Subido por Juliana Restrepo

Bibliografía: Género, Política y Violencia contra las Mujeres

FIDA. 2013. “Key Gains and Challenges A Gender Audit of Kenya’s 2013 Election
Finnemore, Martha, and Kathryn Sikkink. 1998. “International Norm Dynamics and
Political Change.” International Organization 52(4): 887–917.
Fregoso, Rosa Linda, and Cynthia L. Bejarano, eds. 2010. Terrorizing Women:
Feminicide in the Américas. Durham [NC]: Duke University Press.
Freidenberg, Flavia. 2015. “Cosa de Hombres.” Revista Voz y Voto 269: 28–30.
Goetz, Anne Marie. 2018. “National Women’s Machinery.” In Mainstreaming Gender,
Democratizing the State?, ed. Shirin M. Rai. Manchester University Press. (March 12,
Group of Women Parliamentarians of FIPA. 2011. “Political Leadership of Women.” (February 14,
“Habla funcionaria de la alcaldía amenazada de violación.” 2013. KienyKe.
(April 23, 2019).
IPU. 2016. “Sexism, Harassment and Violence against Women Parliamentarians.”
Kai, Shirin M. 2017. Mainstreaming Gender, Democratizing the State: Institutional
Mechanisms for the Advancement of Women. 1st ed. Routledge. (March 12, 2019).
Krook, Mona Lena. 2006. “Reforming Representation: The Diffusion of Candidate
Gender Quotas Worldwide.” Politics & Gender 2(3): 303–27.
Krook, Mona Lena, and Juliana Restrepo Sanin. Forthcoming. “The Cost of Doing
Politics? Analyzing Violence and Harassment against Female Politicians.”
———. 2016. “Violence against Women in Politics: Concepts and Policy
Solutions.” Política y Gobierno XXIII(1).
Krook, Mona Lena, and Jacqui True. 2012. “Rethinking the Life Cycles of International
Norms: The United Nations and the Global Promotion of Gender Equality.” European Journal of
International Relations 18(1): 103–27.
Lombardo, Emanuela. 2017. “The Spanish Gender Regime in the EU Context: Changes
and Struggles in Times of Austerity: The Spanish Gender Regime in Times of
Austerity.” Gender, Work & Organization 24(1): 20–33.
Madrid, Raúl. 2012. The Rise of Ethnic Politics in Latin America. Cambridge; New York:
Cambridge University Press.
Marin, Amy J., and Nancy Felipe Russo. 1999. “Feminist Perspectives on Male Violence
Against Women.” In What Causes Men’s Violence against Women?, eds. Michele Harway,
James M. O’Neil, and Joseph R. Biden. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 18–35.
Mendoza, Veronika. 2012. (Congreso de la Republica del Peru) Ley Contra El Acoso
Político Hacia Las Mujeres.
MESECVI. 2015. “Declaration on Political Violence and Harassment against Women.” (February 14, 2019).
Movimiento de Mujeres Presentes En La Historia. 2009. La Paz, Bolivia: Coordinadora
de la Mujer.
National Democratic Institute. 2012. “Political Parties in Sierra Leone Pledge Open, Safe,
Inclusive Elections.” (February 19, 2019).
NDI. 2016. “#NotTheCost: Stopping Violence against Women in Politics.”
Novillo, Mónica. 2011. Paso a Paso. Así Lo Hicimos: Avances y Desafíos En La
Participación Política de Las Mujeres. La Paz: Coordinadora de la Mujer.
Racines Arévalo, Karem. 2012. “Repudio Por El Crimen de Rosa Elvira Cely: ¡Ni Una
Rosa Más!” Semana. (March 15, 2018).
Redaccion. 2018. “Con marcha y actividades rechazan casos como el de Yuliana
Samboní.” El Espectador. (March 15, 2018).
Restrepo Sanin, Juliana. 2016. “Mujeres y Participación Política En Colombia: El
Fenómeno de La Violencia Contra Las Mujeres En Política.”
———. 2018. “Violence against Women in Politics in Latin America.” Rutgers
Risse, Thomas, and Kathryn Sikkink. 1999. “The Socialization of International Human
Rights Norms into Domestic Practices: Introduction.” Cambridge Studies in International
Relations 66: 1–38.