DRAUGHT SURVEYS A GUIDE TO GOOD PRACTICE by W J DIBBLE Master Mariner, B.Sc, MllMS, MNI, MRIN P MlTCHELL Master Mariner, B.Sc, MIIMS, MNI This guide is designed to help Surveyors and Masters worldwide ensure that draught surveys are carried out as accurately as possible in the prevailing conditions. It recommends procedures and formulas for every circumstance likely to be encountered. The UN/ECE DRAUGHT SURVEY FORMS have been included in an effort to achieve standardisation throughout the industry. rim Dibble and Peter Mitchell, of MID-C Consultancy, have produced another publication on Draught Surveying which deals fully with the prinCiples involved and the reasons behind the various corrections and methods. This Loss Prevention Guide makes no pretence at delving deeply into the subject It does, however, provide an outline, showing all the methods and corrections for. a Draught Survey to be carried out to the required accurdCy. The North of England P&l Club is a leading international mutual marine liability insurer with over 11 CXXl CXXl GRT of entered shipping. The provision of sound, practical advice 10 ilS Sbi(H>wner Member~ has been part of the service ~iDCC ilS founding in 1860. The accurate measurement of dry bulk cargoes by the vessel can minimize considerably the risk of shortage claims and disputes. This practical guide to carry out a good accurate draught survey is continuing in the tradition of The North of England P&l Club in assisting their Shipowner Members 10 minimi7-C their risk exposure and is the second in a series of loss prevention guides. The first guide covered "Steel Preshipment Surveys" and other relevant publications circulated by the Club include "Signals", Loss Prevention Quarterly and "The Master's Role in Collecting Evidence" published by The Nautical Institute. £18 ISBN 0 9521164 1 3 MID-C Consultancy Published by MlD-C Consultancy All rights reserved. No part of" this publication. other than the enclosed UN Forms, may he reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any meallS, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or 01 herwise, wi thout the written consent of the Publisher. Copyright (c;) ~!nD-C Consultancy and the Norrh of England P&l Association Ltd. 1994 Reprinted 1998 ISBN 095211641 3 Authors: Jim Dibble, Peter Mitchell and The North of Eng\:J.nd P&l Association T.td Printed and bound in the UK This puhlication i5 intended to provide guidance in conducting a Draught Survey. While every effort has heen made to ensure practical and reasonable recommendations, the Authors arc not liable fi)r the conseqllences of implementing or attempting to implement these recommendations. LOSS PREVENTION GUIDE DRAUGHT SURVEYS A GUIDE TO GOOD PRACTICE W J DIBBLE MASTER MARINER H.Se MIIMS MNI MRIN P MITCHELL MASTER MAlUNER B.Sc MIIMS MNl and THE NORTH OF ENGLAND PROTECTING AND INDEMNITY ASSOCIATION LIMITED MID-C CONSULTANCY Contents . Intro d uctlon ...... ".""" .. , l1li" l1li. l1li l1li" ••••••••••••••• " ••••••••••••••••••• " . .IV Practical Procedure ..... "...................................... ".. 1 Information Required ........... "............................... 8 Data r-.1anual For Dnl\lphl ,., Surveys . .......................................... H . H yd rnslalic Particulars ............................................................. 9 Deadweig'ht or Displacement Scale ........................................ 11 Capacity Plan and Tables ....................................................... 11 Soullding Tahles ..................................................................... J '2 Correction Tables and Diagrams ........................................... 1 ~ Plalls ........................................................................................ 14 Lightship ................................................................................. 14 Assessment of Underwater Volume .................... 16 General Draugh 1 1\1 casu remenl ............................................. 1() Draught Measuring Erjllipmcnl ............................................. 17 Draught Reading on Outbuard Side ...................................... 18 Draught Gauges ...................................................................... ::!() ,S·quat ....................................................................................... 9(' _) Currectioll of' Dr;H1ghts to Perpendiculars and Midships ..... '21 COlTenion ror List .................................................................. 26 Hull lk!1ection or Ho!! and Sag ............................................ 26 t_ l) Correctiuns i(n- 'I'rim .............................................................. 30 Density .................................................................................... :~3 .. 11 Assessment Summary ............................................................. :~7 Deductibles ........ ,. ................................................. 38 Soundings and UlIages ........................................................... 38 Salnpling ................................................................................. 39 'i~' ' . .................................................................... J'19 rUlI (',orrectlons Liquid Slop Tallks .................................................................. ,11 l\1ixt llres .................................................................................. 42 Residue in C()mpartments ...................................................... 4~ Anchors and C:ahles ................................................................ 4~~ Addirional pacto!'s .................................................................. ,1,1 Glossary ................................................................ 45 Appendices .......................................................... 49 Eguipment Check List ............................................................ ,19 Check l.ist of'Reservations ..................................................... '\ ~j information Check List .......................................................... 50 Correct iOlls CIH:ck I.i::it ........................................................... 51 l'vletric!I m pcrial Conversions ................................................. 32 Index .................................................................... 54 ACKNO\"ILEDG EMENTS: The authors would like to thank the following I~)r their assistalln;: '" Commander T Lillt:y of tht: Intcrnational I nstit1.ltt: of \ilarinc Surveyors, Captain D C reen for his mcticulous work on the original sui pt. Captain R Ward. Captain P Coomhs. " . III Captain Y A.ysuna. INTRODUCTION The purpose of a draught sun'ey is 10 determine the amount of cargo loaded or discharged for the bendit of all the interested parties, A well·conducted draught survey of a larg'c vessel should achieve accuracy 10 wit hill O.!jl)(, The survev must be conducted I1lctint\ously. raking imo accolll1l all the prevailing circulllsta;1Ces, Thc lillal rcp0!l should illmrporate every aspecL and diHicuity which has been encou111cred ill order 1.0 cOll\'er all aspects or tlte sun'ey, \Vhile draught sur\'cys Illay be carried ollL b)' professional surveyors, Ihe ship's ollicers should also }Jerlorm a draught surn:y t() the sallle deg-rec of accuracy, Tt is hoped that this ~ui(k will assist in achieving' the required stalldards, DRAUGHT SURVEY The draught survey is the "hcfrll'e and after" surH::Y. ",hich determines. hy meaSllrcmelll. the \Tssd's displacement hefore and alter loadillg ur discharging. Tlte uifIerence between these tW() displacemems is the weig'ht u('carg'O loaued or discharg-cd, DEADWEIGHT SURVEY L'nder certain rin:ulllst(lnCcs. the sur\'eyor or ship's ulIicer may have no choice hill ht: restricted to carryillg uut a deau\\'eight survcy, The weights of all lIIeasurable nOl1-carg'O elemeJ1ls OIl Ihe vessel ;IlT determinecl: blinkers, /i'esh wall~r, ballast. stures etr. These are IhCIl addt:d tu the light displacemenl (including any lightship constant). Thi1i total is then dcdw:ted lium the prt:sem displacement tu procluce Ihe approximate weight of cargo on hoard, UN/ECE DRAUGHT SURVEY CODE FORMS These fill'lIIS ha\'e iJeen included atlhe hack of this hook, They are rllt: work of the Lnited l'\ations F.nll1()lllic Commission t<J]' Europe, the Coal Working Party of the Encrgy COlIlmillee. which pmduct:d lhe COr/I' of IIUi/lJl'lIl S/{/l1d(JHI~ fi/lrl f}I'OCI'dult'sfin Iht' jJI'I/imnall(1' dmllgli.1 SI/Fi't'yS I{ ('/Jul I'rlIg()l's. The Working Part)' recollllllcnd thc IISC oftlit: liJl'lllS in order to achie\'e IIniforlnil.v aIld consistency in drallght sur\'eys. su a\'uidin~ Iht: dislTepancies which gin:, rise to cOJlIllIt:rci~1 disputcs, 4 The forms have been /i'eely given, so that all su rwyors and ship's ol1iccrs may photocopy and Ll1ie tht:lJJ as a standard [ormat throllg'holl! the industry. 1\' PRACI'ICAL PROC:EDURE Jr is impossible to cover every coIH:ei\'able problem likely ro be encountered when carrying- out a draught survey. Ships and ports vary so much rh.It there will alway~ he rhe unforeseen circumstances ,,'hich will require an oll-the-spOI decision. These not.es and steps to be taken, gi\'e only a broad approach to the slIbject There is howe\'er, n() slIbstitutl' for experience. An inaccurate sun'ey may result in collsiderable expense [0 several partics, therefore it. shollld be conducted cardully alld aCCllraldy. Bcing- well prepared alld having su!Iicicllllilllc will all()w the survey to be conduCled correctly, It may not appear expedient to delay the ship in order to colllplete the drauglll survey properly, but it could save 1II0lley in Ihe IOllg lerrn, This decision must lie with t.he \(ast.er, hO\\'cYlT careflll preparation could reduce these delays to a 111111 IlllllIII, All parties should work together Il)r a unanilllous rcsult. the established by illspenioll and lIot by verbal agreemem. j~lCrs should be 1. The ship and ship's staff must be prepared for the survey. Shore surveyors must be ready for the ship's arrival. Prior to arrival The ~hip should be asked tu prepare lill' Ihe draught survey, The iJallast tanks shoulrllw adjusted to a I(,\,et co\'ered IJ\' the sounding tables, lL should be remembered thalllllltanks Gill be pressed LLp lllll slill retain air puckl'lS alld also il call he difficllh 10 estahlish that a r(lnk is completely t'lIlJlly without visual inspection. llallast holds, (main earg-o holds used IlJl' ballast) should be ClIIpl}' of ballasL un arrival al the l()ading porI, if Jlossihle, Thc vcssel sho1lld aITi\'(:' with a sale lrim. ~lIiLable ii.lr the Ilavigation to eIller port and wirhin rhe limits of trim covered Iw the trim UJlTeCliolls of the sounding tables. The vessel shollld alTin~ in all lIJlrig-ht conditioll, Staff, doclInwntarion and eqllipmenl should be ready on the arrival of the ship. There shollld he no m(wemell( of ballast. fi-esh water, bunkers or cargo and hatches, cranes ami moorings until all Il\CaSLIITlIlcnts are takcn and agreed by surveyurs and ship's ollic('rs, The prudelll surveyor will han: oiJsCI'\'ed the shore side drallghts hefore iJoarding as these can be used to indicate any changes. See photograph of the tools of the draught surveyor Oil page 35 and equipment check list on page 49. 2. Examine the ship's documentation and discuss the ship's present condition Documentation and information Surveyors and ship's officers should discllss doulITlelltation details and the location and state or all compartments. The instruction pa~es of the stability information book and calibralion tables should be studied and a check made or the tank capacities with the capacity plan. [t should be remembered thal the pOrl and starboard tanks may not be the same and consequently ha\'e separate calihration lables. The base lor measurement of vertical heiRhts, the rcferenCl: point 101' longitudintll measurements, the units and the sign com'clltions used in the tables must all be verified. The units used in the correction tables should also be carefully noted bccausc there is sometimes a mixture 01 units and sign convcntions contained within the samc documentation. The whole survcy should be conducted using the units of the ship and the final result changed 1.0 a suitablc unit, if necessary. \Vhell feel and inches are the standard unit. convert to feel and decimals or a loot 101' the ml1\'cll ienn: or a calculator. The hill sounding deplhs of" I.anks, lhe summer draught and freeboard ancl the record of recent tank sOllndinl!s should be noted. If a bunker survey is not to be carried out, the chief engineer's bunker fi!:,I'lues (fuel oil, diesel oil and lubrication oil) are required, also the daily port consumption quantities. Should any bunker or stores be delivered during the stay then the delivery notes must be sighted for the additional quantities to he included in the final survey. The draught survey is only interested in changes in the bunkers on board, that is consumption and deliveries. The position of the anchors shoulcJ be checked, should any all.erations be proposed dllring the Slay then {he weight of the anchors and cables should be determined. The ship's stair and slIrvcyors should work toRether 1hroughollt. See inlormat.ion chcck list. on page 50. 2 3. Take accurate overboard water samples and draughts Density Using a sample bucket take samples from half draught depths from at least two positions on the ofI-;hore and the onshore sioe, a\"oiding the oischarges, stagna m waler between ship andjeuy and outfall areas. Take samples of ahout one litre and do 1\(11. mix the sampl('s. Rinse out lhe hucket alld the sample jar with the first sample of water. Take the density readings promptly, protecting I he sample jar from the wind and direct sunlight. Hold the hydrometer wrtically by the lOp of the stem and gently lower inlo the sample until it !loals freely. Take the hydrometer reading where the overall level liquid surflce meets the graduated stem, not the top or the meniscus, A\'oid parallax by filling to near the top of the sample jar and placing the eye ill line with the liquid level. See photograph of a hydrometer reading 1.01 G5 Oil page 34. The bottom of the sample jar should have ~5 mm dearance below the hase of the hvuromeler and ha\'e a minimulII internal diameter of 50 111111 . .. If densities obtained show no major variation then calculate the average value, however if there are suspicious variations in the readings th~n additional samples should be taken and this f:lctor included in the report. Measure the apparent demity with a Zeal glass draught survey hydrometer and be aware of any tidal changes which may affect the sample density. Sec density section on pages 33 and 36. Draughts The draughts and densities should be obLained at nearly the same time if possible. Draughts and densities taken at slack water are the most accurate but this may lIot be practicable. All the draughts should be read with great care and every e!lort made LO read nirectly h'om ship's side llsing a boat, laducr or other available means. Th(~ tigures should he written down as they are obtained to avoid mistakes of mcmory. If rClJuired, the midships draughts Gill be obtained by measuring the freeboard from the watnlinc 10 the top ohhe neckline or to a convenient point above the deckline. when a correction must be applied. A tape with a /loal plate at the zero mark can be vcry usefully employed to achie\'e this measurement. Sce draught measurement section on pages I (i to 20. 4. Calculate the ship's underwater volume and displacement a) Correct the observed draughts to the centreline, i.e. the mean of the port and starboard draughts. b) Correct the centreline draughts to their value at the correct position of the perpendiculars. c) Allow ten' hog or sag and obtain the correct draught Illidships, d) Enter the hvdrostatic tahles with this corrected draught to obtaill the uncorrected displacement. e) Correct this \'alue of displacement for: first trim correction second tri m correl'1ion list (ir necessary) density s(x the appropriate section fc))O details of these calculations on pages IG to :-17. 5. Determine the quantity of deductibles Ballast and fresh water soundings Every compartment capahle of carrying water should he carefully inspected alld sounded, allowing suffic:i(~lIf lime it))' lIuctllariolls in levels due to the rCll1m·al or the sounding caps. When at all exposed berth the movement of the vessel may create errors, To oyercomc t his problem several soundings should be taken alld t.he average value assumed to be the corn:cI. olle. The sounding tape IIlllst be checked to ensure that it reaches the bottom of the tank, If the tape is marked at the ship's full depth it can an as a useful guide and the consistency or the depth of the different tanks can be checked. It should be remembered tliat the vertical (allk height and the length of soundil1)?; pipe may be ditferent. Sce phutograph of sOllnding tape on page ;~!). Full tanks may have air pockets l'spec:iillly whell the ship is trimmed. Topside tanks Gill he o\'erllowed frOln fi.)I'ward and ali air pipes until a steady lIow through both is ulllllistakable, the sounding pipe extellsiolJ may prove usetill for this operation. HoweHT care should be taken to ensure that lhc ovcrllowing ballast water causes no othcr problems e.g. wetting of cargo waiting to be loaded, soaking the electric power boxes 011 the (luapide or wa~hillg debris or uther pollutants over the side. Fm a stern trim the position of the forward air pipe relative to the forward tank bulkhead should be checked to determiuc any possible remaining void spaces and where ueCl.:ssary Ihis factor should still be allowed. Other lid' /al/lis should h(' sounded and the trim corrections allowed. The ballast discharged !i'um tanks lIIay kil\'c rcsiclllalliquid in pipes and in areas of poor draina~e. This water is difficult TO detect and time should IX' allowed for drainage purposes before taking MHHldings. Empty tanks will prubably have residual water even at zero soulHIings, these indeterminable quamities Gm he ignored af both before and after surH:YS, provided Ihat all parties are satisfied that no changes have t;lken place during the imerval between surveys. In other cirullllslann:s itlllay be necessary (0 assume a slllall pen:eulage (I (;i; or ~(}~,) of r1w tanks total capacity as addit ioual weight to (over all remaining drainings. Tfthe ballast soundings are out~idc the maximum range ofthc calibr;l1ioll tahle~ then ballast should be run uul ulIlil lhe level is suitable. The duel ked, pipe tunnels, peak tanks and swimming pool should nor be t()J)~otten and soundings taken as u~ual. The bilges should be checked and an}' pumped out during the ship's stay must be recorded. Wben a \'essel loads a dry bulk cargo which has been welled, a record of hilges pumped during the whok voyage could prove very useful as evidence. to explain any apparent loss of cargo between successive surveys. Ballast holds often cause problcrn~ duc to poor lank calibratiuns and hull deformation. These should be empty or hallast prior to arrival at the loading port and vislJally inspected if' possible. Bunker tanks need not be inspected and sounded during a draught SUITe)', unless a bunker survey is also required. Sec soundings and ullages section on pages :~8 to -13. Ballast samples The water within the sounding pipe may not be properly mixed and lherefore not he representative of'the liquid in the whole tank, irill dOllht llll: sampk shollld he laken al the bouolII or the pipe lIsing a suitable sampling can which can be opened at the appropriate depth. Sutlicient sample densities can be obtained from the tan ks dowlI onc side the ship only. unless IIl<\jor variations occur. Variations could he caused by the ballasling raking place at diHcn:nL limes and locations. The ballast tank dipper or hand pump down the sounding pipe may be lIsed to ohtain a sample where the water is well mixed, as showlI in the photograph on page 3,1. The sample .iar should he rillsed out with the first sample and then the Zeal hydrometer IIsed to obtain the apparent density o/" the waler, as with the sea water density, a remperat\ll"e corn':clion is not necessary. A ballast hold should be sampled al diUerent levels with the water sample bucket and checked for any major variations. or The measurement of dellsity, the hydnlmeter lo use and the reading obtained can cause problems, th(, density sectiolls on pages :);1, :16 and 53 sholtld he read care11tll)" t.o avoid these problems. 6. After completion of loading or discharging, repeat sections :l, 4 and 5 above, for the final survey Final survey Adequate prcparatioll is n':ljuired again for the final survey. The intcIHbl quantities of carg-o. blinkers, fi'csh water and s[Qres and t.ht: proposed finishing draught should ue determined ill advance or completion of carg-o. If therc is to be a final trim by the head then an intcrmedial.e sur\'ey of the ballast relnaillillg" on board, should be carried out while the I.rim is still bv the stern. Accurate deterrnillal.ioll or the ballast on board n'lllains a lIIajor issue and ensuring lhat the empty tanks are actually dear of ballast is a 1ll;~j()J" cause of errors in the final calculations. In\'oice iigures for the weights of all blinkers, spares and S[Qres taken on board dllring the stay should be \'erified and a check lIIade I.hat Ilothing has been landed. Changes in the bilges, swimming pool. and other regions not directly associated with the working of the "esse! should be delennined. Notes All calculations cotllained in this guide should be carefully exeCllt.ed and agreed belwt:en parries. The same SUr\Ty methods should he used at the loading and the discharging ports in order to achieve consistency or results. The calculations shoukl deal only with the acquired facts ami nOl. introduce any unsubstantiated cons/an/s. Tht: constant often referred 10 with draught surveys is dealt with in the /.ighfslnjJ C01lSfanl se(:lion Oil pag-es 14 and 15 and its significam:e should be understood. All circumslances that may inlluellCl! the accuracy of the surveys should be recorded on the slIr\'ey report. Conclusion Shortage claims on bulk cargoes an: a rnajor concern lo the shipowner and their P&l clubs. The), result in claims invol\'ing significant sums of nHlIlC),. Well maintained records when used as e\'idence, including aCUJrat.e and comprehensi\'e1y documented draught sur\'eys from both the load and discharge ports, may enable these claims to be slIccesslillly defended. 7 INFORMATION REQUIRED It is the I\fasrer's respomibility to ellsure that Ihe drallght lIIarks arc dearly visible at a minimulII 01' six positions on the hull, that is at:the t<H'ward end, Ihe all end, mid ships, on both sides. It is also the responsibility of the ship's 'faster to provide the surveyor wilh IIpto-date and accurate infiJrmatioll which has been cenified by the ship's flag state. This informatioll shollld mlllain details Ihe ship alld it's present condition. or For details of what should be included refer to the inj'ol1l1fllion (h('rk list 50. Oil pag-e The information may be in metric or imperial units. The presemation and precision or the informarion will vary widely from ship to ship and the langllage IlIay nol be Ihat of the surveyor. Take great care when using this data. Read the stability infi)1'mation book imroducrion pages TO deTermine The C01lTems of each of rlw rabies, and how they should he applied. :\ol aI/ the inhmnalioll will be required tor every draught sun'c\,. DATA MANUAL FOR DRAUGHT SURVEYS The t:nited Nations recoHllnencls thal ('very ship carrying blllk cargoes should be provided wiLh a data Illanual for draught suncys, which should bl' n:rtilied by the ship's home administration or its classilication SOCII.:I V. , Thc language of the lllanual should be English or have English translations, The metric system of units should be used throughout. Longitudinal lIleaSIIITlllell1.s should he hased UpOIl midships. Sign cOII\'cntion: measurements forward are negative (-), measuremeI1£S af£ are positi\'e( +). Vert.irallIIeasuremenLs are lO be Laken from the bOLLolll of"thc ked plale. :-\ It is recommended Lhat vessels longer than 200 metres Length Over All (LOA) shoulrl be marked at five points on faelt side: forward, midships and aft as usual awl also at the mid points between these positions, This allows a more ao.:lll'alc assessmelll of an)' hogg'ing or sagging- effects. 'I'he positions of the draught marks n:lativc (0 the appropriate perpendicular should be included in the dala manual. li nlortunatelv (his daLa ll1illlllal is ofi.en not a vailablc. HYDROSTATIC PARTICULARS Illfonnation is calibrated agaillsl draught. uS\lally illr Ihe cyen keel condition. The displacement is the weight of the ship. derived from volume of water displaced by the ship x apparent density. In the lllctric system, this displacement is ofLen given in tOIll\(' of'salt water at apparelll density (weighl ill air) uf 1.025 tonne/m:'. It is imponant to establish the exan weight lO volume relatiollship. DRAUCHT AND FREEROARD Forward draught The distance from lhe bottolll of' the keel to the \\'ateriine perpendicular when the ship is IIpright. Oil i1w li)rward Aft draught The distancc /i'om the bO\JOJll ol'the keclt() ill(' waterlint' on rhe all perpcndicular whell Ill(' ship is upright. Freeboard The distance fi"()11l the waterline to the deck line. normally measllred midships Depth of ship The disLance from the IJOUol1l Depth = draughL or the keel to rhe deck line. + freeboard 9 That is: Arithmetic mean draught (AMD) The arit.hmetical mean of the iorwanl draught and the air draught will equal the draught midships if there is no hog- or sag, this is called the arithmetic mean draught. Hut a ship trims about the longitudinal centre of flotation (LCF). True mean draught (TMD) When a ship trims due to shifting a weight, i.e. no change of displacement., the only draught which does 1/01 change is the draught at the longitudinal centre of flotation. It is this draught which will give the appropriate displacement on the hydrostatic tahles, and it is called the trlle mean draugln. The position of the LCF is there!ore critical to a draught sUl"\'ey. The diUerellce hetween the trill' mean draught and the arithmetic mean draught is known as the layer correction. Trim factors Some stahility iniormatioll hooks tabulate trim factors, /i"Jrward and alt, bur no posit.ion ior the longitudinal centre oftlot<lt.ioll (LCF) forward of the all perpendicular (AP). The LeF can be found from the trim faCfors by the following ii.mnula: LCF from AP = length between pcr:pendiculars x aft trim factor forward trim factor + aft trim factor Trimmed hydrostatics Some ships are supplied with 'trimmed h),drost;nics'. These normally consist or 'icvcral set.s or hydrostatic data each onc calntlated It)r a panicular trim. They may be in 20 cm steps covering the range of trims over which the vessel is expect.ed to operate. Each set. or hydrostatic data consists of di'iplacelllellls t.abulated against draught for a particular density. The densities may be in increments of 0.005 iium 1.000 to 1.025 and the draught.s ill :> Clll steps. Such tables avoid the need for hot.h t.he 1st and 2nd trim corrections and abo thc density correction which are described within I.he chaplcr Assessmmt of underwater volume on pages 16 10 3i. Trimmed hydrostatic tables need to be interpolated for draught. densil.y and trim in order to find the correct dispiacelllclIl. This interpolation is fairly diflicult and needs care!i.ll thought in order la achieve an accurate result. Check the use of trimmed hydrostatics in the introduction to the stability information book. 10 DEADWEIGHT OR DISPLACEMENT SCALE The displan~mcnt, dcadweight, tonnes per centimetre immersion (TPC) and moment to change trim per centimetre (MeTC) for salt water are shown against the true mean draught (TMD) in the dea(h\'(~ight or displacemelll scale. It may also show the same {(H' fresh wateL If only salt water values are g'iveIl then the scale shollld be elllered with the TMD in actual observed density. Calclllations should Le carried Ollt with these figllres as the density correnion will take care of the alUustmcnts at a later stage. The scale will also show sUlluner load draught alld the lightship draught. It will relate the final 'I'M I) to the linal displacement. Study it careliJIly lO make certain or t.he weight. to vollllJle relationship. CAPACITY PLAN AND TABLES The capacity plan shows all the cargo compartments, ballasl spaces ,Ind blinker tanks Oil the ship. Capacity tables list every space in the ship which Illay be used f(ll' cargo, ballast., stores, fuel, lubricating oil and fresh water. The position or each space is indicated hy the number of the ship's ii'ames at each extremity or the space. The volume of each space. in cubic metTes, is lisLed for: Grain space - the gross volume measured to the ship's side plating. Bale space Lhe neU volume measured to the inside ol'thc frames or spar ceiling (cargo battens). Spaces {(1I' liquid only are tabulated in either CIIbic 'l1l~tres or the numher 01' tonnes of the liquid which the Lank Ilormally holds. specifying the density IIsed t.o calculate those tonnes. If the tables give cuhic metres then these must be mult.iplied hy the oh served density to flnd tonnes. If t.he t.ables giH' tonnes then they must be divided by the density or t.he t<lhle and multiplied by the observed density. 11 SOUNDING TABLES Suunding t.ables are separate mhlcs, olten found in the care of the chief oilicer amI/or the chief engineer. The tables may be calibrated wit.h either soundings or ullages. The calibrations may use cubic metres (i.e. tonnes offresh water) or the average density of the liquid which is normally carried in the lank and give tonnes ol'that liquid. For accurate assessment of the quantity ofliquid in any tank, the actual density of t.he liquid should be determined and the quantity rc-calculated. CORRECTION TABLES AND DIAGRAMS Sounding correction tables The sounding rabies will have been calculated 10r the ship Oil ;\11 e\'en keel. Correct.ion tables should accompany any suunding t.able of a tank le)r which the sOllllding pipe is not at the longitudinal cent.re or t.he tank. The table should gi\'e the correction for any sounding and !ill' each metre of trim oft.he ship over the normal operaling range oftrirns and require interpolation fill' t.he actual trim. In the absence of SIKh t.ables, calculations will have to be made from t.he uriginal plans. Trim correction The stability information book may include a table to apply the corrections for trim. Investigale carefully whelher this includes bot.h the 1st. and ~nd. t.rim corrections. Scc pages 30 lu 3:1. Position of marks The stability inlormation hook may provide a correction t.o apply to the appropriat.e drallght readings t.o correct the reading, to the value it would have had, al the correcl position. See pages 21 to 26. Hull deflection The stabilit.y inforrnat.ioll book may provide a special means of calculating the vessel's hull liislO1'lioll correction when calculating an accurat.e underwater volume. See pages ~6 to :~O. 12 Hydrometer certificate British Standards Insrilule (BST). Tntel'llalional Slalldards Organisatioll (ISO) or rhe Zeal certificate of conformity. pro\'idcs Ih(' appropriare correcllon to apply to rhe hydrometcr . . ', . ; ". ' j " '. ..' . ' ,;, ,0:11 ~'I\'" . ~~ . ' I> " By killd permissioll of ( ; ) I Zeal I,td, Hydrometer and certificates PLANS General arrangement plan The general arrangement plan shows the layout of the ship and indicates all the spaces within il. It gives the position of all the spaces, t.heir lIse and capacity. Other plans More detailed plans of ballast tanks and bunker t<lllks may be necessary. Ifthe vessel is t.rimmed it may be imporl.ant to know the horizontal surface area of liquid in t.he tank and the relative position of the sounding pipe in order to assess the quantity of liquid in the t.ank accurately. LIGHTSHIP The lightship weight is t.hat which has been determined during an inclining experiment.. It includes: the ship and its full equipment, engine room spares. ,·valer in t.he boilers to working level and lubricating oil in the engines. It does not include: personnel, cargo, fuel. stores and water. Growth of lightship The inclining experiment may have been performed a considerable t.ime ago, but, over a period of years, the lightship weight will increase. This is due to t.he changes in the equipment., t.he build up or paint over the ship, the storage of old equipment, mud in the hallast t.anks, the aeculllulat.ion of dunnage ele. This phenomenon is known as the growth of lightship and is t.hought [0 amount to ahout 0.2% of the light displacement pc!' annum. This b'Towth is accounted fin' in the lightship constant. Lightship Constant Vessels which regularly assess their lightship weight find t.hat the wei~ht from their calculations differs li'om the tabulated value in the stahility inlormation 14 book. This difference is named the lightship constant at that particular draught survey. A record should be kept of the Iight~hip constant at each draug'ht survey. It may not be a constant. value since it is the result of inaccuracies of calibrations, accumulations of sludge, unsymmetrical hull distortion and many ot.her fact.ors. It can only be used for a guide to the consistency of results and the variations experienced on previous surveys. When carrying out a dcadweight survey the value oUhe lightship constant ma)' become more significant and a record of previolls values is then important. 15 ASSESSMENT OF UNDERWATER VOLUME The underwater volume of the ship, and ult.imatel)· its displacement, is normally f(>und by carefully reading and analysing the drallght marks and by careflllly est.ablishing the density of water in which the vessel is floating. The corrected mean draught is used LO enter the hydrostatic tables in the stahility int(JrI11ation book and t.o find the appropriate displacement equivalent to this draught and density. This ,·alue must then be corrected to determine the precise weight the ship in its present circumstances. 0" GENERAL DRAUGHT MEASUREMENT The draughl. survey is based upon the accurate reading of the draught marks, therefore no effort should be spared to achieve accuracy. Draughts should be measured to two decimal places, that is to the nearest centimetre. Bciore cargo operations commence, the water densit.y and all six draught marks should he read, recorded and comments made on the prevailing conditions. During the time Ihat the readings are being made, uo lransfer or discharge of liquid of any sort, or movement of any weight wirhin the ship, should be allowed. Tht, draughts and density should be wken again loading or discharging operation. 011 the mmplerioIl of the Measuring the draughts in a swell I n turbulent conditions there may be waves, swell, pilching and rolling' to take into account. III these conditions, the wave pattern should he ~tudied to establish the wave cycle. During a series of average waves the mean lhe highest and lowesl drau~hl readings should be recorded. 0" A lotal of J 2 mean readings should he obtained. The highest and lowest means should be rejected and then tbe average of the n:maining t.en will give the most accurate reading possible IInder the circumstances. The forward, an and midships drallghlmcasurements shollld all be found in a similar £Ishion. 16 QUESTION 1: The following are mean draught reading~ (in rnctres) over an observed cycle of waves. Calculate the appropriate draughl. 11.25 9.RO J J AO 9.70 11.35 9.75 I I.;W 9.60 11.00 9.90 J 1.25 9.70 ANSWER: Reject 11.40 and 9.(i() m. Add remainder = IOf). Estimated drallg'hl reading = 105/1 0 = 10.50 Ill. DRAUGHT MEASURING EQUIPMENT A measuring device may be llsed to improve the accuracy of the draught measu rem en t. ..~ -- ".... "" .... " -.-- '.- -.- - '" - . .. " ' Such devices arc hased on the principle that the turhulence on the surface o{' the W<lter does not eXlend dowll \0 <lily gre<l( tkplh. They use a long, flexible. open ended, weighted hose pn~jeclillg downwards to below the turbu\cnre, 17 The device is held directly in h'ont of the draught marks and, after allowing a few seconds for the tubes (0 fill with water, the mean water level is indicated by the float. The float may have a small rise and tall, hut this will be minimal compared with the wave motion. ~Airhole r-'~ 8 6 Float 4 2 r. Weight The device is diHicult to me al the bow and the stern. It should be held close enough to the draught marks under the overhang of the bow and the stern to avoid parallax. The device may be attached to the hull by a strong magnet. A statement describing the prevailing sea conditions should he included in the survey report to avoid a dispute later. DRAUGHT READING ON OUTBOARD SIDE Every attempt should be made to read the draughts on the ()ff.~hore side of the vessel although, in some situations, this may prove to be impractical or even dangerous. In such an event, the onshore marks should be read and the other side calculated wit.h t.he help of a manometer. 18 • , 1 11~-11 I = 2d - ,.' . ' " " • , , • i i Deckline I cl,: - The manometer should comprisc of a short. length of clear. rigid, plastic tube filted to each end of a hose, to facilitate the measuring of thc water levels. If possible the hose should stretch the 1tl1l beam of the vessel and the measurement.s should be taken at the exl.rcmc breadth. The ollthoard reading is found by adding or subtracting the manometer reading (2d) to the inboard draught.. When this proves impossible, then the mean draught at the celllreline, may be calculated using similar t.riangles. \ = The levels must be measured Ii-om the same base line, and t.aken at equal dist.ances from the centreline on both sides of t.he vcssel. All air must be excluded {i'om the hose and the water levels in both tubes kept at a height which is higher than the deck at the c:cnLrcline. The heighL~ of water levels, on both sides of the ship, are measured above the deckJine (h) or some other fixed level. The difference between the two heights 19 is then halved and the result (d) is added to, or subtracted from, draught reading to obtain the mean draught at the centreline. the one QUESTION 2: The port draught midships = 8.00 111. The starhoard side is to be found by manometer, where the readings are taken at 8.50 m on either side of the centre line. The vessel's ii.lll beam = 20.85 m. Calculate the midships mean draught (ie. centre line draught) if there is a dillerence of" 25 cm between the two readings of rhe manometer and the starboard reading is the higher. ANSWER: x 2_ Effective bealll = ou, ••:")() By sirnilar triangles 0.25 / 17 I'"'I. 00 - cl = 20.85 x 0.25/ 17 Half beam diHcrencc Cenudinc draught III . d / 20.85 0.307 = O.:~07 I ~ = 0.153 + S.O() IIJ full beam difference. 0.153 m. - 8.15:~ m. Not.e: It may be more practical ill some situations to measure the midships freeboard and fj'om this calculate the midships draught. DRAUGHT GAUGES Draught gauges lIIay he very helpful as a check, but should never replace the reading of" draughts using the fixed drallght. marks Oil the ship's hull. SQUAT While measuring the draught, when there is a strong current running and there is waler depths 01 less than twice the draught of the vessel, the draught readings may be misleading, due to the eilects of squat. The survey report shollld include referelln: to l)()ssibll~ sqwll eJJl!us, even if a suitable correction to the draught readings canllot be determined. 20 CORRECTION OF DRAUGHTS TO PERPENDICULARS AND MIDSHIPS Firstly, correct observed draughts, iorward, aft and midships, for the effect of any list or heel by calculating the mean of port and starboard in each case. Note; see notes on page 26. as there may also be a list correction (in tonnes) to apply to the displacement. Secondly, when the vessel is Irirn.rnRd and the vessel's draught marks are not sited at the correct position on the perpendiculars; corrections to the observed draughts must be applied. This incorrect positioning of the draught marks may be termed misjJIIlt:emlml of marh. it is shown in the photohTJ-aphs on pages 22 and 23. w: ----1- AP 1"'--- \ I I AP ait perpendicular FP forward perpendicular LBP length between perpendiculars 1 D AP draught at aft perpendicular Da draught at aft draught marks D M. draught at midships Dm draught at midships draught marks D FP draught at forward perpendicular Df FP LBP draught at forward draught marks 21 I : Misplacement of marks mlCiShlps Paul Coombs Misplacement of marks aft Paul Coombs Misplacement of marks forward Forward correction apparent trim x distance D FP to Df distance Da to Df M1 correction apparent trim x distance D AP to Da distance Da to Df Midships correction apparent trim x distance D M to Dm distance Da to Df Where: apparent trim the difference between Da and Df Sign convention: If the direction of misplacement of the draught mark ii'om the perpendicular (or midships position) is the same as the direction of the trim, then the correction is negalirH! (-) when applied to the observed draught. Note; even keel would not require the above corrections to be applied. QUESTION 3: With reference to t.he following paniculars, calculate the correct draughts, forward, aft, and midships, if the observed draughts are: torward 6.~~5 m aft 7.88 m midships 7.12 m Position of draught. marks: 0.11) III aft. of line of stem at slimmer load line (SLL). Forward: Rake of stern = 22°. summer load draught = 10.471 m. Aft: 6.00 111 forward of AI'. LBP = 170 m. ANSWER: Apparent trim = 7.88 - 6.35 Arithmetical mean draught = 7.115 m Midships draught = 7.12 1.!l3 III Vessd nul sullerillg trom hog or sag 24 Distance from SLL 10.471 - 6.350 By simple trigonometry Tan 22° x 4.121 4.121 m - 1.665 m - 1.815 m Length between marks + O.lS = 170 - (6.0 + 1.815) Correction forward = 1.53 x 1.815 / 162.185 Draught forward = 6.350 - 0.017 Correction aft. = Draught aft. = 7.88 + 0.057 = -0.017 m = 6.333 m = +0.057 m = 7.937 m Distancc from FP 1.665 162.185 m 1.53 x 6.00 / 162.185 CORRECTIONS WITH HULL DEFLECTION The corrections to rhe perpendiCIIlars and rnidships assume lhallhe keel or the vessel is straight. When the vessel is hogged or sagged, these corrections may no longer be correcL. Thc tabulated corrections in the st.ability information book, or the formulae on the previous page, must be colTt."Cted to the particular circumstances. The easiest method to finclt.hcse corrections would be to use t.he t.rim between the midships mark and the particular end draught t.hen calculate using this half lengt.h trim, the half length and the distance of the misplacement. Repeat this procedure al.lhe other end draught mark with the similarly modified trim, the half length and the distance misplaccmenl. or EXAMPLE: Obscrved draughts forward 6.00 m midships 6.40 III an 7.40 m. Dist.ancc of forward mark from FP = 2.0 m aft Distance of aft mark from AP = 5.0 m forward. LBP = lOOm Total trim = 1.40 m AMD = 6.70 m. Thcrefore the vessel is lwgged. Trim fi.Jrward to midships = 0.40 m Forward correction = 2 x 0.1 1(50 - 2) - - 0.017 m Forward draught = 5.983 III 25 = 1.0 m Trim aft to tnidships Aft correction Ait draught - 5.0 x 1.0 I (50 - 5) - ·HUII m 7.511 m CORRECTION FOR LIST \-\'hen a vessel lists, it often rises in the water. This means that the mean of the side draughts is a cemreline draught which is less than the actual draught that would have been observed, had the vessel been upright. This Illay be ignored for small angles of list, however, if the draught survey is 10 be carried out on a vessel which has sullcred a cargo shifi or is lying at a large angle of list, then it should he calculated. 111e correction, in tonnes, to be applied to the displacement, is by the iormula: Correction for list = 6 (TPC 2 - TPC 1) X (d 2 - d) tonnes \'v'here: d~ midship draughts on each side. and d l TPC , - the TPC equivalent to the draught d I TPC 2 - the TPC equivalent to the draught d~ Sign convemion: Always positive (+). QUESTION 4: Vessel is listed 5°. The draughts midships arc: Port G.OO III (equivalent TPe 32) Starboard 8.00 111 (equivalent TPC :\4) ANSWER: Correction = 6(34 - 32)(8.00 - fi.OO) = 24 tonnes positive (+ ). Note; it. will normally be a slllall correction. HULL DEFLECTION OR HOG AND SAG When the observed draughts have been corrected for list and displacement. of marks, an arithmetical mean ofrhe forward and ail draughts must be calculated, ie. the arithmetical mean draught (AM D). 26 Compare the AMD with the corrected midships draught to establish whether the hull is distorted. The AMD should cYllal the draught mid ships if the ship is neither hogged or sagged. Actual freeboard • .--- I , Anllal clraug-ht ~ ,AMD ------- HOG SAG Actual fr~_ehoard, --- •'---r- Actual draught ~ AM D If the actual draught is less than AMD then the vessel is hogged. If the actual draught is bJTl!fllm- than AMD then the vessel is ~agged_ METHODS USED TO CALCULATE THE EFFECTS OF HULL DEFLECTION Every effort should be made, taking into account the information available, to determine the appropriat.e correction for hull deflection. The ultimate accuracy or the survcy rcslllt~ are normally dependant on this correction. It is difficult to establish the ship's distorted shape precisely but the {allowing factors should be t.akell into account: Residual deformation Cargo distributioll Bunkerslballast distribution Daily variation. Larger vessels can be liable to daily. variations in the amount of hull deflection. . By day, the sun heats the upper parts of the vessel, resulting in a hogged condition. The same vessel may sufler sagging when the upper portion loses its heat at night. ')"" _I The assessment of the vessel's shape will eSlablish the appropriate draught to enrer the hydrostat.ic dam, in the stability information book. This will determine the displacement for that particular insGll1l. METHODS There are several methods ofca\culating the correction for hog or sag. Agreement on the use of one of these alternatives must be made before the proposed voyage begins and adhered to until the voyage ends. These methods only t.ake into alcount. hull deformation or deflection. Method 1. Some ship's stability information books have a table of corrections to apply to the extracted displacement. When this table or graph is used, then this faCL should be stated on the repon so that it can be used throughout. Method 2. (The most common and simplest method) Assume that the deformed shape of the vessel follows a regular mathematical curve. This correction is dependant on the block coefficient. (i) For finer lined vessels: Mean Adjusted Draught _ (6 x D M) + D FP + D AP 8 This is oft.en referred to as "the mean of mean of means". (ii) For fuller fonn vessels, and box-shaped vessels: Mean Adjusted Draught = (4 x D M) +6 D FP + DAP Where; Mean Adjusted drall!;ht Draught midships corrected for hog and sa!;. DM o FP Draught midships. OAP Draught at aft perpendicular. Draught at forward perpendicular. 28 QUESTION 5: The "esse! has a sleek (urm lor a last f.Mssage , deflect.ion. bUI The drallghts ar the perpelldiculars arc /clrward 5.64 The draug'hl midships is G.ll is slIffering from hllll III aft. 6.42 III Ill. \Vhat is the true mean draught. taking illto an:OIIllI Ihe dis\orlion olthe hull. ANSWER: \fean adjusted draught _ (G x G,ll) + 5.G4 + (JA2 H - (i.()~) III Method 3. ' I'his correction is dependem 011 the cuelIirie III of fineness (wa Icrpla lie coefficient), The codlicicnl is lIScd 10 enler the graph (inclllded in some stability infi.Jl'IIJalioJ\ books) to obtain a "[leLor". F 0.8 I"--- A C 0,7 ~ r---...... ....... T 0 R ~ -......... 0.6 O.(i 0.7 O.R 0.9 \VATERPLANE COEFfICIENT Then: Mean adjusted draught = AMD + factor(D M - AMD) QUESTION 6: A vessel is lIoating at the (ollowing draughts: forward 5.80 III ah 6.20 m midships 6.) 8 III Note: These draughts have been corrected to rhe perpendiculars, and midships marks. 29 Calculate the true mean draught raking illlo account the distortion ofthe hull using the waterplane coellicient table. The watcrplane coefficient. tabulated in the stability intt')\'mation book = 0.60 ANSWER: Extracted factor - A.M.D. - (5.80 Mean a<ljustcd draught 0.76 6.00 + 6.20) / 2 + 0.76(6.18 = 6.00 m - 6.00) = G.t:n m Method 3 alternative 1. The extracted tactor can be used directly to determine a correction in tonnes to apply to the final displacement. Correction (tonne) \\,'here: hog/sag' (cm) = factor x TPC x hog/sag (cm) - (D M - AMD) x J on Method 3 alternative 2. The g-raph or table iL~elf may be adapted t.o give a correction table dircctly in t.onnes (i.e. tactor x TPC) tC)!' each ccntimetre or hog or sag. This would giye a correction to apply to the final displacement by entering the table with the AMD and the hog/sag in ems. Other alternative methods These require addit.ional draughl/freeboard measurements at points other than perpendiculars and mid ships, along the vessels length. This is very diHicuh. to est.ablish. See Data manual Jor draught sW've)'s, pages 8 and 9. CORRECTIONS FOR TRIM There may be a total trim correction table included in the stability infi)rmation book. This will normally combine the following J st. and 2nd, conn:lions. Find oUl what it includes, and examine the ships st~lhilit}' data carefully before conduct.ing a survey. FIRST TRIM CORRECTION (CORRECTION FOR LAYER) The displacement scale is normally calculaled on the assumption that the vessel is lying on an even keel. The first trim correction is to correct. the draught midships to the true mean draught., at. the centre of flotation. 30 This correction is known as the correction lor layCJ" (or layer correction). AP Wl - FP , I I ,I if I i [ er \,\1 . I "-. TMD I' Layer CorrectionL ~ Trim , AMD I ./, - L - -- ' -"- ., , 1- -- - - LB]> -, I FP AP air perpendicular TMD true mean draught AMD arithmetical mean draught corrected filr hog' or sag LCF longitudinal centre of flotation LBP \en glh bet.ween pCl'pcmliculars lorward perpendicular Layer correction(metres) = (distance LCF to midships) x trim I LBP thcn TMD = AMD ± layer correction 1st trim correction (tonnes) = layer correction x TPC x 100 Metric: 1st trim correction(tonnes) _ (distance LCF to midships) x TPC x trim(cm) LBP Imperial: 1st trim correction(tons) _ (distance LCF to midships) x TPI x trim (inches) LBP Actual displacement = tabulated displacement ± 1st trim correction Sign convention: Trim LCF aft ()f mitMij)s LCF for..vGrd of miashlj)s AJt negative (-) positive (+) FOl1l1flrd positive (+) negative (-) 31 QUESTION 7: A vessel of LHP 1.10 m has the {(JlIowing draug-hts: forward 6.85 m aft 7.25 m. The LCF is situated at a position iO m forward of' tilL AP. TPC = 40. Calculate the first trim cOlTeujon in tonnes. ANSWER: _ 5 x 40 x 0.40 x 100 I st. trim corn:ct.ioll - + !);~ tonnes 150 SECOND TRIM CORRECTION This is a correction {(Jl' the shift. of t he centre of flotation (LCf) which occurs as the vessel changes its trim. The position of the L<:I-', as specified in the hydrostatic paniClliars, is normally lor the e\'en ked condit.ion. The draught at the final positioll of I.CF is required. Metric 2nd trim correction (in metres) = trim(m) x (MCTC~_. MCTC,l 2 x TPC x LBP Where: ~vIC'J'C~ I\·lCTC for the draught at the AP and ~-1Cn~l I'vlCTC for the draught at the FP or vice versa when trimllled by the head. Howcyer the 2nd trim correction is normally, calculated in tonnes as follows: 2nd trim correction (in tonnes) = • 2 50 x trim (m) x (MCTC 2 • MCTC,} LBP Where: MeTc" - MeTe for mean adjusted draught and MCTC 1 ~ICTC + 50 cm for mean adjusted draught. - !)() cm Imperial 2nd trim correction (in tons) = 6 x trim(ft)2 x (MCT1"2 - MCT1'\2 LBP Where: MCTI"2 ~ICTI" for mean adjusted draug'ht and MCTI"I - I\ICTI" {(Jl' Sign convention: + () in mean adjusted draught - () in Always positive (+) '1 ') .l_ QUESTION 8: A vessel is floating in salt water with an AMD of 6.10 m corrected for deflection and a trim of 1.4 m by the stern. Extracted values from hydrostatics: ,",{('T(' 1" -" -" t'01. 6 . 60 - MCTC lor 5.60 = 310.0 '!<)') l' :1 __ .,.' LRP = 170 m Calculate the second trim correction in t.onnes for the vessel in this conditiun. ANSWER: Trim = 1.40 III 2nd trim correction - "(") :J <~ X"r)2') x 1.or .J _..(J - .~ll()) ' 170 - + 7.4 tonnes DENSITY Determine the water density at the time of taking the draughts using a gloss hydrometer, designed f(Jr draught surveys, and marked: 1. M edium surface tension 2. Apparent density in kg/lscale range between 0.990 to 1.040 Note: 1.000 kg/l = 1.000 t/m J ;). Instrumental standard 15° C. The instrument sholJld he provided with a cenilicate or conlimnit)' with a maximum error nol exceeding "x" kg/l tested against a natiomll standard. Sce photograph on page 13. If the hydrometer used is graduated with a dinerent scale to that quoted above r.hcn it is not t.he standard type so additional corrections may be required, see conversion details tor Altemotive H.'Vdromdl!n on page 53. CORRECTION FOR DENSITY Actual displacement == tabulated displacement x density 1 density 2 \\!here: density 1 = average density of water sampled. density ~ = density specifieu in the hydrostaLic information. 33 Taking a ballast sample Hydrometer showing meniscus using a mirror for the rear view 34 The sounding tape Paul Coombs The tools of the draught surveyor 35 Note: 1: Do apply the hydrometer index error, if any. Tt is quoted on the certificate. 2: Do j: Do nol cHljust the draught for the density, but do COITeC[ the 1101 apply any correction for temperature. displacement instead . 4: Do enter the hydrostatic tables with the actual TMD, irrespective of' density, clllci then convert t.he extracted value to the correct density at the final calculation. See check list page!) 1. It. is wrollg to convert the TMD to a salt wmer Tl\.fD and then cntcr the hydrostatks. 5: Do extract \ICTC, LCf ete. {or the actual TMl) and use these extracted values to calculate the 1st and 2nd trim corrections. 6: The stability int(mnation book should quote some form of relationship between weight and VOIUlllC:1 cubic metre of tj·esh water - 1.000 tonnes I c1lbic metre of sail water - 1.025 tonnes or similar figures. This /'xlulI/,lp. giilP..\ flfJj](Jl"ent ljrusily in the same units used by Ih" Zeal dmllghl SlIJ1J(,' h)'rlrll1l/1d(~1". QUESTION 9: .rile extracted hydrographic displacement equivalent to rJw observed draught of 5.30 m = 15250 tonne for salt. water where I m:i of salt water = 1.025 tonnes. Find: true displacement if the ANSWER: Actual displacelllcllL a\'erag(~ ohserved apparent densit.y - - 15250 x 1.015 / 1.025 - 3G 1.015 15)01.2 Tonnes t/lII:l. ASSESSMENT SUMMARY The corrections in this chapter rnay he applied to the observed draughts to convert them to a draught that can be used to elller the ship's hydrostatic particulars in order to determine the correct uisplacement. Some of the cor~ecti()ns Illay be calculated in tonnes or in metres. Experienu: anu speed of calculation has shown that the latter corrections should be calculated in tonnes (instead or metres). and used to correct a value of displacement extraeted fi'ol11 the hydrostatic pal'liculars in the stability information book. The observed draughts are corrected to the perpendiculars and midships. the hull deilcction found and the hydrost;ltics entered with the cOlTecled arithmetical mean draughl (Ai\-ID). The displacement extracted is then adjusted with the 1st and 2nd trim corrections and the correction fiJr density. all in tonnes. See (orrer:liom du~d( li.\l on page 51. DEDUCTIBLES The deduclibles arc l.he components of the ship's total weighl, which must be rleducted from the calculated displacement in order to determine the wcight of cargo on board. The lotal weight of the ship will be made up of:Light displan:lIlclll, (remember; components may be missing c.g .. anchors our). Cargo Ballast Fuel and fresh water Swimming pool water and oLllcl' casily lorg'onen weights on hoard Slores and Pro\'isiol15 Crew and efTccL~ Slorcs. provisions. crew and their effects arc likely la be constant during a draught survey. and could tIC added on lo the light displacemem. Preparations Examine the releyam basic ship's plans showing the layout of pipes and lall ks. indlldin~ Ihe locatioll of'l.hcir sounding' pipes. l\'lake a note or the tank dimensions. referellce heights and obtainlhe aulilOrised calibration tables for these t.anks. Remember that aUl.omatic gauge readings (if lined), should he nOled fin' comparison against the manu(11 readings. SOUNDINGS AND ULLAGES The li(IUici 'IlIantities or ballasl, (tiel and li'esh water, musr be very carefully measured as soon as possible alter the draughls have lJel.:lI read . A sounding is the measurement from Ihe slriker plate on the base of the tank IJdow the sounding pipe Lu Lhe top ofthe liquid. See photograph on page ;):1. or When laking a sounding, always check thc tape is aL lhl.: bOLlum the tank, by checking the fullmeasul'emenr from the slriker plate to the top of the sounding pIpe. An ullage is the measuremenr from the surfacl.: of the liquid to a fIxed datum pOilll, usually rhe rop of the soullding pipe. Measure and record soundings (or ulJages) for cvery lank in the ship. Check the bilges filr any liquid. Some tanks may have two sounding pipes, check both. paniCIIlarly if the ~hip is trimmed. The sounding tables should be part oflhe ship'~ approved documentation, they arc produced when the \'essel is built and therefore may have become less accurate, with the passage of time. SAMPLING By sounding a tank and using the sounding tables. the \'olume of liquid is found. \Nith the appan:nt density of the liquid, Mass it~ mass can be determined. = volume x apparent density Tt is most imporrant that each tank should be sampled for density as well as being sounded for volume. Sce photograph on page ~H. Apply the temperature correction to the dellsity readillg- hd()H~ using it to calculate Ihe quantilY ofhllnkers in Ihe tank, when doing a bunker tank survey. It is not normal to apply a temperature correction when determining ballast quantities. TRIM CORRECTIONS The sounding pipe should be positioned at a point within the tank when: it will always provide the correct sounding applicable to the sOIJll<lillg-lahlcs, regardless of Ihe ship's Irim. However, this position is not always possible lo achieve and correction tables for trim should then he available t.o use with the sounding tables. These corrections should be calibrated 101' every haIr melre of Irim, by Ihe head and hy I.he slern, over the operational range 01" trims. Alternatively. sounding tables for differem trims may he pw\'idcd. Sounding pipe ~- d-~ ~+.~------~----------~ 1 ,","""""",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, " . " ..... ,"'" . " . " ... ,... """"" ..... """.,.,,.,., ...... ,.,, .. ".,.,.,."". Tallk Centre ,,,.,.,,,,,, lfno corrections are available, it may be necessary to calculate them. Appropriate measurements can be taken from the plans of lhe tank. Correction to sounding (x) = d xL~; where d is the distance from lhe sounding pipe to the tank centre. Sign convention: Sounding fini/)ard of lank an/re TRiM SOU1uling aft of centre Forward Negalive (-) PoSili ve (+) Aft Positive (+) Negative (-) Note: the accuracy of this formula is acceptable, provided the hottom of the t.ank is covered with liquid, and the tank is approximately rectangular. QUESTION 10: A ship, LB P 120 m, has a trim of' 2.0 m hy the st.ern. A sounding was taken in a reclangular double bottom tank, and found to be 1.05 m. If the t.ank measured length 24.0 rn, breadth 8.2 111, and the sounding pipe was 3.0 III forward of the afL bulkhead, find the volume of liquid in the tank. , 8.~ 24.0 3.0 1.05 ANSWER. d x trim Correction to sOllnding LBP 0.15 III Observed sounding - 1.05 m Even keel suunding - U.gO m - 24.0 x 8.2 x 0.90 Volume or liquid 9.0 x 2.0 120 40 - 177.1 111 3 \Vhen a vessel is trimmed a tank may appear full hut have a large void space immediately forward 0(" the sounding or ullage poim. Alternatively, a tank may have no soundin~s and appear empty, but still have a considerable quantity of liquid remaining in it. LIQUID SLOP TANKS Where small quantities of ballast water remain in a hallast hold, on a trimmed ship, this quantity must be included in the assessment. is possible to calculate the volullIe oi'this wedge ofliquid, b'om one sounding, using the wedge formula. [t. The wedge iormula was developed in order to detennine small volumes of cargo "remaining on hoard". The formula assumes a {i'ce nowin~ liquid on an upri~ht, but trimmed vessel, and also it assumes a recL1ngular L1nk where the sounding is not constrained by a sounding pipe. The wedge f(H'll1ula is: Wedge volume = LBP x breaddt of tank x (corrected sounding)2 2 x vessel's trim y '\ I - J , ~ P'" ,l- "1 J PI 4 The corrected sounding can be calculated by the following approximate formula: 41 Corrected sounding (P) == observed sounding (PI) + distance (y) x tB~ Where the distance "y" is the distance £i'olll the suunding position to the end bulkhead. QUESTION 11: From the following information, lind (he volume of oil remaining' in a lank where the sounding was 0.2 m. LBP ISO Irim 2.0 m by (be stern, breadth of tank 12.5 m, position 5.0 m forward of af! bulkhead. Ill, sounding- ANSWER: Corrected sounding sounding + distance x trim/LBP 0.2 + 6 x 2/150 == n.2 + 0.08 == O.2Hm \Veclge volume LB» x breadth x corrected sounding~ trim x 2 1~-0 X 1')!: _.~.I X 0,)0" ._0" 2.0 x 2 MIXTURES \Vhen conduclinp; a blinker survey and the vessel loads hunkers, this could he mixed with bunkers already on hoard. The relative deIlsity (RD), or density, of the mixture must be used to calculate the total quantity of the oil in the tank. The final RD or the mixture can be found by the lollowing formula: RD of mixture (ori~inal volume x original RD) + (loaded volume x loaded RD) original volume + loaded volume RESIDUE IN COMPARTMENTS or Tanks for liquids. particularly hallast tanks, are subject to the build up residues and scale. The quantity of sediment is ditlicult la assess without entering the tank. 42 The ellec!. on !.he ballast calculations can be minimized hy leaving a measurable quantity of water in the tank instead of pumping it completely dry. The calculations then use a known amount or water which can be deducled from the displaccmcnt. The error due to the unknO\vn weight or sedimem is reduced to the diilcrence between the dens it\!, of water and the density, of the sediment. This accumulation of sediment will reduce the deadweight capacity of the vessel and t.herefore should not be allowed to accrue indefinitely. , I nspcct ballast tan ks if in any doubt abollt the qualllity or sediments, There are patent chemicals available to put the mud imo suspension, so that it may he disposed of with the water in an appropriate and safe manner, when a suitable opporLunity allows. However, these may not always he elIective; when a hard crust has developed Oil I.he top of the mud, it. can sometimes only be rellloved by hand. ANCHORS AND CABLES The anchors may be in the housed posit.ion, where they contrib1lte 1.0 the lightship, or t.hey may have been used in the mooring of the ship. Then the anchors will be on the sea hed along with a !,riven length of cable. The loss of weight due to its removal is weight t.aken from the light displacemenl., this amO~1l11 should therefore be added 1.0 t.he quantity of cargo. 'fhere should he infiH"lnal.ion available on hoard to enable the SIl["VC}'O[" lo establish or calculate the weight of the missing anchor and cable. In the case of the chain cable, it. can be calculated with reasonable accuracy, bv, I.he (ollowing formula: Weight per shackle (tonne) = 15 x (link diameter in cm)2 x 3.87 1000 The link diameter is the diamet.er or the steel rod which makes up each individual link. ] 11 t.he case or the anchor iL~dr, this will vary from ship to ship, but.this informat.ioll should be available on board. This anchor weight should be rounded to the nearesl. hall" tonne. 43 ADDITIONAL FACTORS 1. It should be appreciated that the cargo may (hange it1; characteristics o\'er a period oftime. The moisture content varies with the atmo1;pheric conditions, and liquid drains into the hilges. The reIIloval or bilge water between the two surveys should be noted. This is also important during a voyage when a welted cargo may lose its moisture cont.enl and later cause a dispute OVCI' cargo quantities. 2. The changes in the condit.ion of the n:ssel such as the accumulat.ion of rain water, ice or snow, could he sig'niiicant and should be accounted for in the calculations. :\. The swimming pool call hold considerable quantities of water, which could cause a discrepancy if the pool is emptied, or filled, Juring the period between the be/ore and after draught surveys. In this GiSt: a correction must b{~ applied to t.he resulls. 4. All spaces should be inspected to ensure they are the same at both the initial and filial surveys, not iorgening spaces such as the duct keel, peaks, cofferdams, ere. REMEMBER: The accuracy of the survey depends on diligence! 44 GLOSSARY BI.oCK COEFFICIENT The ratio of the unrlerwatcr volume of the vessel to (Cb): the volume ofa rectangular block ofthe same overall dimensions. BREADTH (BEAM): l\faxirnurn width of the ship. l'vloulded Breadth: \Vidth of the ship amidships, measured inside the shell plating. CENTRE OF FLOTATION (CF): The cenrroid of the waterplane area. It is the point about which the ship trims, heels and lists. LOlIg'iluciinal Centre of Flotation (LCF): The distance of the centre of flotatioll from midships or the aft perpendicular. DEAl)\\'EIGHT: The dilIerence between the light displacement amI t.he loaded displacement. It is the carrying capacity of" the ship and indudes the weight of cargo, ballast, fuel, water, stores, crew and effects. DENSITY: The mass per ullil volume. Apparent Density: 'l'he weight in air or a unit. volullle. True Densit\': , The weight in Relative Density (RD): The ratio of the weight of a substance to the weight of an equal volume of fi'esh water, RD of n'esh waLer: 1.000 at. 4°(; RD of salt water: 1.025 at 4"C The term speci/lc gravity, previously used in place of RD, is no longer IIsed wit.h SI units. DEPTH: Distance h'om the top of the deck plating at the side of the ship to the hottOlIl of the keel. Moulded Depth: Distance h'om the keel to the deck at the ship's side. measured imide of the shell plating. a \'aCUUIll of a unit volume. DISPLACEMENT: The mass of water displaced by the ship. It represent~ the lOlal weight of t.he ship and is calculated by: volume of displacement x density of water. Light Displacement: The displacement of the ship and superstructure wit.h all fixed equipmcm pills engine room spares and with water in the boilers to working level. Also referred to as LiKhtship or Lightweight. SUlIllller Load The displacement of the ship when loaded to her SUIIIIIler load lillc. Displacement: DRAUGHT: The distance !i'om the bottom of the ked to the waterlinc. S(Jmelimc,~ spelled dmft, Aft Drallg-ht: Thc disLancc fi'olll the bot.tom the ked to the waterline on the perpendicular when the ship is upright. Midships Draught: The distance {i'om the bOllom of the ked to the waterline at a position midway between the perpendiculars. Forward Draught: The distance from the bottom of the keel to the waterline Oil the forward perpendicular when the ship is upright. Arithmetical Mean Draught (AM D): The arithmetical mean of the forward draught and t.he ali draught. True Mean Draught (TMD): The draught at the celllre oi' flotation. EVEN KEEL: Whcn the liJnvanl and aft draughts arc the Sall1(~, the ship is said to be on an even keel. The ship's hydrostatic data is calculated 101' this condition. FREEBOARD: The distance from t.he waterline to the upper surface of the h'eeboard deck al the ship's side. an 46 or Assigned Summer Freeboard: The disLance from the upper edge of the summer load line to the upper edge of the deck line. FRESII \-VATER ALLOWANCE (F\:VA): The amount Iw which the summer load line mav be submerged in fresh water. llEEL: The ship is heeled when inclined by an external force. HOG: The condition of a ship when it is delonned so that the forward and aft draughts are deeper than Lhe midships draught.. It is referred to as a hull d('jlectioll. I.ENGTH BET\'VEEN PERPENDICULARS (LBP): UisGlIlce from the lorward perpendicular to the aft perpendicular. Aft Perpendicular J J (AP): A perpendicular drawn to the w;lterline at the point where t.he aft side of the rudder post meets the summer load line. Where no rudder post is filled it is taken as the centre line of the rudder stock. Forward Perpendicular (FP): A perpendicular drawn to the waterIine at the point where the fiJreside or the stern meets the summer load line (or load wawr line LWL). LENGTH OVERALL (L or LOA): 1\1aximuIll length or the ship. LIST: The ship is listed when inclined by weights within the ship. The mass of an object is the quantity of matter it mnlains and is calculated by: volullle x density l\HDSIIIPS: The point midway between the forward and all perpendiculars. The centre of rhe load line circle should indicate Lhis position. 47 MOMENT TO CHANGE TRIM PER CENTIMETRE (MCTC or MCT 1 cm): The moment of the weight (i.e. weight x distance) required to change the trim of t.he ship by 1 cm. SAG: The condition of a ship when it is deformed so that the midships draught is deeper than the forward and aft draughts. It is referred t.o as a hull dejleclio'l!. SOUNDING: The distance from the bottom ora tank t.o t.he top of the liquid wit.hin it. TONNES PER The weight which must. be loaded or discharged to change the ship's mean draughl. hy I cm. CENTIMETRE IMMERSION (TPC): TRIM: The diilerence between the filrward and ait draughL<;. Apparent Trim: The difference between the draughts observed at the forward and afl. drallght marks. True Trim: The difference between the drallght:; at the forward and afi. perpendiculars. ULLO\GE: The distance above a li(lIlid, within a tank, measuring point at the top of the t.ank. VOLUME OF The volume of water displaced by the ship and is calculated by: lengt.h x breadth x draught x Cb. DISPLACEMEN'I': WATERPLANE COEffICIENT (Cw): WEIGHT: lo the The ratio of t.he area of t.he ship's waterplane to a rectangle of the same ext.reme dimensions. Also known as the co~fricient oIJiulfIless. The weight of an ol~ject is the force it exerts on anything which freely support.s it. 48 ApPENDICES E;QUIPMENT C HECK L 1ST Sample j<lr and water sample bucket with line Ballast tank dipper with line Small hand pump with hose 10r taking samples Draug-hl survey hydrometer with certiiicate Steel sounding tape with gradual ions in metres and feet Water finding paste Draughlffrceboard measuring clevice 1\..fanometer if some draughts an: impossible to read, plus a long measuring tape - Plastic tube with plug, to act as sounding pipe extension Boat available to read inaccessible draughts Pilot ladder on board ready for obtaining draughts Docu mentaLion Pocket computer with draught survey program or calculator CHECK LIST OF RESERVATIONS (Not all exhaustive list) Height of waves / swell Clarity of draught marks State or tide - underkcd clearance Squal effects Variations in density Daytime I night-time Anchors moved, in or out lee / Quantity of bilges pumped Residue in l<lIlks SuspecL calibrations Ship movemellls 49 SIlUW UIl deck INFORMATION CHECK LIST GENERAL INFORMATION Ship's name Call letters l'ort. of registry Flag Year built Master Owners Owner's address Owm:r's agel1\. Managcr/operator Charterer Chanerer's Shipper Chief OUicer Chief Engineer SlII'veyor/s P&l correspondent Ship's lo(:at ion Survey requested by: Sllney, on account or: Typl: of Cirgo Weather conditions Date and time of arrival a~ellt THE STABILITY INFORMATION nOOK Length between perpelldieulars Extrellw alld moulded hreadth Overall and moulded depth Summer draught and fj"ecboard Summer displaccllwllI and deadweight Misplacemcnt of draught marks fi"o!H perpendiculars and midships Lightship displacement with lightship constant Hydrostatic particulars: Displacement, TI'C, MCTe, Len, LCF (:apacity plans and tables Correction tables: Trim Position of marks List Hull deflection PLANS General arrangemcllt plan Profile plan indicalin~ each space in t.he ship OTHER SOURCES Sounding tables and corrections ti.lr trim Qualllil), of bUllkers 50 CORRECTIONS CHECK LIST OBSERVED [)RAlJGIITS: aft ... P & S Forward ... P & S Mean values, ie. draughL~ midships ... P & S at. centrclinc, {(Jrwanl, alt and mid ships. Correct {i'om marks lo perpendicular and midships positions. Misplacement opposite to trim, then positi'ue (+) Misj)/arement same as Iri'lII, fhen negative (-) IIog/sag' correction (mean of mean of means, or similar). negative (-) for hog j)osititJf (+) for sag; CORRECTED MEAN DRAUGHT ... t.o cnt.er hydrost.at.ic t.ables. Displacement from displacement rabic. First trim correction or Correction for layer (in tonnes). LCF same as Irim, Ihen positive (+) LCF ojJposite to Irilll, Ihen negative (-) Second trim corrcction (in tonnes). Alwa)ls j)(},lilive (+) List correction (in tonnes). Always 1)(}.\'iliv(~ (+) Correction for density• . Less than salt waif!r densil)l, then negative (-) CORRECTED DISPLACEMENT. 51 METRIC/ IMPERIAL CONVERSIONS I Foot ................................ - 0.3048 Metres 1 Foot ............................... - 30.48 Centimetres 1 Incll .......................... , 2.54 Centimetres - 39.37 Inches I Metre ............................... '" - 3.28 Feet 1 Centimetre .................... - 0.3937 Inches 0.028317 Cu.Metres I Metre ................ lOt. t ............. I Cll.Foot. ........................ - 1 Cll.Foot ......................... - 7.4805 U.S.Gallons I Cll.Foot ......................... - 6.2324 Imp. Gallons 1 Cu.Metre ...................... - 35.3148 Cu.Feel I Cu.Metre ...................... - U .S.Gallons 1 Cu.Metre ....................... - 6.2898 U .S.Barrels 1 Cu.Metre .... ,t •••••••••••••••• - 220.0 Imp. Gallons 1.016047 Metric Tonnes 0.9842064 Long Tons 1 Long Ton ...................... 1 Metric Tonne ............... - 264.167 1 Metric Tonne ............... - 2204.6223 Pounds 1 Metric Tonne ............... U.S.Barrels 6.2898 1 U.S.Gallon .................... - 0.13368 Cu.Fcet I U .S.Gallon .................... - ell.Inches I U.S.Gallon .................... 231 = 8.33 1 U.S.Gallon ....... ............. = 0.833 52 Pounds of fresh water Imp. Gallons 1 Imp.Gallon .................... = 277.3 1 Imp.Gallon .................... = 0.16045 1 Imp.Gallon .................... = 10.0 Cu.Inches eu.Feet Pounds of fresh water WATER I Long Ton fresh water ... - 35.9 Cubic Feet 1 Long Ton salt water ...... = 35.0 Cubic Feet FUEL OIL (RD 0.944) 1 I...ollg Ton ....................... 1 U.S.Gallon ..................... = = 6.77 U.S.BaJTds 7.88 Pounds DIESEL OIL (RD 0.85) 1 wng Ton ... ..... .... ............ = 319 U.S.Gallons 1 Metric Tonne ................ = 311 U .S.Gallons 1 U .S.Gallon ..................... = 7.09 Pounds LUB. OIL (RD 0.90) 1 Long Ton .. ....... ....... ....... 1 Metric Tonne ................ = = 298 U.s.Gallons 294 U .S.Gallons 1 U.S.Gallon ..................... = 7.51 Pounds ALTERNATIVE HYDROMETERS To correct to Apparent Density (density in air) from a hydrometer calibrated 1n:- True Density (density in vacuo) minus (-) 0.0011 glml Relative Density (15OC/4"C) minus (-) 0.0011 Relative Density (15CC/15'C) minus (-) 0.002 Refer to pages 6, 33 and 36. Note: glmt = kgll = tlm 3 53 INDEX Deadweight or Displacement Scale 11 Deadweightsurvey IV Density ~, 33 Depth ofship 9 Displacement 9 Diurnal variation 27 DrXllment,ltion and iniormation ~ Draughtg"':lllges 20 Draught measurement 16 Draugh t mcao;uring eyuipment 17 1)raught reading' on outboard side 1H Draught survey iv, 16 Draughts 3 Aft draught 9 Air pockets 1 Anchors and cables 2, 43 Apparentdensity 3, 6, 9, 36, 39 Apparentlrim ~4 Atithmetic mean draught. 10 Automatic gauges 38 Bale space 11 Ballast ·1 Hallast.holds 1, 5 Ballast samples 5 Ballasttanks 1 Bilge waleI' 44 Bil):?;es 39 Box-shaped vessels 28 Bunkcrsurvey ~, 5 Final survey 6 Finer lined vessels 28 First trim correction 30 Forv.·ard draught 9 Frccboanl 3, 9 Fuller form vessels 28 Calibration lclbles ~ Capacity plan and tahles 11 Centre offlot.ation 32 Chemicals 43 Code of unifclllTl standards and procedures iv Coellicient of fineness 29 Constant ]5 Conu:t.ed sounding 41 COlTection tor density 33 Conection ie)r layer 30 COIH.x:tion fi ,,"lisL 26 COITections 10r tlim 30 Corrections with hull deflection 25 Data Manual For Draught Surveys (rl.'ncral arr,mgeJllent plan Grainspace II Growth oflightship 14 Hog 26 IIulldeflection 12, 26 Hydrometer :~, 6, 33 H ,vdrostatic Particulars 9 Ice or snow 44 1ndining experiment ~ 54 14 14 L1yerCOn"ection 10, 3] Lighto;hip 14 Lighto;hip draught. 11 Jjst 96 ~ l.ongitudinal centre offlotation 10 Longitudinal measurement 2, 8 Manometer 18 Master's responsibiJjt)' 8 Mean of mean of means 28 MeasllIingdevice 17 M icio;hips 21 Misplacemenr of marks 21 Mixmres 42 Moisturccontent 44 Sounding tables 12 Squat 20 Slahility inicmnar.ion book ~ Stores, provisions, crew 38 Striker plate 38 Smllmer load draught 11 Swell 16 Swinuningpool 44 Telll perature cOl1"ection ~39 Trim 21, 30 Trimcon-ection 12, 39 Trim mctors 10 Trimmed hvdrostatioi 10 True Density !13 'I 'rue mean draught J () . Pell)endiculars ~ 1 Position of marks 12 Prior to arrival ] Ullage ,38 UN/EeE dr,mght survey code forms iv Relative Density 5:~ Remaining on board 41 Residual defimnation ~7 Residuesandsc.'ale 42 Veltical measurement Volume 16 R Walerplane coefficient 30 '\I\Taves 16 VVcdgclorIllUla 41 Weight of the ship 38 _ Sag 96 Sample bucket 3 Sampling 3!J Second trim correction 32 Sediment 42 Slop L,U1ks 41 Sounding ;18 Sounding cOJ,.ection lables 12 Zeal draught. survey hydrometer 3, 36 55 DRAUGHT SURVEYING A MANUAL FOR MARINE SURVEYORS AND SHIP'S OFFICERS This book colllains the mathcmatical proofs and derivation of all the formula likely to be requircd in any draught survey. It deals more hIlly with all the aspects mentioncd in nil' Guidt' To Good Practice. The book ranges fwmthe basic physics to the most complex corrections, in simple lallg"uagc and with examples and illustrations. for casy understandillg". It is suitable [or the new and the experienced surveyor who seeks a mastery of the subject, or the ~laster rvJariner who needs 10 knmv the principles invoh'ed. DRAUGHT SURVEYING A DISTANCE LEARNING COURSE The distallce leamillg course is designed [or the beginncr who wishes to learn about draught surveying [rom the basic principles of hydrostatics and ship stability. It is [or those \'"ho wish to study the subject in dept h and follow a properly structured course together wilh full tUlorial guidance and support. The work is divided into seC! inns, each which has examples to study and questions to anSlver. Each section is completed with an exercise which is to be retllrned 10 the Il1lOr {or assessment. or For further MID-C CONSULTANCY detail~ conta(\": MID-C Consultancy, 39, Cleadon Lea, Cleadon, Tyne &. Wear. SR67rQ UK. Fa..,,: +44 (0)191536 OR91 Email: peter~Vmid-c.demon.co.uk UN· ECE • DRAUGHT SURVEY CODE " DRAUGHT SURVEY REPORT OF CARGO IN BULK FORM "A"' RLOADED UNLOADED Corporate idenlilicahon: Olficc ol lh€ surveyor al: Telephone no: Fax no: Telex no: Vessel M:V: Call1cttors: Survey no: Vessel previous nameis: Aegis1rv: Buil! year: By : Flag: Survey requested by: On the account of: Attend ed a Iso by: as: njOint surveyor DumPire nmonitoring This is to certify that the undersigned did, in Bona Fide, attend on board the subject vessel as she lay afioat at the port of: for the purpose of determ ining by draught computations the amount of l and having followed the rules as set by the loaded, unloaded (holds no. U.N.I ECE Uniform Code of Standards and Procedures for the Performance of Draught Surveys have the following to repo rt: STARTING SURVEY Attending the surveys: date: hours: from: Name of surveyorls Master Chief Officer Chief Eng ineer Witness draughls Witness tank sounding Ship's location Weather temperature Sea condition Heading of ship Direction wind Stream speed Km Ih Tide tce Car!)o h'Hldhng cqtipmenl T. tlfQugh! Miss ing Sh~)'S cquil)m.!nt : .~n bo:ud: FINISHING SURVEY date: to: hours: tram: to: UN· ECE • DRAUGHT SURVEY CODE R~OADED DRAUGHT SURVEY REPORT OF CARGO IN BULK FORM "B" UNLOADED Corpcfale idc,." ihcalion: Vessel r..iN' Survey!lO: General remarks by the surveyorls - Correchon for stem and stern obtained by: Correction for trim (1) obtained by: Correction for trim (2) obtained by: Correction due to trim tor liquid applied at: - Correction due to trim tor liquid obtained by: _ calculation calculation r- r- tables soundings tables r- tables r- volumes calculation ' - - tables calculation r- Ship'S approved hydrostatic tables and lightship information issued by and dated: Degree of tank calibration complies with code: DYes ONO Ra nge or Him cOHcclion lables available : Hull no.: Shipyard 00 .: Daledal : Surveyor remarks on ship's documents: metres metric tonnes Length overall Constant declared Length between p.p. Constant calculated Extreme breadth Light displacem ent Moulded breadth Light shipweight (plan) Depth overall incl. keel plate Summer displacement Moulded depth Summer deadweight Summer draught Net register Ions Summer freeboard Gross register Tons STARTING SURVEY FINISHING SURVEY Tonnes per Centimetre Immersion Longitudinal Centre of Flotation Distance marks forward pp. (forward - aft<-) Distance marl<s after pp. (forward - aft+) Distance marks mid ship pp. (forward - all+1 Moment 10 Trim One Centimetre +50 Moment to Trim One Cenlimetre ·50 Vessel list Accessibility of sounding pipes Working order of gauges Legibility of draught marks This torm should be fllted with pertinent shipyard-registry data by the Master in advance of survey start to reduce time/inconvenience. UN· 0 ECE • DRAUGHT SURVEY CODE R~OADED DRAUGHT SURVEY REPORT OF CARGO IN BULK FORM "C" UNLOADED Corporate idenlilicatlOn: VessclMN : SUfVey r.c ' DRAUGHT STATEMENT DRAUGHT READI NGS HOURS : STARTING SURVEY FINISHING SURVEY FROM: FROM : TO: TO: metres metres K!l!m3 K9/ m3 Draught forward port Draught forward starboard Draught forward mean Stem correction Draught forward (corrected to fore .pp.) Draught after port Draught after starboard Draught after mean SI em correction Draught after (corrected to after pp.) Draught fore & after mean Draught midship port Draught midship starboard Draught midship mean MidShip correction Draught midship (corrected to midship pp.) Sag (+) Hog H Mean of means Draught extreme corrected for hog/sag Correctio n (0) for keel tickness if applicable Draught mo ulded corrected for hog/sag (Note: Utilize line 152 or line 154) fwd (-) Trim: aft (+) Observed density ) (Ship's tables density Kglm3 (Hydrometer no. ) I I Metric tonnes Displacement (al I Metric tonnes Kg/m3 density) First trim co rrectio n Second trim correction Tatal trim correction Displacement corrected for trim Correct ion fo r density ave rage Displace men1 corrected for density Total deduclibles Displacement corrected for deduclibJes Draughts, densities, fresh water and ballast soundings witnessed and agreed to by the Chief OHicer. Fuel oil soundings witnessed and ag reed to by the Chief Engineer unless olherwise stated in form "A" I . UN· . ECE • DRAUGHT SURVEY CODE R~OADED DRAUGHT SURVEY REPORT OF CARGO IN BULK FORM "01" UNLOADED Corporate identification: V(!ssOIMN: STARTING SOUNDING : Compar1menl Title: • Tank no. • Bilges • Duct keel SUIVay no: From Hours: To Hours: Date: Trim: Maximum Sounding Sounding Volume height I ullage I ullage corrected water for trim 1 list in air Melric m3 Kg/m3 tonnes measured (-) metres corrected for metres trim II1S1 metres A - BALLAST Total A B - FRESH WATER Total B n Stalemenl of obstructions in sounding tube/s: Density of Total weight UN· ECE • DRAUGHT SURVEY CODE " R~OADED DRAUGHT SURVEY REPORT OF CARGO IN BULK FORM "02" UNLOADED Corporate identification: Vessel MN: FINISHING SOUNDING: Compartment Title: • Tank no. " Bilges "Duct keel Survey no: Fran Hours: Dale: To Hours: Trim: Maximum Sounding Sounding Volume height I ullage I ullage corrected measured (") metres correc1ed for metres trim I list metres A - BALLAST Total A B - FRESH WATER Total B (') Statement 01 obstructions in s~nding tube/s: Density of Total water weight lor trim I list in air Metric m3 Kglm3 tonnes .. UN· ECE • DRAUGHT SURVEY CODE R~OADED DRAUGHT SURVEY REPORT OF CARGO IN BULK FORM "03" UNLOADED Corporato identification: Survey no: Vessel MN: SOUNDINGS STARTING SURVEY FINISHING SURVEY Compartment Title: Total Sounding Actual Actual Weighl Sounding Actual Actual Tank no. sounded Ullage Density Volume Metric Ullage Density Volume Metric Slop 1. depth m. metres Kg /m3 m3 Tonnes metres Kglm3 m3 Tonnes C - FUEL OIL Total C D - DIESEL OIL Total D SUMMARY OF DEDUCTIBLES STARTING SURVEY FINISHING SURVEY metric tonnes metric tonnes Baliast water Fresh water Fuel oil Diesel oil Slops Lubrificaling oil Swimming pool water Anchor & Chain Others Total Deductiblesl I I I Weight UN· ECE • DRAUGHT SURVEY CODE · R~OADED DRAUGHT SURVEY REPORT OF CARGO IN BULK FORM "E" UNLOADED Cor,l::orale idenlification: Vessel MN : Survey no: CARGO STATEMENT Metric Tonnes Starting Displacement Corrected Finishing Displacement Corrected Difference in Displacement; TOTAL CARGO IN BULK IS: OBSERVATIONS: Shore scale quantity (if available) M.T. I I Note on any unusual situation/s, exception/s from required Uniform Code standard , specific identification (source, drawing no., date, title , certifying authority) of each ship's document used in translating recorded measurements Into weights and, when applicable, reasons for surveyor's refusal or Impossibility to perform the survey: Metric Tonnes Corrected light disptacement ; DeductablesLightship; Constant- Mean of previous constants= I certify that the constant calculated from this draught survey has been entered into the ship's ·Constant Certificate· In my judgement the weather conditions, the sea condillons , and the conditions of the ship at the times the draught surveys were conducted, were within acceptable limits and did not adversely affect the accuracy of __ pages, including this page, all duty inltlalied or signed this survey. This Bona Fide report consisting of is issued without prejudice and is for the benefit of whom it may concem. (corporate identification) Name of surveying firm By: (Signature ot Surveyor's) Name(s in print I have participated in all stages of this draught survey, and agree with the results obtained. I acknowledge receipt at the ship's copy. Signed : Rank: Name In print