Subido por Carlos Gutierrez

Nerve Transfers for Brachial Plexus Injuries: Elbow Restoration

Nerve Transfers for Shoulder and Elbow Restoration
After Upper Trunk Brachial Plexus Injuries
Christopher J. Dy and Scott W. Wolfe
PART 1: Double Nerve Transfer to Restore Elbow Flexion
•Injury to the upper trunk of the brachial plexus or musculocutaneous nerve (MCN)
with resultant loss of elbow flexion
•Inadequate recovery of elbow flexion following a minimum of 3 months observation
with serial physical examinations and electromyograms (EMG)
•Intact (at least M4, but ideally M5 strength with normal or near-normal EMG characteristics) strength of donor muscles (flexor carpi radialis [FCR]/pronator and flexor
carpi ulnaris [FCU]/flexor digitorum profundus) (Schreiber et al., 2013)
•Both the biceps and brachialis are targeted for reinnervation to maximize recovery of
elbow flexion.
•Manual muscle testing of elbow flexion, forearm supination, wrist flexion, and extrinsic finger flexion
•Normal or near-normal manual muscle strength of forearm pronation, wrist flexion,
and digital and thumb flexion
•EMG of the biceps and brachialis showing signs of recent denervation (insertional
activity, fibrillations, sharp waves), absence of nascent motor unit potentials, and
discreet or absent motor unit potentials (Schreiber et al., 2013)
•EMG of the FCU, flexor carpi radialis, and flexor digitorum superficialis to ensure
absence of denervation changes and normal/minimally decreased motor unit
•In the context of brachial plexus injuries, computed tomography (CT) myelogram can
be used to evaluate for pseudomeningoceles that would indicate preganglionic root
avulsion injuries. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brachial plexus can also
be used to better characterize the anatomic aspects of injury, although it may not
ultimately change the management plan.
•Lack of healthy donor nerves
•Irreversible denervation atrophy of the biceps
and brachialis muscles
•Lack of familiarity with brachial plexus
anatomy and variations
•Lack of experience with microsurgical
technique for internal neurolysis and nerve
•Delay of greater than 1 year from injury
•Distal avulsion of the biceps OR brachialis
nerve fascicles from the muscle belly (not
an absolute contraindication, but this has
implications for prognosis—less robust
muscle recovery is expected if direct muscle
neurotization is performed)
•Other potential donor nerves used to restore
elbow flexion include intercostal nerves to the
musculocutaneous nerve, spinal accessory
nerve (with an intercalary graft), medial
pectoral nerve, and thoracodorsal nerve
•Nerve grafting (typically with sural nerve
autograft) from an intact spinal nerve root or
the upper trunk to the anterior division of the
upper trunk, lateral cord, or musculocutaneous
•Free functioning gracilis neurovascular muscle
transfer for chronic injuries
•The MCN (C5/C6/C7) is the continuation of the lateral cord of the brachial plexus.
After originating deep to the pectoralis minor, it innervates and pierces the coracobrachialis typically 7–8 cm distal to the acromion and passes between the biceps
and brachialis muscles in the brachium.
•The first motor branch (to the biceps) is 12–13 cm from the acromion. This branch
typically bifurcates to innervate the long and short heads of the biceps. Alternatively,
two or three separate branches to the heads of the biceps may arise from the MCN. A
more distal fascicle to the biceps common belly is sometimes also present (Fig. 41.1).
•The second motor branch (to the brachialis) is typically 5 cm distal to the biceps motor
branch. There is usually a transversely oriented vascular pedicle to the biceps muscle
at the bifurcation point of the brachialis nerve branch from the MCN (Fig. 41.2).
•The preferred donor fascicle from the ulnar nerve contains fibers that primarily innervate the FCU. At this level of the brachium, no fascicle of the ulnar nerve is specific
to a single muscle. Topographically, this fascicle is usually along the anterolateral
quadrant of the ulnar nerve. We use a handheld nerve stimulator to confirm isolation
Descargado para Alexis Studer de Oya ([email protected]) en Mutua de Accidentes de Trabajo y Enfermedades Profecionales de la Seguridad Social de por Elsevier en marzo
31, 2019. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
PROCEDURE 41 Nerve Transfers for Shoulder and Elbow Restoration After Upper Trunk Brachial Plexus Injuries
Median nerve
Ulnar nerve
Ulnar nerve
FIG. 41.2
FIG. 41.1
•If performing nerve transfers for the deltoid
and supraspinatus during the same operative
session, both surgeries can be performed in a
semi-lateral position (on a beanbag) for staged
access to the anterior brachium and posterior
•Palpating the musculocutaneous nerve
deep to the biceps (“rolling it” along the
humerus) can be helpful to localize the initial
intramuscular approach. It is also helpful to
trace the musculocutaneous nerve from distal
to proximal. It is important to stay within the
proximal third of the brachium when starting
this retrograde dissection, as the branch point
for the biceps fascicle is typically halfway
between the acromion and medial epicondyle
and is at risk in a retrograde dissection.
•The transversely oriented vascular pedicle from
the brachial artery to the biceps muscle can be a
helpful landmark to identify the brachialis fascicle
from the musculocutaneous nerve (Fig. 41.3).
•Longitudinally oriented epineural vessels can be
helpful landmarks to identify intraneural cleavage
planes when performing internal neurolysis.
FIG. 41.3
of this fascicle. One or two fascicles can be used, but never more than 20% of the
cross-sectional area of the ulnar nerve can be used.
•The preferred donor fascicle from the median nerve is from the FCR and/or the pronator. Topographically, this fascicle is usually along the anteromedial quadrant of
the median nerve. We use a handheld nerve stimulator to confirm isolation of this
•There are an average of 1826 and 1840 axons in the biceps and brachialis branches
of the MCN, respectively. Within the brachium, there are an average of 1318 axons per fascicle in the ulnar nerve and 1860 axons per fascicle in the median nerve
(Schreiber, 2015).
•Supine positioning with a hand table extension
•General anesthesia without long-acting muscle paralysis (due to the use of a handheld nerve stimulator during case)
•The arm is abducted and the shoulder is externally rotated to provide access to the
medial brachium.
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31, 2019. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
PROCEDURE 41 Nerve Transfers for Shoulder and Elbow Restoration After Upper Trunk Brachial Plexus Injuries
Step 1: Exposure of the Musculocutaneous Nerve
•Longitudinal incision along the medial midbrachial sulcus, beginning at the distal
insertion of the pectoralis major (see Fig. 41.2).
Branches of the medial brachial cutaneous and medial antebrachial cutaneous
nerves are identified, isolated, and protected.
•The fascial plane between the biceps and brachialis muscles is developed, exposing
the MCN.
•The MCN is externally neurolysed, inspecting for the (more proximal) branches to
the biceps and the (more distal) branch to the brachialis. All nerve branches are
traced distally to visualize entrance to their respective muscle bellies, ensuring that
reinnervation will not target the sensory component of the MCN (lateral antebrachial
cutaneous nerve). Absence of function in these target fascicles is confirmed with the
handheld nerve stimulator.
•The target nerve branches are then internally neurolysed to ensure that a tensionfree coaptation can be achieved. In our experience, the biceps fascicle(s) can be
internally neurolysed approximately 5 cm, and the brachialis fascicle can be internally
neurolysed up to 9 cm as needed for appropriate swing distance. Excessive internal
neurolysis is not recommended, as it increases the distance and time to reinnervation.
Step 2: Exposure of the Donor Nerves
•The median nerve is immediately deep to the anterior brachial fascia along the medial
aspect of the biceps and is the most anterior major peripheral nerve in the brachium.
After isolating it from the brachial artery and vein, external neurolysis of the median
nerve is performed. It is recommended that both median and ulnar nerves are identified and stimulated prior to assigning targets and donors. Once the proximal-to-distal
location of the biceps and brachialis fascicles is known, the level of intraneural dissection of the median nerve can be selected. Topographically, the donor fascicles to the
FCR/pronator/FDS are typically on the anteromedial aspect of the nerve. Because anatomic variation and fascicular interconnection are expected, a handheld nerve stimulator is used to confirm a strong and redundant fascicle. Using loupe magnification or
a floor-mounted operating microscope, microsurgical technique is used to isolate the
desired donor fascicle from the remainder of the median nerve (see Fig. 41.1).
•Within the middle third of the brachium, the ulnar nerve is identified as a medial and
posterior structure posterior to the medial intermuscular septum. It must be stimulated
to confirm its identity. It is externally neurolysed, and the level of intraneural dissection
is selected based on location of the recipient nerve branch. Topographically, the donor
fascicle that predominantly innervates the FCU is typically on the anterolateral aspect
of the nerve. Because anatomic variation and fascicular interconnection are expected,
a handheld nerve stimulator is used to confirm the location of the fascicle. Using loupe
magnification or a floor-mounted operating microscope, microsurgical technique is
used to isolate the FCU fascicle from the remainder of the ulnar nerve (see Fig. 41.1).
Step 3: Microsurgical Nerve Coaptation
•The recipient fascicles to the biceps and brachialis are sharply transected proximally
at a level that allows tension-free coaptation to the donor ulnar and median fascicles
(Fig. 41.4).
•Microsurgical technique is used to perform a tension-free nerve coaptation without
fascicular extrusion/eversion or excessive compression of the nerve ends. We prefer
the use of 9-0 OR 10-0 nylon suture (2–3 sutures per coaptation), followed by the
application of fibrin glue (Fig. 41.5).
•The nerve coaptation is inspected in end-range positions of shoulder and elbow motion to note whether additional dissection of the donor or recipient nerve is necessary or whether limitations in postoperative rehabilitation will be needed.
•Hemostasis is obtained, and a drain is placed away from the nerve coaptation sites.
We do not routinely reapproximate the deep fascia. A routine, layered wound closure
is performed.
•Poor initial selection of the plane for dissection
between the biceps and brachialis
•Not visually confirming the insertion of the
target fascicles into the muscle bellies
•Surgical techniques that traumatize the target
•Inexperience with microsurgical dissection
•Targeting the lateral antebrachial cutaneous
nerve component of the musculocutaneous nerve
•Given its anteromedial location, the surgeon
may find it easier to expose the median nerve
before dissecting the musculocutaneous nerve.
•If an avulsion injury of the distal nerve stump
from the muscle belly is encountered, direct
muscle neurotization (implantation of the donor
fascicles directly into the muscle belly) can be
used to reinnervate the target muscle.
•If biceps or brachialis fascicles stimulate briskly
with 0.5 mA with a handheld nerve stimulator,
consider changing to a single fascicle transfer
(instead of a double fascicular transfer).
•Following internal neurolysis and proximal
division of the target fascicles to the biceps and
brachialis, the surgeon can reflect these fascicles
to the median and ulnar nerves to determine the
appropriate location for donor fascicle dissection.
•Always divide the donor nerve distal to the
reflected recipient fascicle with enough length
for a tension-free nerve coaptation.
•Move the elbow through a full range of motion
(ROM) to ensure absence of tension at the
nerve coaptation site.
•Absolute confidence in the selection of donor
fascicles is imperative.
•Lack of robust response to a handheld
nerve stimulator indicates that either the
inappropriate fascicle has been selected or the
planned donor nerve may have been injured.
•Based on our experience, the most common
pairing in the double nerve transfer is FCR
to the biceps and FCU to the brachialis. This
is based on convenient anatomic matching
during dissection. Using the alternative pairing
is unlikely to have any negative effects with
regard to reinnervation or cortical re-education
and sometimes provides a better fascicular
match or technically easier coaptation.
Descargado para Alexis Studer de Oya ([email protected]) en Mutua de Accidentes de Trabajo y Enfermedades Profecionales de la Seguridad Social de por Elsevier en marzo
31, 2019. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
PROCEDURE 41 Nerve Transfers for Shoulder and Elbow Restoration After Upper Trunk Brachial Plexus Injuries
•Tension-free nerve coaptation is an absolute
•Passing the brachialis fascicle deep to the
median nerve (and resting along the brachialis
muscle belly) can be helpful to decrease the
length of neural regeneration.
•Prior to division, both the donor and recipient
nerves should be maximally mobilized to allow
tension-free coaptation. Additional excursion
can be gained after the nerves have been
divided, but it is slightly more challenging.
•Any tension on the nerve coaptation increases
the risk of coaptation rupture and increases
the likelihood of fibrosis that will impede neural
•Excessive compression at the nerve coaptation
(and the resultant fascicular extrusion or
invagination) substantially decreases the
chances of successful neural regeneration and
robust functional recovery.
Median nerve
Branch to FCU
Branch to FCR
transferred to
transferred to
branch to brachialis branch to biceps
Ulnar nerve
FIG. 41.4
•We use a floor-mounted microscope
and microsurgical instruments for nerve
•If only a single donor fascicle is available, we
typically will target the biceps branch to obtain
both active elbow flexion and supination.
•There is variation in surgeon preference for
nerve coaptation technique. Some surgeons
prefer to use fibrin glue to minimize sutures,
while others prefer the use of conduits or
connectors (particularly in the setting of a size
•While not used in our practices, xenograft or
synthetic materials to wrap the nerve ends
following coaptation have been described.
We prefer not to use these materials due to
concern for additional fibrosis and potential
•We begin discussing cortical reeducation with
patients before surgery and emphasize the
importance of beginning to couple the paired
actions on the contralateral side.
•A disengaged patient who does not invest
adequate time and effort for postoperative
therapy will not achieve strong elbow
flexion (M4), although he or she may have a
satisfactory outcome.
FIG. 41.5
•The postoperative drain is typically removed within the first 48 hours of surgery if
there are no signs of hematoma.
•If the pectoralis major has not been detached (and later repaired) for exposure, a
simple shoulder sling is used for the first 3–4 weeks for initial immobilization of the
shoulder and elbow. Active and gentle passive shoulder and gentle passive elbow
motion is started after 4 weeks.
•Once initial signs of muscle reinnervation are present, motor retraining begins. Mirror
training and coupled exercises are a helpful adjunct.
•We expect to see signs of muscle contraction on EMG by 10–12 weeks; clinical evidence of elbow flexor contraction within 24 weeks; and antigravity elbow flexion by
9–12 months (Bhandari and Deb, 2015).
•M4 or M4+ elbow flexion is expected in the majority of patients (>80%) (Liverneaux
et al., 2006; Mackinnon et al., 2005).
Bhandari PS, Deb P. Management of isolated musculocutaneous injury: comparing double fascicular
nerve transfer with conventional nerve grafting. J Hand Surg Am. 2015;40(10):2003–6.
Liverneaux PA, Diaz LC, Beaulieu JY, Durand S, Oberlin C. Preliminary results of double nerve transfer to
restore elbow flexion in upper type brachial plexus palsies. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2006;117(3):915–9.
Mackinnon SE, Novak CB, Myckatyn TM, Tung TH. Results of reinnervation of the biceps and brachialis
muscles with a double fascicular transfer for elbow flexion. J Hand Surg Am. 2005;30(5):978–85.
Schreiber JJ, Byun DJ, Khair MM, Rosenblatt L, Lee SK, Wolfe SW. Optimal axon counts for brachial
plexus nerve transfers to restore elbow flexion. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2015;135(1):135e-41e.
Schreiber JJ, Feinberg JH, Byun DJ, Lee SK, Wolfe SW. Preoperative donor nerve electromyography as
a predictor of nerve transfer outcomes. J Hand Surg Am. 2014;39(1):42–9.
Descargado para Alexis Studer de Oya ([email protected]) en Mutua de Accidentes de Trabajo y Enfermedades Profecionales de la Seguridad Social de por Elsevier en marzo
31, 2019. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
PROCEDURE 41 Nerve Transfers for Shoulder and Elbow Restoration After Upper Trunk Brachial Plexus Injuries
PART 2: Posterior Nerve Transfers to Restore Shoulder
Function After Brachial Plexus Injury
•Injury to the upper (± middle) trunk of the brachial plexus, suprascapular nerve, and/
or axillary nerve.
•Inadequate recovery of shoulder external rotation and/or abduction strength following a period of observation and serial physical examinations and electromyograms
•Glenohumeral subluxation related to weakness/atony of the rotator cuff and deltoid.
•Intact (at least M4, but ideally M5 strength with normal EMG characteristics) strength
of potential donor muscles (upper, middle, and lower heads of trapezius; medial,
long, and lateral heads of triceps).
•Ideally, both the suprascapular nerve and axillary nerve are targeted for reinnervation
to maximize recovery of shoulder stabilization and function (Cardenas-Mejia et al.,
2008; Garg et al., 2011).
•If possible, nerve transfers are selected and performed in a manner that allows direct
end-to-end coaptation (which avoids the use of an intercalary nerve graft; Merrell
et al., 2001).
•Manual muscle testing of shoulder shrug, external rotation in adducted and abducted position, shoulder extension, and shoulder abduction during internal rotation.
Evaluation for dysesthesias, numbness, or allodynia over the lateral cutaneous
branch of the axillary nerve (to assist with injury localization).
•Evaluation of scapular position and rhythm, noting whether winging is present.
•Evaluation of glenohumeral stability.
•EMG of the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and all heads of deltoid showing signs of recent denervation (insertional activity, fibrillations, sharp waves) and
discrete or absent motor unit potentials. Nerve conduction studies (particularly,
compound motor action potentials) may be helpful in identifying whether a focal
point of compression (suprascapular notch or spinoglenoid notch for the suprascapular nerve; quadrangular space for the axillary nerve) is present in the recovering
nerve palsy.
•EMG of the upper, middle, and lower heads of trapezius; medial, long, and lateral
heads of triceps to ensure normal or near normal motor unit recruitment (Schreiber
et al., 2013).
•Computed tomography (CT) myelogram can be used to evaluate for pseudomeningoceles indicating preganglionic root avulsion injuries. MRI of the brachial plexus can also be used to better localize the site of injury, particularly if a
segmental/extended level injury (e.g., root and cord level injuries to the C5 nerve)
is suspected.
•Lack of healthy donor nerves
•Irreversible denervation atrophy of the
supraspinatus, infraspinatus, and deltoid
•Discontinuity of the rotator cuff
musculotendinous unit
•Capsular stiffness and limited passive shoulder
range of motion (ROM)
•Scapulothoracic instability/weakness or serratus
palsy limits the functional gains from restoration
of shoulder abduction and external rotation
•Poorer functional outcomes have been
demonstrated in older patients and those with
longer times from injury-to-surgery
•Lack of familiarity with brachial plexus
anatomy and variations
•Lack of familiarity with microsurgical technique
for intraneural dissection and nerve coaptation
•Partially recovering nerve injury in which muscle
contraction occurs but strength is inadequate.
•Secondary nerve compression at
suprascapular notch or spinoglenoid notch for
the suprascapular nerve; quadrangular space
for the axillary nerve. Decompression at known
areas of potential compression may be helpful
when preoperative imaging or fracture variants
suggest secondary entrapment or when
nascent motor unit potentials are present but
clinical recovery is insufficient.
•In the setting of a partially recovering nerve
injury, reverse end-to-side nerve transfer may
accelerate functional recovery. However, this indication is not widely supported and is not firmly
substantiated by laboratory or clinical research.
•Ipsilateral lower third trapezius tendon transfer
is increasingly recognized as a reliable option
to restore shoulder function. Use of the spinal
accessory nerve for nerve transfer precludes
the use of this procedure.
•The spinal accessory nerve is a powerful neurotizer. Consequently, the brachial plexus surgeon
may choose to leave this donor nerve intact in
case additional surgery (such as a free functioning muscle transfer) is needed in the future.
The spinal accessory nerve enters the posterior cervical triangle posterior to the
proximal apex of the sternocleidomastoid, usually 8–9 cm proximal to the clavicle.
It obliquely courses through the posterior cervical triangle along the anterior surface
of the splenius cervicalis and levator scapulae, heading toward the insertion of the
upper trapezius on the clavicle. During this course, it provides 2–3 branches to the upper trapezius in the supraclavicular fossa. The spinal accessory nerve then continues
along the undersurface of the trapezius muscle, 2 cm inferior to the superior edge of
the muscle. Distal to the clavicle, it continues deep to the trapezius muscle along the
medial border of the scapula, giving terminal muscle branches to the middle and lower
trapezius (Fig. 41.6).
•The upper trunk trifurcates into the suprascapular nerve, posterior division of the
upper trunk, and anterior division of the upper trunk (lateral to medial). The suprascapular nerve’s course is oblique (proximal-medial to distal-lateral) and follows the
Descargado para Alexis Studer de Oya ([email protected]) en Mutua de Accidentes de Trabajo y Enfermedades Profecionales de la Seguridad Social de por Elsevier en marzo
31, 2019. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
PROCEDURE 41 Nerve Transfers for Shoulder and Elbow Restoration After Upper Trunk Brachial Plexus Injuries
•In this chapter, we describe the use of a posterior
approach to perform these nerve transfers
(spinal accessory to suprascapular nerve; triceps
branch to anterior branch of the axillary nerve).
Both these transfers can be performed from an
anterior approach during supraclavicular and
infraclavicular exposure of the brachial plexus.
•Other potential donor nerves used to transfer
to the suprascapular nerve include cervical
motor branches and the phrenic nerve, both of
which require an intercalary nerve graft.
•Other potential donor nerves used to transfer to
the axillary nerve include medial pectoral nerve,
thoracodorsal nerve, and intercostal nerves.
•Nerve grafting from an intact spinal nerve root
or the upper trunk to the suprascapular nerve,
posterior division of the upper trunk or axillary
•Ipsilateral lower third trapezius tendon transfer.
•Contralateral lower third trapezius tendon
•Pedicled latissimus or pectoralis major tendon
•Glenohumeral arthrodesis.
omohyoid muscle to the suprascapular notch, passing deep to the superior transverse (suprascapular) ligament. After providing a branch to the supraspinatus and a
branch to the glenohumeral joint, it travels within the spinoglenoid notch to supply
the infraspinatus (see Fig. 41.6).
•After it exits the triangular interval, the first branch of the radial nerve is to the long
head of the triceps (along the caudal border of the teres major tendon). The long
head branch has a diameter of 2 mm and length of 30 mm. The next branch is typically to the upper-medial head of the triceps, running longitudinally and parallel to
the course of the radial nerve proper. This upper-medial head branch has a diameter
of 1.6 mm and length of 65 mm (Bertelli, 2007; see Fig. 41.6).
•The cutaneous branch of the axillary nerve pierces the deep fascia 9 cm (6–11 cm)
inferior to the posterolateral corner of acromion. This nerve can be traced proximally
to identify the posterior division of the axillary nerve. The anterior and posterior divisions of the axillary nerve arise within the quadrangular space, but they can originate
slightly proximal or distal to the quadrangular space. The teres minor and posterior
deltoid branches are easily identified from the posterior division of the axillary nerve.
The anterior division branch of the axillary nerve was originally targeted for this nerve
Branch of axillary
nerve to teres minor
Axillary nerve
Branch of axillary
nerve to posterior
head of deltoid
Axillary nerve
Branch of axillary
nerve to anterior
head of deltoid
Branch of axillary
nerve to middle
head of deltoid
Cutaneous branch
of axillary nerve
Lateral head
Nerve to
medial head
Infraspinatus Teres
Nerve to
lateral head
Nerve to
long head
FIG. 41.6
Descargado para Alexis Studer de Oya ([email protected]) en Mutua de Accidentes de Trabajo y Enfermedades Profecionales de la Seguridad Social de por Elsevier en marzo
31, 2019. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
PROCEDURE 41 Nerve Transfers for Shoulder and Elbow Restoration After Upper Trunk Brachial Plexus Injuries
transfer to maximize motor recovery of the anterior and middle heads of the deltoid.
However, many surgeons prefer to transfer to the entire axillary nerve or to both the
anterior division and the teres minor branch to restore both abduction and external
rotation (Khair et al., 2016; see Fig. 41.6).
•At the levels accessed for the posterior nerve transfer, the axonal counts for the spinal accessory nerve and the suprascapular nerve are 1300–1600 and 3500, respectively. The axon counts for the branches to the long and medial heads of the triceps
are 2302 and 2198, respectively. The axon count in the anterior branch of the axillary
nerve is 4052 (Khair et al., 2016).
•Prone positioning with the ipsilateral shoulder and arm included in sterile field
•General anesthesia without long-acting muscle paralysis (due to the use of a handheld nerve stimulator during case)
•The arm is rested on a sterile Mayo stand in an adducted position or flexed at the
elbow over a padded bolster.
•The scapular spine, medial scapular border, posterolateral corner of the acromion,
and vertebral midline are used as surface anatomy landmarks. The distal spinal accessory nerve courses just midline to the medial border of the scapula, approximately 40% of the distance between the thoracic spine and the posterolateral corner of
the acromion. The suprascapular notch is present at approximately half the distance
between the medial border of the scapula and the posterolateral corner of the acromion (Fig. 41.7).
•A 7–8-cm transverse incision is made 2–3 cm cephalad to the scapular spine, allowing exposure of both these landmarks (Fig. 41.8).
•A longitudinal incision from the soft spot of the quadrangular space and along the
midline of the posterior proximal brachium is utilized for exposure of the quadrangular space and triangular interval.
•A sterile bump/support is placed under the
anterolateral acromion.
•Bony landmarks are palpated and marked with
indelible ink prior to sterile prep and draping.
•Dilute epinephrine solution (1:200,000) is
infiltrated into the planned skin incisions prior
to the sterile prep and draping.
•The sterile prep and draping includes the
vertebral midline and posterior aspect of the
•Semilateral decubitus positioning on a
beanbag can be used for the posterior
approach to the axillary nerve. This is
particularly useful if additional nerve transfers
to address elbow flexion and/or serratus
anterior palsy are planned, but this may make
the posterior approach to the suprascapular
and spinal accessory nerves more challenging.
Step 1: Exposure of the Suprascapular Nerve
•A transverse skin incision just cephalad to the superior border of the scapula is created. The upper trapezius fibers are split in line with the skin incision to expose the
fascia of the supraspinatus muscle and the superior border of the scapula (Fig. 41.9,
and see also Fig. 41.8).
•As the supraspinatus muscle is typically atrophied, there is no reason to incise its
fascia or mobilize it from the suprascapular fossa.
•The superior border of the scapula is palpated from medial to lateral toward the base
of the coracoid. The suprascapular notch is immediately adjacent to the coracoid
base and can be palpated as a depression in the superior border of the scapula. The
suprascapular ligament spans the notch.
FIG. 41.8
FIG. 41.7
FIG. 41.9
Descargado para Alexis Studer de Oya ([email protected]) en Mutua de Accidentes de Trabajo y Enfermedades Profecionales de la Seguridad Social de por Elsevier en marzo
31, 2019. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
PROCEDURE 41 Nerve Transfers for Shoulder and Elbow Restoration After Upper Trunk Brachial Plexus Injuries
•Absolute hemostasis and a headlamp are
necessary for exposure.
•It may be easier to identify the spinal
accessory nerve before the suprascapular
nerve. In either case, proceed cautiously near
the medial border of the scapula and use
a handheld nerve stimulator to assist with
identification of the spinal accessory nerve.
•Avoid making the skin incision directly over the
scapular spine or mobilizing the supraspinatus
muscle, as notch exposure becomes difficult and
may lead to injury of the suprascapular nerve.
•Inadequate visualization can lead to damage
to the suprascapular artery or veins, bleeding
that is difficult to control, and potential thermal
injury to the suprascapular nerve.
•Improper surgical technique can traumatize
the target fascicles.
•The spinal accessory nerve is typically
accompanied by vasa nervorum. We have
found it helpful to use a surgical ligaclip
when dividing the nerve distally. The nerve
end is then re-cut using a scalpel prior to
microsurgical coaptation.
FIG. 41.10
•Blunt dissection using a Kittner/peanut sponge over the suprascapular notch assists in
exposing the suprascapular ligament. Care must be taken when bluntly dissecting to expose and protect the suprascapular vessels during this maneuver. They may be ligated
with silk sutures as needed during the exposure. Rarely, the supraspinatus branch from
the suprascapular nerve may overlay the suprascapular ligament. Often, the suprascapular nerve is not visualized until the suprascapular ligament is divided (Fig. 41.10).
•Following exposure of the suprascapular ligament, a right-angled (Mixter) clamp is
inserted beneath the ligament and gently swept to clear adhesions. A vessel loop
may be passed as necessary. The suprascapular ligament is divided under direct
visualization using a long-handled scalpel.
•The suprascapular nerve is mobilized under loupe magnification back to the level of
the clavicle and its origin from the upper trunk to allow maximal excursion for nerve
coaptation. If there is suspicion for a secondary point of compression at the spinoglenoid notch, the nerve may be traced distally and decompressed.
Step 2: Exposure of the Spinal Accessory Nerve
•Lack of robust response to a handheld
nerve stimulator indicates that either the
inappropriate fascicle has been selected or the
planned donor nerve may have been injured.
•Prone or lateral decubitus positioning over a
bolster is optimal.
•Deep cerebellar retractors between the
posterior deltoid and lateral head of the triceps
are helpful for exposure.
•Early identifying and tracing of the cutaneous
branch facilitates dissection of the axillary nerve.
•A headlight is critical in facilitating deep
•If nascent motor unit potentials are present in
the teres minor and posterior deltoid, a single
transfer to the anterior division of the axillary
nerve should be performed.
•Inadequate knowledge of the anatomy of the
axillary nerve
•Careful dissection about the posterior humeral
circumflex vessels is required to avoid vascular
injury, difficulty with hemostasis, and nerve injury.
•At the level of the superior border of the scapula and near its medial edge, the trapezius is gently spread in line with its fibers until the nerve is identified running along
its anterior face. Meticulous hemostasis, loupe magnification, and use of a handheld
nerve stimulator are essential. The course of the spinal accessory nerve is dissected
parallel to the scapular border within its protective fat. The nerve is traced until its
branching points to generate sufficient length for transfer (Fig. 41.11).
•Following exposure of both donor and recipient nerves, the suprascapular nerve
is divided first to identify the necessary length of the donor. The spinal accessory nerve is dissected proximally and distally to maximize excursion and then is
divided sufficiently distal to enable tension-free coaptation to the suprascapular
nerve (Fig. 41.12).
Step 3: Exposure of the Axillary Nerve
•We first describe exposure of the axillary nerve, but some surgeons may prefer to
expose the radial nerve first.
•A 15–20-cm posterior midline incision is made from the posterior “soft spot” over the
quadrangular space to the mid-humerus. The fat is divided with electrocautery down
to the fascia of the lateral and long heads of the triceps. Proximally, blunt dissection
is performed along the posterior deltoid fascia to identify the cutaneous branch of
the axillary nerve approximately 8–9 cm distal/interior to the posterolateral corner of
the acromion. This cutaneous branch is looped and traced proximally to the axillary
nerve in the quadrangular space.
•The fascial plane between the posterior head of the deltoid and the lateral head of
the triceps is bluntly developed to expose the quadrangular space, and hemostasis
is critical to avoid damage to the branches of the axillary nerve.
•Deep in the quadrangular space and posteromedially, the teres minor branch exits
as the first branch from the posterior division of the axillary nerve. The posterior division of the axillary nerve then divides into the branch to the posterior deltoid and the
Descargado para Alexis Studer de Oya ([email protected]) en Mutua de Accidentes de Trabajo y Enfermedades Profecionales de la Seguridad Social de por Elsevier en marzo
31, 2019. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
PROCEDURE 41 Nerve Transfers for Shoulder and Elbow Restoration After Upper Trunk Brachial Plexus Injuries
FIG. 41.11
FIG. 41.12
•We do not routinely target the posterior branch
of the axillary nerve, as shoulder extension is
not a high-priority function. We do, however,
target the nerve to teres minor, since transfer
of the suprascapular nerve is generally
inadequate to restore strong external rotation.
Double nerve transfers for shoulder function
have been demonstrated to provide superior
clinical outcomes (Bertelli and Ghizoni, 2010;
Khair et al., 2016; Merrell et al., 2001).
•We do not perform sensory nerve transfers to
reinnervate the skin supplied by the cutaneous
branch of the axillary nerve.
cutaneous branch. A loop may be placed around the posterior axillary division. The
lateral tendinous edge of the lateral head of the triceps can be divided to gain more
proximal access to the axillary nerve.
•The anterior division of the axillary nerve innervates the middle and anterior heads of
the deltoid. Using loupe magnification, the anterior division is internally neurolysed from
the remainder of the axillary nerve and a vessel loop is placed around it. A nerve stimulator is used to confirm absence of contraction prior to performing the nerve transfer.
Step 4: Exposure of the Triceps Branches from the Axillary Nerve
•The raphe between the lateral and long heads of the triceps is identified and bluntly
separated down to the humerus. Medium or large sharp self-retaining (Weitlaner)
retractors are used to help gain exposure. The radial nerve is visualized in the spiral
groove and traced proximally to where it passes deep to the tendon of the teres major in the triangular space. The medial head branch of the triceps is deep/anterior to
the radial nerve proper along the humerus.
•The branches to the long head of the triceps and upper-medial head of the triceps
are identified. The long head branch exits from the medial aspect of the nerve deep
to the teres major and runs slightly obliquely, entering the long head just distal to the
teres major tendon. The upper-medial head branch exits at the level of the latissimus
dorsi tendon anteriorly and typically runs in the spiral groove, longitudinal and deep
to the radial nerve proper. The lateral head branches run obliquely from the lateral
aspect of the radial nerve.
•The donor branch is selected based on surgeon preference and excursion of the dissected branch (Khair, 2016). A handheld nerve stimulator is used to confirm health of
the donor nerve.
Step 5: Microsurgical Nerve Coaptation
•The recipient fascicles to the suprascapular nerve and the anterior branch of the
axillary nerve are sharply transected proximally at a level that allows tension-free
coaptation to the donor spinal accessory nerve and triceps branch, respectively (Fig.
41.13 and see also Fig. 41.12).
•Microsurgical technique is used to perform a tension-free nerve coaptation without
fascicular extrusion/eversion or excessive compression of the nerve ends. We prefer
the use of 9-0 OR 10-0 nylon suture (2–3 sutures per coaptation), followed by application of fibrin glue (Figs. 41.14 and 41.15).
•Just prior to performing the coaptation, the aligned nerve ends are observed during end-range positioning of shoulder motion to note whether additional dissection
of the donor or recipient nerve is necessary or whether limitations in postoperative
rehabilitation are needed.
•Hemostasis is obtained and a drain is placed away from the nerve coaptation sites
as needed. We do not routinely reapproximate the deep fascia. A routine, layered
wound closure is performed.
•The deltoid tuberosity can be a useful bony
landmark for localizing the radial nerve: at this
location, the radial nerve courses obliquely along
the spiral groove. It is generally easiest if the
radial nerve is traced proximally from this point.
•Subtotal division of the teres major tendon and
gentle neurolysis of the donor branch from the
radial nerve can be used to gain additional donor length, especially for the long head branch,
which almost always has sufficient length and
girth to coapt to the entire axillary nerve.
•It is often easiest to join the long head branch
from the triceps directly to the entire axillary
nerve. Using all branches to the long head and
coapting them to the axillary nerve when cut deep
in the quadrangular space provides an excellent
size match, double innervation, and adequate
length without tension (Bertelli, 2010; Colbert and
Mackinnon, 2006).
•If multiple branches of the spinal accessory
nerve are harvested, they can be coapted with
fibrin glue and trimmed into a single cable with
a nerve cutting device.
•Addition of a sub-branch of one of the other two
triceps heads does not weaken the triceps in a
clinically apparent way and provides the advantage of additional axonal input (Khair, 2016).
•The medial head branch is the longest branch
and will always reach the target nerve.
•Divide the axillary nerve before dividing the donor
nerve to identify appropriate donor length—this
can be measured using a vessel loop.
•Inadequate preparation or proximal neurolysis
of a donor branch leads to insufficient excursion
and excessive tension on the nerve coaptation.
•Partial C7 injuries can compromise the
function and strength of the triceps. Generally,
the triceps gains strength with time. Recovery
can be tracked with serial EMG’s.
•The lateral head of the triceps may receive
innervation from C5/C6, so its use as a donor
in these injury patterns is cautioned.
•If C7 is severely damaged, alternative sources
for transfer to the axillary nerve (thoracodorsal,
intercostal, or medial pectoral nerves) are
Descargado para Alexis Studer de Oya ([email protected]) en Mutua de Accidentes de Trabajo y Enfermedades Profecionales de la Seguridad Social de por Elsevier en marzo
31, 2019. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
PROCEDURE 41 Nerve Transfers for Shoulder and Elbow Restoration After Upper Trunk Brachial Plexus Injuries
•A headlamp facilitates deep dissection
•Medium or large sharp self-retaining retractors
•Cerebellar retractors
•Nerve-cutting instrument set
•There is no consensus as to which branch of
the triceps should be used as a donor for this
nerve transfer. The advantage of the long head
branch is the higher axon count, while the
disadvantages are a slightly shorter excursion
and a theoretical loss of a secondary function of
the long head (assisting in shoulder adduction/
brachiothoracic pinch). This issue may be more
important if the thoracodorsal nerve and medial
pectoral nerves are also both injured, which is
uncommon in upper trunk injuries.
•The advantages of the medial head branch are
the greater excursion (6 cm) and the redundancy
of innervation to the medial head of the triceps
(there is also a lower-medial head branch). The
lower axonal counts in the medial head branch
can be overcome if multiple branches are
harvested for transfer (Khair, 2016).
FIG. 41.13
FIG. 41.14
Axillary nerve
•Tension-free nerve coaptation is an absolute
•We prefer reinforcement of the nerve coaptation
with fibrin glue.
•Prior to division, both the donor and recipient
nerves should be maximally mobilized to allow
tension-free coaptation. Additional excursion
can be gained after the nerves have been
divided, but it is more challenging and can be
traumatic to the cut nerve end.
•Any tension on the nerve coaptation increases
the risk of coaptation rupture and increases
the likelihood of fibrosis that impedes neural
•Excessive compression at the nerve coaptation (and the resultant fascicular extrusion
or invagination) substantially decreases the
chances of successful neural regeneration and
robust functional recovery.
•Use of a compromised donor from C7 diminishes outcome.
•High body mass index (BMI) and advanced
age are poor prognosticators for postoperative
strength and range of motion (Lee, 2012).
•Denervation of serratus anterior (seen in upper
trunk extended injury patterns) portends a
worse prognosis due to scapular instability.
Additional nerve transfers to reinnervate the
serratus anterior should be considered.
FIG. 41.15
Descargado para Alexis Studer de Oya ([email protected]) en Mutua de Accidentes de Trabajo y Enfermedades Profecionales de la Seguridad Social de por Elsevier en marzo
31, 2019. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.
PROCEDURE 41 Nerve Transfers for Shoulder and Elbow Restoration After Upper Trunk Brachial Plexus Injuries
•An ace-wrapped shoulder spica soft dressing is used for 48 hours until the drains are
•The drain is typically removed within the first 48 hours of surgery if there are no signs
of hematoma and there is less than 25 mL of output for two consecutive shifts.
•A simple shoulder sling is used for the first 3–4 weeks for initial immobilization of
the shoulder and elbow. Active and gentle passive shoulder motion is started after
4 weeks. In this context, there is no advantage to earlier motion unless there is a
preexisting capsular contracture or acute trauma to the shoulder capsule.
•Once initial signs of muscle reinnervation are present, motor retraining begins. Mirror
training and coupled exercises are a helpful adjunct.
•Following this set of nerve transfers, at least M3 shoulder abduction and external
rotation is expected in 70%–80% of patients, with mean abduction of 110–125 degrees (Bertelli, 2004; Leechavengvong, 2006).
•Patients with partial C7 injury have worse outcomes (Bertelli, 2010).
Bertelli JA, Ghizoni MF. Nerve root grafting and distal nerve transfers for C5-C6 brachial plexus injuries.
J Hand Surg Am. 2010;35(5):769–75.
Bertelli JA, Ghizoni MF. Reconstruction of C5 and C6 brachial plexus avulsion injury by multiple nerve
transfers: spinal accessory to suprascapular, ulnar fascicles to biceps branch, and triceps long or
lateral head branch to axillary nerve. J Hand Surg Am. 2004;29(1):131–9.
Bertelli JA, Santos MA, Kechele PR, Ghizoni MF, Duarte H. Triceps motor nerve branches as a donor or
receiver in nerve transfers. Neurosurgery. 2007;61(5 Suppl 2):333–8; discussion 338-9.
Cardenas-Mejia A, O’Boyle CP, Chen KT, Chuang DC. Evaluation of single-, double-, and triple-nerve
transfers for shoulder abduction in 90 patients with supraclavicular brachial plexus injury. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2008;122(5):1470–8.
Colbert SH, Mackinnon S. Posterior approach for double nerve transfer for restoration of shoulder function in upper brachial plexus palsy. Hand (N Y). 2006;1(2):71–7.
Garg R, Merrell GA, Hillstrom HJ, Wolfe SW. Comparison of nerve transfers and nerve grafting for traumatic upper plexus palsy: a systematic review and analysis. J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2011;93(9):819–
Khair MM, Schreiber JJ, Rosenblatt L, Byun DJ, Lee SK, Wolfe SW. Axon counts yield multiple options
for triceps fascicular nerve to axillary nerve transfer. J Hand Surg Am. 2016;41(11):e405–10.
Lee JY, Kircher MF, Spinner RJ, Bishop AT, Shin AY. Factors affecting outcome of triceps motor branch
transfer for isolated axillary nerve injury. J Hand Surg Am. 2012;37(11):2350–6.
Leechavengvongs S, Witoonchart K, Uerpairojkit C, Thuvasethakul P, Malungpaishrope K. Combined
nerve transfers for C5 and C6 brachial plexus avulsion injury. J Hand Surg Am. 2006;31(2):183–9.
Merrell GA, Barrie KA, Katz DL, Wolfe SW. Results of nerve transfer techniques for restoration of shoulder and elbow function in the context of a meta-analysis of the English literature. J Hand Surg Am.
•We use a floor-mounted microscope and
microsurgical instruments for nerve coaptation.
•We use a nerve-cutting instrument to freshen
the nerve ends prior to coaptation.
•While not used in our practices, xenograft or
synthetic materials to wrap the nerve ends
following coaptation have been described. We
prefer not to use these materials due to concern
for additional fibrosis and potential ischemia.
•We begin discussing cortical re-education with
patients before surgery and emphasize the
importance of beginning to couple the paired
actions on the contralateral side.
•Scapular stabilization is essential to functional
success after reinnervation of the rotator cuff
and deltoid. This can be accomplished through
strengthening of the intact periscapular
muscles, preservation of the upper trapezius,
or addition of a supplemental nerve transfer
(thoracodorsal or intercostal nerves) to target
the long thoracic nerve.
•A disengaged patient who does not invest
adequate time and effort for postoperative
therapy will not achieve strong shoulder
function, although he or she may have a
satisfactory outcome.
•Noncompliance with postoperative restrictions
can disrupt the repair, which cannot be
diagnosed postoperatively.
Descargado para Alexis Studer de Oya ([email protected]) en Mutua de Accidentes de Trabajo y Enfermedades Profecionales de la Seguridad Social de por Elsevier en marzo
31, 2019. Para uso personal exclusivamente. No se permiten otros usos sin autorización. Copyright ©2019. Elsevier Inc. Todos los derechos reservados.