Micro,soft' Operating System Deployment Guide Aulomat¡ng Windows NT Setup fr, witldoÉ, wttuw.Nr,fiawkdo@b1o, d M|Dos ¿aqwt@ ñ ¡hé urtd ,dros dndar d\.t coúire' ottÉt t¡ád.ñ.tb d tadeiú* @ñt¡oned héÉtn ñdy be M¡c@tt cotpantú. ta/A Oné ¡tiú@ft w.y . Rédttud, a,é EsÉtaÉd he ¡Édéña*É at thd¡ Éspedtire 980s2.ü9e . usA asne6 Aulomal¡ng Wndows NT Sétup fhis deploymenl guido provides inlornation, lips, and l cls lhat will help you aulomale the Microsoil@ Windows NT@ s€lup process. I is designed fo r lnlo rmalio n Systems profession als lh al a re taskgd wilh insta ting e her Windows NT Workstalion or Windows NT Server on many computers. You should use l¡is guide iñ conjunclion wilh Parl 1 ol the Windows Nf Wof,stalion Bosource Kil. Microso,l Wndows NT includes ma¡y tools ánd lealu€s thát can bá used lo aulomate lhe selup process. Yoo will lind delailed informalion and €xampl€s ol héss iool6 iñ lhe lollou/ing five chaplersl . G€lllng sianod . Ths Wndows NT Worktatioñ 4.0 Selup Script (UNAÍTEND.Dü . Conligüing Machin+Specilic lñlormation . Applicálion Plennslallalion (SYSD IFF.EXE) . Custom¡¿ng Windows NT Fit6 CONTENTS CHAPTER I GETTING STARTED. ................9 What l\,4jcrosoft Windows Nf Deployment Tools Can Do Do What l\,,licrosolt Windows NT Deployment Toois Cannol Tools lJsed with Windows NT Deploymeni Selup l\,lañager - Creaiing a Windows NT 4.0 Selup Script File (UNATTEND.TXT) 9 9 10 10 System Difference fool: SYSDIFF.EXE Windows NT Registry Tools 10 Clienl Coñnectiv¡ty Software Windows Nf Selupr WINNT.EXE and WINNT32.EXE 11 WINNT.E)G 10 11 and WrNNT32.E)G comrnand line parameters..................1 Steps to Automalinq W¡ndows NT Deployment I 11 Step 1 - Build the Windows NT selup script file (UNATTEND.TXT). 11 Slep 2 - Build pre-installaijon packages using lhe Sysiém Difference tool 12 (SYSDIFF,EXE), Step 3- Create process to configure machine-specific information. 12 12 Step 4 - Build process to automate your dislribulion method. Building the Distribution Server Copylhe Wiñdows Nf Source Files 12 Copy Custom Files lJsiñg tho $OE¡¡$ Direclory Struclure of the Disfibution share Poinl Converting Short Filenames lo Long Frlenames Using Disk Dup¡ication to Dislribute Window§ NT 12 lnstallatioñ Pelormance Considerations Optimizing Cliénl Connectivily Sofiware 16 12 13 14 16 16 Oplimizing the Character lvlode Soiup Phase 17 Decreasing lhe Number of Files Copied During Setup RemovingPeerWebServices....................................................................17 17 Bemoving Third-Party Providéd Nelwork Adapter Drivers CHAPTER 2 THE W|NDOWS NT WORKSTATION 4.O SETUP scRtPT FrLE (UNATTEND.TXT)..............................,.....,.......,..,...19 lnlroduction UNATTEND.TXT Fils Format and Reference Descriplion of L,NAfiEND.TXT Fle ParameterE lUnaitendedl OemPreinstall NoWailAflerTextMode NoWailAftelGui[,4odé FileSystem ExlendOemParlilion 19 19 20 20 2A 20 21 21 21 ConlirmHardware Ntl.Jpgrade 22 22 Win3lupgradé Overudt6OemFilesonLlpgrado 23 TargetPath 23 24 ComputérTypé KeyboardLayout lMassStorageDrivers] <mass slorage driver description> lDisplayDrjversl <display ddver description> lKeyboardDriversl 24 24 24 25 25 26 <keyboad driver descriplioñ> lPointingD€vlceDriversl <pointing devico driver description> 26 [OEMBootFiles] TXTSETU P,OEM 27 27 <halfile name> 27 <scsi driverfile name> 27 27 IOEM-Adsl Bann6r Logo Backqround lGuiUnatiendedl 27 27 2A 28 OemSkipwelcorñe Tlñezono OEI\¡BlankAdminPassword 28 29 29 DetachedProgram 30 Arguments 30 IUserData] FullName orgName 30 30 30 ComputerName ProducllD 31 lLicenseFilePinlDatal 31 31 31 [Display] ConfigureAlLogon BitsPerPel Xresolution Yresolution Vréfrésh FIaqs 32 32 32 33 Autooonfirm lnstallDriver lnfFil6 lnfoption IModem] lnslalll\,,lodem [<ñodem parameler section>] <COL pod number. lNetworkl Attendéd Jo¡nWorkgroup JoinDorñain CreateComputerAccounl lnstallDC DetectAdapl€rs lnslallAdapters lnslallProtocols lnstallServicos lnstalllntemetseruer OoNollnstalllntálñetserver [<Detect Adaptec Section>] Detectcounl LimitTo <Nelcard lñf opl¡on> [<lñslall Adapl€rs Section>] <Nelcard lnf oplion> knelcard parameter secl¡o»] [<Protocols Section>] NBF 34 34 34 35 35 35 36 36 37 38 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 40 40 40 NWLNKIPX TC 40 DLC RASPPTP 41 STREAII,,lS 41 [<NetBeui Paramelers>] [<lPX Paramelers>] {<Tcpip Parametérs>l DHCP ScopelD [<DLC Paramélers>] [<BASPPTP PaÉmelers>] [<STREAMS Paramelers>] [<Seruic6s Seclion>] 40 41 41 42 42 42 42 44 44 SNI\¡P 44 RAS 44 NWWKSTA NETMON STCPIP 45 45 SAP TCPPHINT DHCP DNS wtNs [<NétWaré Client Parameters>] lDefaullLocation I Def aultscriploptions [<Snmp Parameter$] Accept-CommuñityName Send_Aulhenticalion Limit_Hosl Community-Namé Traps Contact_Name Location 46 46 47 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 4A 49 DialoutProtocols 49 49 49 49 50 Dial¡nProlocols 50 NetBEUlClientAccoss TcplpClienlAccess 50 Service [<RasParameler$] Portsectioñs USeDHCP StatlcAddressBegin StaticAddressEnd ExcludeAddress 50 50 50 CllenlcanRequestlPAddress lpxcl¡énlAcc€ss 51 AulomaticN€t\ivorkNumbers NetworkNumbérFrom AssignSameNellvorkNumber 51 ClientscanRequesllpxNodeNumber 52 52 [<port sect¡on name>] PortName DgvlceType PorlUsage [<NETMON Parameter§>] 51 52 52 52 52 f<SAP Parameters>l 53 53 53 FTCPPRINT Parameler$l 53 f<STcPlP Param€l€r$l [<DHCP Paramelér$] 53 53 54 54 [<DNS Parameter$] kWINS Parameler$l [<inlernei inf omaiion server seclion>] INSiAIIINETSÍP 54 tnstallADMlN 54 lnstallFTP FfPRool 54 54 54 tn§raIGoPHER 55 GopherRoot lnstallDir lnstallWSSAlüP IN§IAIIHTMLA GuestAccountName GuestAccountPassword Sample UNATTEND.TXT Files Sample 2 Configu ng Network Adapters and Selup lñlormation Files for Aulomaled 56 56 56 56 58 lnstallation Building lhe Windows Nf Seiup Script Nobvod( Adapters Seclion ..........---...-.....-.....61 Example I ........................ 2........................ -...................... ................................62 ................................62 Example Example 3 Detémlning Nelwork Adaplers Parañélgrs in the UNATTEND.fXÍ 63 OveMew of a Nelwork Component .lNF thal Supports Unatiended lnslallatlon 63 SettingParamete¡sforNetworkAdapterCards.........................................64 Veri8ing and Testi¡g Component .INIs........................................-..........64 65 Ve tylng the OEM File for STF_GUI lnstallation of Network Adaplers Drivers Not Supplied on the Windows NT UNATTENDED 4.0 RetailcD 67 Bypassing the "Currenl Nelcard Parameters Are Not Verifiably Correct" Llessagé Network Adapteroplion Name Driver Supplied in the \1386 Directory 67 68 68 Drivers Supplied ln lhe \DRVLIB\NETCARD\X86 and \1386\DBVLIB.NIC Diréclories 70 UNATTEND.ÍXT OEM lnstall Optlons lhal Can be Used with TXTSETUP.SIF Entdos for Retail-Supplied Filss that Work with OEM 73 74 opiions in the UNATTEND.TXT 78 Third-Party Video Display D vérs and Display Settings (Párt Drivers oi 1386/Aulo-Delecl6d)78 oplions for Microsoft-Suppued Video 79 Oplions for OEM-Supplied Video 80 TXfSETUP.OEM and Drivérs loEltlBootFilesl ÍXTSETUP.OE[, File: Foínal and Sample Eror ¡ressages When Working with TXTSETUP.OEi,I 80 a4 CI.IAPTER 3 COiIFIGURING MACHINE.SPECIFIC INFORMATIONST Compulet Create Unique S€tup Scdpt Files for Each I\,4odify the [rachine-Specific Settings Afterlhe Charactor windows Nf 4.0 1\,4ode 87 Podioñ oi Setup 87 Edil¡ng the Windows NT 4.0 Selup Script (UNATfEND.TXT) After Setup 88 Characler l\,4ode Ediling the Uniqueness Database File (.UDB) After Characler Mode S6tup88 Configure l,4achine-Specif ic lnfomation Using Uniqueness Daiabase Files (.UDB) 89 ID... ......-.-.. Specilinga Unique ................................89 ...............................-89 the .UDB Cr€ating Replacing a Line in Setup scr¡pt............................................-...................90 Add;n8aNewLinetoSetupScript......................-....................................91 DeletinsaLinefromSetupScript........................................-......-.............91 CHAPTER 4 WINDOWS NT 4.O APPLICAf¡ON PREtNSTALLAT|OT{ TOOL (SYSOIFF,EXE} .......,................................96 Overview 96 lnstalling SYSDIFF.EXE SYSDIFF.EXE Parameters and Syntax /snap l\¡ode 96 96 97 97 /apply [4ode sl Dump l\¡ode 98 /inf Mode Building Application lmagesfor Pre-lnstallation Three Stéps to Build¡ng an Appl¡cation lmago Adding an Application lrnagelo ihe D¡stibuiion Servé. SYSD|FF,,inl Mode SYSDIFF/apply [,{ode Trouble6hooting SYSDI FF.EXE 99 100 100 100 101 101 142 102 Error lúessagei Sysiem Error 5. is creáled atler compuier name Eror [,4sssage:An ¡ncorrecl orduplicale 102 applying the diflerence file. 102 Error Messag6: Contact the Manulacturer,., (€nor=2) 103 Eror l\,lessage: Diff Failed 103 Error l\,{essage: Oiff Failed (error=32) processed not on the master mach¡ne are by Problem: Empty direclories 104 SYSDIFF/snap. Problem: Some older applicelions that use .lNl liles do noi have lhe .lNF copied. 104 Problern: Networks wiih Iimited bandwidlh experience problems when doing 104 sYsDlFF /lNF to lhe distribut¡on lile sorver. changed. Problem: Package fil6 dates are tO4 Problem: The compuier stops responding (hangs)when you use the 105 SYSDIFF /apply cornmand. Problem: The SYSDIFF tooltakes a lon?time to finish and the image file is 105 exlremely large. Problem: When you run lhe SYSDIFF tool, it appears on lhe scréén brielly 105 and lhen nolhlng slse happens. Problem: Some of the changes are not applied when you run the SYSDIFF command. /apply Problem: Network ddves appear in l\,,|y Computer atler you apply a difference Probl6m: Temporaryfiles are left in the folderwhere you are creaiing file. SYSDIFF.EXE files. 105 106 106 Problem: SYSDIFF.EXE /apply orlnf fajls when updating an.lNlfile or fa¡ls to copylhé.iNlfiles. 106 cHAprER 5 cUSTOMtztNG wlNDOWS Nr.........................,.....11O 110 Distnbutlñg Files Automatically Using Windows NT Sétup Cu6lom¡zing the Start Menu 1T0 Tools lo Cuslomize windóws NT 111 110 REGEDIT-EXE 111 Configüring a System to Autom¿ticálly Logon and Execure a Progam..l13 Configuring System to Skip the Welcome Screen...................................114 Executing a Baich File on First Logon to Customize Windows NT........115 Adding Silent Application Setup Comrnands to a Batch File..................116 ......117 Customizing windows NT Logon ................................ . Execuling Commands Du ng Windows NT Setup - CI\TDLINES.TXT 119 .. ... 1r9 using lhe Windows NT S6lup Engine. SETUPAPI.DLL Remov¡ng the Gopher and World Wide Web (WWW) Services.............122 122 Aulomating lnstallalioñ of Windows NT Service Packs 123 Aulomai¡ng Seleclion of Windows Accéssodes and Componenis 126 Automaling lnstallation ol PeerWeb Services Bemoving Microsott lnlérnel Explorer. Microsoft Exchange Client, and lmage 126 M;crosoft Intemet Explorer 2.0 IError! Marcador no definido. [,4lcrosofl Exchange Cliéñt 126 127 Automaling lnstallalioñ of lvlicrosofl Exchange Server Client and Microsoft 124 lntemet Exploror 3.0xior Windows Nf Auiomating Inslallallon ol lhe Exchange Clienl Supplied with Microsofl Exchange Server lnslallaiion of the l\¡icrosoft lntemel Explorer 3.0x For l\,lore lnlomalion 124 129 129 ^ . -. ¡NTRODUCTION This deployment guide provides infomation, tips, and ficks lhal wi hetp you utoñate the l\,{icrosoft@ Windows Ni@ setup process. tt is designed for lln+rr:;trírf,ffi"$*i'*l":l;#ii::;J#'""' f\ricrosoft Windows NT includes manytools and features that can be used to aulomate the selup process. You w¡ll f¡nd delailed information and examples of lhese tools lñ lhe lollowing five chaptersl . conf lguíng Mach¡ne-siecilic - lnf ormal¡on .ll:ffi[[fi,,ffi:'J"n(sYsDrFFExE) Cuide To Automaling Windows NT Setup 8 CHAPTER I GEffING STARTED This chapter includes an overvi€w ofrhe Microsoft windows NT deptoyment tools, the steps ro autornari¡g the deployment process, ard derails abou¡ creating a distribution share for Windol's NT. In addition, it oovers what Microsoft Windows NT Deployment Tools can and can¡ot do. What Microsoft Windows NT Deployment Tools Can Do lnslall many standard productivily applications. Sta¡dard productivily applications are applicalions like l\,licrosoft Office orany oiher non-sérvice type of applicalion. Inslall the cor6 W¡ndows NT operating system. The core Windows NT operating system consisis of the ñormal ¡tems required du ng Texl Mode and GUI [,4odé setup io achieve a iunctloniñg installation of tho Windows Nf operating system. lnstallthé coré hardware components. Core hardware components include SCSI drivers, display drivers, mouse dñvers, keyboard drivers, and the type of processor used (HAL). lnstallWindows NT BelailServices añd Prolocols. RelailService and Protocols includes items lisléd lñ lhe Services and Protocol sections ol Conlrol Panel Netlvork. lnstallWindows NT Service Packs during lhe insiallaiion process. What M¡crosoft Ylrindows NT Deploymeñt fools Cannot Do . Pre-insiall appl¡calions that run a6 services using ihe Systom Difference Pre-inslallmultÍp¡€ hardware profiles. W¡ndows NT 4.0 supports the us6 of mulliple hardwars proliles. Hardware profiles can oñly be configured using ihe Conirol Panel Systom applét on a compleiely instatt6d Windows Nf 4.0 syslem. Pre"install sound cards. Sound cards cannol be insialled dudng Windows Nf setup. lnstead, sound cards must be installed afl6r Windows Nf 4.0 setup is complete, Pre-install p nlérs. P nlers cannot be jnstalled duriñg Windows Nf setup_ lnstead, printers must be ¡nstalled afterWindows Nf 4.0 setup is complete. lnsta¡lmultiple languagé versions of Windows Nf. Uninstall Windows NT. Windows NT4.0 does not have an uninslall proceduré. To remove Windows NT4.0 on FAT partilion boot from an I!4S-DOS@ disk and run SYS.COIü C: to remove lhe Windows NT boot sector, then delote lhe directories created by Windows NT setup. lJ the syslém is NÍFS you must delete and recreate the pan¡tion lo remove Configure Windows NT Auditing. W¡ndows NT Auditing is an advanced foature otWlndows NT and there is no interface duíng 6éiup forthis option. Coñfigure Wlndows NT Replication. Windows NT Replication is an advanced feature of Windows NT and lhere is no interface during sétup for Guide To Automating Windows NT Serup 9 this oplion. lnstallWindow NT Server l\racinlosh Services orApple Talk Prolocol. Macinlosh Service orApple Talk Prolocol is not an aulomaled part of the product, Manual installalion and configuration is requÍred. lnstall PNPISA drivers. Tools Used with windows NT Dep¡oyment Setup Manager . Crcat¡ñg a Wiñdows NT 4.0 Setup Scr¡pt F¡le {UNATTEND.TXT) Setup Manageris the stafing point for building a basic Windows Nf setup script. Selup [,lanager is localed in the \SUPPOR¡DEPTOOLS\ direclory on ihe Windows NT 4.0 BetailCD. Selup lúanagerdoes not require any special installation procedure. The ut¡lily can be run from ihe CD orcopied io a direclory. Systenr Diffé¡ence Tool: SYSDIFF.EXE The System Diflerence tool eñablss you lo distribute and install applicalions automaiically during or altérWiñdows NT selup. This can significantly reducé deploymenl lime añd costs, lt can be used to record the changes made 10 your system wheñ añ applicatioñ is installed, lor oxamplé capiure those changes in a 'package' and then 'apply" or install the package on anolher system during oralterthe setup process. W¡ndows NT Rog¡stry fools REGEOI|.EXE REGEDIT.ExE is a Windows NT suppl¡ed utilityfor working with the regislry. REGEDIT.EXE is very similar to lhe one provided with wiñdows@ 95. lf you are familjar with the lmporl and Expol features used oflen in Windows 95, lhe same fuñctionalily is provided with Windows NT. See Chapter 5, "Customizing Windows NT" lorexamples of howlo use REGEDIf.EXE with Windows Nf. REGEDTS2,EXE REGEDT32.EXE is a Windows NT suppliéd utilily forwoking with lho rogislry hives. REGEDT32.EXE provides features lhat BEGEDIf.EXE does not. REGEDT32.EXE is used to modilylhe slock registry hive supplied with lh6 Windows NT 4-0 operating system pdorlo installation of Windows NT. See Chapler 5, "Customlzlng Windows N'l-'lor examplos of howio use REGEDT32,EXE, BEGINI,EXE REGINI.EXE is a W¡ndows NT 4.0 Resource Kit ulility, which provides lhe abilily to maké simple rnodificalions to the SYSÍEI\,{ and SOFTWARE registry hives of the Wjndows NT réglstry. REGINI.EXE also provides the abilityto Guide To Automatins Windows NT Setup 10 chang6/apply sécurity to thé registry. BEGtNt.EXE is inctuded with the Windows NT4.0 Besource Kit. See Chapier 5, "Cusiomizing Windows NT"Jor examples of howlo use REGINI.EXE. Client Connectivity Sottware ll you plan lo installW¡ndows NTirom a network distribution poinl on systems with newlyformatted hard drives, ¡t willbe necessarylo build a client diskrhat includes a network client, lfyou have Windows NTSeruer, a ñelworkclientis provided on the windows NT Server retail CD in the \cLIENTS\MSCLIENT directory. The [,{S Clieni can also be downloaded lrom FTP,MICROSOFT,COM, Uvlndows NT Setup: UNNT.EXE and WINHT32.EXE Wiñdows NT includes both a 16-bit and a 32-bit version of seiup. Bolh provide the same basic functional¡ty butthe 32-bit version, WlNNT32.EXE, willonly run on Windows NT and can be used to upgrade an existiñg installalion of MNNT,EXE and WNN|S2,EXE connand llne paruneterc sou¡céparhl I/Tf:liempd¡ivel t/rt:linffilel t/ul:sc¡ipEfilel I f /RIxl :directoryl t/E:coMañdl ITINNT [ /s [: ] /Sllsourcépath Specil¡es th6 sourco localion of Windows NTfiles. Must b6 a full palh of thé form xllpath] or \\serve^sharenpalhl. The default is the currenl directory. /T iempdrive Specifies a driv6lo conlain temporary setup flles. lf not specifiod, seiup will attempl to locále a ddve ior you, /lt:linfr¡le Specilies lheliloname (no path)of the setup informaiion f¡le. The defauli is DOSNET,INF, /B /lJ /R: /RX /E: /w Floppyless operation (requkes /s). Unatlénded operaiion and optional script file (requires /s). Specifies oplionaldireclory to be ¡nsla¡led. Specifies optional direclory to be copied. Specifies commahd lo be executed at lh6 end ol GlJl setup. Used wilh WINNT.EXE only for starting setup from within Windows 3.x o. Windows 95. The /B oplion is disabled in ih¡s mode. Steps to Automating Windows NT Deployment Step I - Build the lvindows NT setup sc pt f¡le (UNATTEND.TXT). Slart by creating a basic windows NT sélup script. You can do ihis by using one of the examples lhal are included orby using the windows NT Selup I\,{anager. Once you havo created and lesled yourbasic scdpl, add ihe moré Guide To Ar¡tomatine Windows NT Setup I I advanced oplions olthe Windows NT setup script. See Chapter2,.The Windows NT Setup Scípl (UNATTEñD.TXT) File" for syntax and parameters and more details on creating your setup script. Also review Chaptor5, "Customizing Windows NT" for information on aulomaling your process beyond whal is possible wiih lhe Windows NT setup script. Step 2 - Bulld pre-¡nstallat¡oñ packages us¡ng the Systeñi Differeñce tool (SYSDIFF.EjXE), Use the System Diflerence loolto automale pre-inslallatioñ of apptications during Windows NT selup. See Chapler4, "Applicalion Pre-lnslallatlon (SYSOIFF.EXE)' for detajls on using lhe Sysiem Difference lool. Step 3 - Greate process to configure machine-spec¡lic info]mation. Crsale a Uniqueness Database (IJDB) filé orcreale machine specific setup script liles for each compuler. You have several options for building a seiup process that includes coñf¡guriñg syslems with machine-specific informaiion wilhout requi ng user inleraction during setup. See Chaplor S, "Conjigufing Machine Specific ln{ormation" tor details. St6p 4 - Build process to automate your distribution method. The finalslep is dislributing the Windows NT source Íiles and any otherfiles to each coñputer. You cañ use a network distribution point, hard driv6 duplicaiion, software distribution tools such as I\ricrosotl Systems ¡ranagement Server or a local dévice such as a CD-ROM. lf you are installing Windows NT on a newly formatled hard drive you will need a bool disklo eiiher access lhe nelwork or possibly access a local device. Building the D¡stribution Server Before begiññing the process of automaling Windows NT setlrp you must build a distribulion server. ln most cases the best distrjbulioñ poinl is a neh,vork server. Meke suré you havé read, write, and change privileges on lh6 nélwork Copy the W¡ndours Nf Source Files To build the disfibution 6eNer, copyWindows NT source files from ihe Windows NT retail CD to your ñetwork server. For Intel and lniel conrpatÍblebased processors copy lhe 1386 dkectory and all of its contents lo your Copy Custom FIIeB Uslng the §OEM! Diréctory Windows NT setup includes a leature that can b€ used to aulomatically copy dilectories, stañdard I\¡S-DOS 8.3 files, and any tools needed foryour aulomaled installalion process, lo the local hard drive during setup. lt is based Guide To Automaring windows NT Serup l2 sfuclure. lf you include lhis directory and your slnJcture ln lhe rool of dislribution point, the files and directoriés willbe copied lo yorJr local hard ddve during Wiñdows NT setup. Th6 pre-defined direclory name is $OE[.4$. lf Windows NT selup finds the on a pre-deflñsd direclory name and $OEM$ directory in lhe root of thé distdbul¡on poiñt, il will copy all o, the tiles found in this direcloryto lhe lerñporary directory created duriñg thé i6xl mode poñion of Windows NTsetup. Note: Altüna vely, use the Awl¡catlon Prehsta ation fool (SYSDIFF.EXE)" to üeate lhe SOEM§ .lireclory slruclu¡e, By using SYSDIFF,EXE to create lhe $oE¡r$ direclory yoüw lé ñlnalethe l¡kel¡hood ol eÍo$ that arc bound lo occurwhen c¡eating lh6 $jEM$ ditactory end subdtecloÍie§ ñanuary, Anet hecause SYSDIFF.EXE also aufu¡nalica y handles long Lneña' you wlll no¡ hava lo crcelelh. necessary §,$RENAnEfxf liles. Fot no¡e ¡hfoñat¡on about SYSDIFF.EXE see Chapler 4, " Appllce on Prc-hstallat¡ott Tool (SYSAFF,EXE).' For ñorc infoñation about lhe §$RENAME.ÍrÍ l¡le see "Convérfing Sho¡t Fibneñes to Long F¡bneñés" latét in this St¡ucture of the Dlstributior tha¡e Po¡nt \<Disir ibution direciory> \$oElvl$ \Textmode \$$ \Net \Disp¡ay \<drive leiter> ' \... \<ddve letier> \<Disir¡but¡on dfector». includes ihe Windows NT source files and the $OEM$ directory\$OEM$ directory lncludes: Thé C¡.4DLINES.TXT file. This is a iext lil6lhal contaiñs commands you wañt to execute duíng windows NT selup. This can be used exlensively to cuslomize yourWindows NT inslallatlon. Details can be lound in chápter 5, "Customizing Windows NT'. Attiiles needed to éxecute any commands included in c[¡DLlNEs.TxT. For example, if you include the lollowing command: SYSDIFF /APPLY /m APPSDIFF.IMU You would copy SYSDIFF.EXE, SYSDIFF.INF añd APPSDIFF.IIIQ to lhe $OE[,]$ dlrectory. \$OEM$\Texhode directory contains the hardware-dependenl files lhal Setup Loader and Text l\,4ode Setup install to the larget compuler. These Guide To Ar¡tomating Windows NT Setup 13 fil6s can include OEI!! HALS, SCSI, keyboard, video, and po¡nting device ddvers, and TXTSETUP.OEIVI, which dire6ts ihe ]oadjng and insta ing of lhesé components. SOEM$\§$ directory contains the syslem fites (new lites or roplacement to reiailfiles) ihat you want to copy io the various §ubdirectories when W¡ndows NT is installed. The structure ot this directory mlrst match lhe §tructure of a siandard Windows Nf ¡nstattation, where \§OEM$\$$ malches \%Windif/o, \$OE[,]$\gg\Sysrém32 maiches \o/óWindif/Asystemsz, and so oñ. Each subdirectory should contain fh6 files that ñeéd lo be copied to the correspond¡ng system diroctory on lhe target machine. This dkecloryshould also contain $SRename.txt, which lisls all f¡les that need lo be renamed, such ás files in 8.3 iormat which musl change to long filename§. Forexample, if you jnsiallWindows NT in a directory named C\WtNNT and file, ,4YBtTI\,tAP.BI\,trP to lhe CIWINNT diroctory, you can copy MYBITMAP.BI\,P iñ the \<Distribution you want setup to copy a cusiom bit map direclorr>\$OEM$\$$ directory. \SOEM$NET direclory contains only subdirectodes, each of which contains lhelilés for a pariicularOEM network componeni (network cards, netwo* services, and nelwork prolocol). Files in this direclory are used by ihe neiwork porlion of Windows NT Selup. \$OEM$\DISPLAY direclory includés f¡les for OEI\,t-supptied video dfivers. \$OEM$\<dr¡vo letter) d¡rectory ¡ncludes anyfites or direciories you want selup to copy to a drive specilied by <drive letteD. This direciory should also conta¡n $$Rename.lxt, which l¡sts allfil6s that need to b6 renamed, such as files in 8.3 format which must change to long filénames, For more informallon see the "Convening Short Filenames lo Long Fitenames' section later iñ lhis chapter. Example: To create a diréctory named \DATA and copy fit€s tothis dir6c1ory on your D ddve, you would create a dkectorywith the followiñg name on your distribution share and copy al¡ ol the files you wani setup to copy in this dkeciory: \<Distribulion dieciory>\$OEM$\D\Data Converting ShoÍt F¡lenames to Long Filenames Tip - l, your MS.DoS lools cannol copy d¡rcclo¡¡es w¡lh palh names longer lhan 64 cháraclers, you cán usé shod f¡lenames for lh6 dlrcclorl63 and then usé $$Bename.lxl lo rcmme them laler. Windows NT selup uses a speciallile, $$Rename.txt, which contains infomation on conveiing shoft f¡lenames lo long lilenames. You cañ create the fíle rnañually using a text oditoror automaticatly by using the Syslem D¡fference Tool ¡n /inf mode. ll you plan to use lhis fité, make sure to ptace it in the diréctory of the distribulion dkectory conta¡ning the fitas that need to be Guide To Automating Windows NT Setup 14 The syntaxlor $$Rename.txi is as followsi lsectio¡,name-11 short_name_1 = "long_narñe_1' short_name_2 ='long_name_2" short name_x = "long_name_x' lsection_name_21 - section_nams_1 and so forth is th6 path to the directory lhai conlains lhe files. A sectioñ can hávé no ñamé, or "l. as a name. ln this case it ¡ndicalés that lh6 soction containslhe nam6 of thelil6s or subdireclo es lhal are on lhe root of the dñvé. shoñ_name_1 and solorlh islhe naméolthefilé orsubdiroclory inlhis d¡rectorylo be renamed. lt musl NOT be enclosed in quotes. long_name_1 and so forth is lhe new name of lhe file or subdirectory. Note that this nam€ should be iñside double quoles ¡f il conlains spaces Sample $$BENAME.TXT N\¡SOl [,llCROS-1.LNK="1üicrosofl PowerPoint Selup.lnk' [4lcROS-2.LNK="¡.4icrosofl PowerPo¡nt.lnk' TEI\,,lPLA-1 ="Templales" [¡,4SO\Otfice\n¡SN] MICBOS-1.MCC="Microsott Access 95 Forum.mcc" MICBOS-2.[ilCC-"lt4icrosoft Excel 95 Forum.mcc" MICBOS-3.[,¡CC='Micrósoft Oflice 95 Fórum.mcc" Using Disk Duplication to D¡stribute Windows NT You can use a disk duplication program or d6vic6 for clean or new iñstallation environñeñts. This method can save time and effoñ in your production line. To us6 this melhod, you musl acquire special equipment or software for duplicating hard disks. To preinstall to multiple x86-based computers: 1. Follow all of the sleps necessary io auiomate a windows NT Deployment, including building your setup scripl, creatiñg packages for applications lhat you want to pre-¡nslall, and any customization olWlndows NT. Testand ve fyyourprocess, These sleps are identicalio lhose used in lhe other G)ide To Automatinc Windows NT Setup l5 methods of d¡stdbuling Windows NTsource fites. 2. Bun Windows NT setup on one cómputer but stop Windows Nf setup at the second reboot, after the text mode portion of setup and beforB the cut mode ponjon of setup. 3. Remove and duplicate lhe had drivo of that computer. 4. lnstalllhe duplicate hard drive in a new machine. 5. Oplionally, follow ihe sleps in Chapter 3, 'Configuñng Machine Specific lnformation" to "Modify the Machine-Specilic Settings Afterthe Character I\,4ode Portion of Windows NT4.0 Setup." 6. Start the new machine. Ai this po¡ntlhe GUI mode portion oÍ setup wil begin. To pre-installto multiple BISc-based computers, you must insta Windows NT on one of lhe computer's hard drives and lhen use ihal d.ive lo pre-inslajl oñ a secoñd drivé. You lhen remove the sscond drive trom the compuler and duplicaie il. Ilole: M¡ctosoft does nol suppot¡ dupl¡catlon ol dtsks ¡t .luplicate.! att the Gul nocl6 poñdn ol Wkd1ws NT Wortíb on 4,0 setup. Using thls rnethod co¡nprcmisesthe 36ct ty ol yout 6ysems. Se¿ 0152001 'Do Not Disk oupticate tnstatle.t Verc¡orÉ ot Winclows NT" in the M¡ctosoll Knowledqe Base ¡ot ¡norc thfofination. Oncé a duplicate hard disk has been insialted jn a target computer, ths computer is reády to complete Windowo NT setup. lnstallation Perfoftnance Cons¡derations Optiñiziñg Cl¡ent Cornectivlty Software The 16-bil Windows NT setup program, WINNf.EXE, is subject to the same conveñtional memory limilalions as any oiher 16-bi1MS-DOS appticalion. f\remory ñañagement and disk caching are jmporiant to énsure the besl performance during the text mode phase of Wiñdows NT Setup. lf possible, use the Microsoft NetBEUl protocol for netwo connectivity. The NelBEUlprolocolis smalland veryfast. Consjderation has to begivenlo ensuré that access to the distibution point does fol requiro crossing a nelwork routerwhen usiñg NetBEUl. lf you w¡sh to use NeiBEU I on a s€gmenled nelwork, the deploymo¡t image can be copied lo a local share poinl on each segmenl. The dlstribulion servercan b6 any machine ihal providés networkjng support. For examplé, a laptop with l\¡icrosoft Windows 95 used as a poriable dislñbufion séruer il desired. lf using Microsoft Client 3.0, ensure thatlhe Change Redirector Option is sél to Use lhe Basic Bedirector. The basic redkeclor provides all standard wo*group functíons. lt also uses less memory añd disk space than the full redireclor. Optiniz¡ng the ChaÉcter Mode Setup Phase Using HIMEMSYS and E¡¡l\,4386.EXE to maxirnize lhe availablé memory and Guide To Automaring Windows NT Setup 16