall rather
than being obstructed by it. And breathe...
Libra Decan 2. Jupiter sextile ~ Jan 3 to Feb 14 and Jun 3 to Oct 13. Libra Decan 3.
Jupiter sextile ~ Feb 15 to Jun 2 and Oct 14 to Dec 1
Jupiter provides an ease of flow in this position. You can enjoy sitting back and
watching your creative flowers blossom. Events in your life are likely to go
harmoniously and you feel optimistic but not too pushy. You won't really need to
chase people or contracts as they will most likely come to you. So this is a relaxing,
happy and joyful time. It also has a certain innocence here too. Learning through
play and leisure are emphasised, and you won't feel stupid wishing upon your
wildest dreams. This kind of blind hope often brings unexpectedly good results
because the energy is serene and not grasping. During this short but delicious
period, nothing and no one can irritate you unless you have some other prickly
transits. Even if you do happen to knock into some Astro weather, Jupiter will at
least give you a buffer, it is the solar systems shock absorber after all.
If your love life has lacked lustre over the last 7 years then be prepared to jump
onto the roller coaster called Uranus in your marriage house. You got a taste of it
last year, but this year on Mar 6, Uranus enters Taurus for good. Now, Uranus in
Taurus should hopefully be a slightly more mellow affair than Uranus in Aries, since
electric Uranus does not need any more heat from a fire sign. Instead, Taurus slows
down the pace.
So what you will get with Uranus in Taurus is a roller coaster, in slow motion. How do
you like hanging upside down for extended periods? Make sure you are strapped
in tightly. Ok, that might sound a little harsh, but remember a rollercoaster isn't all
upside down bends, plus you will, of course, see the tip-over coming and be able
to brace yourself. One exciting and romantic day will certainly be Venus conjunct
Uranus in your house of marriage, and if your descendant is there either you will
make-up or break-up. Whatever happens Venus conjunct Uranus is a change for
the better in your love life. If it is a breakup, it will most likely be from someone who
was really getting on your nerves, so I wouldn't worry about it too much!
The Scorpio Horoscope 2019 Keywords: Rollercoaster love, career revamp,
windfalls and cash bonus's, brain reboot, minding your words, rage against
The Jan 21 lunar eclipse will focus on your status in the world for the next 3 months.
Your role in your career is up for a revamp, maybe you are promoted or if you work
for yourself you could attract a lucrative new client. Saturn continues to keep
things steady and comfortable in your learning zone, but you might find your
neighbourhood has become a bit of a bore. Jupiter, however, is growing cashseeds in your financial sector so you should have plenty of opportunities to escape
the dullness and get some adventure abroad or in other localities.
Ceres keeps Jupiter company in your bank which further boosts the chance of
those seeds blossoming into large wads of notes. The best chance for a windfall is
likely to come when Ceres is conjunct Jupiter on Oct 26 so this could be when
investments pay out. It could equally be a day when your splurge out too, just
make sure it is on something sensible that will grow in value.
Lilith is acting up in your domestic zone, this can be quite difficult to handle has the
dark goddess hates to be chained to the kitchen sink. If you are a male be
prepared for darkly burnt supper if you offend you, sweetheart, she will speak her
anger on your dinner plate if she hasn't already flung it into your face... If you are
female then you might yearn for some Plutonic forbidden fruit to whisk you away.
So it looks like quite a saucy year ahead for you Scorpio where you might find it
hard to keep focused with all those tempting distractions. Those who have
willpower will seize the Jupiter treasure, those who haven't will just sleaze...
Transits of Saturn, Jupiter, Ceres, Mars & Lilith
So then, Saturn in your communication
house can make you quite fearful of
speaking your mind. This is because your
brain is going through a period of
restructuring. While your mind is rebooting
itself, links between synapses may feel as
zapped as when a telegraph pole gets
struck by lightning. One minute you have
an enlightening insight and then, bam,
short circuit, you are lost for words. What is
going on internally can also bleed into the
outside world. While in your
neighbourhood, you may find yourself
feeling increasingly awkward and even
shy because you are a little afraid of what
words might leap out of your mouth. Early on in the year, Mars square Saturn on
Jan 21 might gag you somewhat, so don't use that day for important speeches.
Connections between A to B might be fraught with obstacles and roadworks as if
to reflect what is happening in your cerebrum. Saturn here merely wants to slow
down your thinking process in order to rewire your brain. Negative childhood
thinking patterns are scrambled so that they can be re-set. Memories from your
infancy can flare up during this period. If it wasn't a happy time, and/or there were
painful incidents of sibling rivalry then Saturn here gives you the opportunity to
reprogram your mind in a more positive and healthy way. Saturn conjunct the
South Node on Mar 23 could bring up an incident with siblings that give you a
good chance to heal the past.
Traditionally, the transit of Jupiter through your cash zone is supposed to bring
wealth. But this really all depends on what you truly value and healthy your selfworth is. So if you value material security and tend to be someone who works
towards building a comfortable life then you probably will experience a growth of
those material possessions. On the other hand, if you do not place great
importance on 3D home comforts and conserving money then no such riches shall
be attracted towards you. Don't forget the best and most gorgeous Venus
conjunct Jupiter on Jan 22
Mars inflames your marriage zone from Feb 13 to Mar 29. But Mars here can feel
quite impotent when dealing with relationships and therefore over-compensate
with arrogant chest-beating. If you come across one of these specimens, then you
will have to try and be extra diplomatic. It all depends on how evolved your own
Mars is, if you tend to go all passive-aggressive then this will infuriate your rivals
even more. Take note that what you could be dealing with quite a massive
projection from yourself, so try to use this as an opportunity to heal your inner brat.
Sulking could be the latest fashion from all corners, so try just to get on with
business until the steam has fully expired from your partner's ears.
Ceres in your house of possessions will give you the opportunity to heal through the
experience of letting go. You may experience material loss which forces you to
confront how attached you are to 3D objects that are infused with very little
sacred energy. Loss and emptiness could also push you into comfort eating. With
Jupiter in this house also, overdoing the sugar and starch may jolt you into seriously
changing your diet. This also gives you the opportunity to address what toxins you
are putting into your body.
Jupiter square Neptune means your cash flow cannot square things up with your
need for love affairs and leisure. The big aspect of the year triggers this conundrum
on Jan 6, Jun 16 and Sep 21. This could mean a number of things. Your sudden
swelling of purse could attract a flurry of gold diggers into your orbit. You may well
be tempted to blow it all on indulgent weekends away and fancy restaurants.
Neptune in the 5th is dreamy no question, but it is usually a subtle backdrop until it
gets activated by a faster-moving planet. Try and keep your feet on the ground
when that happens. Thankfully Saturn works wonders for your willpower with the
sextile to Neptune on Jun 18 and again on Nov 8. So if you do want to go out and
party like there is no tomorrow, those dates will ensure you come back without
being totally fleeced.
Jun 14 your ruler Mars makes an opposition to its fellow malefic Saturn, so things
could get a tad nasty. There could be a confrontation with a sibling as Saturn
occupies your house of brothers and sisters. This opposition happens to be
attached to the nodal axis so this is a karmic battle of sorts. If you have no siblings
the same goes for rivalries with friends who are so close that they feel like a sibling
to you.
Try not to pick that fight if you can possibly help it as Saturn is very strong in
Capricorn, so if this is an older person their authority will trump your Mars passion
and aggressiveness. On the other hand, if your opponent is actually very Marsy
and impulsive, (or an Aries) and you keep your cool like a good Scorpio, you could
play the Pluto card and come up on top. Be strategic and the prize is yours. If this is
about money then Jupiter is on your side anyway since it is puffing up your
pentacles sector and protecting your cash flow.
Mars moves into your career zone from Jul 3 to Aug 17. During this period, you
want the crown and you want it bad! Mars enthroned in this position is much easier
to deal with if you are already self-employed. If you are your own boss then you
will work many extra hours just to get ahead of your rivals and know you will
receive the full glory. However, if you are just a mere serf, then you are easily
angered by superiors trying to mould you into their obedient servant. This will
come to a head on Jul 11 when Mars squares Uranus, which is now in Taurus, yes
the partner's house but also your house of open enemies! Working as part of a
team will be hard, but you could impress others by playing the leadership role. If
you play this one right then promotion could be in the offing and the 'enemies'
can't touch you if you override the square with super-Mars confidence. So even if
you are not exactly where you want to be right now, showing off your mastery and
keen ambition could propel you up a few more rungs of the career ladder.
As stated earlier, dark goddess Lilith is hiding behind the sofa of your home zone.
The little minx is ready to go 'boo' at any time until May 6. This passage may bring
up your own unresolved issues from childhood. For example, the parent may have
found it hard to accept his child growing into an adult and their budding sexuality.
At this time the parent may have rejected the child, feeling threatened by their
burgeoning power. The worse case scenario with this transit would be that
memories of abuse from either parent (Though most often it is the father) are
triggered. This can activate a rage against all authority figures.
After May 7 Lilith can have much more fun in your pleasure zone and into next
year, some of them could be forbidden pleasures though so watch out for those
juicy but deadly apples... ;) But please don't worry so much that you refuse every
tasty dish for fear of poisoning. An aspect you can really trust is the goddess of love
Venus conjunct your ruler Mars on Aug 24. It will fall in your friendship zone, so don't
ignore that coy friend who keeps hinting but is too shy to make a move. Goooo
wone Scorpio!! Let that Mars do what it does best and make the first move. This
year you will learn discernment and how to tell the rogues from the reliables. One
good thing Lilith can do for you if used in its priestess mode (rather than sex slave
mode!) gives you fantastic intuition. Learn to think with your third eye and not that
other eye (Men)... ;)
You end the year on a very frisky note! Mars is in Scorpio from Nov 20 to Dec 29.
Your energy levels and libido will be at their peak. During this time you fight for your
rights and will tend towards daring and courageous acts. Self-assertion and
confidence are very strong as you feel potent and full of zest. Sexually you will be
extremely alluring. However, you won't have the patience to wait to be asked out
on a date and are more likely to make that bold first move. You will feel quite
predatory in all conquests whether in love or other areas. Most of all time, you will
get what you desire, so make the most of this bountiful hunting period. Nov 24 you
might have to be careful of over-exuberance when Mars opposes Uranus in your
relationships house. You might find yourself falling head over heels super fast. Take
a deep breath and tie yourself to the nearest tree if need be. Ask a friend to hold
you back as soon as you start chomping at the bit.
Generally Scorpio this is a pretty easy
going year because even though Uranus
is in your 7th house, it's not really a problem
unless it gets triggered and I have
highlighted those days for you. If anything
Uranus should be fun and can bring all
sorts of exciting surprises. You have the
support of Saturn which will work much like
stabilizers on a kid's bike! It will also be
good to not have to worry too much
about your finances while Jupiter is
generously filling your bank account with
his money blessings. The most challenging
element really is Lilith but she's not much of
a planetary heavyweight. None the less
this can work like an annoying moth, fluttering around your face while you are
trying to concentrate. You could, of course, give into Lilith's teasing towards the
end of the year, if you have earned yourself some bodice-ripping-off time. We
can't always be angels, can we?
Jupiter & Saturn
Your Decan's Luck & Challenges in 2019
Scorpio Decan 1. Sorry, none of these planets will aspect you directly this year. The
effects below will be felt, but in a much more watered down form.
Scorpio Decan 2. Saturn sextile ~ Jan 1 to Apr 4 and May 30 to Dec 19. Scorpio
Decan 3. Saturn sextile ~ Apr 5 to May 29 and Dec 19 to 29
Opportunities arise for you to build a solid reputation for years to come. The only
catch is that these offers won't be handed to you on a plate. You will actually
have to go out and search out sponsors and people with whom you can work.
Once you have invested your time and effort then you will see the payoff. It could
feel like there is some karmic connection with collaborators or new partners at this
time. It's not just about business opportunities though, you will also likely see much
more commitment in romantic affairs also. You simply won't have patience with
time wasters. On the other hand, you will have loads of patience for cultivating
working relationships with people who are sincere in their interest in the real you.
You should tickle the eye of people in power while Saturn tickles you by sextile! This
is a budding type of energy. The sap is rising and it has bags of potential. As always
with Saturn, it will take effort on your part to encourage these seeds to take root. It
won't happen by chance or through luck, but through sustained application.
Stamina is what this gift of a transit will give you.
Sagittarius you should be the happiest of all sun signs because now you are
blessed with Jupiter in your own sign, which will last until Dec 3 this year. Any sign is
happy at the prospect of lucky Jupiter's visit, but you are even luckier because
Jupiter is extra potent in Sagittarius, the sign that it rules. Make the most of this
wonderful once-in-every-12-years cycle.
At the same time, another planet of surprise and freedom, Uranus, has shifted into
your house of daily work and routines, but Uranus is anything but routine! Expect
the unpredictable for the next seven years when it comes to your health and
service type jobs. You may well feel like rebelling if your job involves too much
servitude. Healthwise Jupiter here is very hard to predict, and again since Uranus is
an outer planet, it won't really be felt until a personal planet hits it. Watch out for
Mars in particular because it can cause accidents or sudden eruptions at work.
Mars/Uranus can also bring unexpected hot flushes, fevers and even the
menopause (if you are of that age group!)
Sagittarius Horoscope 2019 Keywords: The best year ever!! home healing
sanctuary, young love, fairytale home, cash challenges but lucky solutions, lending
limits, fated local meetings.
The big aspect of the year Jupiter square Neptune hits you strongest of all as
Jupiter is your ruler. The dates for this are Jan 6, Jun 16 and Sep 21. Even though this
is a square, you should find that you benefit greatly from turning your house into a
sanctuary for healing. Your home becomes a church or it could equally become a
hub for musicians and poets to come together for jamming sessions. Well, that all
sounds very beatnik, and unless you live somewhere that has been frozen in time
(aka San Francisco in 1968.) then this jazzy get-together is just as likely to be your
gang of rowdy teenagers with their friends setting up camp in your garage.
Another possibility for this square is that you attract a following of some kind. For
some, it could simply be 'likes' on social networks. For the more ambitious amongst
you, there could even be fame if you are involved in the self-help, healing or newagey type fields. The only thing to beware of is speculation in the real estate areas.
You might overspend on a house that seemed like your absolute dream home only
to find that it has a very expensive problem to fix later down the line. Don't fall for
the charming olde worlde cottage with... rotting window frames. That goes for
people too!
In your everyday life this romance for the quaint past could play out in a
relationship that takes you back to your teenage years, or you may meet
someone while visiting your parents in your hometown. This aspect could ignite a
full-blown soulmate love, especially with Venus conjunct Jupiter on Jan 22. The
passionate, sexual possibilities ramp up with Mars trine Jupiter on Jan 25. Although
the emphasis is on your own personal luck and self-confidence in 2019, the boost in
self-esteem is bound to have knock-on effects on your love life. This is generally a
very pleasant year with Saturn behaving itself and taking a backseat now that it is
in Capricorn. Any problems that surface will mainly be to do with overindulgence
and jumping into things without thinking.
Trying to keep your feet on the ground may prove difficult with Neptune turning
the root of your chart into quicksand! This is an outer planet however so this will not
be a huge worry, just watch out when it gets triggered by transits from faster
moving planets. When Neptune steams up you could find yourself floating in a
fantasy world. Marvellous if you are artistic, but be wary of investing large sums in
property without expert advice. Saturn in your cash house will be especially stingy,
so that should restrict any yearnings to buy impractical pink-turreted castles.
(Unless it's a dolls house!)
Transits of Saturn, Jupiter, Ceres, Mars & Lilith
Most people worry about Saturn in the second
house of cash because nobody wants to feel
financially insecure. It really doesn't mean that
you are sure to suffer hardship and poverty. Of
course, there is always the possibility of that base
level of experience, but usually, because Saturn
is setting a lesson for you to find out what is truly
valuable in your life. It can even be that
earnings actually increase because you have
seriously spent quality time working on your selfworth issues.
The most probable time of insecurity will be on
Jan 21 when Mars squares that Saturn for you, but that will prompt you to work on
your weaknesses. Maybe you start an exercise routine which will skim off the extra
flab pounds at least. Feeling more confident with your fitness levels should also
have a knock-on effect on your willpower to put money aside rather than splurge
it on instant gratification. Like they say, a minute in the mouth means a month on
your waist!
Setting boundaries for people who drain you can really impact your bank
balance, even if they are not physically borrowing money per se. The earlier part
of the transit can be the most difficult as Saturn throws in some cash-loss tests just to
see how well you handle it. Finally, you get to the point that you no longer care
about the bad investments, the theft, or the money you lent. Then something
amazing happens! Ironically, it is at this non-caring point that material security
subtly starts to rebuild itself, right under your feet. You may not realise this until after
the transit has passed, but the rock is there and it will carry you forward for the next
29 years.
Mars travels through your partnerships and open enemies zone from Apr 1 to May
15. This could be a time when pens are drawn at dawn! Communication between
yourself and others seem like they come laced with petrol, as any microaggression gets turns into WWIII. Ok, maybe I'm being a bit too dramatic here, but
tensions are high in the house of open enemies. You will at least feel quite
triggered by your partner's words, whether they be in business or pleasure. It will be
quite hard to mix socialising and business at this time, since a few drinks after work
loosen the ability to keep things professional...
Maybe it would be best to avoid alcohol-fuelled brainstorming with any
collaborators at this time because someone is bound to take something the wrong
way. Avoid touchy subjects with people you know are difficult and you should be
fine. On Apr 27 when Mars squares Neptune is definitely a day you will want to
avoid drunken debates of any kind. Words can be twisted and misunderstandings
could have lasting repercussions. It's a day you could make a lifelong enemy so
hold yourself back tempting as it may be to let rip on someone.
May 5 is another potential day of conflict, but it can actually be channelled into
something enjoyable like.. sex. Mars still in your marriage zone hopefully finds a
suitable channel for its exuberant and passionate energy. It can also be
courageous here too. If your goal is an honourable one you have no need to
worry. Your ardent pursuit of a loved one or altruistic goal shall be rewarded as you
have lucky Jupiter on your side.
Until May 9 Lilith transits through your goddess house of local environment. This will
make it teem with synchronicity and fateful experiences. The universe seems to be
speaking to you through something as mundane as a trip to the supermarket. One
could encounter a person or life-changing situation through a simple bus journey
or bumping into someone in a coffee shop. While Lilith is flitting around this sector
you may feel more liberated than usually and it will be impossible to pin you down.
Lucky you! If you didn't know this already, Jupiter entering your sign a whole year is
one of the classic good fortune aspects. Here begins a whole new 12-year cycle
of growth where you should find you attract more than your fair share of
development opportunities. There really is only one disadvantage of Jupiter in your
most personal zone and that is weight gain! Invites to social events where the food
and drink are copious will all add up to a more, erm, portly physique. Sometimes it's
not even the food, but just Jupiter expanding your presence so that you make a
BIG impression on the world.
Jupiter makes you super-sexy when it enters your sign, so you are spoilt for choice
and therefore far more likely to play the field. The best day for this is with the juicyas-hell Mars trine Jupiter aspect on Jul 22. However with Mars heating things up,
not to rub too many of your conquests up the wrong way however as all that
pulling-power could really go to your head. There is the risk that you could get
quite over-bearing and pushy with your seduction techniques.
Jupiter tends to want to push the boundaries of what it can get away with. Yes,
you will carry a roguish charm about you, which will inevitably be forgiven...for
now. But this Midas-touch will not last forever, so use it wisely. You don't want to
leave any bitter leftovers lurking in your wake These folk may plot ugly revenge for
when have to step off your pedestal.
The greediest day for Jupiter could be the big T-square of the year which lasts from
Sep 2 to 10. A pile-up of planets in Virgo one-by-one oppose Neptune in your
domestic zone and square Jupiter in your sign. Your career is abundant with
opportunities but it could also feel quite overwhelming because there is simply too
much choice. It will feel like a game of supermarket sweep where you are given a
trolly and have 10 minutes to fill it. You will have to think your feet and hope to god
your intuition guides you to the best outcome. Now it might not be the most
valuable choice straight off, and its gifts will most likely not be obvious to those
around you. However, try to ignore the criticism because Jupiter square Neptune is
about spiritual choices that offer long-term serenity and soul growth. It will feel like
a bit of a gamble also, as your career is in a tug-of-war with your home sector. You
may have to choose an area with fewer work opportunities but has a better
quality of life.
Ceres joins Jupiter in your sign from Jan 26 to Nov 15. So you have the goddess of
mother earth and nature in your personal zone. This will inflame your body with
animal magnetism and you will feel extra bonded with fawn and fauna. There
should be an immense drive to pursue an authentic path for yourself. What is
natural for you may seem offensive to others, but trust your gut and resist peer
pressure from the herd. Aggression and assertiveness will make you somewhat of
an activist as you do not fear falling down the rabbit hole. Raging against the Pluto
bully is also a strong possibility, as this transit gives one great courage to fight one's
oppressors. The courage will peak when Ceres makes a conjunction with Jupiter
on Oct 24, great for any action taken on behalf of the environment and green
issues. (REAL green issues, not fake like the so-called eco-friendly Mercury-filled
long-life bulbs!)
Mars travels through your career zone from
Aug 18 to Oct 3. This can be a great
period for advancement in your career,
but only if you bear in mind that there are
others involved in the equation. It will be
hard, but you really must at least try and
look like you are considering others
interests. Conflicts can easily arise, just
because you are generating a lot of
passion around you. The sizzling working
vibe can easily turn tetchy if you rub some
people up the wrong way. It would be a
shame to generate rivalry and resentment
just because you were just one degree too
pushy. You will learn to modulate! Any ruffling of rivals feathers will have them
blocking your advancement. Use your verve to inspire others about the worth of
their own efforts. That way, they will see you as a role model they can work
towards, not a ruthless competitor they must obliterate. Venus conjunct Mars in
your career zone on Aug 24 is a fantastic moment to collaborate in your career.
You might find a business partner that helps you take things to the next level.
The whole year is jam-packed with opportunities and growth for you Sagittarius so
don't be a hermit and get out onto the world's stage. The year is all about you so
you may not want to commit to any one relationship. There are plenty of
opportunities for romance though as your warmth and verve attract suitors like
moths to a flame. The best day for that by far is Venus conjunct Jupiter on Nov 24
just before Jupiter leaves your sign for good on Dec 3. Make the most of the jolly
gas giant while you can.
Jupiter & Saturn
Your Decan's Luck & Challenges in 2019
Sagittarius Decan 1. Sorry, none of these planets will aspect you directly this year,
but you still get the benefit of Jupiter in your own sign as already mentioned. The
effects below will be felt, but in a much more watered down form. Saturn is safely
tucked away in the sign next door to you so does not make any aspects at all to
Sagittarius. You had your share of Saturn challenges already back in 2017!
Sagittarius Decan 2. Jupiter conjunction ~ Jan 3 to Feb 14 and Jun 3 to Oct 13
Sagittarius Decan 3. Jupiter conjunction ~ Feb 15 to Jun 2 and Oct 14 to Dec 1
This is supposed to be one of the most fortunate and happy transits you can have
and you only get this once every 12 years, so make the most of this wonderful new
start. You should feel healthy, optimistic and confident in all your dealings.
Because of this exuberance, you should also attract luck and generous
benefactors into your life. The only danger with this energy is overdoing things and
overreaching beyond your capabilities. Keep spending in check and you should
be fine. Jupiter can bring honours and recognition. At this time you might find you
are showered with praise from all sides. Enjoy feeling fabulous.
Make the most of Jupiter's entry into your own sign, as this is one of the most
blessed times for you. You are bouncy, hopeful and full of zest. This means you are
eager to embrace any challenges that life throws at you. This winning transit
means that luck is on your side, so you can afford to throw caution to the wind a
little bit! Don't go crazy though. Jupiter is inclined to extravagance so you might
indulge a little bit too much. That often means putting on a few extra pounds, in
the flesh rather than cash, unfortunately. Still, a little awareness can go a long way.
Once you know Jupiter can over bake the pudding, you will pay more attention to
the Saturn clock. It's all about balance.
Jupiter blesses your decan with super-confidence, beneficence and all round
jollity. Enjoy the generous one's residence while it lasts. Now is not the time to be
shy and retiring, get out there and blow your own trumpet. People will want to
hear what you have to say and you will literally, in some cases, be dragged up
onto the stage and ordered to perform. Don't worry, you will find that you actually
can shine and it will be as if you are channelling the great gas giant itself. You
won't be lost for words and may even raise a few jovial laughs. One thing Jupiter is
fantastic at is humour. You will certainly be able to see the funny side of most
things in life when this transit is in effect.
Capricorn, you should be getting used to Saturn being in your sign for the second
year now. How is the mature new you coping with all that authority you now have
over others? You (along with Aquarius really relish Saturn in your own sign because
it is your empowering ruler. Of course, it will still test you like it does with everyone
but think of yourself as Saturn's very special teacher pet. It's not that he will let you
slack, but the point is that you actually won't want to. With Saturn in Capricorn you
get on so well that any work feels like a fun challenge, it doesn't even feel like work
much even. Like going to the gym, you sometimes feel like its a slog but enjoy the
sweat anyhow. Afterwards, you will feel wonderful and that is how it will be after
Saturn has been in your sign for two and a half years. No hell you actually can very
definitely feel fabulous now! Saturn is your ruler, he is your friend, don't forget it!
Saturn this year will bring you all the good Saturn things you love like status,
security, safety, prudence and earned good karma. He might also slow things
down for you so that you really savour and enjoy life to the full. Oh, and did I say
maturity? Yes, maturity, maturity, maturity!! It's not all long grey goaty beards
though. If you have worked extremely hard you should get the Saturn bonus of...
Saturnalia. That's seven days of revelry and very im-mature behaviour. Every good
goat deserves to let its beard down once and a why and you will get the chance
this year too so don't imagine that you will just be a Jack dullard with no play.
Capricorn Horoscope 2019 Keywords: Glittering status, assuming authority,
maturity! soul colonics, self-restructuring, cultural pride, spiritual gestation period.
There is excitement afoot when Uranus makes its permanent shift into your 5 th
house of pleasures on Mar 6 after briefly revisiting your 4th house of home. As a
Capricorn, you will prefer that Uranus has moved out of your home sector as you
are not a sign that likes disruption and change at the very root of your being. The
goat likes firm foundations and that is something that you have found very hard to
build while Uranus has been roller-blading through your domestic sector. 2019
proves to be the most settled year you have had in a long time. No more
paradigm-shifting Uranus square Pluto and most importantly no more domestic
However, we cannot ignore the dark lord Pluto, who is still making his verrry long
journey through your sign. Pluto has been giving you an ongoing soul colonic since
2008 and will finally leave you in 2023. Obviously, fifteen years is a long time, but
the most intense part really was from 2012 to 2015 with Uranus squaring Pluto. You
are well over the mountain peak from that so can breathe a sigh of relief as you
wind your way back down to sea level. Venus conjunct Pluto on Feb 22 brings
passion, intensity and a tad of obsession into your love life, either from you or from
your partner.
Capricorn in your sign really is a blessing even if there are some melancholic
moments. So when the black bile rises remember Jupiter will be joining the happy
Capricorn party in 2020. This year though definitely feels like a transition towards
much better and settled times for you. Mars square Pluto on Feb 1 and again on
Nov 5 will give you a reminder of how far you have empowered yourself
compared to 6 years ago. The square could make you act quite ruthlessly too
which may shock though around you if you are one of the milder goats.
The eclipses this year give you a nice reboot too. Just what you need to flush out
the last remnants of the square from Uranus. It will give you a brand new shiny
cosmic colon that's for sure! The first one, a solar eclipse, is on Jan 6 which could
literally be an epiphany moment for you as it falls at 15º Capricorn. (For Decan 2's
this is a particularly significant seed moment). The solar eclipse on Jul 2 falls in your
marriage house which could signal a romantic commitment cemented or a new
love comes into your life. The Lunar eclipse on Jul 16 gives you the opportunity to
purge items, issues or people out of your life who are a drain on your life force.
You end the year on a high note when Jupiter enters your sign on Dec 3. You can
celebrate its generosity with the last juicy aspect of the year with a ripe Jupiter
sextile Uranus. This utopian aspect should inspire you to feel sacred in special
buildings and architecture. The aspect is also extremely inventive too and its
blossoming action could have you start a course in the realms of astrology or
Transits of Saturn, Jupiter, Ceres, Mars & Lilith
While Saturn is in your own sign you will be doing some intense self re-structuring.
This is a time for weeding out behaviour patterns that you don't want and that are
not serving you. However, while you are stripping away parts of your identity, you
may feel quite lost and empty. You know what you don't like about yourself, but
not what you do. Therefore this time in your life is all about getting to know thyself.
The only way to do this is by spending quality time with yourself, really by yourself.
That way you won't get influenced by other people's preferences. Saturn conjunct
the south node on May 20 and Sep 15 could help you at least set a trajectory from
where you where in the past to where you are going. This conjunction could also
help you reconnect with who you were in
the past, in more innocent times before
you got corrupted by certain influences in
your life. Most Capricorns get do get
better with age, however!
If you are the type of goat who is overreliant on a partner for an identity, then
this year the cracks may appear in the
relationship, and you may even lose that
partner. With Saturn, the ultimate goal is to
prepare the ground for new growth to
follow. He is the rubbish collector, so try
not to despair! If you do happen to lose a
lover or friend at this time, it really is for the
best. Put the connection behind you straight away and don't try to resist the
'letting-go' that Saturn is pushing you to make. The time to let go could be with the
Mars opposite Saturn on Jun 14 which pushes you to cut the cord.
Mars transits your home sector from Jan 1 to Feb 14. You can put a great deal of
energy into your domestic situation right now. This could be working on renovations
or putting effort into moving house. There is also a big passion for your roots and
motherland if you don't live in the country of your ancestors. You could have
strong feelings of cultural pride and connection with the land. If the two are one
and the same, then this bond will be easier. If not then you will feel the need to
learn more about your native heritage in order to feel anchored and secure. You
might also feel like fighting for your land too, the blood and sand spirit reaches a
peak with Mars conjunct Uranus on Feb 13.
Mystical contemplation is on the menu, yet Jupiter in your house of self-undoing is
(thankfully) quite low key. The best use of this energy is to just BE and see where the
tide takes you. It's not a very proactive position for Jupiter, but let's face it, even
Zeus needs a rest sometimes. So if other transits are driving you crazy, be rest
assured that this one will not. What Jupiter will give you is a sanctuary where you
can lick your wounds from other events in the year.
You might end up feeling that the saviour is projected onto you too much, so you
must work consciously not to end up as someone's crutch. Otherwise, you feel a
great oneness with the universe and that which you do to help others also helps
heal yourself too. It would be easy to go overboard with the saving since you feel
so elated by the appreciation of the needy. Don't forget in all this to save some
time for your own recovery. Jupiter makes its grand entry into your own sign next
year and you want to be fully switched on for that!
Lilith through your mystic 12th house until May 6 could be a time when fantasy
and reality are indistinguishable from each other. You could be so sensitized to the
undercurrents of the environment that the actual physical world is totally
obscured. It seems like you are surrounded by a fog of messages received from
other dimensions combined with the thoughts of other people around you. The
easiest way to cope would be to lock yourself away. It may not be practical to go
hermit for the whole nine months, so think of this as a gestation and skin shedding
period. During this time, it would be wiser to look within, meditate, practise yoga
and allow plenty of quiet repose.
Mars transits your relationship house from May 16 to Jul 2. You will be tested on
how much you try to avoid confrontation in your dealings with others. If you tend
to constantly compromise for fear of causing offence then Mars now will show this
tactic unexpectedly fail even though you have gone against your principles to
make someone happy.
Suddenly you can't help but generate a resentful vibe! Eventually, the seething
viper of this energy is picked up on and the other starts acting out even more.
There is no way you can avoid confrontation with this bad behaviour now. You
have to decide whether this issue is really worth fighting for, however, because
things could turn quite ugly if the other is used to your backing down. If not, then
this is one of those times when confronting the problem is actually about severing
ties with it all together. Mars opposite Pluto on Jun 19 brings a ruthless examination
of your love life. If you have been bullied in a relationship then this is the moment
that the worm will turn. As mentioned earlier with Mars square Pluto, the aspect
could cause quite a volcanic reaction from you that will shock others who are not
used to that kind of anger spouting out of you.
Ceres is in the zone of self-inflicted hibernation from Jan 26 to Nov 15, so you are
not dependent on relationships or drugs in order to feel whole. This is the ultimate
dark moon phase, the threshold between life and death, and the womb. While
Ceres is here, the veil thins between all dimensions. You will want to silence the
noise of the modern world or you could become overwhelmed. In the quiet void
then, you are able to receive the pure divine guidance of your higher self and not
get interference from trickster sprites. This zone does have the reputation of being
one of 'self-undoing' so be very careful of the company you keep during this time.
At the very worst, you could get too easily influenced or upset by narcissists,
addicts, alcoholics and psychic vampires.
Mars transits through your career zone from Oct 4 to Nov 19. If you push too hard
and fast with your ambitions at this time you could really easily threaten those who
have authority over you. Don't feel you need to defeat any small opposition to
your goals and don't let yourself get over-defensive either. You have enough zip in
your approach to actually rally people to your side quite easily with time. Patience
is never easy when you want to win so badly, but keep your eye on the ball. Try to
steam forward without getting too frustrated by 'helpful' suggestions. Eventually,
others will see you were right and trust you enough to leave you alone. The secret
is harnessing this thrusting Mars energy so that it carries others in your wake. You
can inspire by example rather than needing to rail-road others.
Jupiter & Saturn
Your Decan's Luck & Challenges in 2019
Capricorn Decan 1. Sorry, none of these
planets will aspect you directly this year.
The effects below will be felt but in a much
more watered down form which could be
good thing if you don't get on well with
your ruler Saturn. You have already had
your Saturn challenges to your decan in
Capricorn Decan 2. Saturn conjunction ~
Jan 1 to Apr 4 and May 30 to Dec 19
Capricorn Decan 3. Saturn conjunction ~
Apr 5 to May 29 and Dec 19 to 29
Saturn conjunct decan can actually be
just as rewarding as Jupiter here, I kid you not! It all depends on how hard you
have worked in your life up to this point. If you have been realistic in relationships
and honest in your business dealings, then you have nothing to fear. This is the time
that you reap the benefits of all the seeds sown in the last 14 year when Saturn was
opposite your sign. Here is the time where the extra hours of graft build to a climax
and you may even be awarded a promotion or prize. Your authority is recognised
and your status gets a boost. Sometimes this can be about marital status too, you
may gain a title! So you could go from Miss to Mrs, or Mrs to Ms Men just have to be
content with boring Mr unless you are knighted for some reason.
Saturn conjunct your decan can also make you feel you have the weight of the
world is on your shoulders, but it is definitely a strengthener in the long run. It is best
to keep plugging away at work that is in progress and not to start anything too wild
or wacky. This is a transit that tests and helps you build stamina, not one of
innovation. So you will be happier then, sticking with what you know and doing
that really well that dipping your fingers in too many pies. The same goes for
relationships also. However, there is a chance that a romance may hit the rocks if
there have been problems for a while. Saturn helps you weed out the useless frills in
your life and gets to the nub of an issue. It also forces you to take full responsibility
for the area of life that your Sun rules or rests in.
You will mature a good few years after this Saturn transit has passed, but hopefully,
you won't see the ageing on the outside! (Unless you have lived a life of
debauchery for the last 14 years.) Saturn does however cool and restrict the
energy that radiates out of the Sun somewhat, so at this time you could feel your
life force is a tad depleted. This is not the moment to be working nose to the
grindstone, even though Saturn traditionally is associated with hard graft. On the
contrary, you should be resting now, since the crazy work schedule of very long
hours has come to an end. If you have been wasting time, (the ultimate Saturn
sin!) then, unfortunately, you will have to pay for it now. Saturn will balance its
books and this is why slackers hate Saturn transits!
Aquarius can look forward to another somewhat serene year. For the second year,
Saturn your ancient ruler is very happy, confident and comfortable in the sign of
Capricorn and gives you a taste of what is to come when it enters your own sign in
mid-2020. These are the years of laying down very firm Saturn foundations. At the
same time, you are looking inwards at your beliefs and questioning your spiritual
It is quite a sceptical time, but a joyful one too as Jupiter is having a ball in your
friendship house for the whole year. Last year you were shaken up by quite a few
eclipses. 2019 is more tranquil in that regard, but there is still excitement to be had.
Uranus has entered your domestic zone, so the next seven years are ones where
you might very well decide to move house. Uranus's entrance into an angular
house is important, and for those that think Uranus is Aquarius's modern ruler, its
entrance into a fixed sign should also mirror the stability that Saturn is bringing to
your life also.
Aquarius Horoscope 2019 Keywords: Serenity, joyful realism, inspiring
friendships, productive networking, light at the end of the tunnel, root-chakra
activation, home changes.
You may well think that Uranus in the 4th is going to be anything but settled, but for
Aquarius, a change is as good as a rest! Uranus will only bring volatility if it gets
triggered by a slower moving planet. Otherwise, it should bring a refreshing breeze
into your home life. This is a long slow transit so it will be a background influence.
You might find your home attracts many new and unusual visitors.
There is, in fact, immense activation of your friends and social houses with the
year's big aspect pattern Jupiter square Neptune. The dates Jan 6, Jun 16 and Sep
21 may well bring many inspiring folk into your world when these two mystic planets
connect. Jupiter in your wishes house links with Neptune in your cash house which
could be quite useful for doing some manifestation magic. Financial aid could
come from friends if you are in trouble or you could find ways of earning money
through common interest groups, meet-ups or social gatherings. Networking this
year will pay off big time, so go to as many conferences as you can within your
chosen field.
There is but one remaining lunar eclipse in your 7th house on Jan 21 which opens
the door for love to enter your life if you are single, later this love potential
culminates in your home sector where Venus makes an exciting conjunction with
Uranus on May 18. For some there could be a sudden moving in with a loved one,
for others, this is just a triggering of enlightening new friends wanting to chill out
with you in your residence. If you have recently moved then this will simply be fun
new friends wanting to spend time with you giving your pad a good old
2019 is a bit of a transition year for you Aquarius because Saturn will enter your sign
in 2020 giving you more responsibility but also much more stability and
commitment from others. This will really be the last year that you can be very
footloose and fancy-free, but at the same time, it spells the end of feeling rootless
and without a sense of belonging. In 2019 you see that there is a home at the end
of a very long tunnel. Transit-wise nothing has been going on much for Aquarius
when it comes to the outers and because if this at times life has felt rather dull and
even stagnant. Don't worry that is all about to change and this year see's some
lasting shifts and changes for the better surrounding your home life.
Transits of Saturn, Jupiter, Ceres, Mars & Lilith
Saturn spends the next year lurking in your
zone of self-undoing. But strangely it works
rather well here as it can slow you down to
the point that you will think twice before
jumping into something stupid.. All the
same, it can be one of the most difficult
placements for Saturn if you are the type
to be always starting new projects. The
best period for starting anything too
ambitious is not now!! Patience will be
learnt. No more fads and novelties,
instead you will finally read the five
unfinished books by your bedside and will
tie up the twenty odd loose ends left over
from previous years. You are actually due
for a rest and retreat period since the aforementioned years have been supercharged with work and other responsibilities.
Saturn conjunct your South Node on May 20 could feel a little eerie when a karmic
connection from the past comes back to haunt you. This gives you the opportunity
to tie up loose ends with a relationship that really never had the chance of closure.
Supernatural events make you wonder if some hidden hand is conspiring to pull
you together with this person, and maybe it is. Saturn is the lord of karma so the
more that you resist the stronger it will grasp at you until you face what debts have
been building up with this old connection. It is time to pay your dues. Now, this can
be a positive event to remember, they may owe you some protection and looking
after. This person could feel quite parental too.
You have grown up a lot, and you might be feeling very world-weary and old right
now. It's perfectly fine to accept running out of juice at some point in our lives,
especially at the end of a 29-year cycle. Don't beat yourself up about the things
you didn't achieve and the missed opportunities, it's too late now to start
scrabbling frantically for the scraps. The energy spent is simply a waste of time.
Scraps are scraps and you can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.
Mars conjunct Uranus on Feb 12 could mean that a disagreement blows-up with a
sibling which could escalate into WW3 very quickly so try to be as tactful as you
can. You will have to be the grown-up even if you are the younger one. If you
happen to still live with your siblings then the next few weeks as you can see from
below when Mars enters your 4th house will get even more fraught.
Mars fires up your domestic zone from Feb 13 to Mar 29. Maintaining agreement
with those you live with can be quite difficult at this time as you are much less
willing to compromise than usual. You will certainly need some space from the rest
of the household, so don't let others enforce too much intimacy. If you find you
need to go out more or barricade yourself inside your bedroom then do it. You are
easily irritated at this time so respect your need to disconnect, or risk majorly
offending a family member or flatmate. If you live alone, then you will enjoy
making it your sanctuary. Put energy into your living space, by clearing out clutter
and refreshing the décor.
Woohoo, Lilith is in your own sign until May 6. Lilith is so sexual in this zone, that there
will be a great activation of the root chakra and your most primal desires. You
need then to learn to resist temptation and rein in this wild-wolf. This can be quite a
challenge when there is Tinder and such things... Sex-texting is at least safe-sex I
suppose. If you have been feeling like your libido has been flagging then this
period is a great one for experimenting and being a lot more daring in the
bedroom department. May 18 Venus is conjunct Uranus in your domestic zone so
excitement the home is rising anyway. You can make good use of this energy by
doing unconventional things within your sanctuary. At this time your roots may also
surprise you, you may find out there is a relative or a sibling you did not know
existed or some other revelation about your ancestry. Maybe you do a DNA test
and find some random ethnicity that surprises you.
Jupiter is very happy in Sagittarius until Dec 3. This is an excellent time for making
new friends! Jupiter blesses you with genuine, joyous and generous connections for
the next 12 months. Don't waste this valuable opportunity and make the effort to
expand your social networks and connect with like-minded people. There is also
the chance to benefit financially through social media as well, so a little time
invested in cyber chat will be well spent. Don't waste this valuable time looking at
a screen though, get out there and hug real people.
There are some lovely Jupiter transits that can boost your social life. Jan 22 is the
gorgeous marriage between the two benefics Venus and Jupiter which also trines
Mars too for added passion. This is a great winter-wedding day for Aquarians and
also the first day of your birthday month also. Jan 25 is fantastic for going out and
meeting new people with Mars trine Jupiter, you feel optimistic and confident
which draws people to you. Don't hang about, do something brave and
adventurous! January is just a good month all round and makes a great start to the
year. It sets the stage for you feeling much more sure of yourself and the power
you have over your own destiny.
This is a very idealistic year where Jupiter
allows you to dream your wildest dreams.
Take the opportunity to set future intentions
and wish upon that most elusive star. Jupiter
can make real magic here if you take time
out to visualise your fantasies. This is where
friends are really important since more
heads are better than one and if you can
get together and conjure up a beautiful
utopia, so much the better. You can set
personal goals too, but this collective
energy is best used for the greater good.
Having a vision for the long-term future is
really important, as any plans will work best if
they are farsighted enough to continue to
bear fruit for generations to come. Make a
big wish or big plans on Nov 24 when Venus is conjunct Jupiter for the second time
this year.
With Mars in your 'others' zone, your pride could take a big hit from Jul 3 to Aug 17.
This causes you to feel like you have to defend yourself constantly. Your ego could
well receive quite a bruising, but in a strange way, this can be quite an exhilarating
experience. You might find yourself in a tug-of-war with partners, which could be
quite enjoyable in a competitive way. Jul 11 has Mars square Uranus which is a
very impulsive and speed freaky aspect. Be careful of accidents and try and keep
some self-control when it comes to adrenaline sports or any activity where there is
an element of danger. Otherwise the rest of the period you can still use Mars for
exercise, non-dangerous sports and best of all romantic passion!
The adrenaline stimulated with Mars during this time will give you the impulse to
really raise your game, romantic or otherwise. You will find you have to prove that
you are worthy of your beloved, or your position of authority. So paradoxically the
effort put into relationships of all kinds at this time will be worth it in the long term,
even if it isn’t apparent immediately. Jul 22 sees Mars behaving much better now
as he makes a trine with lucky Jupiter. This brings some harmony back to
relationships and reconciliation with a loved one.
Ceres joins Jupiter in your friend's zone from Jan 26 to Nov 15. Ceres here could
inspire you to be more socially aware and support the underdog. So working for
charities that deal with abuse, addiction or those in need of refuge may appeal.
On the less practical level, you may want to join groups that focus on the occult,
spirituality, divination or meditation. If you have been in a co-dependent
relationship or have addiction problems, you may be drawn to connect with
others who have similar issues. (Like a 12 step type program.) Jupiter makes a
conjunction with Ceres on Oct 24 which is when you have peak healing powers
within these groups. This is a lovely aspect for social gatherings in nature, catch the
last of the year's sunrays and have an autumn outdoor fire with friends and food.
Mars thrusts through your career house from Nov 20 to Dec 29, which is an
extremely powerful position for ambitious Mars. The red planet loves to be in this
most status-seeking zone and will do all it can to launch you higher in your
profession. This position might be quite hard to temper if you are on the bombastic
side in your dealings. You will certainly not be very tolerant of anyone else's
authority over you. This means you will not hold back from telling them where to go
if they insist on putting obstacles in the way of your career goals.
If you need a jetpack to reach your targets, however, then this is it! You might
offend a few people due to your ruthlessness, but right now you will do whatever it
takes. Being annoyingly self-confident is one thing though, just try not to injure
anyone in your stampede to the top. Watch out for Mars square Pluto on Nov 5
which could make your particularly ruthless and Mars opposite Uranus on Nov 24
which could make you do reckless things and more likely to 'stampede' without
due care and consideration!
Jupiter & Saturn
Your Decan's Luck & Challenges in 2019
Aquarius Decan 1. Sorry, none of these planets will aspect you directly this year.
The effects below will be felt, but in a much more watered down form. Saturn
makes no aspect at all while he is next door in Capricorn.
Aquarius Decan 2. Jupiter sextile ~ Jan 3 to Feb 14 and Jun 3 to Oct 13. Libra
Decan 3. Jupiter sextile ~ Feb 15 to Jun 2 and Oct 14 to Dec 1
What a pleasure this transit is going to be, it won't be hard work in any sense at all.
Instead, this will feel like the wind is in your sails and all you really need to do is
keep an eye on the steering. Even if you do fall asleep at the creative wheel, the
universe will gently guide you to a safe harbour. All that meandering and
contemplation brings out some wonderful ideas and beautiful, harmonious
imagery. You won't feel bothered by annoying people, instead, you will just wave
them off cordially with a twinkle in your eye. Doesn't this all sound so languid, like a
slow-moving gondola. Enjoy the seduction of Jupiter as it tip-toes barefoot through
the rose petals. This is a very sweet and cheerful transit. The sextile is very pro-active
but generates such warmth that people cannot help but be attracted to you. It's
like you are wearing an aura of cotton candy, no spikes here!
Welcome Pisces to an exciting and illuminating 2019 for your neighbourhood. This
year you will be discovering new possibilities in the learning and communications
sector also. The local scene gets a huge boost when Uranus makes its permanent
entry into your communications and immediate environment zone. You also get
the most out of the dreamy aspect of the year that activates your career zone
with Neptune in your sign being activated by lucky Jupiter. The big Jupiter aspect
of the year is not without its problems, but the contact between your ancient and
modern ruler should make manifestation magic work pretty strongly. Really it will
just be a case of being careful what you wish for. Thoughts really are things in 2019
and the square aspect is a lot more proactive than a trine.
The most magical times will be when Jupiter square Neptune is exact on Jan 6, Jun
16 and Sep 21. Piscean musicians, mystics, healers, artists, poets, photographers
and filmmakers will benefit the most from this pattern, and if you are one of those
dreamy procrastinating Pisces, you will be more likely to actually start crystalising
these visions. (Which might not have been the case with a blissed-out trine!)
Pisces Horoscope 2019 Keywords: Thoughts are things, crystallisation,
imagination boost, healing hands, stable cash-fow, self-nurturing, status rise,
career recognition.
A really great date for promoting your artistic works or healing modality will be Jan
22 with Venus conjunct Jupiter and trine Mars at the same time. Mars in your
money zone could activate a bonus or advance on your work. Maybe someone
at work has taken a shine to you and wants to see you do well. It may well be that
this work benefactor may also want to lure you into their love-nest so be careful
you are not sending out the wrong signals. Neptune can blur communications very
easily. There is also the issues of transgressing professional boundaries too which
can sometimes happen with Neptune squares. Mars trine Jupiter on Jan 25 cannot
hold you back, however, so just make sure you channel that energy in the right
Saturn will help pull Neptune back to earth if it starts getting too misty-eyed. Saturn
sextile Neptune happens Jan 31, Jun 18 and Nov 8 so you can use these days to
try and get a grip if there have been miscommunications and misunderstandings.
This is a great aspect to bring structure and organisation to artistic projects that
have gone off the rails. Saturn sextile Neptune also very useful when what was
once beautiful harmony descends into chaos due to those pesky 'artistic
Those Pisces who are not involved in any of the above professions might find 2019
quite hard to deal with as you will be constantly daydreaming out the office
window hoping to be rescued. Well, there is the possibility of a handsome prince or
princess coming into your life and captivating your attention, and they are most
likely to be found in the workplace as that is where you are most lucky this year. It
will be quite hard not to mix business with pleasure, however.
As I stated earlier Uranus is about to leave
your money zone for good on Mar 6 which
should bring more stability back into your
cash flow. For the last seven years, it has
been very hard for you to predict where
you next buck with come from. Even if you
have been in a steady job all sorts of
unexpected expenses have cropped up
but that is all about to end. It is by far more
fun to have Uranus throwing his
thunderbolts in your learning zone as here
you will come up with so many bright ideas.
This is a great year for inspiration and
invention, so make sure you have the
opportunity to put your thoughts out into
the world and where they will be appreciated.
Transits of Saturn, Jupiter, Ceres, Mars & Lilith
Saturn continues in your friends and wishes zone. This period of your life is rich
opportunities to come together with like-minded people and to work as a team.
You have learnt to shine as an individual, so now it is time to bring your expertise
into group situations. It might be quite a challenge at times because you are still
riding on the laurels of your individual successes. Still, you have the chance to take
your biggest dreams to the next level, and this will get easier as time progresses.
This zone of hopes and wishes has a visionary feel and one where you are inspired
by other peoples' excitement for the future too. On May 20 and Jun 23 Saturn is
conjunct the south node which could revive an old friendship. This also could bring
a karmic tie back so that you can break the cord for good and bring closure to an
element of the connection that had been bugging you for years. On the other
hand, you may actually decide to give that same relationship another go since
the sextile from Neptune could bring some of the old romance back into the
The framework for your wildest fantasies then is provided for by Saturn. It is
important to network like you have never done before because co-workers will not
allow you to do things solo any longer. Once you have attained a certain level of
professionalism, it is natural to attract these peers with whom you can compare
notes and also enjoy a social life. They will want you integrated into their collective
once they recognise your talent. This group Midas-touch can then effect a larger
sphere of influence or market, It will feel like you are joining a cartel and this will
feel empowering.
Mars in your domestic zone from Apr 1 to May 15. The home turf can be the source
of conflict at this time, but this is only because you are more confident about
asserting yourself. If you still live with your parents then this can be quite a
challenging time as you seek to cut the umbilical. There are mixed feelings as you
want to maintain the connection but at the same time feel like you have
outgrown the nest. If your domestic situation has always been generally supportive
then your request for severance should not leave any lasting scars. If you have
already left home, this transit will simply play out is a lessening of reliance on family
support and a greater step towards independence. Mars square Neptune on Apr
27 could be a moment when you find it hard to cut the cord because Neptune at
times can act like the comfy cocoon that protects from the harsh outside world.
There may be some addictions you need to get a grip over as well. The square is
great for making it too uncomfortable to get into escapist mode. Mars square
Neptune, like finding that the most comfortable mattress in the world has a great
big spikey coil sticking out of it.
May 5 is a daring day for you and life-calling when Mars is opposite Jupiter. There
could be conflicts with your home life around this time as you are pulled in two
directions. Exciting developments are materialising in your career and your status
could receive a huge boost. Just reassure those at home that the work focus will
not be forever and means that in future you will have quality time with the family
and have plenty of cash to spoil them with also.
Lilith through your mystic 12th house could be a time when fantasy and reality are
indistinguishable from each other. Until May 6 you could be so sensitized to the
undercurrents of the environment that the actual physical world is totally
obscured. It seems like you are surrounded by a fog of messages received from
other dimensions combined with the thoughts of other people around you. The
easiest way to cope would be to lock yourself away. It may not be practical to do
this for the whole nine months, so think of it a gestation and skin-shedding period.
During this time, it would be wiser to look within, meditate, practise yoga and allow
plenty of quiet repose.
Time to bask in some glory as Jupiter throws the laurel of recognition onto your
head. Your push to get up the career ladder puts your reputation under the
spotlight. Your ambition brings the need to puff up all your best points to really
succeed. Jupiter's inflating influence should really help boost your credentials to
the max. Unless you have a really bloated and bombastic Jupiter already, this
ramping up of your status should not create any jealousy or resentment. Generally,
this elevated position should manifest as promotion, a bonus or a pay rise. It's not
just about money, you could change your status through marriage also.
If you are looking for a new job in education, travel, the law or publishing, then go
in strong and hard with your applications. With Mars trine Jupiter on Jul 22 you can
be brave and pioneering, maybe apply for work in cities further afield than you
would normally consider. Bold moves in terms of distance and status will be
admired and could pay off unexpectedly. You might also be asked to travel in
connection with your job or do more career-related long distance travel than
usual. International clientèle will be more attracted to you also, even if you don't
set foot on an aeroplane this year. Whatever your line of business, it will not be
easy to keep it local. There will be a push to expand your 'shop' to appeal to
unexplored foreign markets. Putting the 'shop' onto the www is one way.
Mars in your marriage house from Aug 18 to Oct 3. This could be a time when pens
are drawn at dawn! Communication between yourself and others seem like they
come laced with petrol, as any micro-aggression gets turns into WWIII. Ok, maybe
I'm being a bit too dramatic here, but tensions are high in the house of open
enemies. You will at least feel quite triggered by your partner's words, whether they
be in business or pleasure. It will be quite hard to mix socialising and business at this
time, since a few drinks after work loosen the ability to keep things professional...
Maybe it would be best to avoid alcohol-fuelled brainstorming with any
collaborators at this time because someone is bound to take something the wrong
way. Avoid touchy subjects with Mars square Jupiter on Sep 21. Keep a wide berth
with people you know are difficult and you should be fine.
Ceres is in your career zone from Jan 26 to Nov 15. Painful career/mother
revelations could come up at this time. For example; You may have chosen to put
a career ahead of being a parent, but then realise that you really should prioritize
having children very soon. At worst this may be a period of mourning when you
wake up to the fact that it is far too late now to even have a child. Equally, there
could be a feeling of the 'empty nest' after children have left. In that case, Ceres
in priestess mode will step in and say, “Create, heal, travel, study and do all the
things that you have always wanted without the condition that it needs to support
a whole family.” This is also the time for both men and woman learn to nurture
themselves and be their own mothers. Ceres conjunct Jupiter on Oct 24 will show
you just how much you truth the universe as being your abundant nurturer. If you
get a nice harvest from all those hard work seeds then you know you have sorted
out your mother issues. If the field is barren then you know you have more work to
do on self-nurturing.
Jupiter & Saturn
Your Decan's Luck & Challenges in 2019
Pisces Decan 1. Sorry, none of these planets
will aspect you directly this year, but you still
get the benefit of Jupiter in your marriage
house as already mentioned. The effects
below will be felt, but in a much more
watered down form.
Pisces Decan 2. Jupiter square ~ Jan 3 to
Feb 14 and Jun 3 to Oct 13. Saturn sextile ~
Jan 1 to Apr 4 and May 30 to Dec 19.
Pisces Decan 3. Jupiter square ~ Feb 15 to
Jun 2 and Oct 14 to Dec 1. Saturn sextile ~
Apr 5 to May 29 and Dec 19 to 29.
This can be a time when you turn superjudgemental. You are feeling extra-confident which with the square can become
quite arrogant if you don't keep a tab on your ego expansion. The problem with
Jupiter is not knowing any limits at all. At the same time, this square can be very
useful and turn extremely fortunate time if you learn to play it right.
You could put a lot of energy into expanding your mind through learning. The
growth of one's wisdom can never be a bad thing as long as you don't turn into an
awful know-it-all. With a square there is always a 'but', with Jupiter, there is always
a positive side. Together then, this energy can be the best of both worlds or the
very worst, it's really up to you. If somebody tells you that you have become too
overbearing or preachy, believe them!
Jupiter squaring you will test how wise you really are. Suddenly you realise the
more you know the less you know. If you are a humble sort of person then this
transit will give you the confidence to speak out in public and also demonstrate
your beliefs. If on the other hand, you are already a super confident individual
then this transit could inflate that confidence into something a lot less savoury..
You should gain much respect and recognition during your Saturn sextile journey
because it is obvious that all the success you have had is as a result of your
dedication, and yours only. You can take full credit for a job well done! Health also
gets an unexpected boost because Saturn will make you feel robust and strong. A
Saturn transit is very useful for more ethereal types who have trouble grounding.
During this time you will not suffer fools gladly and become very discerning about
who you want to work or play with. You are simply too busy to get detracted by
troublemakers and will quickly spot any psychic vampires. On projects that are
worthwhile, however, you will have the patience and perseverance to see them
through to completion. So once you get the ball rolling, the road to the finish line
shouldn't feel too much of an ordeal. This can work out to be an exceeding
fortunate period once the majority of the work has been done, then its just a
question of letting the momentum carry you forward.